The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-01-29, Page 7177
Stephens Guild meet� The Winglliam Advpnpe-Times, T
,burs., January 2%,,J976_V_4g# 7
GORRIE —$t Stephen's Guild Craft Show fop"Aprij .24 was dis-
ield it§ at the #
,,,T,Ve �g home of cussed. Xt wine 91 owic P;
H k
Edgar. The meeting Commupoi Ce:fter,;�,
vas opened with prayer for the rdes ` ort My last H04- t Xi i ior
Me tr Zu" or' 0 al Au, y
arish follqred by the Lord's year w given b
y rs. Mede
m Ash read -the Fishe . The minutes were read
Gerald "SIdniething I received for Christ- e vv�/ C I V
,reading, "Holiday and adopted. The roll call,'b r -net". " x ut*
.$nd" Os given by Mrs t,
ay. Mrs. William Bennett read, mas" was aii.swo �,17 mem-,11
red by
the Vair;�,
,A Happy�, New Year". "It Isn't /bers. The meeting was closed Mrs. Ross Proctor became tag day, Mrs. Jack Nevery clinic. Mrs. Ritter thanked Mrs,
The Q4tWW,It'Sr YOU", was reA Wi h new president of the �,Winghtom and 'Mrs. R. LpVan; auditors, MacNaughton for her work As she,
Pr er. T4e myG�qry joft
and Djstrict Hospital Auxiliary. Mus. C. Burke and Mrs. J. Gur- made the presentation. on behalf
�y MM."Harry King. was wonyby Mrs, Gerald May. when that group held its annual ney; library cart, Mrs. N. Ander- of the auxiliary.
The usiness was conducted by Mrs William Bennett auctioned
members. meeting Monday. Also elected to son. Last, but not least, to :'be
A y;office were: honorary presidents, The -meeting was highlighted honored was Mrs. Ritter who was
�isit the Fordwich Nursing Home
on ApV&14. 'Catering for Beverley Mrs. W. J. Adams and Mrs. Nel- by several presentations through- presented with a gift for her work
f 3ason Underwood; past president, out the evening. and dedication as president of the
ay's wedding on June 12 was
Mrs. Robert Ritter; first vice- Debbie Foxton., a. volunteer auxiliary for the past two years.
scussed. Mrs. Jack Bennett will
'Mrs. Don Vair; sacra - candy striper at the hospital, was The new president, Mrs. Proctor,
niake up the tickets for the quilt
—Mrs. Gershon Johnston of
4 "1"
tary, Mrs. John Gnay; treasurer, presented with a gift from the presented Mrs. Ritter with a
Ora"v. The group will also cater to Catherine Street was one of three
I Mrs. Wilfred Caslick- comes- auxiliary for completing over 7 silver charm engraved with her
the HurQn County Beef Improve- 1 00
winners of $1,00a, on.. the radio ponding secretary, Mrs. Robert hours of service at the hospital. name and the years she served as
�nent'A�sociation on April 7. The bingo.
ks.Ahara. Mrs. Connell presented her with a auxiliary president.
rs and tiny nurse's cap charm attached During the business part -of the
01011 The committee members
W• conveners for 1976 are: member- to a silver bracelet in recognition meeting, the members heard the
KEN 4 ship committee, Mrs. 'A. Wil- of the achievement. reports of the executive and the
liams, Mrs. R. Kaufman, Mrs. J. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton was conveners, indicating a record
McKim, Mrs. J, Denneau.; nomi- also honored with a floral tribute year of work and accomprAsh-
nations, Mrs. L. Phillips and Mrs. after she presented her final re- meets. Close to 30 members at -
W. Conron; historian, Mrs. T. A. vort as convener of the cancer tended the meeting.
Currie; cancer clinic, Mrs. M.
........ .........
MacLennan; cancer clinic con-
vener of nurses, Mrs. Jack Hodg-
ins; rummage sale, Mrs. Jack
Advice for new year is
Alexander; social committee,
Mrs. James Wilson (convener),
�ough re
Mrs. P. Clark, Mrs. A. Robinson, given b Y WMS speaker
, 411 Mrd. Willian
Me n Walden, Mrs. L.
Krug; hospital bridge commit-,
$ I.-
WHITECHURCH, — "Few poem, "A Winter Night", which
160 itee,scores, Mrs. W! A. McKib- people, in their daily lives, accept compared the beauty of a winter'
Ixture 5 3/4 oz. 9 bon; games, Mrs. John Cruik- each day as it comes. The ones nightto a day in June.
shank and- Mrs. W. French; who do are the happy people." Mrs. John deBoer, president,
prizes, Mrs. J. Colvin and Ws. G.
Head & Shoulders These were the words of Mrs. then conducted the business. The
L. Dunlop; gift shop committee, Wesley Tiffin as she spoke to the minutes were read by the secre-
Mrs. W. Forsyth (convener), members of the Chalmers tary, Mrs. Gordon Rintoul, who
A NEW EXECUTIVE took the reigns of the Wingham and District Hospital Auxiliary Mrs. Lee Grove afid Mrs. Doug Women's Missionary -Society at also gave A report of the Maitland
Family S $ *29' during the annual meeting Monday night. They are: Mrs. Don Vair, first vice-president; Bishop; candy stripers, Mrs.. their January meeting Wednes- Presbyterial held in Wingham.
`Shampoo ize Mrs. Ross Proctor, president; Mrs. John Gnay., secretary. Absent were treasurer Mrs.
William Connell and Mrs., Al,
Wilfred Caslick and corresponding secretary Mrs. Robert Ahara, Wellwood; tray favors, Mrs. Don day afternoon of last week. Offering was -received and dedi-
After reading scripture from cated by Mrs. Wallace Conn and
Paul's letter to the Philippians, Mrs. Wallace Milligan, ttea-
Mrs. Tiffin spoke about reflecting surer, gave the financial state -
on the past as we,. enter a new meet. The society was able to
ary' is asked year. She stressed that we make meet its allocation for 1975.
1',Resdan 6 oz. $1929 A uxiii. Christ our example; then, "we Roll -1111 -=zz ais6wered with
-e riaajy Eo give new y
boost h 9 will alwavE b year thoughts. Mrs. Earl
A C AP% 0 praise and there will be no limit Caslick closed the meeting with
to to the spiritual development". prayer.
100 Mg.
Mrs. Dawson Craig was hostess The Ladies' Aid offering was
:Wampole -Orange Flavor A campalgrkto boost the image
He . explained that all reports
$1 An of the Wingham and District Hos- from patients indicated "good or for the meeting and 13 attended. received. Collection of used
Mrs. William Purdon presided stamps and cards was discussed.
Ir pital was unofficially launched excellent" service last year but
and opened with a poem and a Grace was sung and the1osiess
Vitamin Bottle 200 1 OV7 Monday when m&nb6r;s of the.,:. th�t he is sure there is room for
welcome to all. Mrs. Victor served lunch.
hospital auxiliary were asked to
n to have
improvement: "We seer
act as "word of mouth" public a conspiracy of silence. We don't Emerson led in prayer and read- The next meeting will be held
s were given by Mrs. Bill February 18 at the home of Mrs.
re e kind of mg
relations agents. The request seem to be getting th
Mr. Evans and Mrs Craig., An oral Wesley Tiffin.
came from hospital Executive feedback -.that we require, co�dup. Ijy Mrs.
Director Norman Hayes who Hayes told the. auxiliary. $ Tiffin.
spoke briefly to the auxiliary He asked the auxiliary to sug-
Scope 17 oz' after the annual meeting. gest. at least one person for a. The topic, The New Year",
1 20 given by Mrs. Angus Fal. Mr. Hayes ex
plained that the start, with others joining later if Was
hospital hopes t' retain about toner. She said, the new year is a WEYLL
a 50 the experiment succeeds.
time to look forward to accom-.,
per cgnt of patients normally re-
Spray Deodorant
d to London and other plishments and also a time to le
thankful — thankful for people
hospitals -for routine treatment.o"r,
$ surgery. He said the problem was with inspiration, fortitude, kind -
SUPER DRY ffluevdh mess and happiness. She told, her HOW TO SAVE
r.- v. ib e I partly ir -eugtom
_tly rooted and
brop-In Centre At the Blue-
��,,hpbit, since Wingham and Dis- -listeners to 'give an extra smile.
Secret, The'
s' and ver grow
r trict Hospital did not have a"sur= vale United Church is openTues-
to concluded INCOME TAX
.. .... .. ... Y ical�department until about 11 days between 2-5 p.m. Residents oldM=n d d a poem,
9 Residen
%years a Take Time", which stresses the
go. of. the community are welcome.
importance of having time for all
The present situation has Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavm, DOLLARS I
SP ELLING B WI'NNER ch' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnston
...,anged, however. "'The things
at �re within, our competence, I Dr. and Mrs. Terry Johnston Mrs. Wallace Milligan read
Want to see stay here," Mr. returned from a holiday in Cuba.
We are pleased to announce
Hay's said: "There's a great The community extends You can save tax dollars by
deal of expertise here." sympathy to Mrs. Alvin Smith investing part of your income
He told the auxiliary. that at- .,and family in the loss of"k hus- in a Registered Retirement
that Ws. Lorne Mcbonali'w'aS PO D W!9H
traicting the referral' patients band and father. M Mab nd Car(
r Sftil Lough, Plan. You ca'n.deduct ?egis-.
a $100. winner. We have. a1so
T,; back to the'Wingham hospital is passed away Thursday in Wing- W spent the week- tared investments from tax -
important, both from the stand-, ham and District Hospital. eir parents, Mr. and able "income: Aen you can
had twenty-two $5, $10, and point of saving jobs and for better Mr. ancrMrs. Thomas Stokes of look forward to a much larger
s 4&ran.
ell" N'. care for the patient. '�Iniasinall Turnberry Township visited on retirement' income - partly
%R.&5 winners. Mr. and Mrs, Ron McClement,
Y„ ss: we treat the family," he'' Wednes(kay with Mr. and Mrs• paid for by tax savings.
Sandra and Tommy. visited
Maser Haugh and Eileen: Sunday with Mrs., Mary ,McCle-
Mr. Hayes did not claim per- Saturday visitors with, Mrs. ment in Listowel.
01000UNT MRS. ROSS PROCTOR was instal led as the new president lection for the Wingham hospital, Ross Mann were Harvey Mann, and Mrs. Les Loughran
of. the Wingham' and DistHict Hospital Auxiliary at the however. In a relpted. move, he and Bob Bitton of Waterloo. accompanied, by the latter's
annual meeting Monday evening.,Mrs. Murray MacLennan Also requested the auxiliary to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Seifei-t and
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry.
Open, 6 a.m. to 9 P.111'. Weekdays • Sundays Noon toSixwho served as the installing' officer awarded Mrs. Proctor seek out members to act as, "om- family of Fordwich were Sunday Rolls of Gowanstown- spent
buds'men" at the hospital. guests of Mrs. Ros's* Mann, several days last week at Capab,
the president's pin
Michigan, owing to the sudden
death •of their -brother-in-law,
Wesley Downey. Mrs.'Downey is
Cambridge musician is guest soloist the former Elva Rolls, a sister to
ARE YOU, Mrs�. Loughran and the daughter
Robert Bonikowsky, a member "'The Holy City" on the trumpet. holds Bible clubs for children in (if Aft, And Urs. Rolls.
of Temple Baptist Chiirch, Cam- David Pinkerton, representing various Wingham homes during Mr. and 'Mrs. Wray Cooper, Wayne W Chandler
the summer. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
bridge (Preston), anti an officer Child Evangelism 'Fellowship, Mrs. Wilhelm and Mrs. Ra Y- "Clayton Browne of Toronto are I on R4R. 4, Brussels
of the Waterloo Regional Police spoke briefly of the work and
Force, was guest soloist at the mond Neill pro, ided piano acid a 10 -day tour of the Caribbean. 887-6021
morning worship service in the showed slides. Child Evangelism organ music.. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and
Wingham Baptist- Church, fie family were Sunday guests with
sang "Why Do I Sing' Abol.11 Mr. and Mrs. John Leppington in
Jesus?" and "Constantly Ahit!- Grrie.
ing". Mrs. Ross Wilhelm played Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Wilson SYNDICATE LIMITED
ti the piano and Mrs. Brian AIc- Off icers elected at' and boys visited Sunday with the A COMPLETE PERSONAL
Kague was organist. Igtter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. FINANCIAL SERVICE
Pastor Ross Smith's messag(l•
Henry in Clifford.
FURNITURE BABY CARRIAGES MOTORS was from the ,third chs ter of
St., Paul's annual
Paul's first letter to the Corin -
PLAY PENS RUGS BICYCLES thians. Likening the Christian life• The annual vestry of St. Paul's Mr. Hawthorn read a letter
to the building of a house, Paul Anglican Church, was held Sun- from the Diocesan, Bishop Ragg, WINGHAM KINETTES
spoke of the house being coil. day evening in the parish hall.
APPLIANCE'S SPORTING GOODS TOOLS structed. The house being coll regarding a spiritual renewal
strutted is a temple for the dwvl�- Rev. T. K. Hawthorn "opened program which will begin in 1976
ing place of God, "in error, mangy the meeting 'with prayers. The. and continue into 1977. He also
people call Ahe church building reports from all organizations discussed the Christian initiation MARCH—
IN YOUR BASEMEN4 OR GARAGE? the house of God," he said. "In within the parish were in printed program being c6nsidered
fact, the house of God is men and form and were accepted as writ- throughout the Anglican Church
women saved by the preCiOLIS ten. across Canada and paid special
blood of Christ and indwelt by INs The treasurer, Norman Rude, tribute to Norman Cronk wright
Spirit, the-thurch building bekik, gave the financial report for 1975 for his faithful service as people's OF'
IF YOU'RE NOT USING IT only the place where the house or and presented the 1976 budget; warden for the past five years.
temple of Go'd meets to worship '' both were well received and ac- The officers for 1976 are as foi-
He'stressed the fact that God cepted. A vote of thanks. was ex- lows: rector's warden, Harry
has suggested the materials to he pressed to Mr. Rude for the ex- Brydges; people's warden, Don
ITI used, has promised the necessarN cellence of his work throughout Farnell; treasurer, Norman DIMES
b. help needed and now provides, the.,ft,year and for his reports. Rude; vestry clerk, Mrs. William AN)(ASS
plan of construction, "The amai A report was given by the prop- Lockridge; 1%,ft),egates to
WITH AN A *T CLASSIFIED AD' ing thing," he said, "is that God erty committer of the work that Synod, Mrs. arnell and to.
is able to dwell in the. hearts (It has been done during 1975 and the Richardson; substitutes, Mrs. FEBRUARY 2 1976
men by His Holy Spirit -a pfir plans for the anticipated work James Beattie, Mrs. Roy McAr-
soh, not just a force, but Ver.y during .1976 within the church thur; board' members, Steve
God. building. In 1975 this included Trapp, Eimer Walker, Terry
To Sell or Buy At the ,evening . ening service, seven renovations to the heating Nethery, Noftnan Cronkwright,
system. a IArger electrical ser- Robert Johnson, envelope secre-
people, Mrs. Eve SimMons, Mrs. vice and redistribution of the tary, and'Norman beyell, chair -
CALL 357-2320 Faye Templeman, Mark Shore.
John, David, Wayne and Marilyn wiring to prevent overloading. A man of sidesmen.
motion of thanks was also ex- Luncheon was served by
TehPas, were baptized by i�i tended to this committee and members off the Anglican Church
The tr
- w
ie - The
Wibersion on profession of their
inam Advance -Times
VW -4eMbers-_ Of-..-, the pArisb-,-wbo--..W-omen-andafpJlo-wshipliour,.fgl-
helped with the work. lowed.
. ...... "Berreath the Cross of Jesus" and ... ... ... . . . ....... .... . ...