The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-26, Page 3l
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w �,I
The Wingham AdvaneletTimes, Thmi ., February xB, 197.0-•-fa#e 8
4 s A
• ®� ( ` I �� <j'T,lsipiil{I',i�IiIRl6� i�l Illj CIII
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of the do VOLL points and
There , s a vicious rumor that otballfield m season — EYBALL with 15 0
i ' • W I Darrell Ander-
has been tingling through thenow that is spirit .. Senior Girls — In a tournament son with 12 points.
halls of F. E. Madill for some Our teachers also give a great on Feb. 17, the girls returned with
Senior Boys — After being be- Ips
time, so I decided to dispell any effort to get involved, never turn- the following results. The first hind most of the game by 8 to 11
ed by match against Clinton went to points, the Mustangs put forth a
uncertainty you may have. Ing down a challenge shoutd ?'
Someone has said there is some enthusiastic student, al- three games, but Madill was un- fourth quarter charge that three r
APATHY in our school — in though usually it means certain able to defeat this strong team. times brought them within 2 v
Wingham! I'm quite certain that defeat. Never -the -less, we have Also, in a close match, Madill de- points. But, that was as close as
student -teacher broomball, ping- feated South Huron and ended in the of and"final) fell 47 to
somewhere along the grapevine on volleyball and basketball y ever g Y
the idea has been severly twisted. P g, ll Y second place behind Clinton. 41. Top scorer was Bill Arm -
If you want-, participation, look matches. How many teachers Junior Girls — The first match strong with 13 points.
at our school teams, and if it's co- would be willing to risk their lives against Clinton went to three
operation you are searching for, being on a toboggan, with hel- games (with Clinton winning). In
mets secure, being pulled by anx- the second, the
look at the various clubs oiler y defeated Exeter,
ating within the stunt body. ions homeroom students through which means they and the seniors School Daze
And don't forget the teachers and snow, slush, water, and even mud will go to Huron -Perth,
principals who supervise our — ours do. 0-0-0 A group of Grade 13 students
clubs and who readily accept our So, unless the meaning of BASKETBALL were at a loss as how to go about
challenges. apathy has changed to become a Midget Boys — On Feb. 17, the their horrible rate problems. One
synonym of enthusiasm then the the teacher was absent and
Who could help being impres-� boys travelled to Listowel, losing day, sc ;
sed by the way in which our stet- rumor holds no validity. I believe to them 65-17. Top scorer was in his place sat Mrs. McBride, a
dent council isw running this year in giving creditwhere it is due, so Brent Johnston. former well -loved teacher. To theg
take a long look around you andJunior
under the leadership off President g Y Boys —The Junior Boys class' surprise, they were able to
Lois McLaughlin. It's not quite to begin appreciating the st ds a o returned with a loss of 63-43. get all the problems given to Fffi#Y 3
the point where there. is never a and qualities you see. enior Boys — The Seniors also them by her, The teachers sur
dull moment, but we certainly Remember, we can be beat rise was even reater. After a f £�
tra elled to Listowel the same P g p .
appreciate their function. And 'cause we're from dill. day Although the boys gave it a moment's thought, he attributed Y '
what is a school year without; of Jan Leishman fine effort, .they lost 58-37. Top it to the fact that: "You must not,
;F f
course, a yearbook? There are a Editor scorers were Ralph Morrison 10, be distracted as much by her as
lot of dedicated students working • Roger Morrison and John Under- by me."' An oninious silence fol-
with Editor Marilyn Congram to Driver training wood with 8 each. lowed. Then, a voice retorted
from the back of the room: "Yes,
make the most fantastic year- Two more groups of students1'0-0-0
book in the history of `Good Ole' have , now successfully passed BASKETBALL we didn't have to sit here half thef
F. E: Madill.' driver training and wereable to Midget .Boys — On Feb. 19, class wondering what she was.'
We cannot overlook one of ourget a driver's licence. The stu- Clinton came to Madill and play- Mr. Hofer sent a greasy -hand -
most important monthly happen- dents `are: Gordon 'Ruff, Jackie ed in a very, tight game. At three- ed student to Mr. Willis' room to
ings — dances. Social convenerQhm, Michael,Heim, Tom Miller, quarter mark Madill was leading borrow a wrench. On trying the `
Mark Tiffin has arranged for Randy Fischer, Robert` Arm- 23-19 but just couldn't keep the door, it seemed to be locked. The
some of Canada's best known strong, Brian Reid, Douglas Kuy- momentum going. Final score student was about to give up
bands to perform this year. It Clinton 30 Madill 29. when he sighted Mr. Willis com-
P Y venhoven, Ellen Reid, Adele Ver-
also takes students, prefects, beck, .Brent Ireland, Henry Van Junior Boys —The Junior Mus- ing down the hall. After hearing Y�
chaperones, and principals to Dyke, John Siecker, Martin tangs were victorious over the the situation, Mr. Willis grabbed #,
visiting Clinton team on the same the door handle and, with a flick
help make the dances successful. Askes, Carol Jamison, Ruth
We also have short drama pro- day. The score was 53 to 44. To of the wrist and grease up. to the r
P Hastings,- Ken De Boer, Larry P ��� �•
ductions at Monday morning as- Wilkins, Irene Versteeg; Heather scorers were Jeff Dickson with 15 elbows, the door opened. SeeingI(}
semblies to trim off the boredom Neilson. points and Darrell Anderson with Mr. Willis slightly perturbed l
of each week. Our thanks to Mar:
The teacher for in class driver 12 oints. about the grease, the student :x �aRx
1 n Murraynd the entire drama Senior Boys — After being be- P g '
y Y training is Mr. $ender, while the y g hastened to a olc� t�ze. The teach -
club. teacher.for in -car driver training hind most of the game by 8-11 er glared at him., `I might believe
What Ido you mean — is Mr. Cliff Logan. points, the Mustangs put• forth'a, ` You if you'd wipe that smirk off ,
APATHY??? B Myron McKee fourth quarter char�e that'three your face."
By; There seems to be a`few illness f
Look at our teams and coaches.' times brought thein within 2 .,�' 9 � �
We have, football teams Iand. one points. But that was as close as going around the, school. If you k
year, soon we ate going to win Did you know that F. E. Madill they ever got and finally fell 47 keep your eyes open, you'll t � M �
again) arid both girls' and boys' 41. Top scorer was Bill Arm- able
to see called prime examples of it.
g motto? It is Fidelis
has a school � survarem."
and volleyball teams. Et Paratus which is Latin for strong with 13 points:
They have long hard hours of Faithful and Prepared'. 0 , 0-0 By the number of cases present, -
practice and this is only the be- P it must be caused by a virus.
0-0-0 BASKETBALL There are other diseases which J.ACKIE McGLYNN blocks the ball as the senior iris'
ginning. They"all represent our. .g
school well. Our purple and white A noisy room,, laughter „. Midget Boys On Feb. 19, follow,,4-.weekly cycle., On- Mon-, vdlleybai.l 'team goes on to victory.
sweaters stand 'for ° Spit'it: the then, silence. Clinton epme. to Madill and play- day morning you can observe the
mustang stands for Strength. Quiet footsteps, a flushed face, ,, ed in a very tight game, At the "Monday morning blues." The
more laughter. • three-quarter mark, Madill was here is listless inatten- • swimming pool . filled with
What is a team without support- Fading footsteps and the creation leading 23-19 but just couldn't patient ' Q V e h e c t r i p snow.
ers? Look in the auditorium on a tive, frequently holds his head
home -game day, or on the banks
of insecurity. keep the momentum going.:Final while utter=ing `sh.” The duration Most of our meals were avail- ,
—Teens O'Hagan score: was Clinton 30, Madill 29. of this malady is usually a day or If anyone had .looked out of the able at Complex G, the Pani
Junior Boys — The Junior Mus= two= but extreme examples have window on the 8th of Feb., they , amentary cafeteria, by no means
tangs were victorious over the been known which have lasted Would have seen, (or not seen, it comparable to the cafeteria we
visiting Clinton Team on the from Monday to Friday. The mid 'depends on which window they all know and love. We spent our
same day. The score was 53 to 44. week illness is known as ),the were looking out of), one of the first afternoon visiting the Dior -
Top scorers were Jeff Dickson "Dulldrums." The patient is ex worst snowstorms of the year ama and touring the Parliament
T tremely bored and, not very talk- smothering the landscape. The, Buildings. The rest of the day was
Reach for the To ative,-because the events of the chances seemed very slim, that our own and we soon found the
past weekend have already been 46 students', -some from as far place to be was Place Carnaval.
The Reach For The Top team related and it's too early to make away as Ripley, would be leaving This is where the huge ice palace
How -
consists of a group of four stu- plans for the coming one. This ill- that night for Quebec City. How- was located and' this year it in
dents who participate f a contest Hess usually disappears by Fri- ever, by 7:15, everyone had re- eluded two dance levels. At night,
which tests their mental ability day. Friday brings on the final ceived the message that the trip this area is filled with the sound
week) illness, namely a form of was still on and that the bus• of popular French and English
and alertness. The g team must would be leavin for Stratford at songs• and also the -youth of
answer skill testis questions hyper -tension and hyper -activity g
based on their general knowledge known as "letsgetouta' here. 7:45. How everyone got to the Quebec. Place Carnival turns
obtained during their school This, one affects students and school in that those weather conditions, f time,
re- night. ug o=utdoor dance floor at
we had to
teachers alike. It creates a uni y'
year. The competition occurs be versal atmosphere of restless- main as one of the greatest un- leave in order to be on time for
tween schools' in the area. and solved mysteries of all time.. No curfew (religiously obeyed).
each school moves into a higher 'Hess, with excited chatter, week YOn second
.plateau of the competition if they end plans; and frequent glances to really
until we we safely ulddet
on two hour bus tour ofythe city.a We
win their game, The F. E. Madill at the clock. It reaches its peak
during the mad rushes to lockers the -train to Toronto. all came to the conclusion that
team consists of Marilyn Con- After a quick train change in only maniacs manip-
gram, Donald Sanderson, Stan at 3:24, Friday afternoon. elate their vehicles throe .
Toronto, uneventful, and restful winding narrow streets of lower
h the
Loree and Gordon T. Wray. In spent a ... uh ... g
September, Mr. Forrest conduct- quiet, une
tryouts using questions from (hah!) night. We changed trains Quebec. On our tour, we were
ed at Montreal and arrived in able to visit some of the oldest
previous years. The .team mem- WHY? Quebec City 11:00 a.m. Mon, and historical sights in Canada. One
bers were chosen from over 20 Why Y must people hurt each other, were immediate) bussed to our main source of attraction in the
tryouts. The team has been meet
ing since September, preparing In so many different ways' hotel, Le Concorde, Upon arrival, city is the boardwalk, situated
Why must they in? press each Mrs. Kopas, (one of our illus- behind the Chateau Frontenac.
for the, competition by quizzing other, trious chaparones),. and •Gator From here, you have a perfect
each other and studying individu- With fancy, phoney plays? spent the first few minutes decid- view of.the St. Lawrence and of
ally. Their hard work has not ing whose suitcase was big Lower Quebec City. The giant to -
proven fruitless though, because Why can't they just be them- enou�th to hold the hotel than- boggan slide and an outdoor ice
the team won their first game on selves? deli r Our accommodations rink are also located beside the
Wednesday night. They defeated What's wrong with being free? were great, each room overlook- Chateau.
the competitive Elmira team 200- Why then are we all caught be- ing the city and the St.. Lawrence We spent the rest of our day on
160. Congratul��k ons to the team y our own time until we met at the
„ for a job well dd`fie. Everyone will tween River. The hotel also hada re -
for a job - - for, our team on the The bounds of conformity? volving restaurant,' 29 stories Chez Guido for our Gourmet
be,watctelevision screen. —Teen O'Hagan above sheet level, and also a , meal. The meal was delicious and
of course we were all stuffed. But
we did manage to get back to the
hotel in time to hear 'La Grive', a
French-Canadian folk singing
trio. Their show was excellent
and they received enthusiastic
audience participation with all
their songs. Once again, it was
back to Place Carnaval until cur-
W, I few. Up until . now, the weather
`s z 114u vcz11 war iu 9211u dear. [4Uw-
- ever, a few of the group found
longer rauge financing of items such as machin- "� <„ themselves in the middle of a
cry, grain storage or additional land. f
We can lend you the money you need now. snowstorm and couldn't find their
And the nice thing is that you can arrange `1
way back to the hotel.
repayment specifically to suit your cash flow. �°' k Unfortunately we were not
If you wish we can also arrange low-cost -- .... i stormstayed,'so we said our last
credit life insurance. goodbyes to the city and left the
Whatever your credit needs, the person to train station at 4:00 the next day.
talk to is your local Commerce manager. So if Dale and Brian both found 'pick -
you're a farmer who has future plans that ups', while in the city and decided
include money, come talk to us. to take them home to Ontario,
" (namely Barny and Bernadette).
The train ride home was a bit
quieter, everyone was Cafel[1"s
spy 2�wk up with their sleep, Extensive
Ali\. < r si .� :.
A >NN. � w. k: =, thanks must go to Mr. and Mrs.
Let's face it, yuu don't need a bank to tell
you now to plan your future. That's your
business. And we respect it.
But let's say you've got your plans all
sorted out. And your plans arc going to need
money, come to us. We'd like to help you. We're
the Bank of Commerce.
We can custom tailor an entire credit
package specifically for your farm. The package
includes short term credit to cover your month -
to month and season to season operations and
11W111e0i[4W3 I 1 110.0,11
+r. .acv. Ty.�Uo,.kw aY. w+V$�.S�+Ni�a�S:^rAMiYMGxwYr,mNlL.+4t .1R. a. C r•ari, _•+"'. .
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Iliu�+.i 1r,dJaU
THE STUDENT -TEACHER Reach for the Top game was quite an attraction last week.
The student team made up of Don Sanderson, Gordon Wray, Marilyn Congrarn and Stan
L-oree displayed their intellectual powers as they defeated our teachers.
also went along for the fun'.
w �,I
The Wingham AdvaneletTimes, Thmi ., February xB, 197.0-•-fa#e 8
4 s A
• ®� ( ` I �� <j'T,lsipiil{I',i�IiIRl6� i�l Illj CIII
u.• eu.0uuu, •..,,, r-tl,. ,.,nu,.., ..:, •, .uu„ „„iq , � �d,3
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of the do VOLL points and
There , s a vicious rumor that otballfield m season — EYBALL with 15 0
i ' • W I Darrell Ander-
has been tingling through thenow that is spirit .. Senior Girls — In a tournament son with 12 points.
halls of F. E. Madill for some Our teachers also give a great on Feb. 17, the girls returned with
Senior Boys — After being be- Ips
time, so I decided to dispell any effort to get involved, never turn- the following results. The first hind most of the game by 8 to 11
ed by match against Clinton went to points, the Mustangs put forth a
uncertainty you may have. Ing down a challenge shoutd ?'
Someone has said there is some enthusiastic student, al- three games, but Madill was un- fourth quarter charge that three r
APATHY in our school — in though usually it means certain able to defeat this strong team. times brought them within 2 v
Wingham! I'm quite certain that defeat. Never -the -less, we have Also, in a close match, Madill de- points. But, that was as close as
student -teacher broomball, ping- feated South Huron and ended in the of and"final) fell 47 to
somewhere along the grapevine on volleyball and basketball y ever g Y
the idea has been severly twisted. P g, ll Y second place behind Clinton. 41. Top scorer was Bill Arm -
If you want-, participation, look matches. How many teachers Junior Girls — The first match strong with 13 points.
at our school teams, and if it's co- would be willing to risk their lives against Clinton went to three
operation you are searching for, being on a toboggan, with hel- games (with Clinton winning). In
mets secure, being pulled by anx- the second, the
look at the various clubs oiler y defeated Exeter,
ating within the stunt body. ions homeroom students through which means they and the seniors School Daze
And don't forget the teachers and snow, slush, water, and even mud will go to Huron -Perth,
principals who supervise our — ours do. 0-0-0 A group of Grade 13 students
clubs and who readily accept our So, unless the meaning of BASKETBALL were at a loss as how to go about
challenges. apathy has changed to become a Midget Boys — On Feb. 17, the their horrible rate problems. One
synonym of enthusiasm then the the teacher was absent and
Who could help being impres-� boys travelled to Listowel, losing day, sc ;
sed by the way in which our stet- rumor holds no validity. I believe to them 65-17. Top scorer was in his place sat Mrs. McBride, a
dent council isw running this year in giving creditwhere it is due, so Brent Johnston. former well -loved teacher. To theg
take a long look around you andJunior
under the leadership off President g Y Boys —The Junior Boys class' surprise, they were able to
Lois McLaughlin. It's not quite to begin appreciating the st ds a o returned with a loss of 63-43. get all the problems given to Fffi#Y 3
the point where there. is never a and qualities you see. enior Boys — The Seniors also them by her, The teachers sur
dull moment, but we certainly Remember, we can be beat rise was even reater. After a f £�
tra elled to Listowel the same P g p .
appreciate their function. And 'cause we're from dill. day Although the boys gave it a moment's thought, he attributed Y '
what is a school year without; of Jan Leishman fine effort, .they lost 58-37. Top it to the fact that: "You must not,
;F f
course, a yearbook? There are a Editor scorers were Ralph Morrison 10, be distracted as much by her as
lot of dedicated students working • Roger Morrison and John Under- by me."' An oninious silence fol-
with Editor Marilyn Congram to Driver training wood with 8 each. lowed. Then, a voice retorted
from the back of the room: "Yes,
make the most fantastic year- Two more groups of students1'0-0-0
book in the history of `Good Ole' have , now successfully passed BASKETBALL we didn't have to sit here half thef
F. E: Madill.' driver training and wereable to Midget .Boys — On Feb. 19, class wondering what she was.'
We cannot overlook one of ourget a driver's licence. The stu- Clinton came to Madill and play- Mr. Hofer sent a greasy -hand -
most important monthly happen- dents `are: Gordon 'Ruff, Jackie ed in a very, tight game. At three- ed student to Mr. Willis' room to
ings — dances. Social convenerQhm, Michael,Heim, Tom Miller, quarter mark Madill was leading borrow a wrench. On trying the `
Mark Tiffin has arranged for Randy Fischer, Robert` Arm- 23-19 but just couldn't keep the door, it seemed to be locked. The
some of Canada's best known strong, Brian Reid, Douglas Kuy- momentum going. Final score student was about to give up
bands to perform this year. It Clinton 30 Madill 29. when he sighted Mr. Willis com-
P Y venhoven, Ellen Reid, Adele Ver-
also takes students, prefects, beck, .Brent Ireland, Henry Van Junior Boys —The Junior Mus- ing down the hall. After hearing Y�
chaperones, and principals to Dyke, John Siecker, Martin tangs were victorious over the the situation, Mr. Willis grabbed #,
visiting Clinton team on the same the door handle and, with a flick
help make the dances successful. Askes, Carol Jamison, Ruth
We also have short drama pro- day. The score was 53 to 44. To of the wrist and grease up. to the r
P Hastings,- Ken De Boer, Larry P ��� �•
ductions at Monday morning as- Wilkins, Irene Versteeg; Heather scorers were Jeff Dickson with 15 elbows, the door opened. SeeingI(}
semblies to trim off the boredom Neilson. points and Darrell Anderson with Mr. Willis slightly perturbed l
of each week. Our thanks to Mar:
The teacher for in class driver 12 oints. about the grease, the student :x �aRx
1 n Murraynd the entire drama Senior Boys — After being be- P g '
y Y training is Mr. $ender, while the y g hastened to a olc� t�ze. The teach -
club. teacher.for in -car driver training hind most of the game by 8-11 er glared at him., `I might believe
What Ido you mean — is Mr. Cliff Logan. points, the Mustangs put• forth'a, ` You if you'd wipe that smirk off ,
APATHY??? B Myron McKee fourth quarter char�e that'three your face."
By; There seems to be a`few illness f
Look at our teams and coaches.' times brought thein within 2 .,�' 9 � �
We have, football teams Iand. one points. But that was as close as going around the, school. If you k
year, soon we ate going to win Did you know that F. E. Madill they ever got and finally fell 47 keep your eyes open, you'll t � M �
again) arid both girls' and boys' 41. Top scorer was Bill Arm- able
to see called prime examples of it.
g motto? It is Fidelis
has a school � survarem."
and volleyball teams. Et Paratus which is Latin for strong with 13 points:
They have long hard hours of Faithful and Prepared'. 0 , 0-0 By the number of cases present, -
practice and this is only the be- P it must be caused by a virus.
0-0-0 BASKETBALL There are other diseases which J.ACKIE McGLYNN blocks the ball as the senior iris'
ginning. They"all represent our. .g
school well. Our purple and white A noisy room,, laughter „. Midget Boys On Feb. 19, follow,,4-.weekly cycle., On- Mon-, vdlleybai.l 'team goes on to victory.
sweaters stand 'for ° Spit'it: the then, silence. Clinton epme. to Madill and play- day morning you can observe the
mustang stands for Strength. Quiet footsteps, a flushed face, ,, ed in a very tight game, At the "Monday morning blues." The
more laughter. • three-quarter mark, Madill was here is listless inatten- • swimming pool . filled with
What is a team without support- Fading footsteps and the creation leading 23-19 but just couldn't patient ' Q V e h e c t r i p snow.
ers? Look in the auditorium on a tive, frequently holds his head
home -game day, or on the banks
of insecurity. keep the momentum going.:Final while utter=ing `sh.” The duration Most of our meals were avail- ,
—Teens O'Hagan score: was Clinton 30, Madill 29. of this malady is usually a day or If anyone had .looked out of the able at Complex G, the Pani
Junior Boys — The Junior Mus= two= but extreme examples have window on the 8th of Feb., they , amentary cafeteria, by no means
tangs were victorious over the been known which have lasted Would have seen, (or not seen, it comparable to the cafeteria we
visiting Clinton Team on the from Monday to Friday. The mid 'depends on which window they all know and love. We spent our
same day. The score was 53 to 44. week illness is known as ),the were looking out of), one of the first afternoon visiting the Dior -
Top scorers were Jeff Dickson "Dulldrums." The patient is ex worst snowstorms of the year ama and touring the Parliament
T tremely bored and, not very talk- smothering the landscape. The, Buildings. The rest of the day was
Reach for the To ative,-because the events of the chances seemed very slim, that our own and we soon found the
past weekend have already been 46 students', -some from as far place to be was Place Carnaval.
The Reach For The Top team related and it's too early to make away as Ripley, would be leaving This is where the huge ice palace
How -
consists of a group of four stu- plans for the coming one. This ill- that night for Quebec City. How- was located and' this year it in
dents who participate f a contest Hess usually disappears by Fri- ever, by 7:15, everyone had re- eluded two dance levels. At night,
which tests their mental ability day. Friday brings on the final ceived the message that the trip this area is filled with the sound
week) illness, namely a form of was still on and that the bus• of popular French and English
and alertness. The g team must would be leavin for Stratford at songs• and also the -youth of
answer skill testis questions hyper -tension and hyper -activity g
based on their general knowledge known as "letsgetouta' here. 7:45. How everyone got to the Quebec. Place Carnival turns
obtained during their school This, one affects students and school in that those weather conditions, f time,
re- night. ug o=utdoor dance floor at
we had to
teachers alike. It creates a uni y'
year. The competition occurs be versal atmosphere of restless- main as one of the greatest un- leave in order to be on time for
tween schools' in the area. and solved mysteries of all time.. No curfew (religiously obeyed).
each school moves into a higher 'Hess, with excited chatter, week YOn second
.plateau of the competition if they end plans; and frequent glances to really
until we we safely ulddet
on two hour bus tour ofythe city.a We
win their game, The F. E. Madill at the clock. It reaches its peak
during the mad rushes to lockers the -train to Toronto. all came to the conclusion that
team consists of Marilyn Con- After a quick train change in only maniacs manip-
gram, Donald Sanderson, Stan at 3:24, Friday afternoon. elate their vehicles throe .
Toronto, uneventful, and restful winding narrow streets of lower
h the
Loree and Gordon T. Wray. In spent a ... uh ... g
September, Mr. Forrest conduct- quiet, une
tryouts using questions from (hah!) night. We changed trains Quebec. On our tour, we were
ed at Montreal and arrived in able to visit some of the oldest
previous years. The .team mem- WHY? Quebec City 11:00 a.m. Mon, and historical sights in Canada. One
bers were chosen from over 20 Why Y must people hurt each other, were immediate) bussed to our main source of attraction in the
tryouts. The team has been meet
ing since September, preparing In so many different ways' hotel, Le Concorde, Upon arrival, city is the boardwalk, situated
Why must they in? press each Mrs. Kopas, (one of our illus- behind the Chateau Frontenac.
for the, competition by quizzing other, trious chaparones),. and •Gator From here, you have a perfect
each other and studying individu- With fancy, phoney plays? spent the first few minutes decid- view of.the St. Lawrence and of
ally. Their hard work has not ing whose suitcase was big Lower Quebec City. The giant to -
proven fruitless though, because Why can't they just be them- enou�th to hold the hotel than- boggan slide and an outdoor ice
the team won their first game on selves? deli r Our accommodations rink are also located beside the
Wednesday night. They defeated What's wrong with being free? were great, each room overlook- Chateau.
the competitive Elmira team 200- Why then are we all caught be- ing the city and the St.. Lawrence We spent the rest of our day on
160. Congratul��k ons to the team y our own time until we met at the
„ for a job well dd`fie. Everyone will tween River. The hotel also hada re -
for a job - - for, our team on the The bounds of conformity? volving restaurant,' 29 stories Chez Guido for our Gourmet
be,watctelevision screen. —Teen O'Hagan above sheet level, and also a , meal. The meal was delicious and
of course we were all stuffed. But
we did manage to get back to the
hotel in time to hear 'La Grive', a
French-Canadian folk singing
trio. Their show was excellent
and they received enthusiastic
audience participation with all
their songs. Once again, it was
back to Place Carnaval until cur-
W, I few. Up until . now, the weather
`s z 114u vcz11 war iu 9211u dear. [4Uw-
- ever, a few of the group found
longer rauge financing of items such as machin- "� <„ themselves in the middle of a
cry, grain storage or additional land. f
We can lend you the money you need now. snowstorm and couldn't find their
And the nice thing is that you can arrange `1
way back to the hotel.
repayment specifically to suit your cash flow. �°' k Unfortunately we were not
If you wish we can also arrange low-cost -- .... i stormstayed,'so we said our last
credit life insurance. goodbyes to the city and left the
Whatever your credit needs, the person to train station at 4:00 the next day.
talk to is your local Commerce manager. So if Dale and Brian both found 'pick -
you're a farmer who has future plans that ups', while in the city and decided
include money, come talk to us. to take them home to Ontario,
" (namely Barny and Bernadette).
The train ride home was a bit
quieter, everyone was Cafel[1"s
spy 2�wk up with their sleep, Extensive
Ali\. < r si .� :.
A >NN. � w. k: =, thanks must go to Mr. and Mrs.
Let's face it, yuu don't need a bank to tell
you now to plan your future. That's your
business. And we respect it.
But let's say you've got your plans all
sorted out. And your plans arc going to need
money, come to us. We'd like to help you. We're
the Bank of Commerce.
We can custom tailor an entire credit
package specifically for your farm. The package
includes short term credit to cover your month -
to month and season to season operations and
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THE STUDENT -TEACHER Reach for the Top game was quite an attraction last week.
The student team made up of Don Sanderson, Gordon Wray, Marilyn Congrarn and Stan
L-oree displayed their intellectual powers as they defeated our teachers.
also went along for the fun'.