Wingham Advance-Times, 1981-04-15, Page 7•).4 .1 • • t , •..<r• •""•,-•:', 7," 41. • ••1 • '0 • add1fI�ol d�niu tifff' • ' * The repair ' e'prOfosolortiol Ortiiinlpftifollpiowohlotwo 0064*: nyvinilrafaterial 'otos. choir*, COT top!, (kitc • ' ALSO; clean qn5trie`Olour 'tt Contact Sheila Davvson 528-2022 THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Peen! E#ster Egg Cciknir Kit Smiles N° Chuckles, 4 oz. Easier Eggs 1.59 .89 Borden, Speckled, 12 oz. Easter Eggs Black Magic, 1 Ib. Chocolates 3.99. Allen's, 235 gr. Misty Mints 1.19 Planters, 350 gr. tin Cocktail Peanuts 1.99 TRIANGLE • DISCOUN PAI:f#,T 4/1:0/C/4'ES COS.01,677CS • TOBACCOS Open 9'a.m. to 9 p.m: weekdays • Sundays Noon to Six "NOAW—Turnberry Central School's Grade 6, 7 and 8 cIafl 'Wang. The conCe :8 • 1,A • ,Asi.4,•4,- LADIES' WEAR—Nan 'hAcKibbon, decked ont with a latffotrhaf,Jends a hatld in the ladies' ileilY-to:;.4rear department during the rummage sale Friday. She was just one of the many volunteers who helped to make the hospital auxiliary's spring rummage sale a suc- cess. For Your CluLes END -OF -THE SEASON PARTY Serve Our M DoolViourself buffet. Asfewas15, • as nianyas1500! Just call your Kentucky Fried Chicken Store manager 2 hours ahead. Then pick it up! It's the perfect way to feed a group, large or small. • :3 pieces of finger lickin' good Kentucky Fried Chicken for everyone, generous helpings of your qworite salads and buttered Grecian bread. • Plates., spork,,, S.erving spoon,,, Wel naps, bread trays, paper tablecloth all in( luded and pa( ked in dispos- able cartons: ' • Really economical. just $. 35 , per person. st„ 4. Xe' WIN'S fried Josephine Street in the Zehr's Plaza Corner of Hwy. 86 & 4 WINGHAM --• 0 s'% and play their ukeleles to the therne song of the school concert, held Monday at 8 p.m. , S. Anderson is hostess WI meeting �tBluevcile BLUALE — The WorilOnt4slitute met at the Or Mrs. Soren • Anderson On Wednesday of Iast weet The meeting apatl!lot atrhte Ode and lviaCollect. MentheiVilid their fees and ansii*rifie roll call by telling they overcome the monotony of housework. Members were invited to participate' in Belgrave's 70th anniversary on May 19. An nv4ti6 was received fromEtheIWj to attend an evening oti,'A Taste of the Wild' on May 20. A bus from wingliam Witt be touring to •Grenhouses, West Lorne,. and.Tender Tootsies, Uleneee, (in May 11. The 4-H Achievetnel* Day will be held -Mayl; at 7 p.m. in -;‘,12.'rlecutpPOltotteSndehwa play iu Howick Central School. It was ' decided to.. attenda play in Blyth again Afternoon unit members are urged to share love BRUSSELS — The Easter meeting. of the afternoon unit • (idle United Church.Women was held at the hom4of Mrs. Anne Sm ith with 18 nleinbers in attendance. Mrs. 'Ida Evans Called the meeting to order with prayer and a -poerii, 'God's Law*. . The Bible study on Psalm 102 was led by Mrs. J. Crocker. She explained that this scripture is a prayer of penitence in a time of af- fliction. The first verses are filled with lamentation, followed by a Seng of praises to God for His eternal care as well as His promises of security - for future generat ions. Miss Laura Lucas con- vened the study. 'Love Makes the World Go Round'. The question. 'How do we practise sharing love in our church'?•, was answered in a variety of ways. The ladies were urged to be friendly,' make everyone weleome, be interested in their welfare, encourage participation in activities in church' -fe and plan organized visit at io . The speaker reminded the members that some people 'are more aloof than 'others. Some are lonely and feel 'rejected. She : asked „the. ladies to contact these people and ihterest them in church projects. ."Chrislians gravitate toward Ode another since they have a common tail h.- she said. "It is our business to include others and' enlarge the group... , Each member was asked to make a personal retort on •love efforts' at the May: meeting. • A secret "auction will be held • on an afghan 'with proceeds to go toward the education of the group's adopted child. A bake sale is planned tor May 23 in the library • Mrs. Ada h Smith reported on her visit to a workshop in Stratford at which the moderator, Rev. . Rev. Lois Wilson. ki as presenl, ltwas a very tat crest lag afternoon. The benediction concluded the meeting and refresh- ment s ere scrved. this summer. Representatives • were chosen to attend the District Annual beingheld in Bluevale on May •15. They are Mrs. Bert parniss, Mrs. William Peacock and Mrs. Wendell Stamper, with Mrs. Jack Nicholson and. Mrs. Don Street as allternative. Plansfor hosting the annual were f'inalized. Lunch was served by Mrs. Dorothy Street, Mrs. 'Tom Dunn and Mrs. Bert Garniss. • The annual meeting followed, with reports given by conveners of standing committees. An .active year anda good financial balance were • reported. The nominating committee Presented the new slate of officers past president,:. Mrs. CharleS M'athers; .,preSident, Mr's." Bert .Gar- niss; first vice president, Mrs. Harvey Edgar; second vice president,...- Mrs. Alex MacTavish secretary- treasurer: Mrs. Mel Craig; District director, Mrs. William .Peacock; assistant, Mrs. Wendell Stamper; branch directors,' Mrs. Ma6Tavish, Mrs, Anderson, Mrs. William deVos; pianist, Mrs. • Carl Johnston; nominating committee; Mrs. Peacock, Mrs, Garniss, Mrs. - C. Johnston: curators, WS_ Street, Mrs. M. Craig: auditors. Mrs. Snarling Couple married 45 years BELGRAVE — The family of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fear entertained their parents to dinner at the Turnberry Tavern on Saturday evening, in honor of their 45th wed- ding anniversary. Thirty -on& members of the family at- tended the special event.. After the dinner,. friends. neighbors and relatives gathered at the Women's Institute Hall. Belgrave, where progressive euchre was .played. .Following the euchre, a ',smorgasbord was served by the family. Johnston, Mrs. Harry Elliott'. . Conveners of standing' committees are: Agriculture and Canadian ‚Industries, Mrs. James Johnston',., Mrs. Tom Dunn; Citizenship and • World Affairs, Mrs. Robert }'rase,. Mrs Harry Elliott: l'.11, -at 'owl and Cultural Affairs, Mrs. 'Jack Nichol- son, Mrs. Cecil Payne; Fain- ily and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Ken Simmons, Mrs. Wiuiam deVos; Resolutions, Mrs. 'nines Armstrong; Public Relations, Mrs. Rob- ert Perry. Mrs. Garniss thanked everyone for their co-oper- ation and work during the past year. The members look forward to another good year for the Women's Institute. 'MRS. JOE INJURER BIuevajfl Communion service. was held Stinday in Knox Presbyterian Church, conducted by.Rev. Terrance Trites. Ten new members - were received on profession of faith. They were Jacqueline Robertson, Sheila Dorsch, Tracey Day, Debra' Simmons. • Larry Murra • Snell David Shaw, Brent Day, Ken Thompson, Douglas Chap- man. Sunday visitors with' Mr. and Mrs. • Joe Walker, Sheila and Kathy, were Ken Skinn, Mildred Henning, Mr. • and Mrs. Clarence Henning, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffat and Rob, Mr. ' and Mrs. Larry Elliott and 'Shawnda,' Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Walker, .Marie Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer. Kevin Walker returned home Sunday after spending the weekend in London with the AirN1(;and :a. dets.Mrs... Glenn Wylie and daughter Linda of Winnipeg, Mildred Henning of Wingham and Lloyd Robertson, RR 1. Bluevale, were Wednesday dinner guests cd Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Henning. Saturday guests at the Henning home ,ere Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coe.. Barry and Clarence of Norval SPRING CONCERT—Turnberry Central Sthool's Grade 6, 7 and 8 class sang the ttory of Noah during their spring concert Monday night at 8 p.m OVIIR I, *Otinoaa wUl Celebrate their.40 wedi anniversary on April hOjaar of this special OcCASJOA, a Xamiliditrer was eajOyed: Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Erb were united in marriage on April 16, 1941, in Walkerten and • have resided in .Culross Township since their, inarriage. 'Theyhave a 'family of three daughters, Mrs.. .Dave Dorothy) „Wharton, RR 3, Winghata, Mrs. Winston (Eileen) Gibbons, RII 2, Gederich, • and Mrs. Donald (Laverne) MacDonald, London. They have eight grandchildren. COC for new:season. whirrEettuRc4 The4, chilciren of the Church of Chalmers Presbyterian • - congregation hod• theirficat, meeting of the new seasek with their leader*Altie„Ale)iv Craig and Mrs. Gary 4104 toul, in charge. ' Brian Ross was elected president of the group. and Karen •Elliott is vice president. Karen Pickard* secretary and Donald Pickard treasurer. Mrs. Craig told the children an Easter story. Corritc-rtable atmosphere frtendly service well prepared. meals Lunch and Every clay% Specials. Tues.', to Fri Evening Unit holds meeting FORDWICH The Evening Unit met April 8 in the basement of the United church. President Mrs. Harris opened ,"the meeting with a poem on the Easter theme a hymn wassUng add f, prayer offered. • The roll call was an Easter o thought,. and was answered EiYunany members as well as nine visitors. Mrs. Diane Maim and IVIrs; 'Margaret •Wagler took the worship service. The scriptures were read by Mrs. Wagler. Everyone repeated •the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. , Mann „read pterx,...4tient.,„ Easter and a hymn abseil the service. An invitation to the Gorrie United Church Thank - offering was read. Mrs. Harris had some pictures from our foster child. The offering was received. The program committee, Mrs. Myrna Penny and Mrs. Clara Gibson, had Lenore Beswetherick show her pictures of the Holy Land. There were pictures of .Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, Jesus' crucifixion, and the Jordan River. Mrs. Gibson thanked Miss Beswetherick for showing the pictures and presented her with a gift. A delicious' lunch was served by Carol Donaldson and Darlene Harding. The next meeting will be at Marion Fnaser's home. A feature by Mrs. Lockie closed the meeting. Th. Advance -Times 357-2320 TUMBLE FOR EXTRA CASH 0.0 money .n your pocket by yelling to, wonted Wont Ad Column • Fish and Chips 2 Ib. Boston Blue Fish French Fries . Tartar Sauce I 7 b. pan Fried Rainbow Trout Parsley, Lemon, Butter, Vegetables and Potato Surf andItirf • Y2 iiii.Netv'forl.F.• Strip Loin Steck::,.; • with broiled Lobster; .101,.Vegetablee. • Potntn: "\e''• Try our Take -Out Service Free Delivery After 4:30 p.m. Min. SIO order dt1 0 • HOURS— Tuos.,: Fri. 11 �.m.to 10p.m. Sat. and Sun. 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. .CLOSED MONDAY Gone Fishing OPEN GOOD FRIDAY Closed Easter Sunday Wingham Reservations 357-1633 Young Couples' Conference Date: July 15, 16, 17 LOCATION: The Muskoka Sands Inn, Gravenhurst, Ontario QUALIFICATIONS: Couples between ages 20 and 35 y Interested in agriculture and community involvement. EXPENSES: All expenses including travel will be paid for by local Co -Op. ears. If interested send reply by Apri125, 1981 to: United Co -Operatives of Ontario Belgrave, Ontario NOG 1E0 Attention: Jim Nelemans