Wingham Advance-Times, 1977-06-01, Page 1Cie
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Wingham, Wednesday, June 1, 1977
Single Copy Not Over 30e
Council votes to contr
health care services
Huron County council voted
Friday to prepare a brief to ask
the Ontario Legislature to give
council direct and legal control
over all health matters in Huron.
In voting in favor of the brief
council also accepted an execu-
tive committee recommendation
that Kim Ainslie of Goderich J
retained to prepare it. The
recommendation was that Ainslie
be engaged to prepare the brief at
a 'cost of $50 per day to a maxi-
mum of $1,000.
Usborne Reeve Bill Morley,
Madill team
first in math
Mr. D. Neil, Head of the Mathe-
matics Department, at the F. E.
Madill • Secondary School, was
recently advised that the school
mathematics team placed first in
Zone 78 of the 1977 Descartes
Mathematics Competiton. Zone
78 of the contest covers Bruce,
Grey, Huron and Perth Counties,
A total of 1600 contestants rep -
.resenting 401 schools took part in
the competition which was con-
ducted in Ontario and Manitoba
this year.
As well as winning their zone,
the Madill team made the Team
Honor Rolland John Day, a team
member, made the Student he will
Honor Roll for which.
receive a $25, prize.` Team mem-
bers this year were John Day of
RR 3, Wingham; Tamara Hayes
of Wingham; Stan Loree of Luck -
now and Derick Vanderklippe of
RR 5, Lucknow.
Madill tearref Wan came fiest iZrt
their zone competition in 1973,
1974, 1975 with a second place
finish in 1976:
chairman of the executive coral: -•t
rnittee, told council there ise�
fusion in the health services'i $d•
in the county. He said the con-
fusion centres around ,district
health councils and • amalgama-
tion of healt administration with
Perth Count . aid the indica-
tions at present seemed to, be that
a formation or a health council
would basically mean one board
of health for both counties.
"I feel that Huron County is
quite capable of running its own
health services," said Morley.
"Amalgamation of health ser-
vices would bring us one step
closer to amalgamation of other
areas' that we may not want."
Morley said the committee
hoped the brief would carry a
little more weight if it was pre-
pared by a person not directly in-
volved with council. Headded
that the committee had' asked
council for the privilege of draft-
ing the'terms of reference Ainslie
was to work under.
He said the county may be talo
ing on a huge responsibility by
taking over health services in
Huron. He said he was confident
the county could handle the ad-
ministration of the services but
pointed out that by taking over
the duties council was not just
operating hospitals but control -
Arena fund gets.
Wintario9 rant
. Mayor William Walden an-
nounced Monday that a Wintario
grant forr the arena, of $150,000
has been given final approval.
' Mr. Walden said however, that
another $12,000 to ,$15,000. has tq ,
be raised by the community.
The arena was officially
opened in February after renova-
tions took •place. The Ministry of
Labour had closed the arena July
4 last year. The' roof, the seats
and side boa3'ds were con,
demned. The walls had to be re-
novated as well.
During these renovations the
ice surface was enlarged and
plexiglass was put in, five feet at
the ends and two feet at the sides.
The walls were steel clad inside
and out and insulation was added.
Store rooms and a referees' room
were built at the back and the re-
freshment booth was extended.
The dasher boards are new also.
The cost of renovations has
been in the neighbourhood of
$300,000. A total of $63,000 has
been raised by the community.
Recreation Director ,Jim Ward
said they are looking for a $75,000
grant from the Ministry or Cul-
ture and Recreation.
Bayfield Reeve Ed Oddleifson
said he was concerned that by re-
placing elected officials on"health
committees taxpayers would be
losing representation in health
matters. He said he was particu-
larly worried about losing rep-
resentation because 'of the huge
costs taxpayers are bUrdened
with in health. He added that a
report off this nature quite often
points out what the county has in
the area of health services and
what it, needs.
Goderich Township Reeve
Gerry Ginn said he sits on the
health committee and he would
hate to think that the committee
hese notion that district hospital
boards were ineffective. He said
the main thrust of the plan was to
make county council responsible
for health matters in a clear
fashion. He said even hospital
boards are confused over who
'they are responsible to and the
committee wanted that cleared
"By making hospital boards
responsible to county council we
are making them directly re-
sponsible to the taxpayer," he eft-.
plained. "There is nothing saying
county council will run hospitals
only be responsible for the hos-
pital operation."
Howick Reeve Harold Robin-
son said he had heard a lot about
what the committee wanted this
Irian (Ainslie) to do but had heard
all health services in the
nothing of his qualification$., He ee
said the survey is a very big jab •
and asked what Ainslie's
qualifications for the job. are:.
County Clerk Bill Hardy said cf
Ainslie has a masters in arts and ::
had learned the consulting ser-
vices trade at university. Re said
the committee had reviewed, a
resume from Ainalle. and :had j
opted for him at $50 per day ? '
rather than •a big name con -„;f;:
suiting firm at $500.per, day. 110
added that Ainslie did his uni-
versity thesis on Huron County
and is familiar enough with dire
county to do the job.
In other business council dis-
cussed payments per dien to
members of council committees
who are not council members.
They decided to leave the rate of
pay as it is and that non -council
members not be paid except for
standing committee members.
William Errington of RR 2,
Auburn, received a p5o scholar-
ship in agriculturfl business
management and .1p4/Re Ireland
received one in homeeconomics.
Both are attending the. Centralia
College of Agricultural Tech-
Rev.. Sondem
welcomedM t
Sacred He
'Sacred Heart Chur
• ham, welcomes a tie*
• their congregatioh, E'.
thony John Sonderil R
Sonderup 'replaces F' er
Nolan who has taken a w dos-
t on , keraar.•. l�
. Fr. Sonderup was born in Port
Elizabeth, Republic of South
Africa in September, 1936. .His
-parents'are both deceased, but he
has nine brothers and sisters,
eight of whom live in. South Africa
and a sister living in London, On-
Both of his grandmothers were
born in South Africa, so• his
family has residedthere for over
100 years.
He attended primary and high,
schools in Port Elizabeth. He
went to St. John Viarney Semi-
nary in Pretoria for si\x years and
was ordained in 1962.
For the next 10 years Rev.
Sonderup worked mainly among
a tribal people called the Ama
Xhasa. In this time he learned the
language and customs of these
In 1972 he decided he did not
want to work anymore In a
country which encourages racial
segregation and he emigrated to
Canada. He 'has worked in St.
Andrew the Apostle Parish in
London and St• Martin's Parish,
London. Sacred Heart is his first
pastorship in Canada. He also
takes St...Ambrose Church, Brus-
sels, in his charge.
CASTLE BUILDERS—This castle, purchased in a store and castle. It was on display at the school last week, and
assembled by. Howick Central Public School students, was showing it off was, from left, Sharon Burns, Tom Miller,
labelled and used to show people the different parts of a and gay Van, Engen (Staff Photo)
Douglas Stamper, B.A.,
B.Ed., son of. Mr. and Mrs.
Wendell Stamper, Bluevale,
received his Bachelor of
Education degree at Mc-
Master University, Hamilton,
on May. 25.
' Miss Joan Currie, B.A.,
received her Bachelor of
Education degree on May 25
at a ceremony held at the Ivor
Wynne Centre, McMaster
University, Hamilton. Miss
Currie has accepted a posi-
tion with the Waterloo County
Board of Education. She is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Currie, RR 3, Wingham.
Two days for
advance polls
Ontario voters will have three
opportunities to vote in the prov-
ince's 31st general election. While
a voter may cast only one ballot,
the franchise may be exercised
on -any one of three days: June 4,
June 6, and June 9.
The first two dates are advance
polls, available for any qualified
voter who expects to be unable to
vote June 9.
June 4 and June 6 are the ad-
vance polls — defined by The
Election Act as the Saturday and
Monday immediately preceding
election day: --Hours for voting at
these advance polls are noon to 9
p.m. EDIT. •
Because returning officers
have been directed to hold their
advance polls in easily accessible
locons, handicapped and
elde ly voters are encouraged to
vote at one of the advance polls.
On election day, June 9 the
polls will open at 9 a.m. and close
at 8 p.m. EDT.
Rights of press, public,
is subject of seminar
Deepening concern over a
trend towards more public
business being carried out in
private prompted a meeting
Thursday of thembers of the Blue
Water Regional Newspaper Net-
The meeting at the Huron Ex-
positor in Seaforth was organized
following incidents in the Blue
Water region in which reporters
have had difficulty gainingac-
cess to public information. The
seminar was planned to help re-
porters who cover meetings of'
elected bodies to better serve
their readers.
Reporters and editors at the
meeting from The Mitchell Ad-
vocate, The Clinton News -
Record, The Exeter Times -Ad-
vocate, The Huron Expositor,
The Brussels Post, The Wingham
Advance -Times•, The Goderich
Signal -Star and freelancers were
told they had the same right to
public inforrfration as the or-
dinary citizen.
Under the Ontario Municipal
Act all regular meetings of
council are open to the public,
and no person can be excluded
except for improper conduct. The
only exception is meetings of
committee -of -the -whole. How-
ever, all decisions of such a com-
mittee meeting have to be re-
ported in open council.
No vote can be taken by ballot
or by any other method of secret
voting or the decision has no legal
effect. Each councillor must an-
nounce his vote openly and in-
Reporters were told the head of
council could call a special meet-
ing of council upon receipt of a
petition of the majority of coun-
cillors stating the purpose of the
meeting and the time it will 'be
held. Special meetings may be
either open or closed if council
feels it is required by the public
interest. This has to be expressed
by a resolution in writing.
Any person also has the right
under the Municipal Act to in-
spect any records, books, ac-
counts and documents in the pos-
session of or under the control of
the clerk. Only interdepart-
mental correspondence and
reports of officials of any depart- Ne
ment or of solicitdrs may be kept
Several reporters at the meet-
ing felt difficulties had arisen be-
tween municipalities and the
press because of a misunder-
standing of the reporter's role.
Some councils may view the
press strictly as an adversary
while others think of them as a
publicity secretary, they said.
It was suggested the press
should explain that a reporter's
job is to sift through all the in-
formation in a meeting deciding
what is most important to the
most people and use that as their
main story. Few people would
read a story which listed all the
details of a meeting in chrono-
logical order without regard to
what is significant, it was said.
Bd, seeks new director
in its own system
Mrs. Jeanette F. Heywood
graduated May 29 from Wil-
frid Laurier University with a
master of Arts degree in
French language and liter-
ature with first class' honors.
She will continue her educa-
tion at the University of
Toronto. Mrs. Heywood is a
graduate of the F. E. Madill
Secondary School. She is the
wife of Grant Heywood,
formerly of Wingham, and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ferguson Riley,, Wingham.
Wesley Tiffin of Whitechurch celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary May 24. Mr. Tiffin and
his wife, the former Jean Dawson, were married at
her father's farm on Concession 2 of Kinloss
Township by Rev. John Pollock. They farmed on
Kinloss Concession 4 until 1961, when they retired
to Whitechurch..
The Huron -Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate School
Board will advertise within the
Huron -Perth system for one week
for a new director to replace John
Vintar. •
Mr. Vintar, director of edu-
cation since the board was for-
med, resigned April 2 o take a
position as superintendent' of
schools with the Dufferin-Peel
separate school board effective
July 31. His resignation was
accepted with regret ,by the
In other business at the meet-
ing, held in Dublin Monday night,
the board accepted the resigna-
tion of Marigold Collins, effective
May 18; the termination of her
contract was by mutual consent.
The board gave permission to
the property committee to hold a
joint meeting May 30 at 1:15 p.m.
in the board office with a com-
mittee from the Perth County
Board of Education to discuss
using board property in Strat-
ford. The property involved is six
portables at St. Ambrose School,
Stratford, and the use of three
classrooms (expected to be
empty in September) at St.
Michael's School, Stratford.
Mr. Vintar reported there is
some difficulty in getting the two
new French teachers the system
requires tq extend the French
classes to lower grades.. He said
he has interviews scheduled for
May 26.
In answer to a question from a
trustee, Mr. Vintar said qualifi-
cations call for a teacher to have
taken the ministry course 'or to be
a qualified French teacher.
.Christopher Martin of Goder-
ich, co-ordinator of youth ser-
vices for the Huron County Chil-
dren's Aid Society, was appointed
to the Early School Leaving com-
mittee. He replaces Bruce Heath,
who has been transferred to Tor-
'Trustees John O'Drowsky,
John O'Leary and Gregory Flem-
ing were appointed to the family,
life advisory committee to serve
on the parents' 'committee.
Donald Crowley• and Ronald
Murray were' named to assist
John O'Drowsky on the board -
staff dinner in September.
Five members of the special
education staff presented a re-
port on their work as remedial
teachers in the system. They
were: Carla Revington with
special classes at Holy Name of
Mary School, St. Marys, St.
Joseph's and Immaculate Con-
ception Schools in Stratford;
Philip Beard studying
sand and gravel pits
A Wingham resident, Philip
Beard, 22, is under the supervi-
.sion of Dave Ablett, while work-
ing at The Ministry of Natural
Resources, in the Wingham of-
Philip recently graduated from
the University of Western On-
tario in London, with his BA in
Geography, and is putting his
education to work.
Philip is doing a follow-up for
the Geography Survey done one
and a half years ago, on this dis-
trict. This follow-up requires him
to do an intense study of sand and
gravel pits in each township. It is
important to find out where these
pits exit and if they are being
used. It the pit is being used,
Philip, must fill out'a sheet on the
condition of the pit This sheet
asks how long the pit has been”
used, how much is taken out each
year, and what the material is
being used for. It is also impor-
tant to note the location with re-
ference to roads, lakes and
rivers. Pictures and sketches
also are'part of this assignment.
After this information h: s been,
confirmed, Philip explained; a
survey form for each pit must be
prepared. He is planning to 'have
16 townships completed by Sept-
ember 2. These townships will be
in the south half of Bruce and alae
fiorthern townships of Huron.
Youth injured
in fall from attic
FORDWICH — A 16 -year-old
Fordwich area youth was seri-
ously injured in a fall at his home
on Friday afternoon, May 27.
Malcolm DeMynn, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Derek DeMynn of RR 1,
Fordwich, fell 30 ft• from an attic
window on the farm home. He
was rushed to Listowel Memorial
Hospital and then transferred to
the intensive care unit at Guelph
General Hospital.
The youth who celebrated his
16th birthday on Friday under-
went major surgery for a broken
arm, rupt'Jt spleen and a col-
lapsed lung.
Geraldine Schill at St. Mary's
School, Hesson; Denise Culligan,
St. Patrick's Schools at Dublin
and Kinkora and St. Michael's in
Stratford; Connie Birmingham,
St. Ambrose in Stratford' and
Laurie Hood at St. Aloysius
School, Stratford.
'Superintendent Joseph Mills,
who supervises the special edu-
cation classes in the schools, said
each school gets 40 per cent
special education time. There are
221 \children in the system with
such problems in hearing, seeing,
behaviour and intellect,. he said.
Over 120 pupils have gross speech
problems, he stated.
The five teachers outlined the
special education program start-
ing with the assessment of a stu-
dent's particular problem, and
how he is given special training to
overcome it.
The meeting was adjourned at
11:30 p.m.
A special meeting will be held
June 9 in committee of the whole
in camera.
Miss Kate Pattison, daugh-
ter of Mr. c ""_r Jc'... "!
Pattison, received her Bach-
elor of Arts degree in Psy-
chology with first class
honors from the University of
Waterloo on May 26. Miss
Pattison is a graduate of F. E.
Madill Secondary School and
plans to pursue her B.Ed. at
the University of Western
Ontario in, September. Kate
has been a teacher's aide for
the last two years at
Sandowne Public School in
Waterloo. After the convo-
cation ceremonies, the family
celebrated at the Stone Crock
in St. Jacobs.