Wingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-04, Page 4••••••• 11 1 1 , •• ta a.,-eaeeetteete • • ./ , • . '•/.A Published at Wingham, Ontario, by Wenger erns. Limited. Actrry Wenger, President Henry Hess. Editor ' . ; ... Robert O. Wenger,. 5e$2,-Treas. Bill Crump. Advernsmg Manager ' .. , Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member — Canadian Community New4PaPer 745,sfac- Subscriptions $ (6.00 per year Second Class Mad Registration No. 0821 Ontario Coonnartity Nita/wooer Assoc. Six months $9.50 Return ostage guaranteed No greater service The front page of last •weeks Ad- vance -Times carried a story about honors accorded to. fetter -parents in this area, some of wham have been fill- ing that role for 20 years. There:are myriadWays In which con- cerned and dedieated people can serve humanity, but We know a very few which compare tie iolatlinsettlshness with foster paretifing.,;10veaf children is an all but universal emotion. Those husbands and wives who find that they cannot have- children of their own usually face a deep dieapeibinfreent, but those who choosetoadopt a child go one step further. Theaaoffer allihe love and protection in their hearts tcaa Child who would othersebe doomed --t° a lonely life. • Foster parertighbvieVer, are a breed apart, they ara; prepared to •offer all that care and`10Ce:to 'a child ,whom, they iminaerWill'IA With them for wtlene • only. They knew that at some time in the future — a month, a year or even s, mere — they will have to part with one more chile, 'vvho has found a way into their hearts. There may be a few cold-hearted foster parents who are interested chiefly in the money they will receive for the task, but they must indeed be few -and far between. In the first place .the monetary return isscarcely more than the outaf7pocket cost involved, and in the secondplace that sort of fost- er parent doesn't stand Much chance of being selected for the role. Foster parent !lorries are needed *- provide ;personal care for those chil- dren which, for one reason or another,' have net been "chosen for, peemerient adoption. Thus, foster paeents eke Offen called upon to take on the added anx- ieties •cif a child who suffers some physical or mental/shore:orating., in addition to whatever ' honors we may , award to foster parents, surely - there 'Must be a special place awaiting theyn When among the greatest of man- kind. • M11 •ftr.,:•::•••:.1%,.:::.,,*.'•*§:).•,i*,;<:;.‘..11:::S: . •14 • •;, • • . •• eieee, , t • •••'• 4 0•"•5 ,• • ioo kir. • PieMei Sins' Ueda stO.F.01,41050109 to ••.the Canadiane Puet.' 110.1)11.0-eaoStageepareatolac0404 times lt-is.t4ohvy,pooiiieitiatACqa a few Canedient*-0:000:-that -same conclu- sion .ser*erat montns ag9. However, the .'440!-:*tele4;WithoUt hesitation, that we„iii`a0.1e1Sa',"Ctexie to our 'senses".1. ' ii4r$-SrudeaP.;:it seetiii, has suddenly,: becollieawaraeOf the fact that he Ins.' ,••• akiraas state of the economy does. in. fact, have 4,igrattical effect on the Canadikotlamily..:1Preelimably , til*aeer figaiitak unemployed are al- ready evvare','dfltiat fact; so are thief. thousands of families ho • ment •,-"4/•44.;11rilt,t t 4,7 7 • • • hom • loss;Sa 'are th#:Arnriers and I • n•bsisinese.-aWnert*haatiet can't-.:01ake. 0.0005; 1000 interest liati117affitiatiori With omments: Bali , i; 3. .6) ••. • . • . Dear Editor, ,Thahgh:ea.l..d Dh Hospital Auillaqcaii concluded 31. al Set wes a piece of, equipment for „efi ' costing $1,000. The corn-;.,,• whelming and, "000001 -a ,, amity • response wits'prer, •7:7';- final total is not complete, ' Hoeeibil Tag Day, which iast we.al] 0:T:15rsedhaesalnobeveaniso:r8e.ael:eili:tedlaivel :ids:. em, : - • scheduled to coincide wititY ,,? the anitglarY rti_taSpgg4004the har __,. as had been titOettete)n a, ' .,1fiteSefa.; ande11 number of years age. e • ' ' 1Jaht#1 ',•r,a-s; Tags fasmerly, were„(1077:!:.' generously, • tributed, replaced this year. . our sincere' , ,. by flyers with., a tWofold , purpose; to deseribe ;,, . - • equipment sought through NOVEMBER 1934 .poultry fahn.at Clinton for Wroxeter pests in die 'Saugeen District dersale' k , Scout some OP a the._ & feed e The, hiaceNvee annual meeting held in "1 wilamove,tietheeilla Wailterton. Frank E. Madill the -ranks of the ,hard-PresSed was predicted allOitaci a few' eaOstic cwould have an o at we prethieitit eggs. The plant ' en fall would ba One of the largest of Nail a Rae, the NOP tinendal say$ tt',s season but . the wmtry Its kind. British fapu • • :i41,4:41! • t*PS•,:r:T. • FIGHTER ,PILleTS,by Kell* die air again, Rollins inStinets • Thisintens'a' soaring devel eeading as thaVgb the 'B*00 Strangler' Mwelonidhee;d1 lidf,notSsaneedmaYto Wane.: 4'Empire. - ‘ of the agispeeralreiveher4r:PriiiiiSallibrr. 1744: cht "1444Inleran- iwai ; -444;.001- ffildijiir:1111baryt, jitalledoft:11: A •••:.kitchene,-Waterloo - Record edit overhead as they began tei. • at no Very die:test date was Monday to e rth ea. ediate Softball :tataam, GermaQY; la,lhe ilnter .-4eatraiti.41'i •orialeare iter:,,Otis liken* wurPIS headeouth. • made to the Jo • Inwerfihe WOAA grata: 1944- Flyiegerintia'aealatkiat • , - an arsoniet.whe wants 4o join the fire ;Gen* Beattie his of the HospitalapoVEMBEiille , .s.:_brigade .- • ' received word that he passed Wommatat A..1)1t1qui,1170 young Mir Force ace THE Gil TrudeauMr provided unique proof with first class :honors Aid Association by Hum‘7„. ,for the Vr Eon Town Hall acheArlaPiornksdahiipe74!hhealaysitetrml PelgekeaegrtiaWAT:g.' b} Robert ' • and A- forecast tr • • ,, mentitig vicirris, Monday this out On the weekend the natioeahz" ati ender a' -14•14 r 'ffaiteGlenaaigliae, eh*, tedseeretary-treasu eta • reer p1107(neguks— same scarf is TOO light" 04;••i geese could be , heard. Scherne, health insurance of clerk left on • For the 'second time in nicaghertime. sidee over Neal • gera—er U17'1. hares' history. , the t and •failing, inc Viet - Is awe jet swift symp4thet understandingof the recent, examieations for .* phreyz .emelireego7:: • porir,Inares.prtiblenis *bite • Wingham wee the grand 07,e IRO championship was in 1947. s at- Licensed Embalmer and. Mandl e"- •••,' B47 bombeet:s• „they Eric back .ierosi.- TION fendinga7r#cenri#PrileraOct,i,FI'Can,caal* Funeral Direattne He is with 4 wee, --Princess Elisabeth, Armed Forces, and ofthose ' The Huron , County EalileatleThe.fast and fierce tee 'when" ..00; 410yoil, the Matthews Funeral edeughtelasit'abe; Duke and who paid the supreme scholarship'awarded to the German Focke :Wolfs are of theSix-IY , ',.ebetreafiste'l\Oe Home. Toronto. Duehmegt ,tre* will be a be boy from Huron Countywith, everywhere: Over the course before the itbre Iiiikarin 11001NOW Yfia41- blideaMaid When steil ' Rol Cal LIU h the - highest aver4:4X, (if nearly 30 years, :Coaley knowledgea'4 env ,a e veno p on • rePirtect.- vijoilsoting r• PiqDuke9f4en_tn.. month. „ hofetibitiefirethe'giWil4;eat' Atteeliahtg.'''7 &al* Marina of Greece- :Merry eigerebealt University of •• ' • e -*Meleath -a, big, own and POsition marriage and endures en- unique•profitpate scheme to erect a $500,000 Jahn L MOE of the *mond at teemeetingef the Tineeaver breies were Ontario, Was asegyeeda, others , weath.emia,kaying,„, vestment William G. Laidlaw RR 2, •ef himself to a dozen fresh roses -daily. • 17.iiict all, thiS * ease the Strain of a con- eference an theplight of the world'spoor • and etarving Pearilea. • Hospitat boards are worried because *Oda% ministero1health has told: theinthey. must get along on lessis 'Abney: 'Utsleetsity students are ligf) ad protest Marches because the province has chopped back on grants to =Secellelary edOcation. Stainer messages of trfOrCeil.danstraint have been coining out from most provincial • ministries. Money isScarce TiMes are totigh. We have to bite.the bullet • Strangely enough the Ontario gov- ernment apparently' , find - too much difficulty •locating $160 million for purchase of 425 percent, Interest 'in • • • • • an 011 company. • - New, of coUrseesevery: businessman realties there is a *difference between • finding money for operating expenses • alidlocafing. funds for capital expan- sion ea but it is a matter 01 some doubt that the average taxPayer,. whether hospital patient Or university student will recognize the difference. . • Preeumably the Ontario government would point out that the investment in • Suncor 011 will net the province a hand.: some profit and thus lower the amount of taxes, Which will have to,tie collected in the ,future. • YOu want to bet on that? Better use for leaves Every fall, as the golden leaves Of our deciduous trees pile up en lawns and streets we are conscious of the sad fate which awaits them. They will either go up in smoke (contrary to local bylaws) or they will be laboriously packed into plastic bags and carted off to the municipal dump. We wonder how many people ever pause in the realization that the very building blocks of our fields and forests are being consigned to the limbo of use- lessness-? There would be no forests on our planet were it not for the decaying carpet of dead leaves whithadd to the life-giving nutrients of the woodland floor each year. At one time there was no plant. life whatsoever on the bare rocks of mother earth. Only through endless millions of years did decaying moss provide a bed for microscopic plants. These Inturn, made a thin soil in which ever larger forms of life could gain sustenance. The millions of tons of leaves which are burned or buried amid tin cans each year, could provide a tremen- dously valuable source of compost. Nor would it be a difficult or expensive pro- cess. How much would it cost any municipality to construct a large com- posting bin, perhaps near the !own dump? Nature looks after the change from leaf to rich soil. All that is needed is time. With a few chemical additives the transformation could be achieved over the ensuing winter months. So what to do with the compost? Almost any gardener could tell you that he would gladly pay a fair price for the material with which to enrich his flow- erbeds arid vegetable phits. Truth bf the matter is that we have *became a wasteful society, almost un- aware of Nature's beautifUl system by which death and decay produce life and beauty. We have been educated, to rely upon the throw -away cigarette lighter, flashlight, pop can — whatever. We aren't very smart when we take the na- tural bounties around us with the same haphazard indifference. Can you believe it? Some of us older folk have certainly been off on the wrong foot for a long time. We were convinced that this is a free country, in which the inventive- nesiand effort of the individual were of prime importance. We thought that was the way Canada was built — by the energy and common sense of its people. Not so. This isn't the land of free enterprise at all. It's the domain of the powerful. Take the case of the City of Kit- Chener. Faced with an 80 per cent in- Creese in the -cost of the first class post- age, the dty decided to hand -deliver its municipal bilis and letters. One would naturally assume that any business, public or otherwise, should have the right to make its own choice in the method of getting/ out its messages. Not so. The city has received a letter from a lawyer acting for Canada Post, to the effect that "legal action of a civil or criminal nature" would ensure if the city didn't cease these deliveries. • Lath Alarffi th wingharn- • +• • - ' • .'• • Seniors' entre News ere:Car:di:tend Leto gilifre'an.'GJ.ifBtarowe= the:LaLliTiti .e Sadae? artnel7:4141'; Blathers, • will asaufne of Engleed,. Mrs. George • Henderson. of Scotland and' management of new dless rotation from base to matching *It. iss ctly litre" years This him to gering, al—and plan is base Two decades after bus diseeeered; ebeeTaavestors first taste of combat, heis willsinely die. Mrs Jim Lee, Holland. Remington e IGA Store in The barbers in the Clinton before the end of the .•• Wingham Zone, which. int Year.- " • , TO") • eludes TeesWater, Bruise's, George Theniseni who , . . Blyth, Lueknow and has been the efficient . Don't forget the date set drawn and thaevinner will permission. to increase eberrY' ' township' clerk for Tillie for the last seven '`. • '. By Rita Rice '• .'' Dec. 3. Three melees Will be •Wingham, have received feedir Christibas craft and have a choice of a.tied wilt, prices. Haireute are4O cents, Years' has 1;eeteiled. - His • bake sale is 'Thursday, Dec. a pine -cone Christmas tree, shaves • 25 cents and tesignation was received 3, at 1:30 p.m. It will be held or a. holiday reeteathe. All children's haircuta30 cents. with regret by the council at in the Wingham Armouries. ' three - articles, .,haire been Miss Helen A. Thompson their meeting Saturday. • We will be having one tabie 'made at the centre. Tickets of East wawaitosh has taken Albin Nicol,son of Mrs. Of used articles, so if you are available at the centre, charge of the VictorianAnnie Nicol, Wingham, has have Something you wish to from the seniors . and- the Order of Nurses staff duties left for Uplands, Ottawa, be' rid of, call the 'centre at volunteers, and ' will ' be at St. Thomas. ' where he is taking further 3574440 or drop it off at the availatile the day oithe sale. Huron County Connell is training as an aero -engine Armouries. If anyone wishes . As mentioned in previous making a bid for die pur- technician with the RCAF. to donate any baking or weeks, anyone is invited to chase of the former RCAF NOVEMBER 1967 Christmas crafts, call make referrals of people he training station at Port Mr. and Mrs.. Rennie Goy 'wecanarrengetopickitup. or she knows:in thevom- Albert with the intention of were host and hostess at a • Lea Tuesday afternoon, munity who Might benefit converting it to a summer supper honoring James -the residents of Brookhaven from attending the centre. camp for children and a Fates who retires this week hosted the Tuesday group of Call 357-1440 if ybu know of -Huron County Fair site. after 19 years' service to the the day centre. The af- someone and a time will be ternoon was spent set up to meeewith the in- The Wingham Lions Club patrons of RR 3, Wingham. socielizing, playing cards dividual. welcomed three new Also honored was Walter Simmons who has served as niembers, Cecil Merkley, and renewing old The centre thanks Mr. and acquaintances. - Mrs. Goy Of Wingham for Rhys Pollock and Dr. Mr. Fallis' driver for most of Mrs. Saxton of Wingham donating a WOO ward. Murray MacLennan. those 19 years. had made three very unique robe. It is greedy alined- Mrs. Murray sold her Champions at the • HalloWe'en cekes and ated. . house in the village of Wingliam District High brought their' to The exercise hike • Which Whitechurch -to Victor School track and field day Brookhaven. Needless to we have on loan from Mrs. Emerson who gets vyereatennae MacKenzie and say, one of the cakes was Harley Crawford is being put possession in April when Peter Snow (seniors) very much enjoyed in the to good use. We will be Mrs. Murray plans to go to Bonnie Willie, Margot afternoon and we appreci- starting a distance Map.in Btitish Columbia. deBruyn and Dale Wardley ated being invited to the near future and will be NOVEMBER 1957 (intermediate); Laura Brookhaven. setting our goal to bike to one Two Wingham residents Inglis,ena4thacekrsM( (junior) and Upcoming events at the of Canada's coasts. were named to important K centre include a visit from Connestoga College's Homemaking Class on Wednesday, Nov. 11. Last winter the group visited the centre as well. As part of the course content, the class spent a day out in the field visiting different agencies. The next foot clinic is being held Wed., Nov. 18 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. If you wish to use the clinic and don't attend the centre, call us at 357-1440 and leave yotir name, as the Health Unit likes to have a general idea of how many will be at- tending the clinic. On Thursday, Nov. 19, Grace Richardson, who is a missionary worker in Zambia, will be our guest speaker. Ms. Richardson will be speaking on her work and the area she is serving. Right now she is home visiting her sister? Mrs. Savage of Wingham. Tickets are now being sold on three items. The draw will be made at the craft sale on Thin kbefore you write Those well-worn phrases, "dash off a letter" and "drop me a line" will take on new and significant meaning at the first of next year when Canada Post will re -price the cost of messages by mail. It is reliably (we third() said that minimum firstclass postage will go up from the present 17 cents to 30 cents. Such enforted increases for the ordinary person are Invariably belittl- ed by the price -fixers in terrns of how little it will tie!' the average honse- holder. In this case, of, course, the average housebelder will not be bank- rupted by a luent increase in the cost three leffersalor cost you pet -0* If you man,. letter -writers ibe incrense vv111 only oTrst"hoernestilePAItiLlitisalltyhepPe°1Prolifliec of ay No, It e • 5? . , *leiter, ,e, 65cents, etc. a mailing that willbite into the contents of your purse. 14 will be the extra price you will pay far goods and services. The business which mails out 60 invoices or statements a week will be forced to recover an additional $7.80 just to stay even — and you, the onsumer; will pay the price. ,4 public utilities commission which serves 1500 homes and bills every second month wile add S195.00 to its billings. There is no denying that the basic intention of turning the postal service ever toa crown corporation is to seek a more harmonious work farce end, , above all, an acceptable standard of service to its tutorners. To do so it will be necessary to get the post office onto a paying basis. Higher postal rates are necessary. but 10 Suggest that the aer ;rates will not contribute to fl*cpidbtdific. Tammy is a happy girl, friendly and full ofne.s. She is tiny for two, but healthy and active. She -Was a sickly infant and developed slowly, but is progressing well now. Her potential is uncertain, but her foster,mothereeeleshe \ is just about average for her age. Black, white and East Indian in background; TiMmY ls a pretty girl with her dancing dark eyes -and Veiitkline teeth. She walks well and is beginning to talk: She has grown out of an allergy t� milk. She drinkafrom a glass and feeds herself. - Tenney loves other children and likes dogs end pats. This lovable little girl needs parents who ••••••Ill 110t wry over her slow development and will makeure she receives whatever she needs in the way of audition or treatment. • • • • To In4uire about adoptieg Today's Child, Ministry of, Com vices pox $o. stetiolLIS TOtott) your lettettoll somethl, way Of life. witya