The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-01-29, Page 5o v s
The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., January 29, 1976 -Page 5
(Compiled by the students of stances Act enforcedwarning
Codil I r r r
rastamer roducatton 801 Hazar- labels. Public warnings could be
dous products.) issued against hazardous pro -
manufacturers . To make the clever spurt for new terra School Doze
Hundreds of Children every, ducts and these products could be percentages of deaths and in -
year swallow some house clean- taken off the -shelves. In 1971 the jua°i�s drop even farther we must
ing chemical or drug that they Poison prevention Packaging Act be prepared to pay more After The year of 1976 has began and Thursday. Signs of life are It's a hard task being in grade
find at home. A surveyshowed established standards. for for the students of F, E. Madill, beginning to appear. nine, it's hander wh n you're a -
d all 7 cents is worth a child's lice. �
that there was a tendency for packaging. Some protective ,. the start of the new year signified - Perhaps the "new spirit" will scrawny grade neer. But it's
children under _five to swallow devices or ways of protecting the start of the second term for make an appearance when we hardest when o 're a mouth
cleaning agents and other non children are the aim -and -turn 1f happened this school year. At the beginning like everyone else, stop re -living grade niner. A group of boys, dis-
food products. Children that were caps and the spray cans where'n 52 �'�� f of each new year, many people the holidays, and realize that, for gusted with Ane certain in -
around the age of four and five the child's finger cannot reach up make resolutions to better thein- another year, Christmas is over. dividual, bundled him up, stuffed
swallowed mostly aspirin - into the hole to get to the nozzle. "How much is the rockie in the selves during that year. Some- him in his locker, and threw the
usually children's aspirins. The These caps brought the percen--window? I do hope that rockie's times they do, and sometimes lock on the locker. The victim _ --
survey also showed that for every tage of poisonings from PrescriP- for sale." they don't.. But, as a great philo- pleaded, but to no avail. Finally,
case reported there are approxi- tion -pills down. These child -rests- It's happened, it's hit Wingham sopher once said: "Not failure, Club News after he promised to button his lap ti
mately eight cases that are not tant containers remind people -the pet rock craze Mrs. Tiffin's but low aim is crime". The Winter Carnival is fast for good, he was released.
reported. when they open them that chil- 552, English class was seenAt F. E. Madill last week; stu- approaching and it is a time for Two individuals were ambling
Manufacturers are doing noth- dren can and are being poisoned Wednesday carrying "Docks" dents assembled in the big gym everyone to get involved. Two down the main hall, when one u
in to het the situation either, from ese dru s. "This may for a very short assembly. sniffed the air and turning to the
g P drugs.Y around with them to -all their clubs are starling now to plan for (�]
The make their products with make tern keep' them hidden Usually an assembly acts as a other asked; `'Do you smell that I 1
Y P P classes. Further investigation re- this event. The Drama Club is 1�
fruit flavoured scents to cover the away."Mr. Jamison the execu- transitory buffer from the fun of awful burned rubber? The guys 0
veiled that Wednesday was Earl the weekend to the work 'of •the Planning a few skits to be pre- -
in the auto shopmust be u t
smell of the real product. They Live vice-president of the Birney Day in her English class, seated on that week. The Chess P o v
also use colouringwhich makes Packaging Association of 7„ week. Last week, almost before Club is tannin a student tea- something." "Auto shop, nothing.
g g My reaction was still: "Hub?" planning
the product look like something Canada, gave this answer when Then an owner (whose rock's they knew what had happened, cher tournament. Other clubs are That's the home ec. room!" I _
that the child would like. Also the asked why there is an industrial name was Earl), said that Earl the students were on their way to invited to participate to :hake Two frustrated students were ll U I lU6 W G fz� I't 1 �J t fU T C l�
containers manufacturers use resistance to childproof closures. their first class -and homework attempting to figure out their
P Birney was the great -granddad- this the most successful Winter L �} J� � , lJ fi L .•.J9
have easy -to -open tops along with "Most childproof press -down- dy of Canadian Literature, and assignments, and test announce- Carnival ever. math homework. One student rp
attractive labels. These things and -turn closures are imported the rocks were created the meats assured them that school -Gordon T. Wray complained: "You just use these
attract children. Up until 1971 all from the U.S. and add about 7 same time. She also said these had indeed started. crazy algebraic symbols when
products got inadequate consid- cents to the package, for material rocks could heel, roll over, play Is there "new spirit for the new INSIPIRATION: you don't know what you're talk- �
eration of their safety until the costs and redesigned shipping dead and even be taken for walks. term" at F. E. Madill? Plans are Time is what we want most, but ing about." n;
government stepped in. Up until containers. Manufacturers aren't They are obedient and very -quiet, shaping up for a Winter Carnival what alas! we use worst. •"
then the government had had the sure all consumers want to bear come in a variety of colors, to be held the week of January -William Penn
power to do something for 10 this extra cost." shapes and sizes. So the next time 30th. Clubs are having meetings O_O-0 kC
--��years but had done nothing. Whose fault, then, are all these you see someone with a pet rock to organize themselves for this We promise according to our �®®�, SPORT$
Slowly something was being , childhood deaths and injuries? -think Earl Birney, don't think term. The basketball teams hopes and perform according to -•
done. In 1962 the hazardous sub- Parti the parents'and artl the rock. played Stratford Central last our fears.
Y Buses, books, classes to you. The time is now to deed
__ VOLLEYBALL teachers, studies - the building lop, to create, to insure yourbel>{
On January 17 the Junior Girls'
blocks of "the student'. It all of an identity and to reach out:
' Volleyball team participated in Y
an invitational volleyball tourna- began when we were first spoon- ,There is a saying, "I believe I
i ment in London. At the end of fed other people's values and have two. choices in life to
round-robin play, Madill finished concepts on a carefully balanced dissolve into the mainstream or
11?rin third position. In the semi-final scale. We were taught to sit and to be distinct. To be distinct, you
match against Saunders, Madill stand and to talk and be silent must be different. To be dif-
had game point against the oppo upon instruction. For the first ferent, you must strive to be what
nears, but injury against
one of time we were flashed by the no one else but you can be .°..1
Madi,ll's key players and fine realization that there were smart, So, you can go along with the
Ontario come -back play by Saunders and dumb, pretty and ugly, rich rest of the conglomerate of the
gave Saunders the game. Satin- and poor children, and that some- mainstream or you can pick up
ders were the eventual winners of one must be punished for it. And you derriere and work to become
the tournament. who was more qualified than the unique. Go ahead, write your
beholder? -Slowly we learned how name on the granite floors
CURLING totally unacceptable Jt was to (initials at least). But do it-4br
On January 14 Division B B, of have the 'wrong' kind of sand- yourself and for your self -satin -
The Ontario School -Boy play wich, dresses a few inches too faction.
downs was held in Exeter. Our long
or a different kind of pencil Within this school there is a
team of EMa Ma„D„i T__. case Srirher� were in our sub- little despair and a lot of love:
"""' �'� and jective little vacuums - waiting. There are friends, each with
D��� ��� ��DavidVerbek, Ste rlingart play ead and Suddenly you are one person desires, hopes and a reservoir of
David Demerling played very among 1,200. Freedom approach- kindness, probably; similar to
well. They won over Mitchell and es Speech, morals actions, man- our own. Seek inside
lost in an extra end to Listowel. p y yourself
Ke rent review deadlines for LANDLORDS and TEN • In respect to tenancy agreements taking effect on or ners awake; the chains have because there lies the secret of
Y loosenedd But what do you your being. Share it give an
ANTS have been extended as of January 16, 1976. Here after July 30, 1975 and up to and including April 30, BASKETBALL SCORES dog It isnot written in pink chalk
are the new dates: 1976, LANDLORDS wishing to charge more than eight Junior: Stratford, 72, Madill, ,on the black board here. Now, Joan LeishmA
• For tenancy agreements taking" effect on or after July 30, per cent for any period after January 1, 1976 must make 35; Midget: Stratford, 50, Madill,-.. 22; Senior: Stratford, 50, Madill Perhaps for the first time, it's up Edit61
1975 and up to and including December 31, 1975. TEN- application on the appropriate form by February 29, 21
ANTS wishing to dispute increases up to eight per cent 1976. The season has just begun,
for that period must make application on the appropriate • For tLnancy agreements taking effect on or after January Mustangs! With a little more
form by February 29, 1976. 1, 1976, TENANTS wishing to dispute any increase must practice we can win, so next time Teacher Interview
1975 r and tenancy agreements taking effect on or after July 30, make application on the appropriate form by February 29; we will bring back the victories
Madill deserves. ,Good Luek, Mrs. McDonald, well known as she's very. much hooked on
up to and including December 31, 1975. 1976, or, 60 days after receiving a.notice of increase, Boys!
the Pom-Pom Girl of F. E popular TX. •prograrn ° :Doctor
LANDLORDS wishing to charge more than eight per cent whichever comes last.
GYMNASTICS CLUB through her involvement with Hospital."
over the rent charged during_ the last full month prior to RENT REVIEW FORMS Before Christmas, every -Tues , cheerleading, is in her sixth year When asked about what she
August 1, 1975, for the above period, must make applica- day and Thursday a group of de of teaching at F. E.' Madill. She liked or disliked about school,
tion on, the appropriate form by February 29, 1976.. • Until the rent review offices are in operation, TENANTS termined;'energetic athletes met --teaches one "Man in' Society" Mrs. McDonald said: "I like the
• If the LANDLORD an'd TENANT do not agree on a rent and LANDLORDS may obtain ,forms from offices of the to improve their gymnastics class, one -grade nine and four fact that I can't think of anythiw-
inerease above the eight per cent guideline, and do not Ministry of Housing, Ministry of Natural Resources skills. The club's aim was to grade eleven English classes. Ireally dislike."'She comment6l
apply to have the rent for that period. reviewed, the (northern affairs branch offices only), Ministryof Reve- recruit prospective -team- mem- Mrs. McDonald''<shometown is that the school spirit,was much
TENANT is,entitled to a rebate of an rent aid in nue assessment offices, Mi-nistry of Consumer and- bers for competitions in the Kenora where she attended improved from other yearste
excess of eight per cent -by February 29, 1976. P Commercial Relations and Ontario Housing Corpora- future. The club was also open to Kenora-Keewatin District High Everybody seemed amore en -
excess p y Y g p those who enjoyed gymnastics School. From high school she fur- . thusiastic this year. She said sher
6 The maximum rent LANDLORDS may charge tenants tion branch offices in Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Ottawa, and the general physical fitness thered her education at Western has met some terrific people jtem
after 'January 1, 1976 for all tenancy agreements which Cambridge, Hamilton and London. Check your tele- of the sport. The club was organ- for three years. F. E. Madill S. S. six years CIA,
phone directory for the local address. ized�by Teresa Cronin and Linda is not the only school fortunate Mrs. McDonald never reallyy,,
became effective on or after July 30, 1975 is eigh per Bryce. The activities of this club enough to have Mrs. McDonald was interested in teaching. HeT;
cent more than the rent charged during the la t full as its teacher. She taught revi- father was a high rinci
are, now over, but we hope the g P g P P 4,-
month prior to August 1, 1975. A landlord toll cting • Mail the"COMPLETED forms to Rent Review at the postal e,ctra training offered by this club ously at Hammarskjold in Thun- and the Latin teacher at hiq.,
more than this contravenes the rent review legisl Ion box designated for the municipality in which youf will benefit the team members der Bay and at Parkside in St. school had to leave beeuase of a
and may, on Summary conviction, be fined up to $2,000. accommodation,is located, and lead them to success in their Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald sickness in the family. This hap-
future meets now live in Turnlierry Township, pened two weeks before the final
Kingston, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Lennox & Addington, Leeds &, Kingston K7L 5G4
City of Toronto
Ontario Rent Review
Hamilton, for the
'gntario Rent Review
the towns of Carleton Place
Box 5370'•
Regional Municipalities,
Box 2006
Falls (see Ottawa)
Postal Station A
of Hamilton -Wentworth,
Hamilton 1_8N3R5
Regional Municipality of
Toronto M5W (N6
Halton, Haldimand, Norfclk,
Ottawa K1G 3Y2
Ontario Rent Review
and the County of Brant
surprise she enjoyed it:'She broke
Including the towns of.
Box 511
Kitchener, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Smiths Falls
Postal Station
Regional Municipality of
Box 2048
County of Renfrew
Etobicoke M9C 4V5
Waterloo and the Counties
Main Terminal
East York
Ontario Rent Review
of Well and Dufferin
Kitchener N2G 4J3
Districts of Nipissing
Box 1013
St. Catharines, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Sault Ste. Marie, for the
Postal Station 0
Regional Municipality of
Box 3027
stretches sea to sea.
East York M4A 2N4
St. Catharines
North York
Ontario Rent Review
Regional Municipality of
L2R 7E3 '
Sudbury and Districts of
Box 234
Sudbury and Manitoulin
ignorance that we arrange and
Timmins, for the
Postal Station A
Districts of Cochrane and
Box 1130
Willowdal6 M2N 5S8
Ontario Rent Review
London, far the
Ontario Rent Review
Rainy River
Box 940
Counties of Middlesex,
Box 5101
District of Thunder Bay
Postal Station A
Oxford, Elgm, Lambton.
London MA 4L6
Mind: "Is like the stomach -
Scarborough MIK 5E4
Perth and Huron
it's not how much you put in, but
Ontario Rent Review
Owen Sound, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Boz 23
Counties of Grey and
Box 625
much you don't know."
Postal Station A
Owen Sound N4K 5R4
When I do my best for Canada
Weston, M9N 3M6
Windsor, for the
'Ontario Rent Review
Canada's most famous authors,
Counties of Essex and Kent
Box 1605
Barrie, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Windsor N9A 6F2
County of Simcoe and
Box 985
lands -far across the sea.
the District Municipality
Barrie L4M 5E1
I hope I've made you understand
of Muskoka
-A Canadian -that's me'
qcn laxative that's gently effective
Mississauga, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Belleville, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Regional Municipality of
Box 126
Counties of. Hastings
Box 4300 _
Postal Station A
and Pripce Edward
Belleville K8N 5149
Mississauga 1_5A 2D
Ontario Rent Review
Oshawa, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Counties of Stormont,
Box 607
Regional Muoicipality
Box 618
Dundas & Glengarry, and
Cornwall K6H 6G2
of Durham
Oshawa L1H 7R2
roPrescctt 81 Russell
Peterborough, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Counties of Peterborough,
Box 1586
Northumberland. Victoria,
Peterborough K9J 7S2
and Halib irton
Richmond Hill, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Reggional Municipality of
Box 391
Richmond Hill L4C 06
Kingston, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Counties of Frontenac,
Box 5500
Lennox & Addington, Leeds &, Kingston K7L 5G4
Grenville, and that portion
of Lanark County lying west
was home from university for the .
of Highway 29, excluding
3 E. for the time being. Mr. Me-
the towns of Carleton Place
(see Ottawa) and Smiths
Latin in university. Her father
Falls (see Ottawa)
asked whether she had any chit-
Ontario ,Rent Review
Regional Municipality of
Box 9800
Ottawa -Carleton plus that
Ottawa K1G 3Y2
portion of Lanark County
there are many other ways.
lying east of Highway 29,
surprise she enjoyed it:'She broke
Including the towns of.
hours, besides marking - tests,
Carleton Place and
my basic worth,
Smiths Falls
became a high school teacher.
Pembroke, for the
Ontario Rent Review
County of Renfrew
Box 1010
ite foods are anything Italian and
Pembroke KBA 7T3
fattening. I wonder if this in -
North Bay, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Districts of Nipissing
Box 884
and Parry Sound
North Bay P1B 8K1
Sault Ste. Marie, for the
Ontario Rent Review
District of Algoma.
stretches sea to sea.
Sault Ste. Marie
discovery of your ignorance.
P6A 5N2
Sudbury, for the
Ofltario Rent Review
Regional Municipality of
Bax 1059
Sudbury and Districts of
Sudbury P3E 4S6
Sudbury and Manitoulin
ignorance that we arrange and
Timmins, for the
Ontario Tient Review
Districts of Cochrane and
Box 1130
Timmins P4N 7149
Kenora, for the
Ontario Rent Review
Districts of Kenora and
Box 2440
Rainy River
Kenora P9N 3X8
Thunder Bey, for the
Ontario Rent Review
District of Thunder Bay
Box 5000
hills are places I call home.
ostal Station F
Thunder Bay' P7C 5G6
Telephone numbers and locations of the rent review offices Rent Review, Box 580, Postal Stafion F, Toe6nto M4Y 2L8.
will be published shortly. a Or, if you live within the Metro TororltOtoll-free calling
If you wish a booklet or further information, please write area, please telephone 923-1199.
&).Province Of Ontario
I haven't strived to reach per-
For to me it seems absurd.
I've just tried to put
My special feelings into
So- please feel free, if you like,
'To read between the lines,
For the heart can often perceive
What our lips cannot define.
--Teens O'Hagan
from irregularity Reach for a
gentle laxative
feen A Mint .Naturally
.ate: �•,°.,,,,,
Feen-a dint
r f.fw,a du+ rav
somewhere. Concerning any
exams and the class needed a
future plans, she has none really
Latin teacher. Mrs. McDonald,
except to continue teaching at F.
was home from university for the .
3 E. for the time being. Mr. Me-
summer and she had studied
Donald is a postal clerk. When
Latin in university. Her father
My Dad was born in Canada; my
asked whether she had any chit-
asked her to take over the class
Mother U.S.A.
dren, Mrs. McDonald said "180!
for two weeks. She decided to-, '
We have numerous cultures,
-Ohl - My own? -No."
make a go of it and much to her
there are many other ways.
To keep herself busy after
surprise she enjoyed it:'She broke
I think better of myself and know
hours, besides marking - tests,
all her promises to herself and
my basic worth,
projects and exams, she enjoys
became a high school teacher.
I must be proud of family, friends
reading and sewing. Her favour-
Thank heavens for us, eh!
the country of my birth.
ite foods are anything Italian and
Mary Anne Alton
fattening. I wonder if this in -
I need to be glad for what I am;
eludes buttermilk! Her favourite
not what I'd like to be,
colour is pink (Pink Lady?) Mrs.
Canada's a friendly land that...
McDonald likes cats and dogs.
Education: "Is a progressive
stretches sea to sea.
According to students who have"
discovery of your ignorance.
I'm proud to say Canadians have
Mrs. McDonald for a teacher
Knowledge: "Is a small part of
stood up to life's tests,
I don't have to think I'm better,
ignorance that we arrange and
when I know I'm one of the.
Literature: "Is the diary of the
1 work and live in Canada, think
Logic: "Is like whiskey - It
of it as my own,
loses its beneficial effect when
Its mountains, valley lakes and
taken in too large quantities."
hills are places I call home.
Mind: "Is like the stomach -
I'm glad to li in Canada and
it's not how much you put in, but
happy that it's free,
how much you digest."
For I'm a part of Canada and it's
Wisdom: "Is to know how
a part of me.
much you don't know."
When I do my best for Canada
a <`
Mazo de la Roch, one of
and treat it as my own,
Canada's most famous authors,
I'm proud to be Canadian, that
died on July 12, 1961.
Canada's my home.
My people came from many
z. f
lands -far across the sea.
I hope I've made you understand
Chew Feen A -Mint It's a chewing
-A Canadian -that's me'
qcn laxative that's gently effective
And pleasant tasting It's one laxative
everyone can take So don't suffer
I haven't strived to reach per-
For to me it seems absurd.
I've just tried to put
My special feelings into
So- please feel free, if you like,
'To read between the lines,
For the heart can often perceive
What our lips cannot define.
--Teens O'Hagan
from irregularity Reach for a
gentle laxative
feen A Mint .Naturally
.ate: �•,°.,,,,,
Feen-a dint
r f.fw,a du+ rav