Wingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-04, Page 8to:ctn.:rod" • ttee-Timea, Mere • , . ' • • 44, 4 • ;0? •:"•,‘• • k' , • •• • •••-•-it*.i•Wiz' SPECIAL 111()TICE RATES • *90i41inent Notices (with Plaffral ' , $5•00i Eggerviant NernceshshInSKPlotera • . HAP' Afeduatiori Pictures, • , $300 ythrilyersary Pictures, %Nears and Over .... No cluras illfruldlog Write Ups...No Ichargis if copy is received %,fithhit three weeks after the ceremony. Charge...for accortipany-' irk9 Picture is OSA° "After Third Week • • Write up Detailed wedding write ups will not be accepted after six weeks but for a United time picture and a brieIcriptigin Wit he published. at a charge of . $5:00 FOR SALE SKI -D00 trailer; sump pump. Phone 357-1287. THREE seater chesterfield, opens into full-Sizeted with mattress. Priced tOsell;•fteet offer. Phone 357-1287, 20 Al- Tiots.*ATE .49ggfry selection .a nt fioce a thi;7017,*40011itt 4,506s$00140-• Hurry we h$e•plOV. 21. For farther':iiiformation :,phone 39$40118. or ,..8$70.173. • , .• .has.00 anti ',e FOR SALlt • r• •• • •,•,.; .• • • • , , „ . • L -SHAPED 10' x 5' painted kitchen cupboards including counter top, double sink, and taps; Oentent donble lawldrY albs with' stand; 3' x 3'8" mahogany bifold door. Phone 528-2170. 4711 HARRISTON wood" cook Stove. Phone 357-3448. • 4-11 . • MICRON skates, size 4, good coltdition. Phone 335-3977. ZENITH col' or Ttrs, stereus. Jarvis TV, TeesWaiier, 392- Ii*"4110 . • Enn'ellent 4140100* one ' ' 41U.. _ q$17italla .3rour half SE1,4F.7100king. !cattle .• head • gates, 4250; with. treabnent Chute, $460; (aria- gates 47 perft.; feed carts 063. ginotity • diScouzit,s. Phone (519) 69842283: ESM *elding, 11Rd; Linwotid. • , • , , -MAGNETIC' SIGNS: many TWO 45'', wnter r4014`,111, Aises`, available, 8" x 20", got halt4On'Alley, $91..6(f. infirtha- p, 74949 .tionphoneTheilirlightiiii Ad - 4 -11 vane -Times, 957-2320; (yie!.11:.•-? -„,•• .. • • . grit - • " • . , :•1 thliSSErr. Phone ,,StO ElalbetTel3oer;524-5554„ .11 . .`1$ grandfather ....)) A . '•''' ''' :4C1.tio*:: 7 . 4 *4•050' '..'Sit. ; floor -. Vi • PULLETS, willtlerrsi '...', model .' 4' drawers; up - by .. '..:i ' ' 1'401w TV Set; •antique eggs; ches ' iM4.:•0; r,Itrilie- '411f"*: holstered chairs: Phene357- ' • :weigh- ing !#•,- .'"?*. to '°' pounds Phone• 245I3 aliSOP40. •';,•' - . i447164*-q.lk .:. : .:-. ' CARS . A.i.,. 1,{170 Ks - - . • . . . .o: 48-4 '' ,•,,',' .?,:'ii;;:i0,..o,,g:, 4!,f/. -i"..!. y: —: !41' ",:',.:....• .r P• :..•, . .,. .!. ,,,:::i.4 0 1GLASS:•-•,.,"...7..••7'''W,'!' at; s''.o. n HOi..t,ee40.4DPPE4' r.,Pnoneiaidwaee,.Gpmewill 7-1 7; '1. .'L1i,,,'glass inahninum abd wood frames. ' Phone 995- • .., ...240`..7,-tO1-$:D.:Adlifir truck, ,."! .'• :•_,7tcs1..„ , . ' insillt(te4..li°A,"74,5.'l .. 441, 7 . ^. . . 21.28441. .,_ , ' • . '4', ., ' k". :4 • ":'::?'''''' '4‘' ".. ' ' ADDRESS. Labels: gumnied : ,' PLYMOUTH. " - Phone l' 300 for $2.25; .pressoning2otirmr • fP',.„,!'' : : • _ .- -= 717.,..19*. . , ,•;,•• ,.:, • . .4-41 , Advance-- b ..c1977 VOW truck PIRO; With • ' •• • ) • , • reP:':Itiai:taCiadelt1S91 '4104it .:70t.;:irftngt1141i- • • 28-4 ens, 4-13 Pciunda. Phi?* PAISLEY' • APPLE Pifer mill re -opens Oct. :01 fng Operating :each week, Thursday: Friday Jill 9 p.m. anitSatnr- daY • till, 8. P*171-' 00m, coOktog. Thursday only. Apple butter, sweet cider, containers, barrel's for sale. 30,7,14, 21,,A$A,11, BERG stable cleaners and'. etabffag; trait.Jeectera abd, water boWiss; Ail4',auntoaders. and farrowing crates, Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Htilyrood, Phone 395-5390. . 27rrb • • WOOD; potateeA. $$ for 75 pound bag of whiteand,$9. for 75' pound bag of red, 'Phone 335-3875. • WEDDING invitations: Drop in and view our lateat beak of sample • „invitatiOris. • The Wingham 'Advance-Tifnes, 192 JosephineSt., Vingham, 357-2320. • 29rrb PETS FOR SALE AUSTRALIAN Blue Heeler puppies; excellent cattle dogs. Phone 350-9068: .PART-Gerinan Shepherd • and part Doberman puppies, for sale to • good, home, Six weeks old. Please phone 323- 1275. • •,41911eArif?."-:' ', • • 4-11 • 71977,. Tirt#,148 litrispecial7edittit: Only ••!• • 23,009 miles, new Michelins, W ,battery' new onartz. ••• -t; halogens. Asking.$6500. • • Phorie 392-6782. 1924 CAPRI, in good condi- ,. tion. Res automatic trans- . • mission, 6 cyl. engine and gets 35 mpg highway; Will • take best offer. For \more ; information phone 357-2766. 11Y74 FORD Tunderbird, $900 as is. Phone 523-9369. 4-11 •• 1981 FORD Courier truck, $6200. Brown's Tire Servie. Phone 887-6788. 1975 GMC halfton, steel flat bed, wooden racks. Phone 357-3088. 264, 111111111111111111111=11.111101111111111111 McCREERY • AUTO WRECKERS 02, Wroxeter se Hisinvey 06 Midway betwolin Winghom Ond Lisfbwel tf iLorasfol.;m144 ONE. weeik:011*Ifolstein phone!,187,6004.. i••• FARM EQUIPMENT FORSALE • ,, • JOHN Deere 6600, narrow 4 row combine, many options. Phone 887-9493. F11144. RANGE OF FARM • EQUIPMENT BUTLER—Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo, loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, eonvey-nFeed Cattle -Feeders, Single Chain. Con- veyors,, 13arn Cleane,rs, Os- walt Ensilage Mixers. FARMATICBlender mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, , Blender Mills for Ground, Hi -Moisture Corn; Augers, Leg ElevatOrS. ' • ACORN—Cable Rani Cletin ers„ Hydraulic 'Manure NMI* • ' WESTEEL-ROSCO—Grain Bitis;.1350 to 250,000 bit:, Bulk FeedTanks. ACME—Fan-Jet'Ventilation Systems: •- •* ASTON—Ventilation SyS- tems. SLU:ItHY-SLINGER-1.1e- uid Manure Spreadere, CLAY—Parts and Service for ClaY Equipment- arAlgallt;r-sF. LUSH—Lig, uid Ma- nure PUmps, -Aerators, Sep- . WE HANDLE EVERYTHING—ALMOST • LeWry Farm SysteMiLtd. Kincardine Phone 395-5286 21rrb • • 11T4!' WANTED FORD orke-roW mounted aereif$500.4'hone 357=2919: • 284 • • • . piche unlf picked 300' •PARTTIME:. OrganiSt for Wroxeter I.T.inted Merck Pihone: Marllyn 14544e19 for particulars • EER in heavy trucking. • • '117ansport, drivers needed. 11,y• °BILES` SALE e JDSi *MO' tion • P. a p:157-1699. • 1 ire, 25 hp; Ina ' 4.5hp; both !mite Wescellent condi; r SAKI Inva,,der 449, 001 snowmobile. In' este) eitcondition. Low „hone 523-9329 • after ir p;fri,' week nights, or anytbirr.„ *kends. 28-4 • ' • • WOK WANTED CU§TO*706Mbining, $25 per acre.% Narrow rows: truck AirailAbleAlSo custom plow- ing:PhOrie 257-3895. •• 4-11 EXPERIENCED farm hand desirehvitiik en dairy or beef faith. Phone 335-3851. 28-4 WILL do housework, one day a week.Phone 357-2295. 21-28-4 • OtittER. r4 Phone 523-9369:'-"" SreiriS-Ilie"tliiieleVailiTer • your Class A Licente. For , interview and application contact 'Merv. Orr's Trans- port 'Driver Training, -Lon- don branch (510432-1726. 4-11-18 SURVIVAL and emergency deh3rdrated and freeze dried • food.- Long term storage. Seott's Penna Storage FOode, Aylmer, Ont. Name 019y:77a-2462. Deafer inqUiriesibirited. ' SCHOOL Bus driver, 21 years �r older, will' train. ,Phone 357-1651. 28-4 PART-TIME salesclerkore- (mired:Apply-to Box 2197,it-o The Winghain Advance - Times, Wingham, Ont. • '411"*Alviran, CArrLE,, sick or disabled, ':toP,dollar-Phrine:5my- 41US1NESS: ' • OPPORTUNITIES : MISCELLANEOUS PROPAANE or CNG conver- sioacritha_ Aegis, trucks, build Yo!b*Seg.,: „for plans , and drawingS,Odd $15 to Spring - valley Engines Ltd., Box 45$8, .Stathin R, Kelowna, B.C. V:1X6,46'. 1F )(011 are friend or rela- tiVe Of,ap alcoholic, the AI - Moir ramijy, Group may be able to help4du solve .your side Of Hie.prpblem, Please coataetP,Ast Office Box 1135, • Irlf01.000*;,'‘.2,,,'• 1/4 • , •• •' ..Frb -g-*Ao4N-tvnEvts e•i4mtne AITSA. James .957- , CRAIG'S • tal- cross calves. Geraid Srnith, 67 - service. .-339(k." .A I • •.i -. • .'. • ,'-'41frl). ...••••••• ;0, •• ,•• • •. • . 0A102:$0§1ineOl..9r000di PhSne: 957.;be. I671 1403 '1) P(' qv 1- ''.•••••••.:17,...7, Adna §Puttlwell • Certified -E • CASI-fin on mcome tax•Save -motley; on your taxes, earn nioney tiy preparing returns. Write U & R Tax Schools, 118 ItoxborOugh Drive,,Toronte, • Ont, il4W 1X4-. • .1,- I 0 • ,• '21-28-4-11 • . , • CUSTOM .ehttlblatalr corn, wide Mid nal'row • roWl, wagons atallable, Phone 52,% 42009r3074,210. •,•'•• ' ' : • . . . TV COLOR tadine Have your pLetare tu§a'eheitedl, For information -0o, 357- 3850 • ‘s,' • • ••• • .•,4906. 6i*da for ;101ir4.11.:Cifitii41)eeryOr .bb!11#11jeall. Phone:395-029 or a,95 -2t65'. • • • . ;tint PHIL'S ilefrigeration and Appliance Service; 24-hour eniergency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887- 5rrb INSULATE now. CHIP pays up to $500 of the 'cost. •Free • estimates. 'Adamson Insula- tion, LucknoW: Phone 528- 2113 or. 548-2526:. FullY', in- sured and •bobiled. Regis- tered with the.Provine of Ontario. '• 17rrb' rjt OW". n.Phone t • 1.:.rstPTIP • % . „ . PLAYERS are still- required foi Industrialtiocko'.te4pe::onoct JonBateson • 357-3096 or B�b' Armstrong 3572476. •;" , • TEACH ollars e citlero jet iv3i11514:91,4t. r thf to Huronred sVt w4114111. Free personal :11 rt°. °*p" Phone :n; wae:3w°57,1*1442 3n) 111. Deposit1 per •Mitt 0 't• Wit yl 40)* • •.• „ • • thc$q !2•C4 • C'ArA, • lMm *1 is .olOhno* •-'7;• -.;•• •••,..!-. • •••_ • 13th GroytOwitst NTRY GOLOc,' )CK "N` ROLt;..• •..41p0,q3cor'000 v081dintio;denceri. enniv • • PhOi10 OF411,1, cf)!1.9,1i9140,9 ,• 061:6i50 • fieniolial of superfluous hair by ele6frolysis`• 3571!,2112- Wingliarin ENTURE THERAPY CLI • O1TovinProperty,,HOMe of. 0 Weheld premises • .••SA t. 1401t.14th,• 10 a.m. Small compact home, handy to,Main Street -2 • bedrooms, living room; kitchen and bath, hard= - wood -floors, glassed -in sunroom,basement, oil ' furnace, water softener, This home is very ' econoMiCal t� heat, well -insulated, good roof, asbestos siding. ideal for couple. • O Open house, Saturday, November: 7th, 3-4 0-0,411; '• • • '; TERMS: 10% day of *sale, balance 3in5370.1172s.. • For information, • telephone AUCtiOneer: • • JACK ALEXANDER' Fumiture will be sold at Vklinghn Auction • • Centre at a later date. ' .1 IN A NAINSTYLIST O classes starting monthly. HAIRDRESSING 1,••'''• BARBERING UNISEX Far freer Information Kitcherwr Waterloo • Schooloffiairdressing 166 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6' 745-5641 • FAYE'S O HAIRCARE 0-% OFF • AN Poona arid Sets for Nov. Tuesdays thru Fridays Saturdays • - -12 noon • Phone: Faye TOMplernan 35771029 IISURANCEIALES This 40 may** the most Iniportant 'IVoir have responded to since we offer the right prson: • tnict yeafi --financiag • program With one of tlISS highest commission schedislea • In the 1,. dustrYi S-figuie retirement and qualified contacts doll*. Ws wont you to spied 11100 Of4our time deftly what fau do best. selling and being Well • paid far n. • For arifidentiel intervew/ end resume send to drawer 102 c/o &Hillock Memel Star .e. lea 220, Wanda Perk Goellarkti, Onfaido • i•);":."..`4: ••"•••••',.:- 141, N. EOSTADT .89°461 "Lir' (Toil or4:14 fh4o2ne) iii,IPi014NIA SALES 4.0014A LARGE LIQUIDATION SALE 0 0 a USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS Er TRUCKS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE UM) Cars ~lot HIghost parse paid. Phone LISTOWEL 291,4159 OORR1E 3354314 0iilaM11111011.11111110110910 LADIES AND MEN Join our team and eliminate money problems. Work Satur days and evenings, earn up to ap- proximately $240. per week, no investment, car essen1i61. If you are willing to learn you cannot fail. Phone Electrolux Collect 8843811 Of Living Room Suites andSOfa • Beds This week, Friday and Satutay Nov. 6th and 7t The Wingham Sales Arena brindif yqtl, e large liquidation sale of new livingro0111: suites and bed sofas in the latest•StYles; materials and colors. These saitee:,90111; be drastically reduced and Offied':td";.• clear Friday and 'Saturday only aiWilt deliver or discounts allowed for plOKi0' :••••- A u T. 1 0 121 0 Also see'our,new expanded display of bulk cookies, all kinds of nut baking goods, dried fruits andcandieS',10**111 bulk and save!! New &nd used furniture tools, towels, work clothing, work boots, blue jeans, ski suits, snow suits, flee1101ireci vests, coats, etc. • New and used firearms, am4110111;4'1:!" hunting knives, archery equiprneffftIOrt scopes, fishing gear, and more•0.1,•`,:•1: See it all at the • WINGHAM SALES ARE 351'4730 980 Josephine St., North it Wingham • Open Mon. Fri. nights till 9 p.nut7oft . Visa and Mastercharge accekcifed • Free Parking • WINGHAM SALES 4:•14: AUCTI Of Prorert, Household Offeets and Antiques for ' MR. &MRS. AUSTIN ST. MARIE. at 29 North St., Wingham (north end of town) on: • Sat., Nov. 7 • ati p.m. PROPERTY: Consists of an 8 room WICK house situated on a 21/2 acre level lot (more or leis). An ideal land investment: Property wilt be of: lered under a reserve bid around 2 p.rh. with terms • 0% doWn day of sale and. balance within 30 days:, EOPECTS,SANTIOVES: Westinghouse 16 cu. ft: frost free refrigerator (new); Moffat 30" electric istOve • with top oven; Renfrew kitchen wood cook stov; Inglis wringer washer; G.E. black and white TAI.; Quaker oil stove with fan and 200 gal. ()Plank; baseboard heater; Ken- more tractiuM Chiler; RCA deep freeze (as is); 2 Sets of 4 press back chairs; 3 wooden ext. tables with leaves; buffet -china cabinet with leaded glass door; parlour table; press back •high chain, leather rocking chair; organ stool; nail rtiirror;•COffee and 2 end tables; 2 dressers with matching washstands; wooden and Iron beds; pasljstancl; cots; triple dresser; lamps; eLirtaing; dishes; some bedding;; Fairbanks :Scae% 200 lb. Scales; 20 ft. alumext. ladder; 2 wheel trailer 9' x 9' steel utility shed; step ladder; J.D. No. 68 riding lawn mower with electric start (new); Bradley garden tiller; power lawn mower; lawn and garden tools; wooden tub: Cupboard doors; wooden chairs; approx. SO Colds of wood and other articles toc riUrnertiuste mention. IMO& 011h On effects day of sale. Ownes or auctioneer not responalble for any acCiderits or infUries on property day of sale. Auctioneer: LEN METCALFE Mlidmay 302791 •club4001,94, „•••,- CadilabIlOiAteht! • • . • Sate":!:* • •• •Owned by ‘k ' kr.e.• Allan • Barrie, Ont. at Walton Sale Arena, miles west of Durham • ' on Hwy. NO. 4 ' ••••••••:!'", • 2cridaVy s'.11/40v. 11:00 125 Registered,HOISteiriS •,•••••• GREY COUNTY CLUB SALE A fine selection of Registered', Holsteins from some of the top breeders of Ontario, This Sale ' features young .cows, Very GoOd and Good Phis, and daughters from Very:Good-0;W 000 • plus Oaths. , • •.• ' '" • Selling:- GEORGIAN ROYAL ••airbstom;:1100, :Au 9179 by.'Royalitar; maternal sister Res. All •'Canadian 4 yr.. old, 19030;'41.Oe'f•Peo,,-to O missloner. • :! •;•4,1,• A UNIQUE daughter, born JUIY,44170,,dain•ind • 2nd dam vp - BCA t6 .154M 9.3.F;, c,Itter to Ultimate. ••: ,:• ••• A STEVItARTHAVENOVNAN tliPetiftdahig4.Gg ;$73 ulfFegt4ii,:fldsicedakesAtlisitir.ivti Aretyliet, O'botiVbehSep,t41 8/76;: Eck. - 137F;' 3 'direct 'darns' .?? 13, • 1 77P; due sale" time to Longview .Astronaut..., ' JUST CONSIGNED: • - • , • • Grand Champion Dufferin 1980-81 - Best Ud- der '81, 2nd.Best Odder a(CentratOnt. Cham- PtOriOhilp•Show:,-.,syAyFitiEllaY.A4MENDA, VG, born, Feb.; 4T/44- bilkiyiltfaligt Yr. BCA 3 128M - 146F; her damarld.2n011eirs,,GP; GOA' to 146M - 155F. Selling fresh Oct. 11 • 1. A faney03.3 yr.t'OligifhSertater•;:,•_.,b SCA 12$M'- 1.36r;3414Ottagn1Str i-)03/0 teat; due before sale to . AUTIJMN'SPECIAL 4 ..„ Good Pliii dams, with production of 1•49NI• • .An EMPEROR DAUGHTER, born Aug. 22/78 Si heretit:Idmnaar n.17 andi640,2; n, .fresh et; dam j Veryune. iaTod with BCA BOA to , • • offered in yttalton's Autumnf Speck*, Another Theiit3 beste Seleo Urn% of,,type end productiotOer • A• 'show calf Oet. 23180" k'il'e Ultimate; 2• highly seletied-groukpf la: regigered'bOlti teins with full pedigrees of Very Good and direct dams Very Good with BCA to 131M - A Royalty daughter, born Sept. 7/79; her dam and 2fid dam Very Good,, .BCA to 15510 - 1500; due Filiff::46%etyllit •,r , , - - .•• • . k ' A show heifer by, Shiek, born:Jen. 2/1101,,3 genergtions Good Plus With SCA to 1394 - 144F; bred July 2/81 to Royalty... ,,-,.• ,.r• : A MARQUIS daughter, born April, 8/79; her 1 \ dam Good Plus; fresh Sept. 04-- • Cadilac Holstein •Sale ( 40 Registered Holsteins A Stylish GP , daughter by Royalty, projected BOA 146M - 153F; her dam Good Plus BCA 206M - 188P; 2nd dein Good Pigs, :SCA 1 32M - 169F; bred June to Browndale COOP missioner. • An example of one of the 14 daughters of Roybrook Starlite selling:- CADILAC ROSEALINE, born Dec, 24/78; her dam Good Pills; BCA 161M - 168F; 2nd dam GoOdPlus, BCA 165M - 176F; due in Feb. to, Ultitflate. Other daughters selling from •ittlth irree as Citamatt, Texal Supreme, Crusader, PitiMate, Convincer arid others: R.O.P. reeords to 11,965 kg. milk. A Young herd sire, born March 5/81. Sired b Browndale Commissioner; his dam Very .Good 6 yr. BCA 166M - 176F; 2nd dam Excellent; 3rd dam GoodPlUs. Listed herd. This sale is an opportunity for you, the holstein breeder, to select and purchase a young oft •or heifer to improve your breedintOregram. Plan to be with us on November 13th at 11 a.m. Semen selling 10:30 a.m. - Citation A, Triple Threat, Ned and others. O Sales Manager lit AuCtionaa• r DONALD e. W0011 (5i9)36041)04 •