The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-26, Page 6644� V111pgham A once-�
Thurs., February 26, 1976
has been proven that more
money can be made," said Mr.
Bl m. R. W.
�t. e also edicteci that the �
a iL16 r t s a ,, t . '=w Y 1 t l{R�Aurth quarter of 1976 is not going of'r mm Ali
; , tions dish out 4s 1' �.. "'Y 1.' �'S ". %kf 5. i� ' •:� 7i. / _
Y �w a ' t ,• to be as bad as was originally
® �.: r. a thought. The computer output
f stated that prices could drop into _ The Squm PA77461
Pe in week ® � '
� ;k�� x=w - " , w � y the $50 range but not the $40 s,a s
/ .., was thought.
HoWigk bias' bingo winners Lap card, Mrs. Pattersop, w...
k'Ob• 2i, W Wingham; dart game, Roth l �- _. _ 4.... ,.
ta]t�t games: Mrs. Ham -
L. Wroxeter; z i d
mer, L' towel Mrs. Harnock Door prizes: Allan St geon,
Gorrie; Brenda Goodin less
Goxiile Mrs. Cliff Henry, Harris- g
ton, . Lewis and Mrs, Patter worth; Agnes Williams , Wing- <;w. ......
son both of Wingham, and ham, and Mrs. Ryan, ipgham;
Leek, Wroxeter; Mrs. Lucky draws, Mar Lqu Clark,
Aitcheson, Wingham and Dolly Wroxeter, Doris Derbecker,
Felker, Listowel; Florence Ken- Wingham, Ethel ay, Wingham
Hedy, Wingham, Robert . Har- and Rita Holloway, Wingham.
nock, Gorrie and Margaret
.Edgar, Wroxeter; Mrs. Me- e h
Laughlin, Harriston; Heather k�
Brent, Wroxeter and Mrs. Ip a lm ore
Hammer, Listowel; Mark Jack, Craig and Lesley Hark-
Westerterp, Wroxeter; Mrs. ness of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs.
Newman, Wingham and Clara
McInnis, Fordwich; Mrs. Gord Howard Lichty of Preston and
Mr. and Mrs. George Harkness of
Simmons, Wingham; Mrs. Pearl Goderich visited last weekend e
Angus, Wingham; Mrs. William H
r, Listowel; Mrs. Garniss, With Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hark
Upper, PPe Hess.
Wingham; Dolly Felker, Listo-
Mrs. Eldon Renwick, Mr. and
wel. Mrs. Cecil Horton, Kelly and '
Share the wealth: first, Mrs. patty, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M
George Hislop, Brussels; second, Walter Renwick, Mark, Gail, ` '
Doreen Leek Wroxeter; $26.00 sem"
plus purple ball of $30.00; standup bingo: Doreen Leek, Linda and Andrew on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Helfen .. tY
Wroxeter; stein visited Mr. and Mrs. T.
Elste of Elora on the occasion of THE NEW EXECUTIVE of the Maitland Conservation
his returning from a three-week Authority was chosen last Wednesday at an annual meeting retiring chairman Jack Graul; Arden Barker, Reforesta-
tour of England. in Wroxeter. They are, front: Vince Judge, vice-chairman; tion, Land Use and Wildlife Advisory Board chairman;
Mac MacLeod visited with his
H P Board,meets grandfather, Clark Renwick, last Lorne Murray, chairman; Marlene Shiell, secretary -tress- Dave Gower, Water Management Advisory Board
•weekend, Mac is presently taking user. Back: Garnet Wright, conservation area chairman;, chairman.
on structuring a flying course in Toronto.
by Wilma Oke The Belmore Skate-a-thon,
A study of the structuring of the originally scheduled for March • •• deers decry
schools in the Huron -Perth has been rescheduled for Authority
acquisitions O
,. County Roman Catholic Separate March, 13. Sponsor sheets are rel"Wei�'�bt hogs
School Board was discussed ata available at the stores in Bel- Penalties for overweight hogs
special meeting of the board last more. � � seemed to be the main issue at
Monday, Feb.. 16. The study was - Mrs. Harry Reifenstein at 1 n excess arf$500,090'
the Huron County Pork Protended the regular monthlyducers' Association annual meet -
prepared by the administrative .meeting of the Grey -Bruce Ken- time. ing held in the Clinton Legion
Ken' -
staff at the direction of the board .nel Club on Friday ru ht in Owen Two land acquisitions, valued take a short time or may take a
Y g Retiring chairman Jack Graul y Hall last Wednesday.
at the Oct. 14 meeting. Sound's Jordan College. She at an estimated $500,000, were g number of years," he said. Vari, A resolution was
The three-hour discussion on learned at that time that the next approved last Wednesday at the said the program was not ori- ous studies have been taken by passed to have
a discussion with the packers,
curriculum in the 19 schools, led meeting will be in Walkerton at Maitland Valley Conservation ented toward the expropriation of the authority, showing that
by Joseph Tokar and Alexander the a riculturaI office for the Authority's annual meeting held the lands but rather an acquisi- acquisition would be the best way,raising the question of increasing
Easton, the superintendents of benefit of all those interested in Wroxeter. More than $200,000 tion of them only if the owners of to purchase the property. It is the penalty of overweight hogs
special services and program, from the south part of Grey and will be allocated for the purchase homes on the property felt free to doubtful whether, the purchases i,raducreaslld. �eas the weight in -
respectively, passed without incl- Bruce. of the Turnberry Floodplain near sell at market value. The idea of will occur in 1976, due - to provin- producers were also
,dent until it touched -on the Strat- Wingham, with an additional expropriating, the Turnberry cial restraints, on large land concerned with the meat packing
ford -schools. At that point Strat- $300,000 beingallocated . for the floodplain should never cross plants. There are only 11 plants
ford trustees David Teahen and L Saratoga Swamp north of anyone's mind. It may very well buying. left with teletype machines.
W I -7I TECHUR CH President Eric Moore said, "I
' Howard Shantz asked that the 'Auburn. •1 have been concerned with the
discussion continue in "commit- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kleinhaar The ecologically sensitive area -
,; number of packers dropping by ;
tee -of -the -whole, i.e. not for and Jennifer of St. Thomas were of the Saratoga Swamp, which the wayside. When. I beganas
public issue, and said the entire Sunda and Monday visitors with encompasses more than 4,000 Conservation Authority
'president, Y .president, there were 24 meat
meeting should have been held in Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan acres, is termed a very prone packing plants with teletype ma -
committee. and Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClena area to serious flooding by up to jurisdiction
g- chines. Now, due to amalgama-
Although some of the trustees, ' han. 11 feet said Resource Manager e X p a n d s tion, there are only 11 left.: If any
including the chairman, ex- Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Fair spent Ian. Deslauriers. Both long term' more of the, packing plants,
pressed surprise at the request,' the 'weekend in Guelph and land acquisitions would not be The Maitland Valley . Conger- Was carried by a two-thirds amalgamate,ofth we'll Nage pl do
the .press representative at the visited with her father, Mr. expropriated but instead ac- vation Authority voted last majority vote. A similiar expan
meeting was instructed not'to Crowley; and Mr. Fair's rela- quiFed, said retiring chairman Wednesday to enlarge their pre- sion move more than, two years something to keep up the bidding
re ort on the discussion and was Jack Graul, sent jurisdiction b more than 400 ago failed when some repre-, prices."
P fives. Y, sentatives to the Authorit Huron County ,Zone Director,
finally asked to leave at 11 p.m. Mrs. Joe Ducharme of Goder- The acquiring of the Turnberry square miles. y Adrian V o said "So far the
She was told that the press4ould ich is spending a few days with Floodplain will now go before The motion, passed by a five -to- changed their minds at the last Adrian
competition system has been,
be informed once the board her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Turnberry Township for appro- two majority vote, was all the moment. working. There are still enough -
reached a decision. Laidlaw, while her husband is val. The Authority will seek more authority needed to acquire an The'move to acquire the addi- g g
The study of the structuring away for a few days attending a than 50 per cent of the total costs additional, 400 square miles in tional territory was prompted by bidders to make Toronto the
ro ram will continue next week y y g from the Ministry of Natural Re Northern Huron and Bruce Coun- several requests for the conser- highest market in North Ameri-
P g course in connection with hospi vation-related services to the ca:"
— behind closed doors. tal work. sources, while the remaining 50 ties. The expansion will also in In other business
per cent is to be raised by dopa- crease the Authority's five miles Authority from the municipali ,, an alternate
' ties. 21 director was elected, to replace
tions ,and levies. of Lake Huron shoreline by an-
ED'SMr. Deslauriers said the flood- other 30 mile$. The shoreline was All 25,members of the Author- . Alfred Warner of Goderich Town -
plain, 25 acres in. all, was . two- one of • the last "areas not to be ity present at last week's annual ship, who died recently, Don
thirds uit developed but said that covered by a conservation meeting in Wroxeter voted unani- Henry, also of Goderich Town -
Siding, Roofing & Eavestroughong one-quarter of the lots,contained authority. The Lucknow, Eigh- mousl-y for the acceptance of the ship, was elected to serve the re -
roughly 25 homes which could be teen Mile and South Pine Rivers Proposed territorial expansion. maining' one year of the term,
• Aluminum Siding accftiired gradually if, owners will now be included in the expan- The Authority's motion must be Guest speaker, John Bell, a
were willing to sell. The area' in sign as well, approved by the Ministry of Na- • trust officer with the Victoria and
• Seamless Aluminum Eavestroughing question, in Lower Town, is be- The MVCA 1976' prog m is a tural Resources before it can be Grey 'Trust Company in Strat-
lieved to be an area of serious study of shoreline erosion, said implemented, ford, discussed the im-0ortarrce of
• FREE ESTIMATES flooding from 5 feet to as much as Resource Manager Ian Deslaur- � estates and wills.
11 in some cases. iers. He added, "Two-thirds of �PjtQC�� Jerry Bluhm, secretary to the
The Saratoga Swamp, roughly the shoreline we want tb look at is -A Ontario Pork Producers' Market -
Phone 347-2419 Monkton 4,000 acres north of Auburn, will in those 30 miles." —Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dawson of ing Board, was also present at the
follow the same aquisition out- The seven municipalities which Sault Ste. Marie visited over the meeting. He spoke to the pro-
line, explained Mr. Deslauri&s. voted were the Townships of Ash- weekend with his uncle and aunt, ducers about hog cycles.
The purchase, he said, could take field, East Wawanosh, West Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dawson. They A computer has been de -
as little as five years or as long as Wawanosh, Colborne, Kinloss, leave in about a month for Hope veloped," he said, "which can
50 years. The authority owns Culross, Huron and the villages of Island in Georgian Bay where -he Predict hog cycles. Going out of
BAGGED'about 450 acres at the present Lucknow and Ripley. The motion will be a lighthouse keeper. synchronization with the cycle
can give a producer much better
results. A 'study shows there is a
DRY, SHAVINGS benefit for moving out of syn
expands chronization. If a hog producer
in a low price period, it
� c
Delivered in -truckload quantities
Box, 4 9, Bolton, Ont.
Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the
Town$hip of Turnberry in the County of Huron that the
period during which nomination papers may be filed in the
offic, of the clerk for the purpose of municipal elections will
commence do February 27, 1976 at the hour of 9 o'clock and
close on March 4, 1976 at the hour 'of 5 o'clock for the pur-
pose of nofT4��J,(nating one fit,and proper person for the office
of CounciII67 for the Township of Turnberry of which all
electors are hereby required to take notice and govern
themselves accordingly and further take notice that the
manner in which said nominations shall be filed is set forth
in section 34 of the Municipal Elections Act.
If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the
said office are nominated and make the req'mired declaro-
tidns, elections will be held on March 15, 1976 from the hour
of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
r Given under my hand this 17th day -of February, 1976.
Returning Officer.
RETIRING CHAIRMAN of the Maitlan Valley Conservation Authority, Jack Graul, will
have to wait for his appreciation gift, but not for long. Newly elected vice-chairman Vince
Judge assures him that this simple niece of paper will entitle him, sooner or later, to
receive a gatepost with the inscr phon: Jack and Helen, The Grauls.
• �.; ten,
To show our appreciation for your patronage,
we have out -priced them all!
Save $ 5500°
2000 Jag 1976 Demo"
C.D.I. Ignition (easy start)
*0. cleated track
"A smooth ride for the long run - get up to 45 miles
per gallon
List price $1,545.00 ` Only $ 995. `
Sold, on first come basis.
Similar savings on other°models !
. "Financing avil ble.
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P & F Lawn and Sports Equipment
"We service what we sell"
Highway 29 North Listow•I, Ontario ^•u 291.2441
Periodically, Wingham "and surrounding
area has, a large influx of visitors which our
hotels and motels cannot handle. Several in-
- ..
stances. and t -he-.- Wirigha.m -Midge Hockey
Tournament, the 'Pl6wing Match rn 1978, 6u
Centennial in 1979, and also during snow
storms and other emergencies- „
For this reason, we are considering set-
ting up a directory of homes where room, or
room and board might be available on occa-
sions such as above: If you are interested -
please phone:
AL. Harrison
If There are sufficient interested parties,
there will be a meeting to discuss the direct
orry "