Wingham Advance-Times, 1977-06-01, Page 17`n 6‘es t\INt 00'2`1%‘ • tet -s •• • II' -tlft•1.0 .0e0 tc‘e • Isoll vioN.10' soO _nt,a01. Ve g,N" •ePC1 • ss'e° 440 oe,1 si‘rce th".0". 91° x.:At • tt' seo .0 tit e Ice.0.2,01 ves 1m 94 a viS. % s tVe•-1 .t4• 2,- Ns . et ....t• .. tot .., _002.004or.:leaihol 1941 95 to col:e4 totel • Back in . Kincardio ne '‘Mon- i‘°- N „- WI eo o°6fOtbe day night, Sam McGregor, , the Progressive held a Conservative press co ' •01 candidate in RuronBruce explain h nference to is involvement with ‘ Pve the Kincardine project •Throu h is resources, Mr. MacGregor began to research the province ,•energy needs ove's r one year ago. ' 1wP- researth wP - v.:941:;"eil to One of the use : 1,1 2T-10:,..ce,lei:1. tntfii ear gr towrwiisnou,se,,siii Pin- cluded -- ..se,SYlania which novv &IL mc`r4, ..0V9renhOUSeS to produce of its own fiesh vegetables. Tea years ago• that country imported 80 per cent of its vegetables. By 1980 it expects to bcself-sufficient. Once the plan for Kincardine was ready, a brief wthe roject as presented to the Ontario treasurer and the deputy ministernof agriculttow: The govUre by theernment had been doing studies on using waste heat such as that from Bruce Generating Station which was compatible with , the cardine project. Mr. MacGregor met again with Treasurer Darcy McKeough and then a brief was presented to iaPremier Willm Davis. t-ce ElsaVis directed that a `qbe . appointed to 4D the ways oat on Aof pril 27. ,r met again Darcy a brief ,mier Pd, Pol. Adv. 5 Sam MacGregor's reasons for running for election in Huron - Bruce can be condensed into one word - energy. He believes that there is still time to insure that the impending food and energy crisis does not occur in the Province of Ontario. However, if nothing is done to come up with a long range energy policy, Huron -Bruce, the province and the nation are in trouble. Farmers must be able to con- tinue farming by 1985, industry must continue to have an uninter- rupted energy supply. Without a self-sufficient energy base, the economy of the province will fail. If Ontario's economy tumbles, so does that of the Dominion of Canada which can only lead to civil disorder. Mr. MacGregor feels the riding of Huron Bruce, with its energy and agriculture base, plus a' member who understands the need of a comprehensive energy policy, can be important in the future of the province. In short, Mr. MacGregor knows the importanCe of energy to agri- culture and industry. Unless the province becomes uffielent in energy, it is in trouble. Mr. MacGregor feels that the other issues of concern - health care, housing, jobs, etc. - can only fall into place if the economy is moving. If the province has to rely on an imported energy supply, the economy will not be able to move. If Ontario is to have a bright future, the people of Ontario have to understand that energy, the economy and ecology are inter- dependent. FOR POSITIVE THINKING ‘1,0- 1-- \ C311 11,CP . 210 tO 21.t ItN 0.00% e•t• 'sire • tese so. 410 CO° tt• V$11 'tN1.6% IN QUEEN'S PARK. - SAM'S THE MAN ...contributing to the betterment of this area as reported by area papers! A•toe, tV. e .1, 'et ' tO• • V ‘,2,1 (Olt" *VIC r.N. AO .1.10 " • ,,2,,t0 2. ;03 sLcoe esit% . 6 tho 0.s .„10.-- Ne - .3.s `2"' V • t bee so‘t t'oe • e," tins' IkaN1 • 0'4 toe Gs et ;ei see •oe ear btr• ..ivisCO tO 1,041 s.,),C.Ce.SSs tVe coOtVell /es' ?1St' .1„Aav 04.1‘. 1011. •,te A eke slec e'Ct ri% N.cf e to cjes 442.6 tN/e st s‘sle S2101' k CfiL cS, c:1.2N qt, ge. •t•Ps 106n ve5 Nile t k.,AV3 01% •' or . see .s tia 02, toeo v,` -%t st e•etti e • -tt ' sit° tbe eGle t tOest ' e'At V652' in o ?PSI . • cot evo 6 \t‘ • se .se60 . toe ?to e to. 1 Ooe beW ° ata` be `I' of %.ks tVe tbto t.c‘ttee evate • 14\t`n ko \\.e FICV YOUR SUPPORT AND VOTE ON JUNE 9th IS NEEDED Ole — ,ON6 °2;ergt' 6.1\‘ic fov INNe •o6 • n't,. ely stsve s be' cf` oo6 e '02's •to 0/r \es oela anstl e 2`t n koto, fl.k2Nc v s‘t•o+P`soe • .,6ns ..tocs1 t‘sle‘ eceko 2s/cvl°„,,"-41°..6c beo e ocSrvi• .5 0e ko`14 • \v.t.Ve‘‘ k°66 ts`As 14i9 COMING EVENTS ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL WED, JUNE 1 - Y.P.C. Functio 6 THURS. JUNE 2 on all candida Open Line Show FRI. JUNE 3 - Debate - Kinca Sam at Y.P.C. Port Elgin. SAT. JUNE 4 - Central Agricu 9:30 p.m., Sam attends n at Angus Wilson's. -8 to 9 p.rh. - Sam tes debate at CFOS- . in 10 a.m. -- All Candidatet rdine High School, 10:15 p.m. Youth,Dance'at Maple SqUare, 2 p.m. - Sam at Huron ltural Society Spring Fair at Clinton. MON. JUNE 6 - 8 p.m. -"Sam and Friends" Kincardine Community Centre YOUR FUTURE — YOUR CHO!CE N.J. (SAM) MacGREGOR HURON BRUCE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE t •