The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-01-08, Page 6C .
J1. . F .• P .til', i`3'�:'+jx .
'burs., Jalyuary 8,197.6
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r. 'it)uff saw her first apple doll at the This is_how I came to snake my dharm. / others was feeding pigeons."
t' J lEf you happen to Elmira Maple Syrup Festival first apple doll, said Mrs. lVlelCee. The old. time sclaoottea e�, Frances went :home aed
j •..,� t: woman intently some years ago. She immediately 661 decided that I'd snake some for dressed in petticoats carrlett/ a managed to duplicate the trio,v,
" Wa'-l�°lxriix°a's older folks, fell in love with them and vowed the girls" It was just as ex= minature can® and slate. 'Che 'even down to the little bird
to get excited about. she would try making her own periment, but they loved them." woodchopper, carries an and perched on the hand of one of etre
iso a>!l tikiihood its only Frpnces .°ilei day.
Today, Mrs. McKee and lough- has one foot on a smallrle of dolls and the bag of crumbs he
140kee looking for character She didn't get the opportunity ter Frances distribute the dolls as logs; a grandmother, dol_l/�a�ctually was feeding thein.
shadier for apple dolls. until two years ago,, when the far away as Ottawa and Halifax. sits in a rocking chair k , fitting a Mrs. McKee and Fralrees work
-Items' McKee and her mother family decided that instead of One of their. dolls was bought for miniature scarf with real needles together. Afterv' the heads are
-F Alma, 39 First St.; Elmira, have buying expensive Christmas a doll museum in Ireland. and wool whale the grandfather carved, they 'separate the dolls m .
been making apple dolls for presents for each other, they Tend. doll reads a miniature neyts- and dress their own.almost two years now. Between would donate their gift money to Frances, who also paints and paper. Originally, they sold a variety
° them, • they have taken what Cansave which supports starving weaves, is "optimistic that she'll The artist paints with a• mina- of craftsat the Farmer's Market
started out to be a hobby and ex- children overseas, be able to pay her way through ture brush and easel, the fiddler in Elmira, but found that the
panded it into a small business. For each other they decided to art college in Halifax next year holds a miniature fiddle and bow, apple dolls were the big sellers." "
Mrs. McKee, mother of six, make small ,handmade gifts. with her share of the sales and a trout dangles from the line "They're really in demand,
receipts. of the little old fisherman. Even said Frances. The whole thing is
No Two Alike Granpa's pipe looks real — made more than I ever expected.,
Making an apple doll, how- out of plastic tubing and a black Sometimes it gets a bit hectic." r
ever, is a time consuming and bead for a bowl. In addition, the McKees take
quite often tedious process, "I They Watch People special orders. 61Sometiriles, Y >,
don't think people realize how From behind their beards and someone will want a doll to look
much work does go into them," under their lace caps the Grand- like Grandma or Grandpa," said �
said Mrs. McKee. mas and Grandpas peep out at Frances. "And sometimes, a• 4„ x
"Every doll is an individual. you, their wrinkled faces customer will ask for a doll to
They all turn out differently. I puckered into smiles and their look like'a young person when he
don't think we could make two eyes laughing. gets old." `
alike even if I tried." The dolls retail in the stores The history of apple dolls ap- t
The carving and drying pro- from $21 to $28 for tine singles and pears to be a bit of, a mystery. It k.
cesses. — where the apple which from $42 to $48 for the doubles. is known the Iroquois made them, " 'y
forms the face of the doll shrinks Where do the McKee's get their stuffing the bodies with quills —
to about a third its original size — ideas for such a varied collet- but it is not known for sure
are what give the dolls their- tion? whether this'was their own inven-
character."I get a lot of my ideas just by tion or if they picked it up from
k The McKees use only- Mac- watching older folks," said European settlers. "
Intosh apples and Spies. Mac" Frances. "I remember once I "But", said Mrs. McKee, "the FROM APPLES TO DOLLS,,It's a long.way from a McIntosh apple to a doll as Frail
Intosh are their favorites because saw three'old fellows sitting on a best part about apple dolls is that McKee and her mother Aima will attest. Above they start the lengthy process of making
of their large size and soft texture park bench in Elmira. One was they're just life people — they're apple dolls. Mrs. McKee cuts and cores while Frances carves the face.
which make them easy to cut. reading a paper and one of the all diffeitnt."
But during the winter when the
Macintosh apples get too_ soft; the
McKee's Spies. •b °
"We've seen dolls made out of
,1 t other varieties of apples, -but you
:.' just dont get the same affect.
"Some apples don't have , the
right texture to make a face while
„ , h others seem to retain a yellowish
t \
While her mother sits coring
' ssh���t and paring the apples, Frances I, ',_..
carves the faces with a pees knife'
"Carving isn't just a matter of
az cutting a few hole's in the apple," "
she said. ",There's a definite
Mario i® _
` knack to it." l 1
Next L the apple faces are
dunked in vinegar and sprinkled
APPLE DUNKING—Mrs. McKee dunks the peeled apple in with salt to pr ent them from
T= a solution of water and vinegar to prevent discoloring. The
9 p g • discoloring. They re then placed --
it. Cored apple is then passed over to Frances for carving. on cardborad d Is and put
tory er a brooder la p where they
's dr for a week.
"When I first started making
" apple dolls it used to take them
almost five weeks to dry out,"
_ said Mics. McKee: "But now with
k =• the helpof heat lana%p s;' it cuts
a down drastically on the drying e th"e•
time. I • --_.....___.Thinea s.
Even Teeth
x When the carved apple faces Ontario's new, Residential Premises bent Review The rent increase agreements tip not relieve the Rent review legislation is tied to the dwelling on
are ready, they are brought out,, Act affects most landlords and tenants iR the hrtid.lord from his,obligatlon to obtain approval an annual basis with the July, 1975. rent taken asp
and fitted with arms and legs province.'l'he act allows for a review of the from a rent review officer. for anv rent increase theihase rent.
x made out of pipedeaners. Nylon amount of rent a landlord may charge. charged on or after Jun. I. I�76 that is more than Who attends hearings?
•� from stockings and pantyhose is L'undloi ds'and tenants should he aware of their eight per, cent of the July, 1975 rent.
g wound round the limbs and torso rights and r•es i�nsihilities undei this fe�islation. Where the landlord and tenant do not agree on a Tenants, landlords or their representatives should
p attend rent review hearings. Failure tel appear or
to make the dollstappear fuller. The Ontario Government is in the process of rent increase above thgi eight per cent, the tenant be're resented
s s _ 6' nt• q. ' t a a t' o f •I n p wremo es the right to appeal the .
Eyes endue out o,>t beads,
establishing rent review major e�nires is! ,i a r base .,. any rent paid in excess oi' rent review officer's decision.
painted with a brown iris and across the province. Review officers will hear e eight per cent by Feb. 16, 1976. If the landlord
is IM cul: a the tc"• _nt , TF,:. he=y; ; will
,zrtc uc wi(irmai, acid eve etiort
fails .. lease as .... "auu iiid� f'i'r 71Y �' every DiacK.. pupil, are Crlen msercea UIJpU[eti UR tent lilt rCa,1C5 by t7viit'laiiuiGiui olio t t
p' p to a rent review'otficer. will be made to keep the procedures simple so
with tweas.ers into the eye tenants. �' that individuals may. conduct their own cases.
sockets. A rent review board is, being established to hear Ifo tennrtcr crgrcenr4rrt hccnntrs e/Ji�cvire or is (•'
Powder and lipstick are used appeals by tenants,and landlords against.the - renevved between Jan. 11 andJuIr 31 147(,, inrhisire" A rent review officer has the.powcr'to call
rhPPlre,and mnrth tn_t�ive _.._________ clr icint)e,4�[r�nP'review'-�L,_—_--___ 1'otr.clt0'tt/[1 knny+:
witnesses and to order the roduetton ctLlhs..__-___
-- —
tl _ -- _ _ . -- --- — ' -- - --. _ — .—. '' ct i►v cocumentts.
the dolls a natural look. Teeth — j ? A landlord who wishes an increase of more than
What do s the act cover. eight per cent must fife an application, ttion' with his Tc nu/rts slantrld he rnc«rc that, .horrid (heir appeal
made out of tiny beads — are also P pP • 'a
inserted occasionally. •apartments •• houses: townhouses duplexes rent review office and•notifv'the tenant it leti,t 60 their rent increase to «rent•rerierr ulJiec;t; the
t The dolls are then treated with • triplexes • roomina houses • mobile -home sites days before the increase is scheduled to become (/iter cow/d pernrii'the landlord a greauT increase
' • rent-geared-td-ihcome units than the one ori ginalh' demanded
a special _spray to keep. the � effective: in respect to those rental increases �
taking•effect hetwgien Jan. L and Feb. ?9. 1976, Where f/ landlord lidsbeen required to lusti/i' ort
powder from coming off. Un- What acre the exeeptjons. the application must he mode by Jan. 31, 1976, e.yisting oi- proposed rent increase, the rent Peview
treated wool, bought locally is . certain non-profit housing or non- rcftt
• ^ ,. ' p € p '' A tenant who wishes to appeal an increase has 60 n/jicer nruv «d/ust the 'rant to din anrvtnt heluir the'
used for hair and beards. Finally, co=operatives ` pp originixd rent leveL
the dolls are ready to be dressed •units in a hotel, motel or vacaticin home which days in which to file an application with his
and mounted on garnished log are rented for u seasonal or temporary period landlord requiring him {o Justify the increase. Until the,rent, review mechanism is in place,
stabs. M not exceeding four months In case of a hearing, a date will be set by the rent please do not telephone. Yoti can obtain further
at giving the doll its character
buildings were first occupied as residential review. officer and both 14ndlord and tenant will information the Residential Premises Rent
APPLE CA RV ING—Carving the apple is a tricky and time- is v, •°.ere the imagination' of the premises on or after Jan. 1, '1976. be notified. Review Act byy wri�ing:
F' F • •commercial remises After the hearin the reritreview officer will Rent Review, -
consuming work. McIntosh apples make the best faces due mote r and daughter team s
to their texture which is fairly soft, and their large size comes -nto focus. Their dolls p How does it work. establish the rent; imd may order retroactive Box 580,
? Postal Station F,
which allows fo shrinks e. include, Santa. hobos grannies adjustments. '
J 9 1 f votd have entered into or renewed! a tenancy Toronto, M4Y 2L8
in rocket old men with canes - What is a tenancy agreement?
' agreement which bre uute effec9ire hetx•ec�rr Julr 30,
old-time s 'hoblteachers as well and Dec. 3/, 197?, inclusive, roti should he aware A tenancy agreement gives a tenant the ri0it to
as octogenarians cutting wood, that: °cell a ►rticular dwelling. or to renew
g catching trout, golfing, playing py p'
The maximum rent increase for such agreements the•nght_to rent a particutar dwelling.'
N- the violin, knitting and painting. �,•
• °'r<: Attention to detail and authen- cannot exceed tight per cent of the rent char�_ed 7he`asrceriik:nt cifn he w'rittin.
s, during the last full month prior to Aug.. 1, 197-5, verbal or implied. In other -words.
y 2 •. ticity ,"so give the dolls their unless: even ifyou dant h;ive a written
(a) the tenant and landlord agree on a higher rate lease you are covered by the
13 of rent, or legislation. "
c (h) the 'landlord obtains the n.ecessary approval; -For written agreements, the
from a rent reN'iew officer. important date is the
f dare the a17rcement
®xe t er A landlord may appy to a rent review officer for
permission to increase: rent more than eight per ct>mes into effect.
cent. A tenant may file an application with the not the date on
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Higgins I-andlord requiring him to justify any increase. ikhich the a
were New Year's guests with Mr. These applications must be made by Jan 1. 1976. agreement
and Mrs. Ron Iii and Should a landlord and tenant agree on an' is signed:
Higgins: `•:
family, Stratford. increase in rent abmc the eightper cent guide-
Mrs: Anna Clarke, Beamsvalle, line. they must complete and sign a rent increase
visited at the weekend with Mr. agreement no later than Jan. 17, 1976, Copies of
and Mrs. Clarence Clement. these. agreements should he kept by both parties.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clarke have Dorms rn5v htc oht,iined by writing Rent Review,
returned home after visiting with Box 590. Poswl Station F.•Toronto. M4Y 2L8. Or
° Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Pollock and wish R, use the firm, puhlisheoJ recently
Todd of Bramalea from New in this newspaper.
Year's Eve until Sunday. llowc%rr. a tenant mai cancel such an agreement
-, con Icting a statement of revocation within
Mr. and Mrs. /than Griffith h
"' p
36 dins of the si�_nin = of thea regiment:
were New Year's guei3ts with Mr. � ,: ,:•�;�,,;,�,:,;,•..
i -
and Mrs. Brian Mandel, Mitchell. B-, sniinl_ a f•cnt increase a reement the ten•ant `:•`; ;• : ';; :.; %; ;>
_ € .........:.,-:�:,;;::
w ai\e,, the right Ul he increase during the
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. (Fete) ippgiiil t C
period Juk 3f). to i)cc. 31, 1975. The tenant also 'r•`?%?' ':::':>s° %:'•::':''^' :r'''``'` '
Dobson, • Sally and Mark of Listo- p :
wais'es the right to collect a rebate of term as s,:.4,,..; i s#::< •
wel spent Sunday with Mr. and :;,<:# :::s,A <>;<?
Mrs. Glenn McMichael.
pros ided Tor in this act. other than the amount of o_ :: •:•;,:.:: ;•>:;s
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Isabelle rchatt , item. �t�ited in the rent increase agreement, ss:
Rent increasc aerc�nients do not apply for any
Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr.
and, Idzs. Clarence Clement. Mr. period after Dcd' 11. 1975. and do not constitute a
and Mrs. Iden Leaver of Smith's waiver ol'the tenant:-, right to appeal the,amount ;.•,:r '<>< ''"''`'' s.>:.>••'•<»:'.�
of rent cnn harged or after Jan. I. 1976.
Falls and Miss Sandy Labelle, -
TAKINO SHAPE—After thea pies are carved; the set
p y are who have spent the past' week A,;!• __
undera! brooder lamp to dry out. The drying process is what here, returned home with them.
gives the doll its distinctive appearance of old age. After ✓✓lf fir; -
g Mrs. William 'Hart and Mrs.
they dry for about a week, the dolls are given arms and les
9 9 Ross Sanderson spent New
made out of pipe cleaners. The hands of the dolls arc also
e Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle %! �� r,�;>• %�.
carved out of.. -apple. Hart and family.
Province. ®f Ontario
I I II I A I i i I Iii. 1. i. i L. I I - 1. '• :•- ....1111 I.. II I... _.... i I