The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-12, Page 13lJ'ih;�k.
death rate from,hwl
r� k s l�.. Lr�
., y �
&•-Page ,I3Td ry
a Win ham Advance -Times, T ars. FebraaI2e I
disqf(ie Ilan been r 04 ted
:,. 0•aµ: ..(r�' •„
crgicism of the fact that Ontario
4.r gin. • I, ;. „ ,,, i „
New OO S 's g
� r,�' ,' , a -a P n o-mce
Cuo. 0mic inde d='
in the Library
nationalists, like others with
high degree of interdependence.
IIIUMBOLDT'S GIFT by Saul Y � . � �,
can be costhir says Counci
`w � *two
y � _ ,
y j '
John C. Ward, C.A. Listowel
are seriously disturbed by the
Complete Collision Repairs
Fame, poetry, power, money �: � ......_ � �° �., ,! ,r ��
E;� �.; <
and death are the concerns here lz��^�� � �� � k'�i ",. � � �
:. , .
< , Many of Canada's economic
policies tend to increase foreign
`have-nots achieving a Stata-
dard of living equivalent to that
fr�aportOlp �eas'ftqr �vva eex0. It
says that restrictiUZI. >�oreigla
and Painting
with authtrt�Bellow at his wittiest
N control of industry rather than eo
of many of the nationalists-"
firms Without increasing, compe-
Towing Service
best. When the poet Humboldt :
r ,� � � ��
i; ' �.•� promote Canadian pwnershsp,
" w "
The Council,, points out that
titian could be countea'-pz°odlac-
bution of income. and wealth'
dyes, he leaves his friend, Charlie {� �1v� r 4 a
�Y- eft axii
t the Ontario Economic Council
provincial governments have
Radiator Cleaningand
Citrins, le which turns ., <
B y" ,' � f �" ,
�' ' ' �(�
,' says.
�' �
also played a pare in setting up
The Council noted there is �oHn
Repairs =
out comes just in time to rescue ,�t �; .
a just
Charlie from the of his
:,�:", -� In a policy paper entitled, Na-
barriers to the movements of
for both federal and provincial •
to be held on April 17.
clutches � �' 1� +� �
=, tional Independence - Issues
le and capital be-
goods, Prof P•
initiatives in the f imucial sector,
.sl® ADAMS
ex-wife, his mistress and the r�i
,6 ��:
2 � and Alternatives 1976, the Council
tween provinces. Since Canada is
ranging from charterer banking
Mafia. �a , :: � q
v ' `
m< rs suggests it will `likely be coun-
a small market; to balkanize it by
to securities dealers.
. " terproductive to try to reduce
foreign ownership without first
erecting ptovincial economic
barriers is to exacerbate .an
According to the Council, more
competition in financial markets
Res. 357-1171 sus. 357-110
- - -- - —
Lombardo •,..
(� '
For over fifty years Guy Lo m- 6 .,
tackling the effects of existing
g ng
existing problem, the report
g p" Po
could increase lending to
q sr
ba ado anti the Royal CaixasdiasesIt
" �� _ Canadian economic policies.
cites tax,
The report notes
smaller, developing Ca�narlian
Registered Retirement
have been playing sweetest �t 3
and financial martpetttioliciesras
gaw with
many reports dealin
it feels that tax policies
Savings Plans
music this side'of heaven". This h e.
" A
s' ; . _ in some respects creating an
eign ownership and control, there
need to be reviewed to enst>llre
is the story of the man behind v
' environment conducive to
is still little concrete information
Haat they are fully consistent with
that music and the band that has �� µ-. �
greater foreign ownership.
on many facets of nationalism.
the somewhat conflicting goals of
become an American tradition.
z The Council, however, warns
Policies to restrict foreign
reducing foreign ownership and
How they've managed to survive a
. ,
that policy changes designed to
investment, the Council says,
control, maximizing the tax
these years is one of the quer-
1 force Canadians to rely on more
have been „developed in a hap-
returns on foreign investment to
.dr �'� �s,y ti
a .
tions answered by the warm and
domestic sources of capital imply
hazard, piecemeal fashion, ap-
Canada, and maintaining a high
sentimental man who has made' x-
New fears Eve a very special - 6 , .
trade-offs, and people should be
y the
plying to some forms of owner-
ship and not to others. As a result,
level of investment.
The Colancil finds the perfor-
occasion. iq " '• `
aware of effects of restrictive
'� a
t cc; ' t d 't-
mance of the Canada Develop -
1/2 yearly
Paid on
five year term
(Guaranteed Investment
,Certificate Plan)
Member Canada Deposit'
surance Corporation
Mrs. Sharon E. Scott
Manager '
Main Street Listowel
x x . measures. they are no a tctea, an equt
,�, t , "We must be assured that we able and "probably please no ment Corporation "difficult to
CHRISTIAN by Malcolm Boyd- 4 z Y g YPe P g
xt x are not naive) tradin one t one." interpret" and describes its owls
Christian oaks at popular %'''•� �r97 , a ' "
i P P R s t, .W, of dependence for, another, or The Council calls for more as vague. It is also concerned
manifestations of religion in our paying a cost that at the outset is critical appraisal of the prob
Super- - about the poor record of Cana -
society, from Jesus Christ t
Y Pe • - •• not clearly defined or understood. leets, better defined economic than industry in research and
star to Billy Graham, from "independence from other goals and much more detailed development.
women priests to presidential economies and a unique Cana- analysis. The paper is somewhat critical
prayer breakfasts. Old beliefs A W1 NT E R WON DE R LAN D? The f irst,snowf lakes of the winter season may have created dian culture can only be gained at "Although many Canadians of a numbercof Ontario govern -
have been wiped out while politi- that impression, at first 'anyway, but things seem to have gotten out of hand. Snow is, a cost. Canadians cannot be more are worried about foreign invest- ment policies. Among these are
cal, sexual and ethical rules are perhaps, the one inexhaustible raw material available in this area right now -and no one economically and culturally went, reliable evidence does not the withholding tax introduced in
in flux so this book attempts to knows what to do with it! independent and concurrently be yet exist which shows the total the 1973 provincial budget. It
answer the question, "What does
better off," the report states. net balance of costs and benefits.. recommends that the govern -
Christian ian Mean Today and While noting that nationalism furthermore, when confronted ment take note of the jurisdic-
is a "public good", the Council with other concerns such as infla- tional difficulties and undesirable
COMMEMORATIONS by Hans In brief., .. points out that economic auto- tion or unemployment, the effects features of the tax.'
Herlin nomy could result in rising con- of foreign investment seem to be In an analysis of cultural inde-
Hans Pikola, a peaceable man, sumer costs, increased returns to considered less important by pendence, the, Council takes the
is offered $250,000 to become a capital relative to labor, reduced most Canadians." view that subsides to Canadians
killer. The target; the SS doctorcompetition and possibly per- Specifically, the report is criti- rather than restrictions on, for -
responsible for the death, 24 News O f thd
Nverse income distribution effects. cal of the "powerful role" of the eigners are a better policy under
years earlier, of Julia whom - It observes that some sectors of Foreign Investment Review most circumstances. The paper
Hans loved. He's now in love with • A 20 -year-old woman tt been found to be radioactive. The trial of newspaper heiress industry and some regions of the Agency in screening foreign briefly examines such issues as
Julia's daughter and the money is Cumberland, Ontario, died as the Port Hope is the site of GJanada's Patty.. Hearst continues in San country will be affected more investment and says there ' is foreign publications, publishing,
being offered by a millionaire result of an attack by,her two pet first radium processing plant. A Francisco.'Miss Hearst, who'was than others by moving to new some doubt whether ,the best broadcasting, advertising and
industrialist. The structure of the dogs, a Great Dane and an Irish school in that town has been kidnapped three years ago, is policies. In that event; it suggests interests of Canadians are being education.,
story is that of a classic manhunt, Wolfhound.,The dogs were owned closed because the land on which accused of participating in a an important step to minimize . served by the agency. It calls for It observes that active encour-,
a' love story and a case of mis- by Mrs. Buchanan and her hus- it was constructed has been found bank robbery. On the witness the impact on individuals and more disclosure and public scru- agement of increased Canadian
taken identity. band for two years. The husband radio -active. There have been "stand she insisted that she was groups would be -to provide ad- tiny of its actions. cultural • activities, will benefit °
found his wife's body in the yard. claims that the Eldorado plant .forced to take a part in the crime juAment assistance. The Council claims that tariff higher income groups more than
Her clothing was shredded and pumps hundreds of gallons of by threats of death and repeated The report 'says, "Throughout, policy has led to - 'a substantial in- lower.
water containing uranium and al assaults Ca d,1 di the less dove- crease in foreign investment The report suggests Canadians
sites several years ago has now a e re uc ton t e I
- "heavy supplies . and less. de- mic Council of Canada in urging among Canadian, provinces, :
mand." Gasoline prices in the more liberal trade policiesa, which regions, occupations and indivi-
.. OUTLET .Upited States now average 57 birds could die. •it believes would' help to remedy duals."
SE cents a gallon, six cents below the One other important word of • the "unacceptably slow growth of '
prevailing price- last August. caution deals with the time of productivity"" in Canadian in -That .
0-0-0 at which you" 'set your dustry. Save your heart. Ask your On -
year Officials in the town of Exeter ® -feeders up for -business. Wait It. is also concerned at the lack tario Heart Foundation for free.
•}: • • • • • i�.fi Y 4 ;:ti�'r ?:� v{ t'v.% Information on th
�-eXXf: f •:ti:::�,
-A rim
:•• ••: .t'''•• in closure of their. Y Y of competition and lists the merg- g -
;:.�_,.�„ ;��.,'•.;,,:;�;.,; •�, ,are pondering until you are fair) certain that a warning signs.
:: ••• '�:� '���'� Vcti�:'•:;.�: �:•^' •ti• record- snowfalls ing of companies of heart attack ;;:• •:,;;;; ��:f,.;;:•:: '' ��"' ,•.:•.,, arena, .since all migrating species have left for a ies as one of'the. ' k 'and.stroke.
'••y .; l.�/ ' tiff:••{••�``-. -.. -
c�::' .z�"}• ;•:• ;� : ti;;' •:•:f•:�:• +'; t;�,•., have given -rise to fears, that the the winter. A feeder.. Set :up too
'roof might collapse. The arena 00 • early, could •entice these birds •
was erected before 'the present into staying and could possibly
provincial building code was in Hi; it's Rocky Raccoon, from result, indirectly, in .their death.
effect and would not meet today's An interesting project -you might NOTICE.
the Maitland Valley Conservation take , on would be to intake a
standards. Since the collapse of Authority bringing more news
the Listowel arena in 1959 and the and ideas to help people appreci record of all the varieties of birds
deaths• of 'seven boys and the ate, use and.. enjoy our natural seer) at your feeder.: Use a Jiird
recreation -director, safety resources. identification book td help you.
regulations for such structures This week we at the Authority Any unusual bird' sightings IF YOUR ADVANCE -TIMES LABEL
have been'carefull observed.'' should be noted and recorded.
y would like to pass on some ideas The results could be used as a READS FEB., 94-7-6
0-0--0 and tips about building and
t t' class. project or for your own YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS DILE
' The Canadian government has operator a bird feeding s a ton.
OMEGA DELUXE i,•<Ar�r g interest.
Itis easy to become amazed at
voted an immediate cash gift of Y Remember, if you want more
$75,000 to the stricken Central the tremendous variety of birds information on any of the topics
ZIG-ZAG SEWING p _y °"a A f�; . „ . =--� American country, Guatemala. to be seen in this part of the y . g phone Birds are warm blooded. Rock is writing about, hone or V a n e T t �.�
•ta. Further aid is now under study. write the Maitland Valley Con
The death toll has risen to a If sufficient food were made
servation Authority at Box 5,
MACHINEI known 17,000 and •the injured available to all species, many Wroxeter, Ontario.
' ^u into hundreds of 'thousands. A would stay here and could sur- m
------�. fifth of the population of the en- vive our hard winters. Of course '
+ Embroiders . ,t: tire country are without homes many species do not choose- to
+ Makes' Button Holes and food. spend all of their time in this
• Sews on Buttons �� changeable climate. Those who .
+ Darns
+ Overcasts ,' ` stay are always grateful to any- „
+ No Attachments needed David William Threinen, a 27 one who cares enough to make
the winter more, pleasant for N
mitted at his trial to the, murder them.' They will show their ap-
T of four children in that city last preciation by spending a greatE
summer. He now awaits sen- deal of their time around your xpr
Due to the tremendous response „
on this machine duriing our tence, which will probably be life • station.
January Sale, we are continuing 0 imprisonment, under which he Suet (fat trimmings) from
this price 'til February 14. . . could be considered for parole in various kinds of meat is a *Nr
Sewing Machine 10 years. - favourite• food of many birds; 1 °
particularly downy and hairy ®u '
Expert woodpeckers, chickadees and
P nuthatches. Other birds quch as
EARL BERSCHT. Chamber plans far are p, ticula lvf nd blue jays
are particularly fond of such GN Express announces the opening of Starting February 16, 1976, dial these
will be at our store for things as sun flower seeds, corn, a new modern terminal at Kitchener neve CN numbers for express services.
demonstrations and repairs u eomin events chopped 'peanuts and bread,- . for improved service throughout the
Friday, February 13 crumbs. Suet may either be fed Cambridge, Guelph, Kitchener -Waterloo,
• BELMORE-The monthly separately or with seeds etc-. in a Stratford areas. Customers
5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m'.
meeting of the Chamber of Com- variety of different feeders, in: .
Saturday, February 14 merce ,was held Thursday. Sec- The Authority office would be
The perfect Valentine Gift! retar MurrayMulvey read the happy to provide interested' w.1'F'"(• 1 r•,':, e.11e' S' .acobs 5'9488C
9:oo a.m. - 6 p.m. Y Y Y ,,:f'•I' 896.9260
Special price in effect 3 more minutes and chairman Ralph people with pictures of suet logs, car•+t1• aqe 653-37
Come in and ask for a Snarl„ I 'NPA '4,1' t, . 662 3200
days only. Metcalfe conducted the business cones, sticks, branches and bags
demonstration ori any of our u F •+'�,+� : e"^To 00550
- such as Bernina, meeting. as well as plans for a window r va F eel
:_.... _.� brands ,
Universal, Domestic, Morse, The annual dinner meeting will tray; bottle, trolley, or pole ''''''' F e�s,a°'
Good Selection -1 A,,.,,• • rP Pas(eti
Brother - as well as our be held the first Thursday in feeder. Many of these simple, ^N'^ .wlw,- Palmersn,^
USED SEINING MACHINES Omega Valentine Special. , March. It was decided to hold a effective feeders can be quickly B, Qe sl R(,ck
skate a thou the last Saturday of and easily manufactured at home r a+a Q•,o;,es LiCkrM':n� a.MA ° S1 Ma, os
Fully Reconditioned & the March break, March 27. Spon- with only basic tools. Feeders of a i r r ,r M .e r.• S*akesnea•e
more complex desi n made from D' ^ vi %A00' e„ TaY,sr«k
Guaranteed. sor sheets will be available from p g o�a,lo�, Moo•e+,elo w ^ghar•
.--.,..-.,.:. . ........ ... / - Mrs. Jack Inglis_ Mrs. Walter plastic materials may be ob- [),Phan Mo(,^( Foes
there, were bite marks in evh
dente that the dogs had attacked
arsen►c into Lake Ontario
na a, hnc u ng
loped regions of. Ontario; there is which some associate with a loss,
can choose any position between
crgicism of the fact that Ontario
of •Canadian political and social
substantial independence and a
Two U.S. oil companies have
nationalists, like others with
high degree of interdependence.
Residents of Port Hope, Ont.,
reduced the price of all grades of
above average 'incomes, are
It expresses concern that the
"The choice"that is made will
John C. Ward, C.A. Listowel
are seriously disturbed by the
gasoline by one cent a gallon.
advocating policies what would
world economic environment is
have important repercussions 'an
R. E. Uptigrove,.C.A.(519) 291-3040
fact that landfill used for building
Texaco Inc.. and Getty Oil Co. say
erode the probability of the
becoming less favourable to
both the levels and- the
all these points
to and from Toronto �tiewres
th t th d t' -s du to
Canada It supports the kcono-
bution of income. and wealth'
sites several years ago has now a e re uc ton t e I
- "heavy supplies . and less. de- mic Council of Canada in urging among Canadian, provinces, :
mand." Gasoline prices in the more liberal trade policiesa, which regions, occupations and indivi-
.. OUTLET .Upited States now average 57 birds could die. •it believes would' help to remedy duals."
SE cents a gallon, six cents below the One other important word of • the "unacceptably slow growth of '
prevailing price- last August. caution deals with the time of productivity"" in Canadian in -That .
0-0-0 at which you" 'set your dustry. Save your heart. Ask your On -
year Officials in the town of Exeter ® -feeders up for -business. Wait It. is also concerned at the lack tario Heart Foundation for free.
•}: • • • • • i�.fi Y 4 ;:ti�'r ?:� v{ t'v.% Information on th
�-eXXf: f •:ti:::�,
-A rim
:•• ••: .t'''•• in closure of their. Y Y of competition and lists the merg- g -
;:.�_,.�„ ;��.,'•.;,,:;�;.,; •�, ,are pondering until you are fair) certain that a warning signs.
:: ••• '�:� '���'� Vcti�:'•:;.�: �:•^' •ti• record- snowfalls ing of companies of heart attack ;;:• •:,;;;; ��:f,.;;:•:: '' ��"' ,•.:•.,, arena, .since all migrating species have left for a ies as one of'the. ' k 'and.stroke.
'••y .; l.�/ ' tiff:••{••�``-. -.. -
c�::' .z�"}• ;•:• ;� : ti;;' •:•:f•:�:• +'; t;�,•., have given -rise to fears, that the the winter. A feeder.. Set :up too
'roof might collapse. The arena 00 • early, could •entice these birds •
was erected before 'the present into staying and could possibly
provincial building code was in Hi; it's Rocky Raccoon, from result, indirectly, in .their death.
effect and would not meet today's An interesting project -you might NOTICE.
the Maitland Valley Conservation take , on would be to intake a
standards. Since the collapse of Authority bringing more news
the Listowel arena in 1959 and the and ideas to help people appreci record of all the varieties of birds
deaths• of 'seven boys and the ate, use and.. enjoy our natural seer) at your feeder.: Use a Jiird
recreation -director, safety resources. identification book td help you.
regulations for such structures This week we at the Authority Any unusual bird' sightings IF YOUR ADVANCE -TIMES LABEL
have been'carefull observed.'' should be noted and recorded.
y would like to pass on some ideas The results could be used as a READS FEB., 94-7-6
0-0--0 and tips about building and
t t' class. project or for your own YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS DILE
' The Canadian government has operator a bird feeding s a ton.
OMEGA DELUXE i,•<Ar�r g interest.
Itis easy to become amazed at
voted an immediate cash gift of Y Remember, if you want more
$75,000 to the stricken Central the tremendous variety of birds information on any of the topics
ZIG-ZAG SEWING p _y °"a A f�; . „ . =--� American country, Guatemala. to be seen in this part of the y . g phone Birds are warm blooded. Rock is writing about, hone or V a n e T t �.�
•ta. Further aid is now under study. write the Maitland Valley Con
The death toll has risen to a If sufficient food were made
servation Authority at Box 5,
MACHINEI known 17,000 and •the injured available to all species, many Wroxeter, Ontario.
' ^u into hundreds of 'thousands. A would stay here and could sur- m
------�. fifth of the population of the en- vive our hard winters. Of course '
+ Embroiders . ,t: tire country are without homes many species do not choose- to
+ Makes' Button Holes and food. spend all of their time in this
• Sews on Buttons �� changeable climate. Those who .
+ Darns
+ Overcasts ,' ` stay are always grateful to any- „
+ No Attachments needed David William Threinen, a 27 one who cares enough to make
the winter more, pleasant for N
mitted at his trial to the, murder them.' They will show their ap-
T of four children in that city last preciation by spending a greatE
summer. He now awaits sen- deal of their time around your xpr
Due to the tremendous response „
on this machine duriing our tence, which will probably be life • station.
January Sale, we are continuing 0 imprisonment, under which he Suet (fat trimmings) from
this price 'til February 14. . . could be considered for parole in various kinds of meat is a *Nr
Sewing Machine 10 years. - favourite• food of many birds; 1 °
particularly downy and hairy ®u '
Expert woodpeckers, chickadees and
P nuthatches. Other birds quch as
EARL BERSCHT. Chamber plans far are p, ticula lvf nd blue jays
are particularly fond of such GN Express announces the opening of Starting February 16, 1976, dial these
will be at our store for things as sun flower seeds, corn, a new modern terminal at Kitchener neve CN numbers for express services.
demonstrations and repairs u eomin events chopped 'peanuts and bread,- . for improved service throughout the
Friday, February 13 crumbs. Suet may either be fed Cambridge, Guelph, Kitchener -Waterloo,
• BELMORE-The monthly separately or with seeds etc-. in a Stratford areas. Customers
5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m'.
meeting of the Chamber of Com- variety of different feeders, in: .
Saturday, February 14 merce ,was held Thursday. Sec- The Authority office would be
The perfect Valentine Gift! retar MurrayMulvey read the happy to provide interested' w.1'F'"(• 1 r•,':, e.11e' S' .acobs 5'9488C
9:oo a.m. - 6 p.m. Y Y Y ,,:f'•I' 896.9260
Special price in effect 3 more minutes and chairman Ralph people with pictures of suet logs, car•+t1• aqe 653-37
Come in and ask for a Snarl„ I 'NPA '4,1' t, . 662 3200
days only. Metcalfe conducted the business cones, sticks, branches and bags
demonstration ori any of our u F •+'�,+� : e"^To 00550
- such as Bernina, meeting. as well as plans for a window r va F eel
:_.... _.� brands ,
Universal, Domestic, Morse, The annual dinner meeting will tray; bottle, trolley, or pole ''''''' F e�s,a°'
Good Selection -1 A,,.,,• • rP Pas(eti
Brother - as well as our be held the first Thursday in feeder. Many of these simple, ^N'^ .wlw,- Palmersn,^
USED SEINING MACHINES Omega Valentine Special. , March. It was decided to hold a effective feeders can be quickly B, Qe sl R(,ck
skate a thou the last Saturday of and easily manufactured at home r a+a Q•,o;,es LiCkrM':n� a.MA ° S1 Ma, os
Fully Reconditioned & the March break, March 27. Spon- with only basic tools. Feeders of a i r r ,r M .e r.• S*akesnea•e
more complex desi n made from D' ^ vi %A00' e„ TaY,sr«k
Guaranteed. sor sheets will be available from p g o�a,lo�, Moo•e+,elo w ^ghar•
.--.,..-.,.:. . ........ ... / - Mrs. Jack Inglis_ Mrs. Walter plastic materials may be ob- [),Phan Mo(,^( Foes
Renwick, Mrs. R. Chambers or
4ained inexpensively in hardware
Look what CN Express
n "The Store that Saves You More"
the general stores in Belmore. An
,and variety stores.
ice carnival is also being planned
for March 25 by the Presbyterian
When placing your feeder out of
doors be careful to locate it where
Now CN Express can provide direct
Express. . .
pex Plus
Young People and the Chamber.
cats and other animals cannot
overnight hi hwa service to and from
RaPldex Route. and Air E xpressc-
A community meeting will be
gain access to the feed. or the
all these points
to and from Toronto �tiewres
held next week to set up commit-
Belleville°, Barrie, Brampton, Brantford,
tees for the Maple Syrup Festival
P � P
Once you have be un providing
Burlington, Hamilton, London, Mississauga.
® -
to be held on April 17.
food for our feathe ed friends,.
Niagararcfalls•. North Bay., Oshawa,'+Ottawa
Monday - Thursday
11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tickets were distributed to be
try to keep a supply at
all times during the winter
Owen Sound, Peterborough, St Catharines,
i N i x p r E.11, S S
11 'p.m.
sold on a -crocheted afghan,
Toronto. and
,Friday a.m. - M'
the draw to be made at the March
months. The birds will come
Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
meeting. Tickets are available
rely upon your supply in prefer -
from the directors and from
once to natural supplies. If you
hiarston's store in Belmorez
forget to fill up your feeder the
w •, .. MCNYJ.m
.dr �'� �s,y ti
a .
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- I�i.1 ..,w•' J^wMNdM^,wb+.Yct'a.^rV^„•'°'✓t U, "'.-_
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