Wingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-04, Page 12R,Q :Widgets tie, lose It Dear ;still lead the Wed by the Pen - Oilers, the Vie Flyers and the Kenyon bowled high single of 138 for the ls.and the high double of, Mark Wickhorst bowled s' le of or the highsingle 15 7 f the boys and the high double of 248. Games over 100 were bowled by: Becky Sangster, 119; Ria Linardatos 105; Lori ' Tiffin, 107 and 101t Theresa Kenyon, 108 and 138;, Ian MacKay, 129 ,and 102; Jason Sterner, 109; Chris Thynne, 107 and 113; Jeff Hollenbeck,113 and 130; Denton Chambers, 131; Scott Well, 105; Mark Wickhorst, 157; Jeremy Cameron, 101; and, Dean Tolton, 121 and 100. JUNIORS The Steelers lead in league play, ' followed by , the Cowboys, the Ti -Cats, the Eskimos, . the Stanripeders and the Rough Riders, Janette Taylor bowled the high single of 212 for the girls and the high.double of 332. .Dwayne : Scott bowled ,the high single of 197 for.the boys and the high doubleof383. Games . over 150 were played by: Janette Taylor, 212; Lynne Braun 181; Jennifer Willis, 152 and 171; Debbie Clark, 169 and 164; Tammy Cleghorn, 158; Mike Fraser, 153; Dwayne Scott, 186 and 197; Marc Nesbitt, 174; Jeff Wall, 160; and, Jeff Dennis, 154: - SR, JUNIORS AND SENIORS The War 'Hawks remain in, the lead, followed by teh Alley Cats, the Dynamites, the Expos, the Joe's and the -- Stoners, Deb Henry.. bowled the high single for the sr. junior girls with a 216 and the high triple of 583. Bruce ,McInnes had the high single of 163 for the sr. junior boys and Graham Taylor had the high triple of 420. Sheri Walden had the hiigh single of 209 for the senior girls and the high triple of 551. Darrin Hickey had the high single of 197 for the senior boys and the high triple went to Jeff Cameron with a 529. Games over 175 were bowled by: Angela Wall, 185 and 193; Sheri Walden, 209 and 186; Lori Gavreluk, 177; Kim Rae, 180; Deb Henry, 183, 216. and 184; , Sandra Moffat, 195; Jeff Cameron, 190';. and, Darrin Hickey, 197. Both Grade;,1 and 2 got their new readers this week. On Friday, we had . our, Hallowe'en party. Everyone • dressed .up and went from room to room. ` Grade :2'; provided and passed the Lunch{ around past 'week 'Grade 3 ave teen doing. vagi s alloWe' en ae • ave alsobeen • - ors 1"h ditltr study ,-G: o :..i,., . • 110e_ had , a wonderful e'en party. Everyone • eat costume and'we >f'treaits •, , xetyntorning, Grade parents and Father• MarAntette galive red' together for a tom.=ntiitg ceremony After planting'the tree, we �kiad a: special' prayer- Spiecial� thanks are vven to Mr ands Ilrlc+Glynn who donated the tree.. Sacred Heart Mailbox On Friday, Grade 7 and 8 entertained themselves with a lunch and a dance in the latter partof the afternoon. We wore Hallowe'en costumes. Special thanks go to the parents for' their ef- forts- with costumes and snacks, as well as Doug. Montgomery,' who supplied" the 'mutate.' • On Wednesday; thecro �s Ow* 'team competed t meet . Ex er . t: tli ` . e ,.,a . � system, Everyone :;is oto' be com- mended owtheir fine efforts. The Memlersof the team are;' Tammy Kieffer; Diane Vandenbroek, Julie,- ,:Koop- man,; MarleneAlbers, Sheri and Shelly Marklevltz, Jodie Wong, :;Laura, J Dennis and- 'Steven•ltallahan, Billy -and Kelly McGlynn, -,Murray. Futon,' Brian' Richey; Barry , Shaw, Aim `McGlynn; • Sean Sean -Kieffer, Paul Brophy and Steven Doerr. **am Lions Alta:Gtpne bad; Own:a 6- 1 a>s en Saturday to tie a ttutgteam from Dew - born; Michigan, 3-3 Sunday in a weekend exhibition series. Wingham jumped into an early. two -goal lead in the Shat game when Ron Scltasted opened spring at the 23 -second mark from Rob Willis, and Brett Canieron added a goal, as- sisted by Schisted. However Dearborn came back to score three unanswered goals in the second half of the period to take a 3,2 lead. Following a scoreless second period, Steve Nichol - 'sen tied the score for the Lions, assisted by Schistad and Cameron, in the first !minute of the third period: But the Lions fell behind 6-3 as Dearborn scored three more goals. Wingham ended the scoring at 11:57, with resOg his s#qn; No of t ggiele, assisted at1y itoi$Qt>iA , Pear'born .scored twice' the first period and onne•la. the second during the Sul! day rematch. Wingham get on the scoreboard m t ei second period, with Nicholson scoring from Cameron and Schistad: The third period belonged to Wingham, with the Lions getting a goal from. Cameron, assisted by Schistad, to narrow the gap. before Byron Thompson blasted a slapshot from. the blueline to tie the game. Schistad also assisted on the tying goal. Mike Pletch was in goal for Wingham in, the first game, and Rob Schistad played in the net for the second game. The next home game for the Lions will be this Thurs- day, Nov. 5, when Wingham hosts Hanover at 8 p.m. i,e SCOUTING NEWS. A reorganization meeting of the 1st Wingham • Scout Committee was held Sunday evening at the home of the secretary, Marlene " teed - ham. New members Shirley Kaufman, Eleanor Ward, Rev. Paul Mills and Doug McBurney were welcomed to the group, Jerry Belanger will be the new chairman of the group committee and" Dorothy, Marks will be the telephone convener.' , Mrs. Leedham reported. she had attended a meeting of the Saugeen West District at Kincardine and registered 107 members with the Boy Scouts of Canada. At present there are 32 Beavers (with four on a waiting list), 40 Cubs. • and: 1e' Scouts in:, the , Wingham Patrol. For each boy registered,,57.50,went to" the Boy Stouts of Canada and $1.00t0 the district: The Beaver leaders are Diane : Tynh ne: and. 'Beth to :. :: Sktnn,. assisted 'by Lori acne ` Poulin •Frai'icis Daw and: Bevan :gown `The ' Beavers ',. meet every Wednesday night at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. The Cubs have as their leaders' .'Ron' Beecroft;. Murray .Underwood, Wilson Daw, Wilson Perrin and Carl Pritchard. -They: meet each Tuesday ,night at the Wingham•PublicSchool- Marty Cretier, Ken Foxton and Ian, Deslauriers are the Scout leaders, while John NEW LEADERS INVESTED --Three new leaders were,invested into the Wingham Scout troop at a Hallowe'en party held last Tuesday •evening at the Wingham Public School. The new leaders are Capt. Wilson•Perrin, Carl Pritchard and Ray Bateman. • Leedham is a Scouter In Training (SIT). They meet each Wednesday night at the Wingham Public School. All groups are to take part in the Remembrance Day service at the Legion Hall Nov:11. It was decided to carry on with the annual used equipment sale in the fall,, but it will be held two weeks earlier with shorter hours. The paper drive was discussed at length. It was felt this is a worthwhile project and hos eholders should be encouraged to keep saving their papers. A committee was setup to look into collecting papers in Teeswater and Lucknow. Saturday, January 2, is the date selected for the annual bottle 'drive. Only returnable bottles will be collected. The Ways and Means Committee is to come up with some fundraising ideas, as s group,a running ' re on all. avery . tight budget. ' The Ki en .0 ub the Loc sponsoring group, has supplied shirts for the new leaders. The Boy Scouts of Canada are celebrating 75 years of serving Canada's youth this year. The 75th anniversary theme _is "The Spirit Lives On". ' • The nextgroup committee meeting will beheld Sunday, Dec. -6, at the home of Mrs. Leedham. \Juvenile* Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the major causes of crippling in chil- dren More than twenty-five thousand Canadian children under the age of 16 suffer from arthritis. le ij 3r, ;i. rlea.,, foild Beav Turf Joker; Caro points. ^ Jean - Gant: r. rpver 200 were bowled.. b „i;.Shirley Storey, 204, *2°0066; 256; Jean King,' 202, 263 ,and 262; Caroline Greenawa 4,, 202; -Arlene Willis, ,205; Mary Lee, 216 and 206; Mari Campbell, 219 and 200; Jeanne Harrison, 225 and 224; Marg Hickey, 255; and,Jiady Hickey, 231. A ,-.!'. Ar ,.!- a ...+" d e x ✓- * HT LADIES. jrgins lead that; 34 paints :dna's Eager' Millie's Mud with 27, Jean's fh 24, Lila's 4•:i firth 20 points, end O, ,sualties with 10 *..howled the high and the high THURSDAY NIGHT MIXED Sheila' Walker bowled a super game with a 277 high single and a 723 triple. Ron Walden ales had a super game with: a 313 single and Bill Wall had a 631 high triple. What a fantastic night. ' Games over 200 were bowled by: Bill Wall, 254 and 200; Sheila Walker, 233, 213. and 277; Rena Fisher, 262; Daryl Walker, 208; Ron Walden, 313; Jo McCormick, 207; Maig Moffat, 211; and, Robert Wharton, 213.. Thanks to spares Winona Thompson and Marg Moffat. COFFEE KLATCH Those bowling 180 and over were: Jan Creeden, 217; Jean . King, 208 and 226; Muriel Irvine, 226; Florence Thompson, 192; and, Shirley Storey, 235 and 216. Draw winners were Donna Adams and Vivian Brys. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Lyla Ann's Leapers led the league in points, followed by Lois' . Loopholes, Shirley's Scooters,Dilys' Dodgers, Cat -tiles Cruisers and Isabel's, Invinciblesr , Jean Merkley hadthe high single for the ladies of 261 and the high triple of 704. i . • Terry Armstrong had the' high triple for the men of 2295 Ind 'the highsingle of 649 Games over ` 200 were played by Jean Merkley, 261, 222 and 221; Isabel Burke, 203; Anne Coultes, 239; Doug MacLeod, 225; Jim Moran, 207; Barry Moran, 217; Francis Merkley, 226; Frank Burke, 222; Bob Pegg, 235; Wayne Coultes,.:203; . Leon Russell, 215; Kevin Pletch, 227; and Terry Armstrong, 295 and 214. MONDAY NIGHT MEI'S Gary Lisle had the pins flying and walked off with the high single of 292 and the high triple of 801 = well done, Gary. Other good 'trjple scores were had, by Jini Sterner • Some ' interest shown in forming . town band Sufficient interest has been shown in reviving a Winghaiii town band that it appears -the ftu a will go ahead. The initial meeting held last week attracted seven musicians and a follow-up meeting has been set for next Thursday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m., prQbably in the town hall: Each of the seven has promised to try -to bring one more person along to this meeting, which would give the group a good core, reported Bill Henderson Jr., who together with his father tSto @WtiaBa 2445; and233,.Rt Clare 1 Ge Elston, .. a Stef err ' and; owl -0N 244fin„ Skin% 377; Ch irlle Hb 1 12r r 26„8,�; and*'G Lisle, 2311 278,: and` .`. :. r i yea.: We have a real Wein 'Ike. pairs -pins ever average” as Mac McKay and Jim Steffl, have pumped' into the• lea with a plus of 4*just ptns,; over Charlie Hopper anti Ken', Simmons with '4014.s. of 405'; Then comes Lorne'lamiiton and Clare Weber with a plus. of 242 tied with Bob Johnston and Wayne Elston. With only three weeks left in the first round, it looks like. a battle to the wire. a' Thanks to spares Bill Wall, Neil Bieman, Len Houghton, 'Ted Moran, George Lubbers and Jeff Thompson. SENIOR LADIES The Poppies lead the league in teaam,standings with 23 points, followed by the Sweet Williams. and the Gardenias,' both with ' 17 points, the Asters with 15, points, the Pansies with 12' points and the Lilies -of -the - Valley with 6 ,points; Winnifred Lockwood bowled the high single of 186 and honorable mention goes to Jean Robertson with. a 176. Jean Robertson had the high'.:double of 299, followed by Jean Mathers at 278. , • TEESWATER-WINGHAM LADIES , Yvonne's Snapdragons lead ,the league with 31, ;points, followed . by :Joan'! Tulips with 28, Bea's ivy and Marg's Sweet Peas -with 23, Bev's Butterettps with 22 and • Millie's Liilies with`20. Joan Whissler ad. the high single„ of 2613 ,and the high aP tr 1 of 648r•.• r Ga•tties� evertio "vvei`e bowled by: Joan Wissler, 268; Kathleen Moffat, 231; Audrey ' Fitzgerald;, 222; Yvonne Xuenzig, 236; is trying to reorganize a town band. He said the biggest problem” lootnmg' oirthe`"-- horizon is obtaining the necessary iiinstruments, which have 'beirorne very expensive. The group is eicploring a rental system which might offer. a solution. • The seven Who have shown interest so far represent a fairly good nietiOeCtidn of the necessary : itlstruments, but the band stili. needs and snare dt utritiler's, Mrbass. Henderson added. 7`H1 WINGMAM BOY SCOUTS displayed r1 wide variety of Hallowe'en costumes et their annual party held last Tuesdayoofrg, , r l 260 anld the gar +cowled ova. ,c .Andy' A.darl, 206 Leslie 4040:44:40:12:11::: rewer roht obnstale, . 221, ,d, ..218;, and, Bi l 2111• a!�A . torotlitOk G.oderich The Square 524.7661 i ;eRoy JacksAS n l b Al tmintim, Tiled .Re9tourant, //pp�qii Faehon, else.. SEtatiovalynn algia -• r , aka < o rydem,e irro B ., Bt lii"dallf,1, A.� A Enjoy famous""WarC it Class" service while wining your -way to sunny Florida! QQ Wednesday West' Palm Beach h.199 Pp Feb 3 -Mar 10 Ft. Lauderdale 169 Monday pp Nov 15 -Dec 6 Orlando 159ThugNov 14s -0ecSlim PP 5 �a_ 110 Daily 1S9pp Nov 15 -Dec 11 Wardair"s A.B.C. flights are operated Pur- suant to government regulations whjch re - 'quip boOking,at leash 14. days pt'ior t� departure. A 'non -returnable deposit of 10% is payable within 7 days of booking: Prices do not include Canadian departure tak. Prices areper personre re and`! those available at: press Bale. Alloffers are' sub jeer to availability at time of booking. Prises �aYoot i ncl de airport transp orta- ton taxes .or enegy, surcharges. See 'sup- pliers brochure for full terms and condi- tions. Prices contain all known 'fuel sur- charges at press time, but may be subject to further' surcharge Without notice: 1. 250 Josephine`St' 'Winghath 57.2701= Out. of Town? Cali ,COLLECT Ask for Cindy' or Usa We will be happy to, help with'your,holiday plans. • 'Ottr hauls - Mon. , Fr••i. 9 -,5:30' HARijE1!T VALUES AT JOHN CULL CHEV-OLDS- THE PRICE OF NEW CARS GOT YOU DOWN? TRY ONE :OF.THESE LIKE NEW BARGAINS. 'MOST ARE AVAILABLE WITH 1 2' MONTH 20,000 KM,MEGHANI,CAL REPAIR PROTECTION. . 1980 Ford Granada - 2 dr., 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering and nitre. Only 20,000 miles. Lic. OFV 218: Now 5995.00. , , Chev Citation - 4 dr., V6, ;automatic, power steering. Lic. OYD 165: Just 6195:00. Pontiac' ..Sunbird Hatchback - 4 cyl., automatic. Only 10,000 miles. Lic. RAO 129. ,. Only 6195.00. .1979 Oldsmobile Royale - 4 dr., air conditioned, powe7-wi'rt'dbws, "locks. ti -.NWT 871. A bargain at 5795.00. Chevrolet Malibu - 4 dr., 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering and brakes, 46,000 miles. Lic. MNW 930. Just 5499.00. Oldsmobile 98 Regency - 4 dr., loaded with all the luxuries you would expect, 31,000 miles. Lic: 584,483. A real beauty for 8199.00. 1978 Chevrolet Caprice Estate Wagon - Lots of room for passengers and Toads, yet with reasonable gas mileage. Lic. MZE 757. Now only 4495.00. Dodge Aspen - 2 dr., like, new condition, bucket and console. Only 23,000 miles. Lic. NCA 119. Just 4799.00. Chrysler Cordoba - Air' conditioning, cruise control, AM/FM stereo, 8 track, only 28,000 mies. NOD 188. A bargain at 4999.00. Fornada - 4 dr., 6 cylinder automatic, power steering. Lic. NDM 877. Good economy for only 2995.00. 1977 Ford LTD II - 8 cylinder, power steering and brakes, 69,000 miles. Lic. SBZ 467. Now only 2495.00. Plymouth Volare - 2 dr. coupe,'6 cylinder, 3 speed transmission, a gas mileage winner, 45,000 miles. Lic. LSY 723. Just 2699.00. Chev Impala - 4 dr., a great family car that won't break you at the pump. Lic. LEM 060. Now only 3799.00. Chev Malibu Classic - 4 dr., a mid size sedan with lots of room, Nice and clean with only X49,000 miles. Lic. MCK 816. Just 3799.00. 1976 . i Caprice Estate Wagon = A clean car with only 44,000 miles. 'tic..•LMB 061. The price, only. 2695.00. Lincoln Towne Car - Fully equipped and in "mint" 'condition, 51,000 original miles. See this one. Lic. ' KSY 616. Just 3995.00. 1975 Olds Cutlass Supreme - 2 dr. Sharp! Air condi- tioning, power windows,' AM/FM stereo, 8 track; 53,000 'miles. Lic. SBZ 487. A bargain at 2899.00. Olds CutlassSuprome -•4`dr , air conditioned and in good shape, 68;000 miles. Lic. SBZ .468. For only 2495.00. TRUCKS" 1980 Chev 3/4 Ton - 4 wheel drive, 4 speed transmis- sion, built to work winter or summer, 25,000 miles. Lic. EZ1 238: Just 6995.00. Chev 3/4 Ton - 350 4 bbl. V8, 4 speed, power steering and brakes, 23,Q00 miles. Lic. (EY9 535. Drive away for 6495.00 plus RST. Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Diesel - Fuel economy in a 8' box. Just 34,000 miles, includes ,12 month 20,000 km. warranty. Lic. DC9 367. Only 6495:00. 1979 Chev 1 Ton Van - 8 cylinder.autorrlatic, power steering, brakes and radio. Equipped to carry the loads in covered, security. Lic. EY9 222. For just 3495.00. GMC 1/2 Ton - 4 wheel drive, automatic, With cap. A beauty which must be seen to be ap- preciated. With only 19,000 miles. Lic. EY9 628. It's real value for only 6995.00. 1978 Chev 1/2 Ton Diesel - Red and white with Scott- sdale package and AM/FM radio. A well looked after unit with only 38,000 miles, includes 12 month, 20,000 km. warranty. Lic. EY9 752. Just 5095.00. Ford F150 - Econoline Van, 8 cylinder, automatic with windows all around,, 30,600 miles. Lic. EY9 878. AI good deal only 4196.00. 1977 Dodge 0100 - V8, automatic, power Steering, radio. A clean, sharp truck with only 32,000 miles. Lic. DC8 633. For only 3295.00. John CulknChevOI,ds 115 Josephine Sf. isW the .F eople Pleas ars" M1 in9I am 359.2323 •