Wingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-18, Page 6\I\ 4N N\ .s:'..Ws's :::,••• ..\,, • \,,, ';NN,s ''',,,\ , •••., ;.t. ;Oh 4-00,4 ; . ‘‘‘ FOt.','„ y •nose „ -04h.4 P0ea h • • • 11• 1' eeiteiAlf pkoricsootff thregs. • Cranbrook 11, Dianne Cox of Cranbrook 11, Lori Terpstra of Cranbrook 11, Coral Lockie of Fordwich 1, Charlene Penney of Fordwich 1 and Renee Sturgeon of Fordwich 11 all received the distinction. • Peace, justice themes for-UCW afternoon unit - BEtGRAVE - The call to • worship by the leader Mrs: • Earl Anderson; opened the meeting of the afternoon unit held in the Sunday school room on Monday. During the business it was decided to • continue giving the Upper Room 'to shut-ins. Two babies are to be visited and -several .bought CltristMas calend:OrS. Mrs.. Cecil Coultes led in • devotions using prayer 378 "For the Peace of ' the World" in unison followed by - a hymn, with Mr. Floyd Campbell as; pianist . Prayer "FOr the pe theft • World" was re ated 'in. unison. After viewing some pic- tures of the last war, Mrs. ,•• • • , •ai,1 ra' -4 • ;9 4, tF • • ;$F500.41 esWbte 4pLiti.; 140014 the aloe , • §w011. 11 • ,•.• • • • . • • COUNTY HONORS -A total of six girls received county honors for completing six 4-H clubs at last Tuesday evening's achievement night exercises held atothe Howick Central School. Carol Ann Connell of WINGHAM FRUIT MARKET • Heinz. 48 oz. fancy . Tomato Juice . . . . . Kigt, 1 litre. • Miracle WWI) • Frozen Arctic Garden, 2 lb. bag Fancy Peas Schneider's, 500* gr. Sausage Rolls Schrieiclers,504 CountryGrill Sinttil.01SalliPaget .98 • .1,89 1.19 - Weston's,. Raspberry 4's 1.9 89 swiss . . ... ..• Phone 357-224O4cispo SUNDAYS We Deliver S'Ore thlOnday ,s4totclay 739 am - 7 pm Fridays 9 pm - "P, • %" • '• • • 7 , t , LOCKIIIISTER I 1)01.1 PARTY! wale upstalri to Mary's MACIIIIIE PARTY Coultes asked, "Have we ' truly ; learned the price 'of war? Let us pray for those countries who have visions of a better life for their people. Is there relief for the poor in Mexico and other countries of the World? For poor countries 'talk is a useless aid. Are we doing our - share?" Prayer 380, "For the Peace of the World," was „ ' repeated. Faith and justice was the topic for study, The concern •for justice runs through the history of the United Church and the denominations from Whleti"We eothe. The cencern for 'juStiee can be found in the story of God's liberation of the world. • ' • Paulo Friere, the child. Friday. Nov. 20, ircini 7 pan..12 midnight * Continuous demonstrations on all White & Elms models * CAoffee and cake will be served • *Phone for a special appointment • If you preferl 402-7036 ALL NEW WHITE & ELNA SEWING MACHINES' • will be 20 e4 OFF with trade Friday. Nov, 20 7 p.m: 12 mijinight YOU CAN NOW r, air A NEW WHITE FOR • AS LTITLE AS ," $179. LEADER'S CERTIFICATES -Jean Robinson of the Fordwich 11 Club and Esther Hallman of the Lakelet 4-H Club were eresented- with five-year leadership cer- tificates at fast Tuesday evening's achievement night, held at the Howick Central School. from poverty-stricken Brazil vowed to dedicate his life to the improVMent of the lot of the •pods- and oppressed classes of the world. The story •of his work in, education among the illiterate was read by. Mrs. Willard.Armstrong. Justice for our native • people was brought forth • when ,she continued with the oration of Chief Seath, If we sell Orland, love it." Mr Lawrence Taylor led in there sudy taken from• 0 Serve 4esuso said, -titiry4t ia* did it ;one lthe least of these m bret1rn you did it tom I least •!brfl these," my br and Sisters, is with the ifioor, thei:hungry and thirsty, an4,the socially outcast, the 10*igner and the imprisonOcl: i" If 01 the • nations are tebei -judged for their treatment of "the least of these," how will our nation fare? ,, The use of hyrim, "Rise up 0 Men of God" closed the meeting. ' Mrs. MeeTgAdsh 10°;::.the former p4.11. 4e. -Ann.‘ mage, daughter of Mrs, Florence • Delmage:. • Wingbain and the• late Donald Delmage. -The groom's Parehts.areMr7„,•00 Mrs. Cameron, IVIacTavi4h, Winghain. • The bride was gi Y.04 marriage by her uncle, and godfather, William R. Harris. She chose a gown of champagne :poly esOr lustreglow with empire waistline, V. bodice, high Mandarin neCkline, long bishop sleeves and long ' flowing Skirt, falling into...a chapel train-lhe V bodice, cuffref sleeves and train - were adorned with fine imported Venice lace and she wore her great grand- mother's gold necklace of amethysts and pearls. A Juliet .. band held , her .chamPagne pure silk illusion fingertip veil and she carried an was ‘•11.14,171d .1k,.407117:14'. end ofjhe Th ligt°thirner. 44 e 409 .14C: ,,a,C;7;11sb. the 414, ushered Al*,11$1.1 Is tPP.e.w4:1•09 decorated.' wit nte satin0 10v4. 'MS adopted"re reception the 5The. fetal mofe1s 'ere On Winghambride's mot 17iI4Hae E'ri?elit/;•lite et- The Huron-. oui3t Health length dr of burgundy and Uit. Used:411e, lbodelS“qr Work silk, styled with long prenatal classes, as did the tikr t sleevestiP. Ifitxr dw9i.e ibde 0 aw e andriot Br* County Health Volt at " Kincardine - • corsage of burgundy itsfes The ; -'Walkerton and and pale tank miniature District Pro Life group tarnations. The groom's tended an invitation to the Mother .chose a street -length Wingliapi-i,VOup"10 , hear 'dress 'of black and pink Major jrilin--Criptiors, ...a- Pro Chiffon with longsleeves and: Life educator, speak on "It's a corsage- of Sweetheart Incredible" at the •HanoVer.,;1 roses. • town hall cinNov..I8, • Itwas noted in the. , For travelling the bride.• wore a two-piece dress, education I.1L. reportWalley,that associater purple and white polka dots with accordion pleated skirt, professor of Maternal -health . corsage of white Sweetheart at the Meniorial University of Nemitotindland and a black 'ItcceSsiziries and a gynecologist, said "our record. as human beings .has made this 20th century one of the, darkest, ages in the historyakinan." He added z :that Mother Teresa, described tne-willful destrnctionof unborn human life as the "greatest threat to World. ;.peace' ad.. begged . everyone to bring back the child. Wrong poem featured for Rerriembrance Day - As some of 'our readers already have'. noticed, the wrong poem appeared last week in our Remembrance Day feature. • Due to a mixup by the Legion, the poem we were given was not, as we were told. the poem written by Rachel Battye but rather another Remembrance Day poem which it turns out was written a number of 'years ago by Don Crawford. Here is the poem written by Miss Battye, which won . second prize Canada -wide in •the Remembrance Day writ- ing contest conducted by the Royal Canadian Legion: MOMS ON SALE! • Special Purchase! - Reg. '7.98 SATINS *4.98 METRE 20 colours - 60" Sugg. Retail '16.98 metre PANE VELOUR .... ...... *9.98 METRE 60" - (or 2.4I yard • JOGGING SUITING . ..... $3.25 METRE 64" 21 Celetirg VELOUR. ...... *8.98 METRE TT VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482-7036 ' PROVINCIAL HONORS -Four girls were awarded provincial honors for:oornigetittO 12 4-H clubs. Susan Engel of Cranbrook 1, Beverlee McCann of FOregVloll 1 OM Dianne Shelley of the Fordwich 11 Club all received provincial honors certifidate. Ab- sent from the photo was Mary Lynn Van Ness of the Ethel 11 Club. • , • V .11"riSo • ' REMEMBER By Rachel Bettye Cold November winds sweep the fallen leaves around the feet of the silent Watchers. Remember hen they clung lig and strong, vying with ach other for their place in the sun? How like the fallen leaves are those we mourn cut off from the sap as they reach their prime! Eyes once shining with joy of youth grew dim. grew blind, gazing emptily into the wasteland. y Each spring the tree bears fruit again. accept ing the inevitable death of her • children. Is this the fate of human love, to create young men destined tofdie in war? St. John Ambulance says to stop severe bleeding, you apply pressure quickly, directly on the wound. Use a clean cloth if you can, your hand if necessary. Keep pressure on the wound, do not remove blood soaked bandages. Get medical help. • Snyder Studio Photo .„ • 0110,••••:' le*er4§4 tor 140: BENI 1010001 .Fri 7:30,0.m. • Sa Dec. 5 - 7:30 p.m. • Upper Thames lementary Schoor rande:Sr-Mitahell F R MORE INFORMATION CALL Mitchell: 348-83'05 iStrattdrit 27P69-14 St.Paurs hurch (ANGLI AN) WING AM • Johri Street a TO4jEislor:,..The R • THE ANGLIA N -PARISH OF • WINGHAM i1D BEL:GRAVE .ST. PAUL'S C URCH, WINGHAM SUNDAYI NOV. 22 * .The Sund y next before ' Ad ent *. • 8:30 a.m. . Holy Eucharist 10:15 a.m. Sunday School •0 • 11:p0 a4- Mattins and „ , Sermon roadcast over CK X - Radio Centre Street Orini:T9 • 140100 Os / •../ 7 I N, , r tw A9Ur ' ll'ir **IRS , a Ashton's Fashions & Fabrics • ,• Luckmio 4 4 4 .1*=-04!o0i.vA44410b4efo4iar.t irr4vi2e.0N .aa S co\l‘SIWN6 _1104a %Cea November 20 - 28 ,1981 OPEN SIX DAYS TWO t tt /1, 46111 A WEEK • • •OR1'11011 • • • • • 0 a •16 1,4)1 11".Mr 11"11r fist 10.00 Off Regular Price 411' 111"14 Junior end Waifs Dresses ceation 01 Children's Wear s AU.S Vit 66 13" 0141 ( 1/2 Price_ Paton Beehive c• • NiccoliniKnee Length Coats (only) mines ono Nicolelle 30.00 off Reg war Price -And Well Pay The Sales Tax • Paris ifir Coordinating SportsWear • yi off °I Nightgowns Rag. s13.08 .1116•OO NOW $9 S • fta 15- XL IF IOC cffirrgitr". 40 $1 .09 • fli600 • 0441.'.. • •4•V • 60 0. Ben 921C14H,„ 00; 0-2.4aiAa40,7"it-,:aw,41464 4