The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-26, Page 2j
Wingltam Advance�Times, Thurs., February 26, 1976
Egg producer
1Iv ' olln l
' annual natives
- -committee risen posses10 n, a law
r The county annual meeting of
- I we8o Wawanosh r�•
M the Ontario Egg Producers Twp. C/eavailable
to its financi The clerk
Marketing Board for all egg Feb. LO passed a by-law auted to talk to the auditor
F ' producers in Huron 'County was � the township to borrow rding the recreation grant
, a theld in the board rooms of the $150,000 to cover necessarlable on these expenses and
ocher Ministry of Agriculture's Clinton penditures until taxes; ther the township is actually
office on Monday, February 16. levied and collected, Aniving a one third grant ffor in
Mit. g)ENpyIS German shepherd is his favorite Zone Director, Bill Mickle of such by-law was �es
,ctor's fees. Council also
'Xt dials: been said that Mr. Den- breed of dog. Hensall reported on the Board's authorizing the borrowinp to tabled a resolution from the
><I1S, vv o has taught at Madill for Mr. Dennis stated there was a activities since the semi-annual $28,� to cover expendit for towns of Hanover to have a
/ Emptor
e*t years, is the best Latin problem of attitude among meeting in Toronto in November. the construction and incidental special commission formed to
t04chpr in Wingham. He teaches students at F. E. "Students Since you shop for food at least Mike Miller, associate ag, rep. costs for the Gaunt Municipal examine all aspects of education
Grade 10 through 13 Latin and aren't as keen as they could or once a week, you should be trying for Huron conducted the election Drain. in Ontario.
Grade 10 physical education. Mr. should be. The only way this will to get the best buy for your dollar. of committeemen for Huron for In other business: council dis-
Dennis taught previously at ever change is if the whole social 1. Plan before you go shopping. the year 1976-77. Seventeen were cussed the Kirk Drain Repair and Morris Fe�er®tion
Lucknow High School for six life of the community is altered. Write down items you need as nominated, and after the election Improvement and it was moved
years The educational system must all supplies run low and consult store the following will represent that the report be referred back elects executive
Mr. Dennis' home town is At- change such that a teacher has advertisements as you make Huron: to Gamsby and Mannerow for
freedom to do what he can do Bill Mickle, Hensall; Bill further consideration regarding
wood. He was raised on a farm your list. Intended for last week
near Atwood and attended Listo- best. School spirit has not im- 2. Do not shop while you have Morley, Usborne; Jim McIntosh, proposed modifications to the BELGRAVE — William Pullen
wel High School. Mr. Dennis said, proved at all this year. The same an empty stomach. Surveys show Tuckersmith; Bill Scott, McKil- original report. was re-elected president of the
as far as choosing a career, his students are participating in the that people who shop after eating lop; Richard Kootstra, Stanley; Andy McBride, of the Maitland Morris Township Federation of
parents had a great influence. same sports or clubs, while spend less. Howard Cartwright, Hullett; Engineering Services Limited, Agriculture at the annual meet -
His father was a farmer which others do nothing." 3. Whole chickens and turkeys Walter Arnold, Ashfield; Bev attended council and obtained ing last Tuesday. Also elected to
requires,a lot of manual labour. Mr. Dennis helps with the foot- generally cost less per pound Wallace, Hullett; Ralph Lubbers, signatures on the contract for the office at the meeting in Belgrave
They advised him that if he had bail teams and last year he was a than cut up chickens and turkeys. East Wawanosh; Ken Moore, Gaunt Municipal Drain construc- were: vice-president, Bert EI -
the brains to go to university that hockey team coach, in Lucknow 4. Buy meat in season. Beef Tuckersmith ; Max Demeray, tion. A motion was carried that liott; secretary -treasurer, Wil -
he should. This was when he de- for house leagues. prices are lower in winter than in Grey; Gordon Haasnoot, Ho- Harold Errington be appointed liam Fear; south member, John
tided to take his chances with When asked if there was any the cookout months. Also, buy wick; Mae Govenlock, McKillop. the representative from West Nesbitt; north member, Harold
humorous situation that he was meat specials and stack our Wawanosh Township at the Keating.
teaching. He trained for three Pe " y g.
years in Waterloo University. ever involved with while teaching freezer. organizational meeting into the • The guest speaker for the
at Madill, Mr. Dennis replied, 5. You will save mono if you Lucknow River Watershed of the
14-a•. Dennis enjoys sports both P . Y Y Shower honors `Maitland Conservation Author- meeting was J. D. Jamieson,
as a participant and as an active "One day,l was instructing some roast meats at less than 325 de head of the livestock division at
fan. Repairing antique furniture students°in how to cross-country grees F. This will save on meat ®rea bride -elect ity. Centralia College of Agriculture
or carpentry work is one of his ski. The students were asked to shrinkage and make meat easier Council approved a budget of and Technology. Mr. Jamieson
hobbies. His favorite color is bring suitable footwear for the to carve. BELGRAVE—A miscellaneous $1,899.07 for general expenses spoke briefly on the survival of
.maybe blue, since he wears other sport e.g., snowmobile boots. One "uy .less expensive cuts of shower was held in the Women's and $34, 518.90 for road accounts. rural communities. Charlie Hig-
colors as well. It has been fellow approached me and ex- meat. Thee cuts are no less nu- Institute Hall on Sunday after- Reeve Lyons, township rep- gins thanked him on behalf of the
rumored that Mr. Dennis is one of plained the only shoes he could tritious and have a lower fat con- noon for Miss Brenda Coultes, resentative on the Lucknow federation.
and maybe the best dressed men find were, the ones he had on, tent. bride -elect, with neighbors and Medical Centre committee, ne-
at F. E. Madill. Would you agree? which were high heeled plat- 7. For a small family, canned relatives in attendance. ported to council regarding in- BELMORE PERSONAL
Mr. Dennis really enjoys a good forms. The boy exclaimed "I can meats are money savers. Al- She was assisted in opening her creased costs at the medical Mr, and Mrs. Earl Fitch, Karen
adventure or drama series on TV hardly even walk in them so I though they are more expensive, gifts by Mrs. Bryan Coultes and centre. Archie Purdon spoke to and Debbie, dined with Mr. and
as opposed to comedy. The don't know whether I'll be able to there will be less waste. Miss Doris Coultes. council concerning the Huron- Mrs. Herb Clayton of Wingham,
ski with them!" 8. Buy private label products. Contest were enjoyed and lunch Bruce Swingers square dance preceding the latters' departure
Having Mr. Dennis for a teach- their prices are as much as 20 was served. club and the township's contribu for Florida.
INGLIS FARM er this year, I can remember one percent lower than other adver-
day after he had been playing tised brands.
DRAINAGE L ping -pons with Mr. Inwood at 9. -Check the perishable date on
lunch hour. He came in slightly foods. If you buy one of these pro -
You Need Proper Ammunition
To Fight Colds!
Save Up To 35% Over
National Brands
11*39 ONLY
C slouched over and holding hts ducts, demand a refund or a „
Quality Installation ` back. For the rest of the class, all greatly reduced price. This date 0 Where the EMPHASIS �s On
- r• Clay or Plastic he could do was Sit in a chair and is often the last permissible day
t. move the chair along the black of sale. "
Free Estirgptes � board with his feet. Once in a . 10. Decide whether it is cheaper C 0 0
while,, we'd hear a groan. Oh! to buy convenience foods or fresh
PN+ONEi 392'6700 the pain of teaching Isatin. foods.
R. R. 3 Walkn Hopefully, Mr. Dennis will con- By Stephanie Rae 11F
tiaue teaching at Madill.
Mary Anne Alton 'LUE
a painful experience, but if you IN EFFECT UNTIL
get enough blisters in the same MARCH 6, 1976) �
r place, they will produce a
� r -
F callous. That is what we 'call
maturity." .M
• - Club News
s s Pill,The "Reach for the Top" team
played 'their. first game of seven
against a very, competitive team
�a> f from Elmira. The team compos-
ed of Marilyn Congrain, 'Stan
Loree, . Donald Sanderson and .
Gordon Wray played an excellent
game and won by a'score of .200 to
160. They will •now advance
against Walkerton.
The in -school Junior Mathem-
atics contest was written on.
Tuesday to. decide who would
write the national contest. The
top two contestants in each of
grades 9,^ 10, -and 11 are chosen..
This year they. are: Jeannette.
Strong, 9K; Ken Metzger; 9H;
Tom Henderson, 9D; Ron Unran,
with a 1 9R; Janet Wood, 9R; Jerry King,
9R; Steve McKay, 9G; Noreen
Rahn, , 911; Jim Laidlaw, 9F;
`r •L�" Doug, Treleaven, 9M;. Steven
Johann, IOD; David Housser,
Richmond, 10H; Jay MacLaurin,
For Standby Power TOE; Barbara Loree, 10E; Jerry
Contact: Bremner, 10A; Reith Ann Alton,
10A; Sheila Shobbrook,' 1OK;
Glyn Schwartzen.truber Ryan Hayes, 10C; grade 11, Jim
R.R. #4, Wingharn Blackwell, Keith Metzger, Oscar;
357-2608 Meir, Lori Moir, Eileen Fischer,
Mike Milosevic, Debbie Adams,
Doug Kuyvenhoven, John Camp -
look neighbour... > ° . bell, Twyla Dickson.
9 1 The Amateur Radio Club
recently purchased a SX,111 hal-
ITYSU U I LT TO LAST use fter receiver. The primary
use of this unit will be to enable
the members of -the club to prac-
: n tice morse code: this is done by
listening to Station WIAW which
' regularly transmits perfect code
for beginners ranging in speed
from 5 to 35 wordy per minute.
ed We wish to thank the student
council for making this possible.
Wroxe r er
. Sunday guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Ross Tornan were Mr. and
141111 Mrs. Lorne Matthews, barn cleaners Preston -
Cambridge, 1 Cambridge, Elgin Toman of
a Plattsville and Wallace Toman,
feature strong forged links, New Hamburg.
powerful drive unit, ' Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Mus -
positive shear pin protection groyeaccompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Weber and Kevin of
Fast, easy cleaning. ' Walkerton to St. Thomas on
4 Sunday to visit Mrs. Floyd Ellis
and family and 91so Mr. Ellis, in
hospital there.
But don't take our word for it. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Manuel,
Ask a neighbour who owns Butler. Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Griffith.
Lwnn lr:wrr Furse EgeipmeRt Ltd Mr. and Mrs. Boyne Sage, 3rd
C9 Line Wallace, visited Mr. and
Route 1 1Mrs. Ross Toman on Monday.
Kincardine, Ontario Mrs. Allan Griffith spent a few
days last week with Mrs. Angus
PHONE: 519-395-5386 Carmichael, Mr. afid Mrs. James
"IMDI�.l�limiL®® Robertson in Goderich.,
�-- chunks t
These tasty nutritious COT`
ANTER a7 <i
hese all the, carbo a
by vitamins and minerals
g orals w N{ p.
s,�0.scaan� P _ H V balanced
drate5, orous
your dog wllood health. lete. soil mix that IS ideal Y
# growth and 9 A COrrtP excellent root develop -
your { Y
! - for prorx►otro', r burn•
950 ment: Will not cake •o N0 2 CIAL
No 270.366 SPE
� ; .M 50 lb. bag $ r
>,r.� 1+ CIAL UBrt
ta�•oa $ 515 SPE a Q
a,..o 4 1 1/s bushel
25 Ib. bag
_ 9
%2 ea. `+pEC1AL —
ea. No 270-39
HI -B 'diet far - Sp�CIA►, =.
s and No. ECVA 1 bushel a -s„
A complete Co"""
active .hunting 009 more
working dogma,rtatenance 2x/2 quart' ��
tsfor3 ea.
` nutrien �go 590
Solo bag $ a: ea.
�„C � 251b baa wo WATER-SOLUBLE PIAN t loop is o Wr
r _ RX -15 odourless p '
This 'fast -acting, linters, flower pots
ideal for indoor use in P ackages.
1 Fti�� Small convenient 2 oz P 39C F
- etc. .
No 270-860 POTS .. 00¢
R/ „ys�t�,r� 9 E9 I1.O' 8%2 �e51° ILD BIRD SE SAFEly
0i� F �_ ass n, P w SA
spat9�ou co 0 beaytdui.and
Bring tb'e wad buds 10
rite` by
coiounome tb s wl „ sidewalk
yo n spec d v A='► ; our drive and
In -on type No. 526.000 ieedmg the P w ld o"' Z ,', ;i, , , Keep You' and snow•
OIL FILTERS C rysler, Che'_$779 blended GOO free from .
FRAM els of Ford and seed o 750 `: y,PD
for modMPH30' ea. No 2' �. stet
POnt1aC• PH25 8 - 98` rE
rOlet,and MPHR MPHI3A.M �Ponbaccar' J t� ii •
Frern Chev a Framp.PH,,. 41b.. 4, •i,
Motws.eurci ptde edible l Nr. 2 4S
American tdters a etiltersforGM sA `
,nd9e type Easy tochanilt, packed In 101b• L
hnder (From Pack)
B and m Tr Gakl 25 lb 809
Tri Pak (3 filters Perp hased 0
handy d!0%69 w^e^D°'c No 1'
G. e 00
526-0 variable
1,!1111re, 50 ib s1� _.
p,ner Tri•pak Fram Au Filters also a .
ND zn ,Qe e-
1 ,/ BUY By ol1NELCA.c Adswa` Y'eQ0
T 9 N07 MOTOP 0 51512 case
of neN .740nd ,tks SPECIAL '
SPIAL, 0t 4t Z50811on
30' 9iaiWhen you buy a easel 50%)
C25 drum
O68x43 SPECIAL 5 74 cafe
$8,•7,o SPEC1ALs1.6
No 250au0n eqy,
,0.w^30 en you buy, 51.00 4t , e 11
etnuit - o Qi 68t�3 SPECIAL -
No S63,11drum wINOSNE LD eouaLavE, ,
r�PEC1Al ' ,o.w-30 GREASE
ULTI-PUIIPOSEomatl _ -_bnca wqS.,, GlncE
LU9C0 tMm mdualrtat and out �.. z e
Non ^ s' -s• y datm'H npD'lernperalo,e a
ea se. p . ,s ,e, age' -ell •atu•ess pg�`•sid 1L•r/l ""
a d eS ^ s ware• D DANGER
4,eatc r a'e cs a,'s 5 g�go 25 lb Dail
case of ��'
t No 682 e�04 .^canndpas _ .
MULTI•LO ,D. r, °^•,ape,,. cari,d9e G::a !.ries to dGD'� • ; R ��•., , rp,,t r,•PS id r r
a., D,,•DPsea .,�P, 45 Gera„Dws'De eODs,Q 000 i0 This i5 the ani, freeze with ant, h; n1IP, I^ P"q " nW O'nl�r�h. n .tu'�a•�d
a^Y,a.. et^nC properties
frar •sion Pre -mixed solu- r"P SPI t••ggw dire t�.•
I ; roe^shandy-carry-anywhere piastre con. 11989
' say „rr farrier Ettecave to 35 F 160 oz N. •,' ,"" S
e 5
NO ............ ...
Nn..,. .. D 57 ... .-.. ea ,.. .. n 548 10 $149 7 ............ ...
......-. Gal.
I, 7,1 1 �'t 0 0 A".1
B0 EL(;Ln ® L til >387 6453