The Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-05-18, Page 27Page 2—Crossroads—May 18, 1983
This time of year often
brings a flurry of
houseplant gift -giving. It
seems Mother's Day, Fa-
ther's Day, birthdays,anni-
versaries, general celebra-
tion of springtime and
those irresistible flowering
plants on display in garden
centers and florist shops
all contribute to an urge to
splurge on an attractive
One very popular gift
plant is the azalea, not the
easiest of houseplants to
keep going happily for any
length of time. Their diffi-
culty lies in their need for
both bright light (but not
direct sun) and cool tem-
peratures, 50 to 60 F.
Unfortunately, the two
do not often go together in
most of our homes. Azaleas
also need a lot of water, for
their roots must be evenly
moist at all times. Daily
misting helps keep the
plant fresh, too.
At the same time, they
must drain well and for
that reason the decorative
foil sleeve a gift azalea
usually comes dressed in
should be removed where
it blocks the drainage holes
of the pot.
Given good light and
cool temperatures, an azal-
ea should enjoy a fairly
long period of bloom. Re-
move it to a cool spot at
--night--if at is_ _difficult to --
keep-itcool-during the dam _
Plunging it outdoors in
the garden in light shade
for the summer will give
your plant a better chance
at a second season if you
wish to bring it indoors
again in the fall. It could
also be placed on an apart-
ment balcony out of direct
sun. Outdoors, keep it well
watered and misted and
prune back shoots to keep
a nice bush shape. Fertilize
during the summer with a
food designed for acid lov-
In the fall, bring the
azalea indoors and keep it
cool. Cool growing, good
light and lots of water are
the keys to keeping azaleas
going and blooming again.
Similar in its idiosyncra-
cies is the cyclamen. Well-
nigh irresistible in flam-
boyant bloom, this . gor-
geous flowering plant is a
florist's specialty rather
than a houseplant lover's
The cyclamen is one of
those plants which simply
flops over in warmth —
like the calceolaria and
cineraria. In warm house
temperatures the calceo-
laria often will rapidly lose
all it pudgy pocket -shaped
pouches and the cineraria's
leaves do a fast droop.
If possible, place a cyc-
lamen in a bright north or
east window where the
temperature goes down to
about 45 F. at night. Give it
a summer mitdoors on a
shady spot and bring it
back into the same condi-
tions in the fall.
If you're lucky, buds will
have formed by early fall.
Like the azalea, cyclamens
like lots of water but no
sogginess at the roots, so
make sure nothing ob-
structs the drainage holes
of their pots.
Cyclamens, like azaleas,
need humidity. Mist often,
stand pots in wet pebbles,
or place in an outer pot of
dampened peat.
Earlier this spring I saw
a most beautiful miniature
rose plant with double
orange blooms, all done up
in a decorative container
and in full bloom. It was
certainly an attractive
present for a houseplant
If you have a miniature
rose plant keep it in bright
light and maintain humidi-
ty by daily misting and
place the pot over a bed of
wet pebbles.
Keep it clean by remov-
ing all dead leaves and
spent blooms and place the
pot outdoors in a sunny lo-
cation for the summer or
place it on the apartment
balcony. Give these plants
a couple of treatments
with a rose dust or fungi-
cide -insecticide combina-
tion before bringing in-
doors in the fall.
S irley Whittingt
what fun itis to ri
People never get over the
fun of riding on things. This
accounts for the popularity
of those brightly painted
coin-operated ducks, trucks,
trains and space -ships that
one finds in supermarket
foyers. Little kids wheedle
quarters out of their moms,
then climb aboard and get
joggled and bumped. They
love every minute.
Getting to go on things is
one of the big benefits of
journalism. Such expeditions
are not always joyous. One of
the best pieces I ever read
was written by a reporter
who had descended by eleva-
tor down the leg of a semi-
submersible oil rig off the
shore of Newfoundland. As
the ascent began, from the
ocean floor the elevator
shuddered, slipped and then
stopped altogether. There
she was, trapped with an oil
company executive while the
North Atlantic surged
around and above her. She
1. Here's Danny's complete drawing..
2. Finish what Danny started.
3. Now try it yourself!.
Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle and
entertainment section in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance -
Times, The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun Members of
the Canadian Community Newspaper Association. Ontario Community
Newspaper Association.' and the Ontario Press Council. 'Controlled distri-
bution in Elmira. Palmerston, Harriston. Brussels. Millbank. Newton.
Atwood. Clifford, Drayton. Wallenstein, Moorefield and Arthur
Display and Classified advertising deadline — 5:00 , p. m Thursday week
prior to publication date
Advertising and Production
The Listowel Banner
188 Wallace Ave N.,
P0.Box 97.
Listowel, Ont.
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Accounting and Billing
The Wingham Advance -Times
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The Listowel Banner 291-1660. The Wingham Advance -Times 357'-2320
The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 The Milverton Sun 595-8921
Elmira and District News Kim Dadson
survived, and wrote an
excellent story — inspired no
doubt by terror.
I've never researched any-
thing that scary but my
quest for first -person exper-
ience has taken me onto
some peculiar conveyances.
A dog sled ride taught me
that a man's best friend is
prone to sudden stops and
terrifying digressions.
Horses stop and start sud-
denly too, but at least they
don't take off after stray cats
while you're riding along be-
hind them.
A trip on an ice -breaker a
few years ago made me feel
as if I were knocking around
inside a huge castanet. We
all had lunch in the ward
room, while huge ice chunks
scraped and thundered along
the ship's hull, a few meters
from the sugar bowl.
Riding in the caboose of a
train is even better than
VIA's scenic dome. There,
reclining in an elevated
pseudo Lazy -boy, you swing
and sway past back yards
and small boys and stretches
of feathery tamarack. The
caboose beats the cab of the
locomotive, by a mile.
Helicopters make me
queasy. A friend told me of
-his hair-raising ride in one,
with a radio traffic reporter.
As the craft banked over a
very crowded Highway 400,
my friend's not inconsider-
able bulk was thrown against
the plexiglass door. When he
looked closely and dis-
covered that the door was
held shut with what ap-
peared to be aluminum
screen door latch, my friend
suddenly developed a strong
and abiding affection for
seat belts.
It's fun riding on things
when you're a passenger.
Driving something involves
responsibility. My solo flight
on a mo -ped (a cross be-
tween an ambitious bicycle
and an underachieving mo-
torcycle) was disastrous. I
forgot to ask how to stop the
thing, and was forced to roar
around block after block,
hoping to run out of gas. I
didn't. Those things have
fantastic mileage. Event-
ually I crash-landed on
somebody's lawn.
The very best trip I ever
Of Ford Tractor, Antiques, Household Ef-
• fects, Good . Dishes, China, Tools, Misc., for:
had — better than riding on a
camel or up in a light plane
whose engine cover wobbled
loose shortly after takeoff —
was the time I beat the traf-
fic in an armored military
I'm a pacifist, and I hasten
to tell you the vehicle was not
on a warlike mission. Now, I
ask you to imagine a narrow
street totally clotted with
small moving cars. Period-
ically where collisions have
occurred, there's a complete
jam-up aS drivers shake fists
and yell at each other before
an every -growing crowd of
interested on -lookers. There
are traffic 1ighf. , but they
are treated like horoscopes
— as amusing warnings
which are not meant to be
taken literally or seriously.
Drivers never signal except
by horn or voice. Through all
the chaos, elderly men ride
bicycles and balance carri-
ers of hot Turkish coffee in
one hand. Shawled peddlers
shove huge carts laden with
cheap jewellery, T-shirts,
tangerines and other objets
de junk.
To be a pedestrian in such
a landscape is to risk certain
To be a passenger in a
tank -like vehicle as it an-
nounces its presence at the
head of one of these lunatic
alleys is a heady experience.
The little cars vanish down
side streets. Cyclists and
peddlers scuttle up on the
narrow sidewalks and flatten
themselves against the
We advance majestically
and I wave graciously at the
few pedestrians who watch
respectfully as we drone by,
keeping their peace.
Wow: I feel just like one of
those kids on the coin-oper-
ated space ship.
Mount Forest: Turn east' a1 bfnker lighitat.
north end of Mount Forest, on No. 6 • Hwy.
Go 1 mile east of farm (south side of
cemetery), on:
Saturday, May 21, 1983
10:30 a.m. Sharp
zman piano and bench, top conditon; double
brass bed, good condition; 4 pane pine flat -to -
wall cupboard, good shape; combination buffet
china cabinet with bevelled ,mirror, bow front
door, real good condition; Dncan Phyfe table,
4 chairs; 2 cherry drop leaf tables, 1" oval;
modern kitchen china cabinet; dining room
table and 2 leaves; 2 wardrobes; number of
good upholstered chairs; Edison cylinder
gramaphone, working order; some cylinders;
upright gramaphone, good condition; electric
Singer sewing (machine; new roll -away bed;
Small pine lift top desk; old dry sink, no doors;
iron beds, brass knobs; small extension table,
needs repair; number of antique dressers and
mirrors; antique chest of drawers; modern
dressers; number of washstands; small hall
tree and mirror; 6 rocking chairs, some press
back, one arrow back; child's wicker rocker;
child's press back high chair; small pine blanket
box; old double school desk; captain's chair;
old wool winder; 2 B&W TV sets; old model
deep freeze, working order; old trunks; annex
wood stove; old pine bench; pine chest of
drewers; weight clock, running order; ginger-
bread clock, working order; footstools; hall
table; end tables; dome glass covered clock;
odd dining room chairs; chairs for caning; old.
sewing machine; plant stands; odd tables; old
cast iron bathtub and legs; grain cradle; copper
boiler; oil burner; old corn cutting box; pots and
pans; everyday dishes; small appliances; other
household items, etc.
offering of Canadian press glass; water pit-
chers; goblets; butter dishes; cheese bells;
cream and sugars; fruit bowls and nappies;
syrup jugs, etc,; art glass; vaseline glass; col-
oured glass; depression glass pieces; carnival
glass; Nippon pieces; Nippon coco set; Royal
'Nippon cream and sugar; odd RS Germany
pieces; cranberry pieces; good cranberry
pickle cruet; stone and gingerbeer bottles; flow
blue pieces; Belleek cream and sugar; shaving
mug, brush and razor set; old cups and
saucers; cookie jars; odd Noritake and Oc-
cupied Japan pieces; 2 mustache cups and
saucers; salt and peppers; china plates;
teapots; odd silver pieces; crocks; 2 hanging
lamps, 1 is brass and has prisms; nickel plated
lamp; bull's eye lamp; 2 finger lamps; other oil
lamps; several are miniature; old pop bottles
from Mount Forest and Owen Sound; butter
bowl; butter prints; 2 clock shelves; cheese
box; odd wooden wares; odd picture frames;
candle mould; other small antique items not
TRACTOR, MISC., ETC.: Ford 8N tractor with
loader, good rubber, all in good condition; 6' 3
pth cultivator; 2 wheeled farm trailer; 45 gallon
drum and pump; small battery charger; rubber
tired wheelbarrow; number of good 20' cedar
poles; good 40' extension wooden ladder;
forks and shovels; garden tools; lawn mower;
new roll of barb wire; jackal) jack; small forge;
hydro heater; old doors and windows; odd
lumber; some tools, etc.; other items not listed.
TERMS: Cash sale day. Cheques with I.D.
NOTE: SALE ORDER: Tools, misc. sell at
10:30, tractor sells at 11:00 a.m., followed by
dishes; china and antiques. A good offering of
china and glass.
Lunch Booth.
Mrs. McIntyre has moved
to town.
Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for ac-
cidents, injury or loss of property sale day.
Auctioneer: JOHN D. McPHEE
Mount Forest. 3234058
Of Appliances, Household Effects, Antiques,
Dishes, Garden Tools, Had Tools, Lawn
Mowers, Misc. etc., for:
and Partial Lots, to be held at Mount Forest
Community Arena, King St. E., Mount Forest
(Note - location), on:
APPLIANCES: BE avocado frost -free fridge
with matching 30" electric stove, top condition;
• Westinghouse harvest -gold frost -free fridge,
good shape; Kenmore 24" coloured electric
stove, good condition; Maytag copper -tone
matching automatic washer and dryer, top con-
dition; McClary automatic washer; spin-dry
washer; 3 wringer washers, working order; 2
older model electric stoves; small convection
oven, like new.
TIQUES: Double spool bed, good shape;
painted jam cupboard; davenport couch and
chair; settee and 2 matching chairs, good con-
dition; odd press back chairs; 6 matching
wooden kitchen chairs; odd wooden chairs;
two 4 piece bedroom suites, good condition; 1
is maple in colour; two 3 & 4 piece bedroom
suites, good shape; Knechtel kitchen cabinet;
4 matching parlour chairs; dining room table, 6
chairs and buffet, good condition; dining room
table, 6 chairs, table is marked; dining room
table, no leaves, buffet and mirror; 4 cushion
chesterfield and chair; chrome tables and
chairs; 19" portable Electrohome colour TV
and stand, good shape; B&W TV sets, 1 is 19"
portable; wooden wardrobe, glass doors, good
condition; cedar type chest; double bed,
maple, good condition; 2 studio couches;
dresser and bench; chest of drawers; small
maple table with buffet, china cabinet; small
painted china cabinet; approximately 40-50
cafeteria type chairs; number of good
upholstered chairs; rockers; couch and chair,
needs upholstering; hall table; small vanity with
mirror; small blanket box; oak typewriter desk;
end tables; small 2 door china cabinet,
bookcase and drawer on bottom; Singer model
sewing machine, good shape; old sewing
machine; AM radio record player; wooden
stools; 2 matching wicker chairs; odd wicker
chairs; plant stands; parlour tables; good con-
tinental bed; trunks; rocking chair; canister
vacuum cleaner; floor polishers; 24" electric
fan; brass fireplace screen and accessories- 3
good metal storage cabinets; lawn chairs; small
electrical appliances; table and floor lamps; pic-
tures, etc.; other items not listed.
DISHES, ETC.: 10 place setting Fine Bone
Wedgewood China, yellow and grey in colour,
in good condition; 2 partial sets of everyday
dishes; approximately 25 good cups and
saucers; aluminum roasting pan; a lot of pots
and pans; wall plaques; crocks; odd old bot-
, ties; teapots; a lot of everyday dishes; good
dishes; water glasses; a lot of ornaments;
boxes of books; boxes of misc.; some bed-
ding; number of good glass sherbets, wine
glasses, some are depression glass; water
goblets; odd depression pieces; old wash-
boards; odd silver pieces; a lot of items not
TOOLS: Dewalt 8" radial arm saw and stand,
good condition; Super Clipper self-propelled
lawn mower, like new; Lawn Boy- 19" lawn
mower, top condition; 3 other lawn mowers,
running order; 3 good bicycles; good lawn
sweeper; wooden stepladder; snow scoop; '/a
hp bench grinder, like new; 6" vise, like new;
open and socket wrenches; small snap -on tool
box; other tool boxes; good rubber tired wheel-
barrow; 200' 11/2" nylon rope; umbrella patio
stand, good condition; 2 hand post hole
augers; old pulleys; natural gas heater, good
condition; logging chains; stone and sledge
hammers; hoes, rakes, forks, shovels, etc.;
roof racks; nails; boxes of misc., etc.
TERMS: Cash sale day. Cheques with I.D.
A large offering of things.
' Lunch Booth open.
Owners, Arena or Auctioneer not responsible
for accidents, injury or loss of property sale
Auctioneer: JOHN D. McPHEE
Mount Forest. 3234058
ISM MINE al 131011111=Ei $23122122--
,r LE << ` �TI ���� S;r,�
Of Household, Antique and Miscellaneous
Items, for:
to be held in the Neustadt Arena (4 miles
south of Hanover), on:
Saturday, May 21, 1983
10:30 a.m.
lamp; Neustadt souvenir cups; antique cream
pitcher; egg cups; pink depression bowl and
dishes and fruit dishes; set of dishes, con-
sisting of cream and sugar, cups and saucers,
bowls, 3 sets of plates, gravy dish, large plat-
ter, two vegetable dishes; hand -painted plates;
crystal pitcher; Royal Standard and Royal Mair -
fare china; antique flower vase; vanity set;
numerous collector's items; Blue Ribbon jars;
cigar boxes; pictures and frames; Germany
cups and saucers; Sommerville games.
HOUSEHOLD: Wooden table and chairs; dining
set consisting of a buffet, 5 chairs and an arm-
chair, table and china cabinet; Zenith 21" col-
' our TV; Peppier bedroom set consisting of a
bed, dresser, chest of drawers and a dressing
table and stool; Peppier coffee table; child's
chair; wooden rocker; silver service; Niagara
massage chair.
MISC.: Large selection of pots, pans, glasses,
cups, saucers, etc.; numerous pieces of hand
tools such as saws, hammers, drills, bits plus
,an extension ladder; vise; plus a lawn mower
and electric grinder.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.D.
Lunch Booth on the grounds.
Executors or Auctionners not responsible for
accidents or loss of property on day of sale.
Let Us Arrange and
Conduct Your Sale
• Personal Service
• Free Consultation
• All Types of Auctions
Of Car, Household Effects, Dishes, Antiques,
Farm Machinery, Tools and Misc. Items, for:
Lot 10, Con. 11, Elma Township, located 1,
road south of Newry on Hwy. 23 and 1 mile
west on Con. 11, turn' right, first farm, On:
Monday, May 23, 1983 -
11:00 a.m.
FARM MACHINERY: Ford 600 Jubilee gas
tractor in good condition; Freeman manual
loader to fit and tractor chains; Case model S
gas tractor, working condition; International W4
Super gas tractor, good working condition; NH
350 mix mill; AC 3 pth 3 furrow plow, 14" bot-
toms; NH 7' trail mower; Ford baler (red); IHC
ace bottom 2 furrow trail plow on steel; 5 sec-
tion harrows; IHC 13 disc grain and fertilizer
seed drill, on steel; 8' wheel cultivator on steel
wheels; NI ground driven tractor spreader;
Cockshutt 4 bar side rake; 2 section spring
tooth drag harrows; 1 horse scuffler; farm
wagon with hay rack; turnip planter.
STRAW: Quantity of baled straw.
CAR: 1975 Comet Ford 2 door car, automatic,
radio, only 19,000 miles, good condition, sell-
ing as is.
MISC. ITEMS: 2 wheel garden tractor with 1
furrow plow, disc and cultivator; 100 gallon gas
tank; 2 wire steel farm gates, 14'; 2 Surge
milker pails; fanning mill. platform scales; steel
posts; steel water trough; bag cart; aiuminum
box wheelbarrow; 30' wooden extension lad-
der; milker pump and motor; neck yokes; dou-
ble trees; spring seat; misc: farm tools and anti-
que itools; 2 boy's bikes; self-propelled lawn
mower; 1 gas push lawn mower; milk cans. •
Norge ost-free refrigerator; Moffat 24" elec-
tric stov-; 17 cu..ft. chest deep freeze; G.S.W.
wrin• - wash r; small electrical appliances.
FUR IT : 2 door china cabinet with drawer
(Queen Ann legs); chesterfield and chair;
chesterbed and chair; Motorola B&W TV,
cabinet model; coffee and end tables; bronze
oval kitchen table; 4 chrome chairs; humidifier;
footstool; small radios; 4 folding chairs; card
table; smoker stand; Filter Queen vacuum with
power nozzle; floor and table lamps; chrome
clothes rack; child's rocker; roll -a -way cot; 3
steel double beds, spring and mattress; bed-
ding and linens.
ANTIQUES: 2 wicker rocking chairs (good);
pine cradle; drop front chest desk; 5 leg round
table; cellar table; parlour 'table; wall magazine
rack; mantel clock; apple peeler; sausage
press; sausage grinder; sideboard; buffet with
top mirror; round wicker parlour table; hall tree;
2 round -top trunks; wicker sewing stand; hall
mirror with hooks; match holder; stereoscope
and cards; brass mount wall lamp; aladdin lamp;
cabbage slicer; cutter robe; coal oil lamp; iron
pot; wooden chairs; spool bed; 3 dressers and
mirrors; washstand with towel bar; gas lantern
DISHES: Variety of good dishes including
Noratake, Baveria, Mickey Mouse kid's dishes:
Carnival glass; glass; jugs and crocks; dinner
set, complete for 12; dinner set for 8; tea set:
complete setting for 8 Old Company plate
silverware and chest; complete setting for 6
silverware; everyday dishes; pots and pans.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I . D. sale
Lunch Booth.
Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for
accidents or loss of property sale day.
Auctioneer: BOB GILMORE
514 Victoria Ave. S.,
Listowel. 201-3489