The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-01-22, Page 12j z
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Advance -Times, Thursday, January 22, 1976
am . ..... . . ... ... ... ....
Dave Bennett's second goal of the
Lions suff
ca r game with just four minutes
remaining earned the Lions a 44 WARD 9 UPTI
ir tie., WinghaM -1 after the
led 3
The Durham M
idgets dumped first and the score was tied 33
the Wingham bions 5-3 last Fri- after, the Jobn C. Word. C.A.
day to hond the locals their first The I�ions picked up only one R.'E. Vpfi9ive*,'C.A. (510) 291-3040
regular'ieason loss. Durham minor enalt in the game, while .. . .. ... ..... - ... .. ..... . . ..... . ......
9pened up a 3-0 first -period lead Palmerston took eight -minors
and stretched it to 4-0 early in the and a misconduct,
second before Wingliam, got on The Lions next home game is
the score sheet with Stan Staple- Thursday at 7:30 against Walker -
COMMERCIAL LEAGU� triple at 615. Other high scores ton slapping in Larry Milosevic's ton. TAMP COLLECTORS
Verna Haugh captured the lad- were: Phyllis Ireland, 205, 203; rebound at 7:45. Dave Bennett
ies' high single with 259, while Carol Dunn, 227; Marg Cook, 214; narrowed the score to 4-2 three
Look at our amazing get acquainted special,
high triple went to Shirley Zim- Vi Steffan, 208; Bonnie Litt, 203; minutes later, deflecting in
Mer with 704. Men's high single Helen Sawyer, 227; Gladys Stew- Spence Burley's shot from the 50 WORLD - WIDE STAMPS, A $1.00 GIFT
was John Campbell with 269, and art, 212, 208. C.ERTIF1
point..Durham made it 5-:29 mid-. go- A C A TE, e%UD A PPROV,& I C, A MD
the third and Gord
Jim Griffith was high triple with 0-0-0 Mr. and Mrs. William Mont
way through. t
SENIOR CITIZENS Kinahan scored an unassisted mery and family of -Guelph were
Sunday visitors with Mr.
In team play, the Roses blos- Annie Conn was the,,high single and
goal with just over a minute Rush your eider for o'ur stamp approvals and
somed in first place with 68 of the week with 216, while* remaining receive the above for onl25c.
remaining to make the final score Mrs. Edgar Wightman.
points, followed by the Holly- runner-ups for the title were 5 3. Mrs. Kenneth Lichty and
hocks with 65 and the Mayflowers Winifred Lockwood with a close There were only 10 minor Wayne of RR 1, Milverton, and
with 54. The Glads unfolded at 52, 215 and Mary Hend6rson with 198. Mr. and Mrs. Warren �urbrigg of' •H. SMITH ENTERPRISES
penalties called with Durham
'RR 2, Clifford, visited on Sunday
edged closely by the Pnppies with High scores in the 300 doubles taki�g six. Dungannon P.O'., Ont. NOM IRO
51, while the Bluebells had 40. were: Annie Conn, 371; Doris Last Thursday in Palmerston with Mr and Mrs. Robert Hib-
Thanks to spares: Marty MacLennan, 326; Winifred Lock -
Cretier, Linda Hopper, Dorothy wood, 334; Mabel Cruickshank, 5
Croskill and Leon Russell. 307; Mary Henderson, 338; A.
0-0-0 Simmonds, 321.
LEGION LADIES The Special Ks led with 45, fol -
Florence Delmage ran away lowed by the Krispies with 40 and
with' both high single and triple the Wheaties with 37. The Sugar "The Store That Saves You More"
scores last week, rolling 240 and Crisps had 34, the Cheerios had 28
627 to capture the titles. Runner- and the Crackerjacks had 26.
up in both categories was Muriel' '0_0___0
Irvine with 230 and 626. Other THURSDAY MIXED . . . . . . . . . . . .
high scores were: Bea Shrop- With just one more night in the
1 111 101
shall, 217; Emaline Sturdy, 202; round, Marg's Mighty Mice and''
Doris Remingtom, 225; Betty Lu's Lulus are tied for first place owl'
Morin, 226, 208; Lyla Ann Hark- with 33 points each. Helen's Hell-
ness, 200; Jean King, 226; Barb cats have 30, Joyce's Jaywalkers ®NE MORE WEEK remains before the annual ice carnival
Tervit, 200; Muriel Irvine, 208; have 25, Ruth's Rollers, 22 and takes to the ice in Wingham and one of the star performers
Florence Delmage, 231, Ga le's Go-getters, 19._ "' Brooks really
y in the show can hardly wait. Harold "Shorty BUT HURRY! ITENDSJANUARY I
Jean's Jelly Beans led the line- Helen Daugherty had the high doesn't I need the practice, but the
he rehearsals do give him a
tip with 62 points, followed by single at 252 and high triple of 658 chance to do what he likes to do best: just skate.
Betty's Bombers with 54V,, for the ladies. Paul Moffatt was
Norma's Mules with 45 and Lila's men's high single with 281, while MEN'S A BOYS' WEAR LADIES' WEAR
Lim ers with 441/x. Doug Elliott was high triple with
0_.0_0 785. 1 1 0 1
Games of 200 or over were MEN'S -IRREGULARS LONG SLEEVE --LADIES'
COFFEE KLATCH bowled by; Doug Elliott, 267, 250, YBC Bowling
Coffee Klatch had 23 bowlers 268; Paul Moffatt, 212; Helen The high scores for the Ban' The, Double -Bubble led the
this week. 0
Daugherty, 220; Gail Holmes, tams were evenly divided last scort. with 4i, followed by the
Louise Welwood took the high 210 204- Joyce Church, 219, 202; w
single of 250, while Diane English Helen Skelton, 224; Art Clark, eek. Juliine Adams scored the Cbicklets with. 43 and the Spear- NOW $2•97
girls' high single of 155, while mints with 40. The I
was high double with 438. Other ifesavers had TEEN'S - WOOL
207; Luanne Kerr, 215; Randy Donald Casemore was boys' high 39, the Doublemints had 37' and
high scores were. Shirley Storey,
$1 97,
Brenzil, 260; Dave Tiffin; 225; single with 156. Debbie Lee was the Black Cats had 32.
200; Jeanette Scott, 201;. Iris
Janet Clark, 212; Bruce Skinn, DRESSES 0
Foulon, 21.9; Jean King, 202; Shir- girls' high double with 273, and Susan Bain received het' "100
SWEATSHIRTS 208; Doug Neil, 209; Jerry Smith, Robbie, Willis scored.for the boys Pins over Average badge last
I— Whwarton. 239-- Diane English, 241; Dbn Montgomery, 227; Marg with 284. Othei high scores were: week when she bowled. 212 to top BOYS' MEN'S BOYS'& GIRLS'- SIZES 2-18
249 Mary.6amp'bell, 214. Moffatt, 209. Eiieji "ger, !40: Debbie Lee,'
.7 her -average of 110. JoMarie LONG SLEEVE
On Sunday, Jan. 18, the after -
LADIES, WED. NIGHT Billy Gaunt; 125; Rance Willis, Junior girls.with a high single'of L/,o
e' 'Gaunt, '1�4; imc- rm-ick scored for the Senior •'OFF
noon ladies zone tournament was
0 H .130, 1437; Stephanie $4.11 $ S7 T-SHIRTS -NOW
held inVingliam with five teams 25
participating. The Wingham Jean King swept the boards 134; Robbie - ]Hillis, 144,. 140; 237* and a high double of 401.
Bf6ri Thompson, 146.'
Ii3atch,_a team comprised last week with a high single of 297 Daryl Holmes rolled a 238 for the
of Dorothy Thbmpsdh, Dale • and a high triple of 703... Other In team play, the kangaroos boys' high single and,a 379 for the
Tolton, Vera Moffatt, Shirley high scores were: Shirley Sal- "were hopping out front at 55, f0l high double. Other high- scores BOY S'SECON DS
lows, 213; Ruby MacLennan, 238; lowed by the stubboril Tiger Cats werE Jayne Phillips, 179; Michele FABRIC SALE
Wharton and Betty Darling, won SIZES 3 -OX - COTTON
first place., They now advance to Dorothy Bain, 243, 239; Isobel with 51. The Chimps had -40 and Foxton, 178; Gail Delmage, 206;
the next tournament to. be held in '"'Readman, 211, 203, 215 Nora were, edged closely by the Wild Scott Cornwall, 176; David Nes LEISURE' LEISURE, SUITSEACH$69
Brantford in February. Con- Finnigan,'206, 218; JUa lh=y Cats with 39.'The Parrots earffed bitt, 197.
28, and the PRINT $J 37
'279; Shirley Storey,. 203,' .249; Monkeys had 27. In team play, the Submarines
gratWations girls!
0_4_0 Shikley Whartoii, 241; Beth S", Tim Baip led the scoring for the kept iheir lead with 55 points, fol- SPECIAL• Y D.
-high single of 17 lowed* by the Big Macs with 47 ASSORTED
TEESWATER'AND. 216; Jean'King, 225; Louise Wel_ Juniors with a ' 7
WINGHAM LADIES Wood, 265; Dorothy Thompson, and high double of 313. Joanne and the Footlongs with 42. The
&Xringg get the J�pe 2�1; Anita McKinley, 238; Sylvia Henry scored 'the girls' high Big Boys had 36, the Red Hots -CHECK PANTS PAIR'
'for the teams with a lead Of 35, Pewtress, 208; Muriel. McFar- single of 130, while Kim Zimmer -had M and the French -Fries had
followed by Evelynne's Suckers lane, 231. was girls' high double with 242. 29. $1
with 32 and Rena's Crabs with 31. MeBurney's Meatballs stayed Other high, scores were: Allan Ilie Crusaders and. Anonymous e Y D.
Jackson, 151; Shawn McKague, d6d at 56 for second place, follow-, MEN'S LINED, SEMI -DRESS
Joan's Jellyfish had 27, Susie's in front with 29 points, followed
162; Brian Roy, 170; Terry ing the lead of the Klux Clan
Salmoris had 23 and Dianne's by King's Kidneys with 25
Goldfish had 20. Toltbn7s Tongu6s with 24. Scott' foul, 150; Stephen Gaunt, 153.' who were mil�s ahead at 77. The WORK GLOVES. R, s 10 97
and Rin-,
Scott's 97t
Am Hurst was high single with Steaks swept into fourth place Pink Panthers had 53, the Freaky BEDSPREADS SPECIAL EA
with 20, while Lee's Larnbehops Five.. had .48 and the laws had 46.
235, and Gladys Stewart was high
had 18 and Bain's Bones had lo. Jim Laidlaw ' received his "100- QUILTED
Gibson to return
Thanks to spares: Elva Trapp, Pins over Average" badge when $1,57 LB.
Ruth Ann Steffan- Isobel Burke," f th�" he rolled a'250 to top his 143 aver- BEDSPREAD ENDS
WINGHAMIsobel Readman,' Carol Clark, or HL• game age. Pam Gerrie was girls' high All
f. Nancy King, Ada Aitchison and single at 258, while Nancy King $ 60 LB.
It is hoped that fast skating was high triple with 628. Boys' BEDSPREAD ENDS.•
Anne Skipper,
high single went to.Steve Read- $1.,57
BODY SHOP Bobby Gibson will be back ready PAINT BY THE
to play when the Howfck Inter- LB.
man with 234 -and Paul Cerson BORG POUND
Complete Collision Repairs Brownie Corner mediates - meet the NHL Old was high triple with 570. Other In Stock -How
Time rs_k 'the HMO& Coin -
and Painting munity Centre.. . Bobby, who has high scores were: Brenda Fox- TUBULAR KNIT S $1 S7 LB.
Towing Service The first meeting after Christ- ton, 212; Peggy Tervit, 202; Janet •
mas was held on January 12. It been off for most of the season Storey, 217; Nancy King, 2M-.
due to a knee operation is exec - J
was a dance and song meeting in . . Jeff MacLaurin, 232; 'Jamie' Y THE $
Radiator Cleaning and which the Brownies learned, a cising daiLv and hopes to start Smith, 207; Bill Ohm, 213; Paul 20% OF -.F BORG B YARD •4* s$
RQpairs folk dance and some action skating next week. - Cerson, 200; Tom..Rediington,
SID ADAMS songs. Some Brownies passed According to scouting reports, 220; Ronnie Johnston, 223; Jay
tests. the intermediates are , in top MacLaurih, 203. CURTAINING MATERIAL
Proprietor shape. They stand I
WINGHAM, ONT. Julie Nicholls received her 3 wins, 5'
Canada Badge and Maureen losses for the season and are r
Res. 357-1171 357-1102 Beattie her Housekeeper's presently in third placeln their •
Badge. group behind Plattsville and Rip- Kinsmen Bantams
ley respectively. k
Team officials are pleased with
their team's progrt%s. Coach Roy lose to Durkam STORE -WIDE
McKay has strengthened his -4h6 Wingham Kinsmen Ban- Use'd Car Savings team considerably over last year, tams were out of town Saturday
• Doug Boyd, top pointman on the night to play Durham. This was DISCOUNT.,ON ALL
team is off to a fast start followed FF
7S CHRYSLER NEWPORT, '73 DUSTER, 6 automatic closely by linernates Ron Liver- their first game in two weeks, due
4 -door sedan° more and Ken Williams. The to storm cancellations, and QTHER MERCHANDISE,
'73 DART, 4 door sedan, back checking of Bobby MacIn- before the game was two miotics
74 CHRYSLER, 4 door se- old, Durham held a 2-6 lead. Doug
6 cylinder, automatie. tosh, first year man with, the Merkle y got . Wingham started
don, power steering team has been outstanding. He midway,through the first period
and brakes, nodi®° '73 PONTIAC ASTRE and his linemateA Gayffefd Gib- on a pass from Larry Milosevic.
son and Ron Williams have dis- But a rash of penalties at the V,
'74 DART SPORT, 6 cylin- '72 DART, 4 door sedan, rupted manyii team's good scor- close of the period had Wingham in- -
der, automatic with ing chances. Dave Jacobson, pla'ying two Men short and gave EWING MACHINES
6 cylinder, automatic. along with Glen Gallaher and
radio. Durham a 5-1 lead.
Juveniles' Ron Riley and Kevin
'74 CORONET CUSTOM, 4 '72 PLYMOUTH, 4 -door Hastie take a regular turn, killing After -the shaky first period, Many makes and models to January Sale Speciall
penalties and supporting some probably due to the two-week lay- choose -from in straight 'stitch,
door, 6 cylinder, auto- sodan. off, Wingham settled down and semi and fully automatic plus a DELUXE ZIG-ZAG
injuries they have had this year. variety of good used machines.
outplayed the opposition. Mike
matic, power steering '72 TOYOTA, 4 -door se- The defense has been steady on Beattie scored on a tip -in. of a that embroiders, makes
the blueli button holes, sews on buttons,
and radio. don. 'ne with the Hargrave Herbie Kenyon shot. Late in the We accept trade-ins and do darns and overcasts (no at -
'74 DART SW I INGER, 2 brothers, Doug and- David pick- second period, Grant Gnay com- repairs 6h all makes. tachments needed) for as low
ing up ih6r checks and falling in bined with his wingers, Rick as CASE EXTRA
door hardtop, 8 aylin- 72 CHEV.IMPALA, 2 -door front on many a shot. Captain MacLennan and Mark Passmore,
der, automatic, pow- hardto'p. Jim Stewart and Chuck Gibson, for Wingham's third goal. In the
brother of Bobby, are always scoreless third period, Wingham
er steering° ready to dig the puck out of the "The Store that Saves You More"
'71 CHRYSLER, 2 door corner and make good carried the play to Durham on
'73 CHRYSLER, 24doir hard top. the forwards. Utility men Wayne throughout. The final score: Dur- MEN'S -BOYS -LADIES -GIRLS
hardtop. 441", Smith and Barry Gibson are al- ham 6, Wingham 3. BABY WEAR YARD GOODS -
68 CgiYSLER, 2 door ways onqall,to, go and fill in at Durham �vill be here Frida(y at F U R N I T U R E -M AT T R E SS E S-
'73 JAVELIN, 2 -door. hardtop. -r7 p,m. (if weather permits), PAINT -SEWING MACHINES --SMALL
many positions. APPLIANCES -LAMPS.
Goal keeping has been shared
by Pete Leppard and Keitg Bris-
tol who always are heard shout- Duplicate
ing encouragement to each other
no matter who gets the call each NEW STORE HOURS
bridge results
night at game time. Monday Thursday
As overheard, "They might be )a.rn. -6P.M.
CHPYSLER NON PuMOUTH —M First, Leonard George and Friday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
A NHL Old Timers, but they likely Norma Parket; second, Yvonne Saturday 9 a.m. 6 p.m.
I haven't forgotten too much McPherson and Mary Ca;lick;
hockey yet." Tickets are avail- C10%ed Sunday
W10HAM ONTARIO_ A third, Grace DuVal and Omar
able from any team member or
ruary .1. Brooks and Reg DuVal. s ra