The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-26, Page 7"f�p�u�R7+x"q`F�,+r,�.an.��A ..; r T?M�mw�n'�r,'.,�;in'ram-mgr..�m^�"i{rn.�I�.m�.,.,a..•...,�,•...M..»,--�„ �.R >�,,,..�'��'°iFa�i• ,• .r•,._.,._r.F...-. ,- � ., 1., .a. /
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Canada has a new leader of the suddenly, announced his with- place.,fit a pfUs, The some t'lltl ! by only 65 votes to win t leader
Official Opposition in the House drawal. His supporters, or some true,of, Patrick Nowlan ,find $ ship, was the epitome graciou
p 1
o Commons. Joe C1aYak, a 36- of theljn at least, claimed, they Clair �6tephens, composure as he ac owledge
year -did Conserva- had not been informed of his in- Pahl Helper's withdlFllltly t Clark's victory an asked for
Registered Retirement tive member of 'the• Commons tention anti were furious at the seemed to be interpreted all t#b unanimous vote of support fro?
3avir�gs Plans from High ttiver, Alberta, was decision. ave n 0 a quitter anfi J�I�k the convention,
elected leader of his party on the Thus only three ,cani(lidates l�fornefi was positively chfildish xn The big upset of the day cam
fourth ballot at the national con- wereAeft for the third ballot - lis savage declairations that they when. Brian Mulroney failed t
vention in Ottawa on Sunday. He Wagner,; who tallied 1003; Clark had be;ea defeated by the news reach the final ballot, for he ha
will succeed Robert Stanfield, with 969' and Mulroney, with 369 media, AF one point he,was so ' been spoken of in recent weeks a
79 who has led his party for the past After Mulroney's withdrawal angered -by a TV reporter that he " the man to beat. The fact that h
eight years, the final ballot left only two con- grabbed at the microphone held had never previously bee
Clark's opening bid on the first tenders from which Clark emerg- up to him and the reporter was elected to the house was a or
ballot was not.impressive. impressive. He ed the victor with 1187 and Wag- knocked to his knees. A nation- ' tributing factor. Hellyer lost hi
a ba- LA" .,.,.i., a ...ate rani
gained OSily 11,5 per CerdC VE the ni+r tlic 9ii'cs �caa aarad. aapc aiaaua WduC auuac','d�..°.. ....,- ��_ Itsarl wipe .only chance when, in the midst �
2360 ballots cast, while Claude outcome was determined, of tears of frustration from his eyes. a powerful address to the deli
Wagner, the member for St. Hya- course, by the direction of votes Even the following morning, gates he declared his avowe
einthe, Quebec was well out front which had favored other Candi- when he appeared on the CTV enmity for the "Red Torries
with'531, followed by Brian Mul- dates in the earlier ballots. The program, "Canada .AM", he within the party. -Thus he ori
roney, Montreal, 357; Jack Horner delegation switched., for could manage nothing Better than vealed a Ldivision within P
Compounded Horner, Alberta, 235; Paul Hel- the most part, to Wagner and the a shouting match with those who caucus ranks and sought to di,
1/2 early lyer, Toronto, 231; Flora Mac- MacDonald faction to Clark. were interviewing him --alto- credit such members as Flor
y Donald, Kingston, 214; Sinclair However it was the Mulroney fol- gether a clear demonstration of MacDonald 'and a few other
Paid On Stephens, Toronto, 182; J. lowing, a majority of whom most of the qualities we don't whose apparent desire for Chang
Fraser, Vancouver, 127; James favored Clark, who tipped the need in a national leader. had earned Hellyer's ire.
five year term Gillies, Toronto, 87; Patrick scales in his favor. On the other hand, Flora Mac- So a young man of 36 years now
Nowlan, Nova Scotia, 86 and Through intensive television Donald was the essence of dignity heads the party which may at
(Guaranteed Investment Heward Grafftey, Quebec, 33. coverage Canadians by the and self-control as she conceded some future time, assume the
Certificate Plan) As expected, some of the candi- thousands, were able to follow the her defeat, Brian Mulroney, too, reins of power for the nation—
dates dropped out of the race convention step by step,• and accepted the will of the delegates truly an awesome responsibility.
when results of the first ballot when the voting was all over, with good grace and exhibited all Clark is spoken of by his col -
Member Canada Deposit were announced. They were Gil- were able to evaluate the results. the characteristics of a man who leagues as a man who learns fast,,
Insurance Corporation lies, Grafftey and Stephens. It was the losers who conveyed should not be permanetly lost to and given the vitality of com-
�eIt was after the second ballot the strongest message for it is in the Canadian electorate. parative youth, Canada may well
and that the race began to take shape, defeat that the true stature of a Claude Wagner, who went right benefit from the presence of this
as Fraser, Horner, MacDonald contender is revealed. Heward down to .the wire, and who failed new leader.
%.�KV and Nowlan made it known they Grafftey, the first to seek the
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POSTAL CLERKS in Wingham's Post Office received new blazers of maroon and blue
and proudly wore them beginning Feb. 16. Clerks in the front row, Lloyd Elliott and Lois
Schistad, along with Hugh McKague, Larry McDonald and Doug Conley in the back, will
now add color, pleasing to the eye, in the office.
In brief...
would withdraw. However-, the candidacy, gave an excellent ad -
bombshell exploded when Paul dress the first day of con
ts r- of l
' o n
Hellyer, the former Liberal cab- vention and conducted himself �, a � 4� �,� � N .
inet minister and the .man who well at the policy question period � �� "�,
Mrs. Sharon E, Scott
had attempted to form .an Inde- on the second day, but he soave- Diploma ngxsing programs in labor. The estimate for unem- charges assessed to their .costo -
Manager pendent party before he sought, how lacked the voter appeal to
Main Street Listowel refuge in the ranks of the PC's, get him anything better than last .�' , community colleges in Ontario ployment coverage is up°by 90 per mers'when they borrow from the
The Howick Grapevi n e will be cut back by an,average of cent. banks.
r nt in t coming
accord15 per ing to a spokesmanorthe•Visiting the
Clinton Public Hos- Good news of the week came
h d th h alth he it was Darned that stock
Big Clothing Bargains! On Nowt
„•'?<;<;: SIZES 10-20
y... '@ R
't:... BLOUSES EG. 16.97 •
; 47 MENS - REG. 16.97 ®7
REG. 9:97
g ;< +r i;•. 810.97 •
Rreg. $1.37 - $2.57
SIZES 4-16
REG. $10.57 Our
$,.97 Sewing Machine ,
will be at our store for '
detggnstrations and, repairs ,
Saturday, 4ehruary 2R .�
11:00 a.m. — 5 p.m'.
Come in and ask for a
demonstration on any of our
brands - such as Bernina,
Universal, Domestic, Morse,
Brother — as well. as our
AOmega Valentine Special.
BORG $4• S8 YD
QUILTED—REG $15.97 $10
� ®®��
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, „.n+w!"f; yam:.. -Jnr+-•-, .+r• r ---
r. ..-r...- .,�_--•.--. ,.....:.uM� ww. nn,•-,r-,Twr•-,•,.r .rN,.
ministry of health. The I cut will portal on T urs ay, e e w n
SPINkiITE. TRiIP r too. We : are all hoping the mean that there will be about 650 minister ordered the closure of exchanges in Toronto, Montreal
(MrsKerr) teachers will soon �be in full force fewer applications acpepted from that 62 -bed institution. This *as and New York had shown a sharp ,
On Feb. 19' the Junior Crochet again.. young people interested in car- the loth 'hospital in ,the province improvement in trading, some
Elective led by Mrs. Kerr went. to —Wanda Ball eers in' nursing. Applications are ordered closed in the project to indication that the worst effects .
Spinrite factory in Listowel, The already coming in too the colleges reduce health care costs by 'some of recession have passed and that
tour lasted approadmately one - PROFESSIONAL in great numbers. $50 million. business generally is on a definite -
hour. The class saw the combing, ACTIVITY DAY 0—". up -turn.
carding,, and dying of real wool. On February 25, 1976 a Profes- 0-4-0,
The, class also saw a yarn made sional Activity Day is planned for Health Minister Frank Miller Speaking before the annual
has finally confirmed the closure meeting of the Ontario Secondary ,
out of a o§yfithetic material. Mrs, Howick Central. School. What is of the GoderichI Psychiatric Hos- School Teachers Federation last
I{err' sand they wer$ welcomed (lone during this day will be a tis- pital and' its establishment as a week its president, James For- Bruce Presbyte '
arid.wishes to thank everyone at cussion based on two of the latest centre for the mentally.retarded. sten, said that both teachers and
Spinrite. I am certain that Stu- Ministry of Education Guidelines Two groups actively interested in holds its annual
dents and -.teacher alike enjoyed entitled "Primary and Junior p Y parents want a "basic. core"
the trip. Educatio&' and /`The Formative the problems of retarded persons curriculum, established in the
=Gary Grainger Years"..Three staff members are totally opposed to use of the high schools of the province. He meeting in Arthur
WE'RE PROUD OF ... will be attending a workshop at Godericli. Hospital for this poor- said that the demand is for a
Patsy Faulkner entered an Exeter Public School which will Pose. William Cameron, chair- competent level of instruction Bruce United ;Church . Pres=
essay into the, Local Legion oar, be a session on Communication man of the Gode rich and District and achievement iln- English and bytery was held in Arthur United
test for Remembrance Day. All Skills. If there are no more school Association for th@ Mentally Re- mathematics through the high Church February 9 as chairman,
the essays were written on;the cancellations on account of the tarded said that if the hospital is school years'. Rev. W.. King of Cape Croker,
topic of Remembrance Day. The weather, there may be more pro -
into a resource centre for pr -p-0 opened the meeting with prayer.
essay won first prize and was fessional activity days as orifi- the retarded his association will Because of inclement weather
then put on into the District con- inally planned. in no 'way have anything to do The town of . Xincardine will the attendance was smaller than
test. At the District contest it wort —Ben Schuitema
with it. The Ontario Association seek provincial approval for the usual.'
first prize. The next step up was for the Mentally Retarded is also annexation of two tracts of land Rev. J. Stockton, minister of
.the Zone contest where she waAlso, ICY ROADS opposed to the move. from surrounding townships.' Arthur United Church welcomed
won first prize, Altogether Patsy On Wednesday, Feb. 19 icy 0—" They ask the addition of a square the members of Presbytery after
has received $25 for hey efforts. roads gave the buses problems in The tabling of federal govern- mile north of Kincardine and a the reading and adoption of
Cont'd to Janna's. getting to school. The snow has merit estimates has created similar area to the south. November 4 minutes.
Items of correspondence were
—Wanda Ball, been melting now in the mild skepticism about government .
CONTINUED FROM - WANDA'S weather but ice is now the big sincerity in regard to inflation The doctors who practise at the attrided to as, well as the report
Last November Janice Me- problem for the bus drivers. On control. The .estimates indicate Willett Hospital in Paris, Ont., of induction services at Allen -
Michael wrote a poem which was Wednesday bus number 11 was the federal spending will increase ,have offered to assume• respon- ford, Lion s Head and Tobermory
entered into. the Local Legion one hour late.due to the icy roads, by about 18 per cent this year, sibility for "a significant por-
Contest for Remembrance Day. and alljhe bus drivers are want- about double the rate of inflation tion" -of any deficit over and After the committee groups
It won first prize and was put on ing the ice to melt off the roads. which its nation-wide controls above approved budgets if the met and reconvened, Dr, Brydon
,_ introduced Hamilton Conference
to the District Contest. In the Dis- —Brock Howes seek to impose on business and, hospital is left open to serve'the president, Mrs. Grace Mc -
Contest Janice won $5.00 for community. The Paris hospital president,
•, who brought a message
second prize..Altogether Janice was one of the first ordered Faidito Presbytery. Mr. King thanked
received $10.00 for her efforts.£ s�Y' z closed by Health Minister Frank her and presented her 'with a
Congratulations go out to both .�� �$ ��' Miller. The minister has said he beadwork Thunderbird necklace
Patsy and Janice who not only o u;,r 1. will study the proposal. Mean -
brought honor to themselves but p p WO. while, the Clinton Hos ital- au - made by Miss Eulah Elliotte.
The 'annual statement of re -
to our school as well. porters have refused to close that
- venues and expenditures of
—Janna Gowdy institution as ordered by the Bruce Presbytery 1975 was pre -
VALENTINE'S DAY ministry. sented and approved as well as
The students in s. Smith's �� f.' the statement for Singtime.
Miss Joanne Kesolag, Inter -
room 19 presented an enjoyabler 'The Anti-inflation Board has
`j - ordered a freeze on the profits of national Youth Exchange dele-
assembly to the teachers and stu-
dents of Howick Central on Fri- Canada's chartered banks and on gate, was introduced and gave a
day,- Februar36 13th. Watching is such charges�as provision of tra- talk on her trip to Japan.
this assembly were a number of vellers' cheques and other ser-' After numerous items of busi-
parents. The students 'acted out vice charges. The. freeze is to ness were taken care of Rev. Ron
little television skits such as remain in effect for one year. Pierce gave the courtesy
Happy Days, Flintstones, There will also be controls on the remarks.
The meeting was adjourned
Peanuts, Gilligan's Island, Chico 1 differential rates between the
�.+ + and Mr. King pronounced the
and the Man, and a number of TV M , interest the banks must pay to
commercials while they were V., borrow funds and the interest benediction.
changing sets. Yes, it was a veryz
enjoyable assembly and I noticed >x
everyone left with a smiling face.
—Mary Lou Clarke
Mrs. Payne- is looking quite
T:u.r.n b errT
busy: She has assurrl¢d the
job of being a part-time and full"
time secretary'. and at the same
time is looking after the two typ-
yp ing elective groups.'She is takingr
the place of Mrs. Nixon, our fully Courier
time secretary and at the same 1
time is lookingafter the two typ-
elective groups. She is taking \ •;'� >:
the place of Mrs. Nixon our full-
time secretary, who fell on the ice a "Mush! Mush! Mush!" To Most students were quite tired
after coming our el the hair these words the Grades thfee, after their little "exploration".
dresser's and broke her leg in two four, and six snowshoed across They generally agreed, though,
D the white barrens around Turn- that they had learned a lot.
places. We hope that she is get
berry's hinterland.
ting well and will be back to 0—(f --o
school soon. Last Monday our school had the Project Canada'. Our Grade 5
Janna Gowdy use for one day of the Huron 'class has been twinned with
Go County School Board's snowshoe another Grade 5 in Calgary, Al -
In addition to some of the stuet:• t" ��::; equipment. The children of the Berta. This project is sponsored
dents that have been absent from above gradd"s received a full by the federal government em
school with the flu, a number of physical education period's deavoring to make Canadians
knowledge concerning this old In- more aware of each other. The
teachers have too. Mrs. Kirkby's
son brought it from Seaforth and than method of tragsportation, name of the school in Calgary is
she in turn brought it to the Some fell, •slipped, tripped ovGlenbrook Elementary School.
Howick teachers. On Feb. 12 Mrs. POSTAL CLERK Hugh, McKague is concerned. Although bushes and obstacles but then The Grade 5 students at Turn -
Kirkby left :Lhool and remained g seemed to master the art quickly berry are finishing up their let-
eft :c toltheweek. Mrs. the post office staff was issued with new blazers, six shirts enough. Some of the games that ters to their twinned friends 'b'nd
t Mrs. Szaree Ms. and four ties, they received no pants. The new attire, issued. were played were "follow the are looking forward to sending
Strett n, and Mr. Farnell have Feb. 16 throughout the postal system, will certainly provide leader", touch -tag, and "fox -and- projects and information to' Cal -
all missed a few days from school some chilly moments. the goose". gary.
N \pr..J •r... .ry jp�