The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-01-22, Page 51i
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the next several m." -0. ft
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A -letters now., be Moped who
r Whogn_
for _10 ,pch of Dime
Tegakf0si :058 ted F��, to householderg.fto
4 mvicesare deve-
ous X
ala e'woopth
turip will, be uw0,V10'0v0 -bialf a
W Co ,!pno on
35 tral and d. Services
Biped a;x0x=_ tpWe
ures 1004111011104 by provI400 by QW 04tarlo March of
the Ontario March of D4noo- And
JEach 4
apeelal item
PiM@sXw#9t q Al
you'll see her pictw am;s plfca4dby any
9fter agft, or
4' papers with such famoo," I
BOUT PeOP.C. X -the
as the Hon. Pierre E1110 &
used solely
Giaft 3bas A_ 'U'arck, of 010*0 4koji
- deau.
INSTALLATIONS, OR TO REPORT, AULTY oisplay-twi K t 4, i400p: ', y
RIF ..Q *pis ph ,sically'biuidi-,
V for whom no other
bohrd box f�hr ouir: 0016 .,111.. Elaine comes from �ftyaer;'
CA d but now lives at Bellwoods in
eral stpident;A ma4e'�,". r., Tor-
RECEPTION.C.-JAN'LL at_.,,,* 4-vailable., Please give
kinds vbb onto, a residence for the physi�
models of different , ads 0. "If 0 uring -the 25th an-
Caafidtreohwaterfislt,.:,, tally disabled. She is 22.''She has vial'March of Dimes,.campaign
ancien real. she VI ;muscular disorder which pretty, for funds
[is froi�`.
well confines herr to a wheelchair, The, campaign is underway
LEVISOdisplay look more like e.. although it certainly doesn't nov�,' with Marching Mothers
�''.GHAM CAP - .-,,LE- TE, N and paper seaweed.:
of theocean. The Dee hinder her activities! She attend forming up all across the sou-
hft rock concerts, goes sno i obd-
group 'have enjoyed agml wm thern part of the, province, and
their display using paint'. ing, and has been very busy Col- personal appeal letters going out
and yarn. letting autographs in recelit by mail in central and northern
......... ........ ..... . .....
areas. The Wingliam Kinettes
wifi Londuci iheir canvass on
February 2.
In 30 Ontario cities the March'
of Dimes is a member of the
United way, and does not chm-
paign directly. But in the balance
of the province they rely on you
Carry on their vital work With On-
tario'S physically ni abled
�1� WWII' I adults.
It � pshould be emphasized that
the Qntario March of Dimes ser -
iNl� MW
M vices are not duplicated by any
m. vegent
other agency, government or
y1 ��,,!f, , ore y: y ij.
ai �: ,�$r
L+dotherwise. Funds entrusted to the
dll'lfi 16*1,1111, hoped, ikiill be ex v
pandbd in'tb_.
March of Dimes are used solely Dimes becomes an innovative
come. T wo-,week. #a
rti:NA `1101 to
for those physically disabled Yuen and,vital,link in helping the dis- Years
tions are Ir linen ank
and women 19 years old and over, abled back to independence.
3men of 019ge, 'an&
men devoopment is one
for whom no other assistance is C
11it abilities. X-Ahey,i�a*
available. of the in It vations. pbysicol (1115
ble afford to 06" they dQ- 0 00,014e
t�tttlU, M Nor is there any affiliation be- Workers in the field. availa
tween the U.S. March of Dimes to deter- March Of ..Alinde
to help the 'handicapped 'es
their expenses and s4ppb
Aii • mine for- themselves the kinds of
and the Ontario Foundat me
rNI, In+ f; i. flh� TT.Q
ql —me' the- need: snorts' tratisportation. Elaino,"oX, X
,.,.1.:, is 11 1 y
out- year's poster girl, was�.a D_gh of
v• granted Ohtario the right to the handicrafts, civics, groul
Mmes camper last -summer;
use of the naive "March, of ings, even yoga! The March of Di
.... . .... 11 og
in .4er -words, "Wowt,lt; -Wqs )q9t
Dimes", no other connection Dimes' workers help.thi
W' -t am get
101011 -often supplying "seed
"'1111 gr
NA1, started,
11f#0 The Ontario March of Dimes money, then ;Withdrfw to a M-14 Other services.are Pro-.
videO by
# the the Ontario March. of
provides such articles as braces, consultative �osition only As
themselves take over"k, Dimes: medical clinics'i rimote...:
wheelchairs, and other appli- groups .in
W.T.I. agit 010% areas- advocacy at various.levels
antes to those in peed, .and ha's Often it is merely this first gentle
'push' that is needed to bring a of government . to ensure all
kle, N 101 N'S been doing so for a quarter cen-
tury. But in many cases, it is not disabled adult out of his confining 'rights of citizenship for the dis-
the. material. things a disabled environment and back into the abled and funds, for. .4searO,.
person needs; it's the intangibles, community at. large. this year nta.the field of bio40ed-"
i iii i f
like hope. And encouragement. Camping is another March of back training aids. for the adult
F%flnished Paneffiringes
And that's where the March of Dimes program which, it is amputee.
Make redecorating one of yourrieW year projects,
during'Beaver's Home Improvement,
Value Days.,You'll find
on beautiful elligg". The
authentic looking woodgrains will Please any iters
FROM some great buys pan t earsports,,11ects,,'BPI
budget minded decorator.
Plank�? .9 FoftDWICH —The afternoon Job chapter 38 and gate- medi-� -d.r-pgb.*, .. sociaL -MOV06m, ':Afts.
V 0 W0!!Ut I �
Wt •Of th6,Uni tW Chur& Wd�neh tativ#� thodghts. Mrs.'-,SGtheran-J. AwkerZuft.-,ARre1iorUshow.9d -
n Vintage.Pecan,
met in the Sunday 6ch6olrooms gave a int-ditdtion, "AHandftd-v----- -V
9 $. Mrs. Clarence Carswell moved.
U M6hogany Vintage Oak on Thursday atfternoon. New Days". Mrs. Wylie. closed
The worship service was taken thd. worship service with . pr&Yer_ a vote of thanks to all officers.
Crosby Sotheran and The study book . on Cuba was I ted the
Mrs, Bruce Agla condue
L by Mrs: the me, introdur-tdby- Mfrs. C. Sotheran election of •newofficers--for 197,6-.
Mrs. Bert Wylie on
-Va"Cedar - Zonolite ML0 A-- Beauty of Winter. The Worship with the use of a map. The pro Unit leader, Mrs. Scott Clarkson;
gress of Cuba under Fidel Castro secretary, Mrs. John Stinson;
Centre. depicted a winter 'scene,
2 X4 Louvred Pouringthe open Bible and a candle. Mrs. was traced and education briefly 6eas., Mrs. Wray Cooper; social
Mg. Parker Eudg,
"Spruce Wylie read the scripture from touched upon. Mrs. Wylie read c.onveneri, work com-
131fold, Doors Insulation articles pertaining to Cuba -from Mrs. Bert 'Wylie;
The Observer. mittee, ' Mrs.' George -Pitten--
Studs 2 for dreigh, Mrs. Eurig, Mrs. Cooper,
188 In 3 cubic foot bags to Mri. Bruce A91i presided
In 0.21/2" and 81 lengths 2'0"x6,8,, ....... cover 20 sq. ft. at 2" thick busine s period, Roll call, Mrs. C. Carswell, Miss Minnie
Officers elected the S McElwain, Mrs. Verna. Gal�-
"The program Dead most in
as available. . ...... braith, Mrs. A. Stinson;
of vestry ipeeting 1975"..was answered• and the- Pianist, Miss Violet Bes- ,
2311 FORDWICH — 'The annual annual reports for 07i were read
'58S Bag
216'5x6'8" ....... 16%6 -stry meeting of Trinity Angli-' by president, Mrs. Agla; secre- wetherick; programs, Mrs.
Rigid Foam ve was held Thursday ; treas-' Clarkson, Mrs. J. Stinson, Miss
Economy Grade can, Church tary, Mrs. C. Sotheran
Insulation -night. Rev, William Parker urer, Mrs. Wray Cooper; work Minnie McElwain, Mrs. C. Cars -
1 1 IX8 X3/4"panels. ifimittee, Mrs. George Pitten- well and Mrs. Jack Wilson.,
opened the with prayer cO.
2181161111 ........ after which the'minutes of the
104 2 .. %
Panel last vestry meeting were read by
Stud Grade 238
Mrs. Hector Browne, vestry
Repbrts for I975 showed -the
church had a very good year and
J0'��' / . that the diocesan budget,A COMPLETE
0 assessed, was paid in full. Elec-
.0 tion of officers for 1976 took place PERSONAL
and they are as follows:
Rector's warden, Doug Bunk-
000or er; people's warden-, Emmersori FINANCIAL
Ferguson; deputy wardens,
Hector Browne and Emmerson
American Standard Medicine '3 -Hr' Electric Drumatic Ferguson; delegates to synod,
White Toilet Cabinet Firolog Fireplace Humidifier Mrs. Emmerson, Ferguson SERVICE
and Dave Dinsmore; substitutes,
Washdown bowl and Surface mount, Stain- Burns lovely multi- Easy wall mounting. Complete with hook-up Mrs. Jack Douglas and Miss Elva DOM
.tank combination. less steel frame. coloured flames. 1500 watt.element. fittings & humidistat. Foster; Board .of Management,
A� au, "People"', Stewart Ro�, ley, Vern
88 9�97 GIU77 Clarke, Jack Douglas, Miss Ruth
13" 0" mirror 87C 11 %ff model 90S Johnston, Mrs. W. Hargrave and
Each Mrs. W. Sothern; Board of ONE,MAN
xNa 41 of ....
fviarage em, '* Rector , Ron •
Shelley, Mrs. 'Peter Br6wne, Mrs.
J. W. Daunt, Mrs. Doug Bunker,
Mrs. Bruce Sothern, -Mrs. Don
Vestry clerk is Mrs. Hector
Browne; treasurer, Mrs. Doug Wayne M. Chandler
Bunker; parish pAy mistress,
1,, 01- U -s. Vern Clarke* sides en Ron w. R.R. 4, Brussels
Shelley, Jack Douglas and Chris 887-6021
Daunt; organist, Miss ,Elva
, LFoster.
B & D71/4" NMD7 14/2 600 waft 1211 X 12"AnfiD A vote of thanks was extended
Circular Saw ,Copper Wire Dimmer Switch =Ceiling Tile; brick to Mrs. Doug Bunker, Miss Elva
Cuttin depth: 2316" at For most household Solid state unit with Tongue & groove design. 64 30 bricks per package Foster and J.'W. Daunt for their
go-; 1 P/e" at 45'. 4400 rpm, general wiring jobs, = push-on/push-off control. plain white tiles per carton. covers 5 sq. ft. work the past year and also to the
wardens and deputy wardens. * Mutual Funds
���A8�Rev.Parkerosed themeeting * Guaranteed Certificates
with prayer.7301 99* Pension Trusts
2988#8 �8C 7in'250'coll Carton Pkg,
Will * Estate Plarining
gas, MIN 01 114 Prices in effect until Jan..31 . M." FOR Life Insurance.
m - -
------------- ----•,._ -------_w_— - --
Monday thru Friday
i 405 -JOSEPHINE ST- 9:00a'.m. - 5:30 p.m.
I Winghom
WINGHAM clwl�64"
8:00 a.m. - 4-.00 P.M.,
..... ..... .