The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-01-01, Page 12:. .. ,. 1V
�a�,> 12--'�Q fib 6i, vane Times, Thum., January 1, 197$ o �it4�, ni, r44\ti4"011"0.,`' 0'�w
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• � V � � �,,. to;� �' }..: i w r�i • t •
. Earl Newell spent London visited Saturday at the 4 1: x.• '.; •,,,.�
1Flapp�r New Year Co Everyone. Mr. and Mrs YAP Y
Mr. and -Mrs. Anson Demerlin Christmas in Toronto with their same home. Mr's. Schaefer ye r' � '{' " `�� w ''T "�'
g 4 ;<:<;::•;r
�µ ,,>:fi.: �,.,, <<'> :`: _;; With armest thl3%lks
Smen Cbrx stmas and Boxing Da son, Leonard • Newell. Mrs. -turn with them and-vi�`ited over �•�. ;� �' G' �•''+' t} <�_ ��' s '''.
:'•'r-'�t' g Y C'1� S,?•`.:N. •••.t.4•n ;}•... r
With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Newell remained and will spend a the weekend in London. � y 4 ; •:: <::::; f,•'
ti 3," ».�� o £or •'your patronage
"Gdldrich in Guelph and with Mrs. few days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer William-
` 4 nd your friendship.
Joan Longstaffe in Willowdale. Christmas visitors with Mr. son visited Christmas Day with�..KrR.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald' Huether arid' Mrs. Wellington Hargrave Mr. an 1- Mrs. Paul Edgar at,BROPHY
and family -of Cambridge and were Mr, Emmerson Hargrave, H,arristod and on Sunday with , 4
Mrs. Glenn Huether of Cranbrook Mrs. Myrtle Wallace, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Len Edgar at °k,„ �? ' f, "Kr4;
,....;- ..: TAXI
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Orth, Mr. and Mrs. Mount Forest. They were recent ��' "k'
Mrs. Wray Cooper. Roger Will and family, Mr. and visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ditch ``
Gerald Brophy
Mr. add Mrs. Don Coghlin and Ms. Bill Holloway and Adam, eson Wallace at Clifford. a � � ��� � W , _ - ...
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hallman and Mr. and .Mrs. David Schneider
family spent Christmas with Mr.fT� r
and Mrs. Norman Coghlin in Mr_ and Mrs. Earl Hallman, all of and family of Kitchener. and Mr.
Atwood and Boxing Day with Mr. Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. LloydWalter' Harrifield were Christ�u ;
and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm at Crawford and Trevor of Luck-'
mas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. , a ,fi •�
Hen ,all. now, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Reed and. Bruce Armstrong. - T C T
Mr. and Mrs. James, Fitch of family of Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Galbraith of
Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Doug Hargrave, Tracy and Guelph were Christmas guests
Hanna and family of Kitchener, Michael. with Mrs. Verna Galbraith and Your Car's Exterior
Mr. and Mrs: Mark Bruna;ski of Weekend visitors with Mrs. Mrs. Elsie Strong. � 1
Waterloo were guests Christmas Eva Harris ,'were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Isabelle Topham spent
with,Mr. and Mrs. Don King. John Harris of Ottawa and Mr. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. against the Harshness of
Mr. and Ms. Jack King and and Mrs. Les Watkins and little Paul Samis at Drayton. Old'Man Winter
Roger of Listowel spent Christ- daughter of Bolton. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John Friar of
mas with Mr. ;and Mrs. Randy evening all were dinner guests Paisley were Sunday guests with
§' with aC�M n..
King , with Mr. and Mrs. Lang Vogan, Miss Louise Matthews and Mel
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson. Molesworth. Batters. JET GLAZE SUPER WAX JOB
and family of Toronto were Christmas visitors with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Nickel are
Christmas visitors with Mrs. and Mrs, Harold Doig were Mr. on a two-week conducted -bus tour
Pearl Patterson, and Mrs. Harvey Bride, Peter to California. at
Mr, and Mrs. Stan Bride, .ac- and Miriam of Don Mills and Mr. Mr. and. Mrs. Leo Gauthier
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Bob and. Mrs. Edward Doig of spent the Christmas holidays
Bride and family or Thamesford Raleigh, North Carolina. The with„ relatives in Quebec. GOSLING'S TEXACO
spent Christmas Day with Mr. latter are remaining for several Mr. and Mrs. Parker Eurig •
and Mrs. Jack Riddell at Lind- days and will visit with friends . spent Christmas-. with Mr. and W f ngham
say. ! and relatives in Toronto and Mrs. Don Bott at -Alma.
Christmas Day guests with "Mr. Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Magill and - y
We power polish your paint and
and Mrs. Bill Sothern.were Mr. Mrs. .Jim Warrell was able to Jim of London were Christmas
and Mrs. Bill Mulvey, Cindy and return home, last week from guests with Mrs. Crosby Soth- chrome. Complete interior and,
Jeff of Belmore, Mr. and Ms. Walkerton Hospital where she Bran.
Gary Sothern, Tire and Tracy of had' been confined for several exterior super clean-up.
almerston Mr. and Mrs. Jim weeks. �z ^* Phone
Vittie and . �Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christmas Day visitors with �" b
Gregand Doug.Mr. and Mrs. Don .Montoux and St�Mwr.rtand Mrs. George Fit- . family were Mrs. Jim Montoux � � THE WORLD'S LARGEST CHRISTMAS STOCKING"was delivered by "Santa Maus ' TEXACO TOMMY
Gorrie Institute Chris.Gosling Monday to Christmas draw winner Tame y Stacey (centre). Tammy wasn't
tendreigh, Miss Minnie McEI and Mrs. Ruby Cutting, both of the only one of the Stacey family fo win in the draw, however. Her cousins John an .'Julie 357-3368
wain and John'McElwain spent -Palmerston. Christmas dinner ° -
ChristmasDaywithMr.andMrs. Christmas Da` .visitors with received Chris Gosling T-shirts in the same draw, for appointment
Ian Pittendreigti in London.. Mr. 'and Mrs. Bill Haverfield GORRIE — On Monday even
Mr: and Mrs. Mel Allan, Miss were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith, ing, December 15, members of ,
`" •- Sandra Allan, Floyd Allan and Wayne and Karen of Preston and. .'the Women's Institute Catered to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Allan were on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred " the Ho men Lions Club Christmas W r o X e t e r Personal NotesHolstock Elizabeth and Maria of ban uet: Members of the Lions +wur
Christmas guests with Mr. and q '
:Cargill were .visitors at the same gathered at the Gorrie Com- � Griffith, 'Mr. and Mrs. Clark •
Mrs. Fred MacEachern at. Ar- Mr. and Mrs., Doug Weber and her son, Harry Adams, Goderich.
home. munity Hall with theilr.—wives, Sharpin, all off Wroxeter, Mr.- and
thur. Kevin of Walkerton Mr. and Mrs. Christmas guests with Mr. and
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Dora some -members of their families- Mrs. WallacHoward I Nix Ie Nixon of Fordwich,
- Mr. and Mrs. Art Wills, Greg Ridley were Mr: and Mrs. Cecil and guests' who took part. in `the. Robert Musgrove, Joliet and . Mrs. Allan Adams were their:
and Jeff of London spent L� of Orillia and. Miss Joyce evening program following the Angela held Christmas with their family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Norm) nSte. Mari
Nixon and
Christmas with s• George S rs of Clifford. dinner. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart . Penner and' family of London,
Ashton and with Mr. Ashton at 1 Musgrove on Boxing Day. Mr. and Mrs. Benny Mellanger Matthew of Kitchener, Mrs. Allan A ,
Recent visitors with Mr. and Members of the Institute met at . Y McKercher, Clinton a.nd Mr. and �..
the Heimstra Nursing Home in Doug Holt were'Mr. and the Blue Barn; Listowel at noon Ian Oakley returned to Toronto and
baby of Harriston and Mr. Mrs. Ron Larson,. Sarnia.
Listowel. 'Mrs. Jac :Gibson of Kleinburg. on Wednesday; December 17, for With his sister, Ruth-Ann.,,at the and Mrs. Russell Lockwood.: ,
Mr. 'and' Mrs. Black of Kin-
in ` •
Mr. an IP Joe McInnes and their annual Christmas dinner. weekend for a few. days' visit. Mrs. Lloyd Hupfer was ad- •
kevin Townsend i's spending a mitted to Wingham and District cardine spent .Sunday with Mr.
STOCKALL family visited Sunday with Mr.- The memberehad as their.,Kuests p g and Mrs. William Wright. ,
STORESand Mrs. Alex Holtzhauer at the 'leaders of the Gorrie ' 4-H couple of weeks'. vacation in Hospital on Christmas morning g
1IN ALL Hawaii. and is still a patient there. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Riley and
I Cambridge. clubs and other ladies from Gor family, Miss Evelyn Hupfer of
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Leaver,- Mrs. Elaine McIntee .and Y,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Graham and rie and area. - Wingham, Mr, and Mrs. William
• Mr. and Mrs. Les Halliday visited Following a delicious dinner, Smith s. Falls, are visiting the friend, Ruth Rogers have T
THE with 'Mr: and Mrs. Harry. Mrs. ,Gladstone Edgar gave , a
latter's sister and brother-in-law, returned to their home in Weston. Wintemute and Dennis, Listowel
Maclean . Keady Mrs.
Sunday. history- of Christmas carols and Mr. and Mrs: Clarence Clement.. after spending Christmas and,the _ were guests on , Christmas' Day
with Mrs. Charles McCutcheon
F PRICE Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson the ladies sang a verse of. each Mr. and Mrs. Charles Setchell, weekend with the former s: ••
f g Toronto, spent Christmas and a' : mother, Mrs. Ross Sanderson. Walton. o , , V.
` • and fam'il'y were Christmas . carol following its 'story- Mxs• few days with their son-in-law Sympathy of the community is Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clement
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Glenn Johnston gave a scripture spent a few days with their
r and -daughter, Mr. °and Mrs. extended to friends and relatives Y _
PLUS . • Henry at Clifford. story on;the birth of Jesus.' famil in Toronto at Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nickel and A quartet, comprised of .Mrs. Thomas Douglas and family. of Gordon Sandersofi, Morris- Y
December. _ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Ott bank, who passed away so sled- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Higgins and
e y pe Miss Jean Spar- spent Christmas on Friday with- deoly on Saturday. family, Stratford, spent Christ - -
27,29,30,31 our patrons and
Tamil spent Christmas with Mr. � Alex Graham, ,
and Mrs. Cliff Hallman near ling, Mrs. Jack Ferguson and
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Musgrove mas Day, with the'former's par ;
i o Clifford. Mrs. Edgar, delig)lted the ladies ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart 14ig'rt°• visitors with Mrs. as they sang a,number bf Christ -,and family"and returned toaheir Mr. and Mrs. Ross Toinan triends .. •. May your New Year
2,3 George Ashton were 'Everitt mas songs accompanied by Mrs. " home in Listowel on Sunday:' spent Christmas with the hitter's 6""
• Ashton Susan ,Kathy and Jane of Wilbur Hogg at the piano. Little candy :sabelie, Toronto, brother, Mr. and Mrs. Boyne Mr. and Mrs. Keith' Adams, IJ@ as WOndel'}U) as you are)
$ 98Jecns& Cords- Montreal. They also visited with �„ iviias. Kobert Gibson Called 's spending this week with her Sage and family, 3rd line Wverton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fred McGee and Staff
Mr. Ashton in the Listowel Hos- the roll, each member introduced grandparents, Mr, and Mrs., Wallace. Other guests at the dams and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. MCGee
pita). her guest,dd gave the story o . a Clarence Clement. same home were Ro Sage "of James_Schefter and Dale and Mr.
/ Mr. and Mrs'. Paul 'Wendt and Christmas symbol.. A beautifl Elgin Toman Plattsville, Newton and Mrs. Roy Miller and antf Mrs: Stuart McBurney of
accompanied h his sister, Mrs. David of Listowel. Wingham'werevisitors"on Christ -
Cheryl of Toronto and. David decorated basket of gifts was p Y
GreetingsI Season's Wen of Guelph were Christmas' passed -.-.and each one chose a Ludena Sararas, New Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Me- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs.
visit ith Mrs. E. A. Schaefer. package. The gifts.were donated visited, at the home of their Michael,- Mr. and Mrs.. Ron Dewitt Adams.
:z Mr. nd Mrs. Stewart Schaefer of . by members. brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMichael and girls, Wroxeter,
,Y Toman, on Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd Lamont and
` Mrs. Bob Lathers, David and family of Teeswater were Christ-
Terry of North Bay spent a few mas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ;
days with her mother, Mrs. Stan Glenn McMichael.
0/i Cto r�i a and Grey Tfu st -Company Gallagher. Christmas guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Margaret Adams Mrs. Glenn MpKercher of James '
t and its Subsidiary Companies returned home after spending town were Mrs. George Griffith,
5 4 , -
Christmas and a few days wit Miss Margaret Griffith, .Jack
n t e :.
Financia 1.H.i,ghlight n.., .. `
Results foe,Year 1975 1974 Increase e o n n yb rook News
•� �
Revenue. - --S 11-5,297,644 $ 92,324,657 24.8
Visitors on Christmas Eve with Visitors over Christmas with
Operating -Income before Mr. and Mrs, Sam Thompson and Mr: and Mrs. Edward Robinson,
Income Taxes 15,633,130 12,056,427 29.7 family were Mrs. Clarence Judy and Janice were Mr. and
Chaimney of Belgrave, Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarence Ritchie and family' "ebpr
Net Operating Income 8,335,•210 6,228,627 33.8 Mrs. John McCormack, Christie of Ripley, Mr-. and Mrs. Jim
i and Emilie of Orangeville, Mrs. 'Robinson and Mr. and Mrs: Bill oil'We heartily wish that
Net Operating Income,Claire Rainer of Toronto, Mr. and` Robinson, all of Kitchener. � �� � this New' Year brings,
per Common Share $2.91 $2„1 5 35.3
p ' Mrs, Fred McPherson of Wing- Visitors with Mrs. Charles
4 ham, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hag, Jefferson on Christmas Day were to all of "us the a-
'Net Income 8,364,615. 6,517,898 28.3 gitt of Blyth -and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson °'` •. biding love and 'un -
John•.Income per Share g2,g2 Thompson of RR 2, Luck- and family of Donnybrook, Mr. "/ dersfandin
l 2' :25 29.7 r g that leads
new. On Christmas Day Mr. and and 'Mrs. Don Jefferson and
I Mrs. Gordon Haggitt, Mr. and family • of Clinton and Gary
- to ,,peace among men.
Mrs. John Thompson and George Morrison of Varna. Sunday visi ,y ' ' Thank you, our loyal
• Year End Position Lockhart of Lucknow wereuests tors were Mrs. Edward Robinson 'y.
g customers or a
at the same home. and Judy RR 2, Auburn and Mr. `
Mortgages 1,136,978,161 926,999,061 22.8 Visitors over the. Christmas and Mrs. Jim Robinson of Kit ' truly wonderful year.
,. a z .
holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Stuart chener.
� Deposits 212,686,193 178,585,540 19.1 • - l •
Charriney and family were Mr. _
j Guaranteed Investment and Mrs. Warren 'Bridge of
Certificates & i Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. Don t' f
Debentures 1,021,969,522 843,578,523 21.1 13osman of Brucefield, William ®on t'
Webster of Lucknow, Kevin
Sha7eholder`s' Equity 42,337,286 37,509,599 12•.9 Pletch of Belgrave, Jamie Strong give rile �' 1
Assets —Company and of Wingham, Mr. and -Mrs. Cliff
Guaranteed Funds 1,295 556 256 1,072,798,867 20 Henderson and Laurie of Bruce- a rough
8 field . and Mr. and Mrs. .Jack
Pepper. 4. �• �t�
• I L� meI
•�' I ;;. :� y;� '
Estates, Trusts &Agencies 162,213,715 134;850,648 20.3 \
Visitors over ;Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson / `� „%;f• k ,
Annual meeting Fled Oak Inn, Peterborougk , Wedr-esday,Janua.ry 7,197 were Misses Gladys and Irene uSE 82by.8 Own -
Jefferson of Goderich, Mr. and
Mrs..Jim Leddy of Donnybrook, VIMRMandGREY Misses Mary and Linda Jefferson e aped Own nefor t� ,'irr
TRUST COMPANY SINCE Ei 89 of Toronto, Miss Sharron Jeffer- delis 'all made far hah�
Management and Staff
delicate skin (ontalnuxith g I
at . son of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs, int; Lanolin for extra gentle'
Alliston' • Belleville • Brampton a Can- Sound • Peterborough • Port Credit Murray ^ Wilson, Gr"egory, -Seo't neo; The powder is made of
nington - Cobourg • Collingwood Renfrew • Richmond Hill • St. Catha- and Darryl of ISR 2, Auburn, the finest imported talc to a
Exeter • GoderichGuelph • Hanover ro rines (Agency. • SC'Marys • Stratford Robert Jeffei son, Craig and Ter- help prevent di iner rash It's
RED'Fm%p ir
• Kingston • Lin&4 • Lis4owel Mea- • 'fiUsonburg ?Toronto • Whitby. esa of RR 2, Lucknow. We are a rough world' ,%lake it soft
ford • Newmarket North Bay L SOffices, Chatham Creaming sorry t0 report Mrs. Robert Jet- gentle for your hahv LTD.
f� Orangeville Oridlia Ottawa •Owen ton
Sarnia • Wa4laceburg•, � � fers?in•is a patient in University AI Always useflahy'SOv`nGROCERY'
Hospital. London.
N v