The Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-03-30, Page 29Putter ' `e TI4ERE MA'( COM A DAV WHEN Tit15 LITTLE GIMMICK WILL HELP Y`4U DRIVE AN IMPORTANT NAIL. Econo By Barbara NIcNinch There is nothing like a bowl of hot soup on a winter day. I can still remember coming home from school with my brothers and sisters to the wonderful aroma of homemade soup. Mom would keep a pot at the back of the stove bubbling away and ready to warm us up. Soups are served in every country and are acclaimed as having been around for centuries. They are mixtures of meat, fish or vegetables, or any combination of these that are simmered in a liquid. They range from light ,broths and consommes, served as a first course, to thick, hearty chowders and stew -like soups which are ist gives meals in themselves. Soups generally are prepared using a stock, which is made by slowly simmering meat, fish, vegetables and bones in water with seasonings. The strained, rich -tasting liquid is called stock. Homemade stocks are time consuming to make. If you choose not to spend the time preparing a stock, cubes and envelopes of beef, chicken or vegetable -flavored bouillon, cans, of condensed broth or consomme are time saving substitutes that may be used, The varieties of soups, as well as the list of possible ingredients, are endless. Soups are a good way to use the small amounts of left- ...:s:;;;� sem{«>r•;��. AT THE INTERSECTION OF CONESTOGA PARKWAY AND KING ST. N. WATERLOO 886-5500 over meat and vegetables that accumulate in the refrigerator. Besides fresh vegetables, frozen, dried and canned -may be used in soups. Many soups thicken naturally because they contain ingredients which act as thickeners, such as barley, rice, pasta, beans and potatoes. If the soup does not .thicken during cooking, there are three ingredients that can be added to thicken it: flour, cornstarch or eggs. To thicken a soup with flour or cornstarch, blend either of them with equal amounts of cold water. Gradually add the paste to the simmering soup. Cook, stirring con- stantly until the soup is thickened and uncooked starch flavor disappears. When using eggs as a thickener, beat either whole eggs or yolks in a small bowl. Gradually stir in a small amount of hot soup into the beaten eggs. Remove the soup from the heat and gradually stir the egg mixture back .into the soup. The heat of the soup, will thicken the soup without further cooking.' Add salt and pepper (herbs and spices) sparingly when preparing soups. During" cooking, the soup is reduced in volume and the salt flavor intensified. Too much salt• can ruin hours of hard work as well as the soup. LR S Most soups can be stored in the refrigerator up to three days. Some also freeze well for about three months. Soups that are frozen may lose some of their flavor be- cause seasonings are affect- ed by freezing. It is a good idea to make final seasoning adjustments while reheating the soup. Because potatoes do not freeze well, add them to the soup while reheating. To freeze soup, first refrigerate it until well chilled. Then ladle the soup inter freezer containers, leaving at least one-quarter inch headspace. Thaw the soup in the refrigerator, or if reheating frozen soup, add one-quarter cup water or more and cook over low heat, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OJ L ahaOV1ia ® Firs BROWN � TI -IE INTERNATIONAL MORSE CODE CONSISTS OF DOTS, DASHES, S e SPACES. HOWEVER, IN THIS PUZZLE AN INTERESTING PROBLEM HAS BEEN CREATED BV THE ELIMINATION OF ALL SPACES. --TO SOLVE, EACH OF THE FIVE ROWS BELOW MUST BE PROP - OILY SPACED TO FORM A WORD FROM THE ABOVE TOPIC. THE DOTS AND DASHES ARE IN THE CORRECT ORDER. • • 1. EO caOLEJoEJOEJOEJ®oO E 2•0001===000I=100 3.O00000EiEJoo0000EJo 4.0EJE=]ElEJElE]E}EJE]00 5.0EE01:7_11::)=o0o=oao • • • •• • • •• •• •• • • A moo* t■• • •.i• E •i • G • •••• •• • ••l • • i. mom • i• i i 0 m ••i • .i■ • ••••i• •i• T ••• ••• •• •i A ii MMMUS ■_•• .40 •lam tir Yes, you can, be frightened to death Is it possible to be fright- ened to death9 Yes. Micros- copic examination of the hearts of 15 people who died after exposure to a frighten- ing experience provided such evidence. "There was no other rea- son for these people to die," said Dr. Marilyn Cebelin of Case Western Reserve Uni- versity, Cleveland. "The evi- dence indicates that the stress caused °t fear can provoke lethal changes in the heart muscle that can cause death. The Good Tirnes Are Back At "Where a touch of yesterday meets the needs of tomorrow." E A T E R EASTER CARDS BY EASTER PLANTS CUT FLOWERS IN THE FLOWER BARN IN The Village B. rox's VZ Olde Town Village in Elmira 1 ,1.�-: _ - r ���r ■ ilk � � — - Ir1r ,,,SII yl!`F1�111�''IHII IILIIh�ln crllllll III I ���� 410111111111111 LIn [pH'' ',IIID IIIN III , '/%r/y',� : 11 II l' ^I u, lol . II� III�IIIII�d.-. t:� .1 ..y�� - Mon. Tues. Wed. Sat. Thurs. Fri. 9:30 am - 6 pm 9.30 am-9pm COFFEE SHOP OPEN A f 8 AM, MON sA LOFT RESTAURANT AND ENTIRE SE( ()NI) t EA, F I Is OPEN SATI:RE)AY NICHT UNTII 8:10 PM. •f) A unique Village Shopping Experience A people place with a warm and relaxed atmosphere to bid you welcome. SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS 12 NOON Tv II PM !OFT RESTAURANT & ENTIRE SECOND LEVEL 1 At wit's end by Erma Bombeck Ito It Copywright 1979, Field Enterprises, Inc Every so often, students and administrators come to grips over the school dress code,. Are ,jeans. being stret- ched so tight Jordache has two R's and 3 A's in it? Can a girl be sent home for walking around in an obscene T-shirt, giving her chest an R rating? Do bare feet titillate or suffocate'. Can a sophomore in short shorts make a coach forget his wife who is in labor with their sixth child? The pros and cons should keep the schools, students and courts busy for the next 50 years. But one of the things that always floors me out of the controversy is the sanctimonious observation, "What kind of a parent would allow their teenager to go to school dressed like that?" Are they serious? My kids came from a refined family. Soap was a staple. We didn't cut toenails with the same scissors we cut marshmal- lows, We spoke Jacques Cou- steau fluently. Our kids went to school looking like winos. You can lead a child to good taste, -but you can't make him wear it. There is an unwritten law that a child will wear (a) only what is in the dirty clothes hamper; (b) what needs ironing; (c) what he is forbidden ever to leave the house in; which all brings us to ( d) what everybody else is wearing. No one will ever know the conversations in our house that took place between 7 and 7:30 every morning. "Have you seen my navy sweater?" "The one with the buttons missing and the hole in the shoulder?" "That's it. They're taking class pictures today and I want to wear it," "There's good news and there's bad news. The good news is I gave it to a church mission in Liberia." "You didn't! Just when it was getting comfortable." "The bad news is they sent it back. They said no one was that deprived." To even suggest what a teenage girl will wear to school is to commit parenti- cide, They're in their Xerox period where one hair that is different can take away their will to live. I suspect behind every girl who walks into class wearing a pair of liquid jeans tucked into boots with four -inch heels, with a pair of horizont- ally striped warm-up socks to the crotch and a mesh sweater with a braless form moving beneath it . . . is a mother praying for an act of God that will close the schools before the day starts and who, if there's an inci- dent, will not give her right name! Contesi ends The Learn to Draw with Danny contest ended with the March 23 issue of Cross- roads. The large number of en- tries have not yet been judged but we expect to learn the results in the near future. While the contest is over, the Learn to Draw with Danny column will continue as a weekly feature in Cross- roads, just for entertainment for youngsters. Crossroads—March 30, 1983—Page 9 stirring occasionally. Why don't you cook up a pot of squp today and have a soup-er supper. (Barbara McNinch is a home economist with the Wellington County OMAF office.) Sumatra rich in ore Sumatra, Indonesia's westernmost island, has Southeast Asia's largest oil and gas fields and is a barely tapped storehouse of copper, gold, tin; bauxite, coal, quartz, molybdenum and •other materials. 0006M®.®000000060049060®® • SOLUTION 1 COCOA 2. SOIL a. L-EATI-IEP 4. WOOD 5, POTATO HEY KIDS/ LEARN TO DRAW WITH DANNY COUGHLAN 1. Here's Danny's complete drawing. 2. Finish what Danny started. 3. Now try it yourself! St Clair `NgPaPet four ��e aery every oO very style lll and a sale ahma91 t St ,Clait o you've non d value ou'v 9 been to lcn9 WI' waiti(nearest lot`ISA OEt. at SApo.gCN SAL Pearltone Interior 111 %Alin Satin Lustre Latex 90111"1".1/2 Price ' Ask a St Clair person for complete details ' Comparable Book Price Waterloo Square. Waterloo 886-3791 a Mon -Wed 9 30.5 30 Thurs . Fri 9 30 9 00 Sat 9 30.5 30 Conestoga Mall. Waterloo 886-2769 Mnn Fn 3 .30 9 30 Sat 9 30 6 00