The Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-05-09, Page 3r• • .• ....• • r • All are welcome to come to the Lucknow & District Christian School and see what Christian education is ail about. _ Refreshments will be served Time: 7:30-9:30 p.m. Date: May 11, 1984 :** 4,4 4************4***14144 4** • ALL STAR TOURS "Serving You Since '62" MOTOR COACH PROFESSIONALS LONGER TOURS Spring - Summer - Fall MYRTLE BEACH Departs July 28 DAYTONA BEACH AND CENTRAL FLA. Departs July 28 WORLD FAIR - NEW ORLEANS, Departs May 28, July 16 WILLIAMSBURG AND WASHINGTON Departs -May 12, June 16 PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH Departs May 22, June 11 KENTUCKY AND MUSIC CITY Departs May 28, June 25 NEW ENGLAND AND CAPE COD Departs June 2, July 14 COUNTRY MUSIC FAN FAIR Departs June 5 FRANKENMUTH AND MACKINAC_ISL 5 DMS Departs June 4, from $339 July 16, 30 QUEBEC AND CAPITALS 6 DAYS Departs from $339 June 11 and 25 ALASKA, YUKON AND ROCKIES 22 DAYS Departs May 31, $2,189 Sept. 1 from WESTERN CANADA 9, 15, 22 DAYS Many Departures To Choose From EASTERN CANADA 13, 19 DAYS Many Departures To Choose From 10 DAYS from $499 10 DAYS $429 from 12 DAYS from$699 from from $379 7 DAYS 7 DAYS $359 5 DAYS $399 from 8 DAYS from $499 6 DAYS from $399 PLEASE NOTE: • Above prices based on triple or quad • Many more departure dates to choose from • Please pick up a copy of our brochures HialtlAY WGALD 250 Josephine St. Wingham, Ont. 357-2701 We Accept Collect Calls II 4,4, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 •I0 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4, 4 4 4 4 ••••• 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4. 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * • • 4 ai • • 4/1 * di • * • Gorrie is scene :We Gorrie United Church was the scene of the evening wedding of Rhea June Beams, of RR 1, Wroxeter and Murray Gordon Connell, of RR 3, Palmerston. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Behrns, of RR 1, Wroxeter and the groom is the son of Mrs. Marilyn Hoover, of Clinton and Mr. Jim Connell, of RR 3, Palmerston. Rev. Lloyd Martin, of the Gorrie and Wroxeter United Churches officiated the cereritone, which took place April 14, Mrs. Hugh Douglas, of RR 1, Gorrie, was the organist. The bride wore a gown Of white chiffon over taffka, with high Victdrian neckline with V -lace insert, trimmed with ruffle. Waistline was fitted and peplin long sleeves trimmed with lace and satin ribbon with lace extending to the bottom of the gown into a long train. She carried a cascade of real red roses, white stephanoitis and white baby's breathl The Matron was. Mrs. Wayne Sage, of.•..' Listowel, skater of the brjde. She wore a cranberry Jeraey gown with *non Jacket, high Vietorimlace inserted. neckline. Sb carried a round boeu,Of red roses, pink carnal:me, white daisies and .baby's breath and fern. t5.' The best OlaerWas Mr. Ken Connell, of RR 3, Palmer - Sten, brother of the groom. The bride's liother wore a champagne ease suit in Chanel design, with mat- ching silk blouse And soft bow at the neckline. The groom's mother wore a street -length dress of daphne rose georgette, ruffled at the waistline and trimmed with schiffle embroidery. Following a reception at the Howick Community Centre, the couple took a wedding trip to Chatham. They will reside at RR 3, Palmerston. Attending the wedding were guests. from Alberta, St. Thomas, Ottawa, Wind- sor, Guelph, Elmira, Waterloo, Sarnia, Blenheim, London, and Owen Sound. Prior to the wedding three showers were held, a neigh- bor shower, hosted by Mrs. Lorne Mann and daughters Mrs. Art Breckles and Mrs. Rick McCann. A relative of the bride shower was hosted by aunts off the bride and a relative of the groom shower was hosted by Mrs. Rick McCann and Mrs. Lorne Mann. Mark 10th anniversary Dr. H. Bezner addresses annual Voice for Life mtg. • The battle agairst abortion The Wingham Voice for Life is---notTsomething-tattworary,-------h- January of 1974. Since then it has embarked upon extensive anti -abortion letter-weiting and Ibbhiring campaigns' of government officials and media publica- tions, held numerous fund- raising activities and do- nated slide and tape pres- entations to local high schools. but one which will be ongoing, Dr. ,Hart Bezner told the ).0th annual meeting , -of • Abe ,:Voitet, fe)tpfe e last Wednesday evening:- • There have been great social debates all through history, he said, on topics like slavery and civil rights. The one thing common to them all has been that one side is always right and one side is always wrong. The abortion issue is just another example of the presence of evil in our society. "The rough road sweeps in a great arc and takes us back to a starting point." Mrs. Sally Campeau of Wingham, an executive member of the Voice for Life, said in her introduction of the guest speaker that the group has come full circle since it was Dr. Bezner who planted the seed to start a local chapter back in 1973. DON'T MISS LETTEAU'S 2ND GIANT ARENA SALE FROM LETTEAU'S READY TO WEAR & FOOTWEAR J. P. Hamlin Workwear 1445 Pants & Shirts 1 695 2495 Smocks Cover- Alls Work or Tube Socks 198 Ladies' Blouses 0 George Brophy of Lucknow chaired last Wednesday evening's dinner and meeting at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Wingham. Approximately 200 Voice for Life members were in attendance. The board of directors of the group for 1984-85 is: Hinka and Jim Bakelaar of RR 5, Brussels; Mr. Brophy; Richard and Mrs. Campeau of Wingham; Wanda Dams - ma of RR 2, Teeswater; Cory DeBruyn of Wingham; George King of Teeswater; Eleanor Kuyvenhoven of Wingham; Marilyn Sjaarda of Wingham; Joan and John Van Den Assem of RR 4, Brussels; and Bonnie Fal- coner of RR 2, Teeswater. • Frank Phillips photo . - • Stangen-Beer ceremony performed at Clinton Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, was the scene on Saturday, May 5, for the marriage ceremony uniting Christine Elizabeth Beer of Clinton and Meicel Alfred Stangen of Kitchener. Rev. Norman Pick heard the couple's vows and proclaim- ed them husband and wife. The bride is a daughter of Henry and Marlene Beer of Clinton. Parents of the groom are Alfred and Leni Stangen of Wingham. Miss Karen Cooper of Clinton was maid of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Erica Stangen of Hensall, Miss Angela James, Goderich, and Miss Michelle Adams, Newmarket. Performing the duties of groomsman was Ron Farrar of Kitchener. Guests were ushered by David Beer, Alfred Stangen and Ken Tambeau, all of Kitchener. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Clinton Legion Hall. After a wedding trip to New York State, the couple will reside in Kitchener. Mrs. Kavelman hosts Lakelet WI meeting LAKELET - Twelve members and three visitors gathered at the home of Mrs. Earl Kavelman for the May meeting of the Lakelet Women's Inset*, to hear Dr. Ian Richardson of Clifford speak on the history __of drugs, the •uses _and_ reactions to them. 'Mrs. Lyle Murray, the new president, presided for ,,the ,An invitation was read from Fordwich WI for May 16 and plans for the District Annual were finalized On Thursday, May 31, a microwave cooking school will be held. An ap- peal from the Red Shield was DR. HART BEZNER, a physics professor from in Waterloo, addressed the tenth annual meeting of the Wingham Voice for. Life at a dinner meeting at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham. The meeting was held last Wednesday night and drew a ',crowd of almost 200 pro-life supporters. read. Mrs. Harry Judge read the smile for the day. The motto, "The best year- round temperature is a warm heart and a cool head", was written by Mrs. Murray and read by Mrs. Harold Wallace. As roll call, _e_echleelesiteci an i_l_p_Lrtant enlii-tittetiffilYnmeditine cabinet. Mrs. Henry Hohnstein gave a report on the officers' conferenee held the previous - three days in Kitchener. Mrs. Judge conducted a blind auction, which was bought by Mrs. Wallace. Lunch was served by Mrs. Hohnstein and the hostess: r The. Wingham AdvancellintA0, May 0, 1984 -Page 3 11100.44010(140041c InetenbacketiN4 .shter pilot otthe 1st World War, was horn at Cob:NO* NO,. 00 Oet kino, Wroxeter Personals 1 MRS. ALLAH GRIFFITH Gordon Gibson visited his sister, Mrs. -Dora Ridley, in Geri -Care Nursing Home, Harriston, Sunday. • Members of the white family, Toronto, spent the weekend at their home here. __ -We-are pleased to see Mrs. MacAllan home again after spending the past several months in Florida. Wroxeter has a nice new post office and everyone is welcome to the open house May 15 from 10a.m. to 4p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thompson and Andrew of Mount Brydges,, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clarke, Paula and Michael of Port Elgin and Randy Clarke of Wingham were weekend guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clarke, and attended the 85th birth- day party of Mrs. Clarke's mother, Mrs. Clara Coulter, at Calvary United Chtwch, Listowel, Sunday. , • Sunday visitors with Mrs. Allan Griffith were Mreand Mrs. Brian Manuel and Amanda of Heritage Estates, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson, Goderich. Looking for Mother 's Day Gift. Find it at the Lemon ,Ttee. KITCHEN AND BATH BOUTIQUE OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 ' 5:30 SATURDAY 8 -4 LOCATED AT HODGINS LUMBER, NORTH END OF WINGHAM 357-3659 • 1.98 Ladies' Pantsuits Ladies' Dresses . 1595 Ladies' Dress Shoes 795 Sandals. from 495 995 Ladies' Nighties 2• 98 and, up GWG & Levi's Jeans & Cords . . 2495 Men's Dress Shoes . 1495 Rubber 4 n95 Boots . I U and up Children's Shorts, T -Shirts, Coats & Pants 1 ° ° and up PLUS MANY MORE FANTASTIC SPECIALS TEESWATER ARENA FRIDAY, MAY 11, 10 am to 10 pm SATURDAY, MAY 12, 9 am till 6 pm & SUNDAY, MAY 13, 11 am till 5 pm TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE WITH I.D. ••• HOSPITAL AUXILIARY EXECUTIVE -rho Wingham and District Hospital Auxiliary installed a new executive leaven, first vice and recording secretary; Marilyn at its annual meeting April 30. Leading the auxiliary for Wood, president; Noreen Gnay, past president, and 1984-85 will be Lorna Stuart, treasurer; Jane Tre- Kay Cruikshank, corresponding secretary. tiple Sclerosis Carnation Day MAY 11 & 12 Make a donation... ...wea.r a carnation! Your support will bring hope to the thousands of young Canadians struck down each • year by multiple sckrosis. So far there's no cause or cure for this mysterious disease, which can lead to loss of sensation, co-ordination or even paralysis. . With your help wecan inten- sify our research efforts to " find the answer. We're counting on your support. Show you care. Make a donation. Wear a carnation. Mlbto MultIple Sclenasis Sockty °Kann& •41 17 14111 Colour • Professional :#1 Qua -10.# Portrait, 3 -5x7* 2 3x5 • 01, delia-cow 12 Wallet Size* PER PERSON. * APPROXIMATE MEASUREMENTS Poses our selection, Additional portraits available at reasonable prices with complete package. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. One offer per family. RECEIVE ONE BEACH BALL P R CUSTOMERASABON1iJ-T F R PARTICIPATING IN OUR ORTRAIT PROMOTION. LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER Available on these dates: May 9, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 10, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. APPOINTMENTS PREFERABLE T E 0 206 Josephine St., A WINGHAM Phone 357-1116 COMNIUNflY CALENDAR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. . Insurance - All types. Home, business, auto, farni, life. WINGHAM. 37-2636 GORRIE 335-3525 Thurs., May 10 to Wed. May 16 Thurs. May 10 Euchre Party, Wingham Legion, Lunch, Prizes, Everyone Welcome, 8 p.m. Architectural Conservancy, Huron County Branch Invites You to The Livery, South St., Goderich, 8 p.m. Slides & Social Hour. Blood Pressure Clinic, Sponsored by Registered Nursing Assistants of Wingham & District Hospital, to Promote R.N.A. Day, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Holiday World. c Sat. May 12 Howick Lions Rummage Sale, Lions Pool, Gorrie. Spring Dance, Brussels Legion Branch 218, Brussels Comm. Centre. Annual Sale, Salvation Army Building, Downstairs, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Giant Book Sale, Walkerton Dist. Secon- dary School, Walkerton, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Tomorrow Noon to 5 p.m. Vintage Car Display, Wingham, Noon to 4 p.m. Sian. May 13 Mon. May 14 Pre-Schoolers Reading Time, Wingham Public School Library, 10 a.m. Tues. May 15 Wingham Museum Open 2 to 5 p.m. • Open House at Wroxeter Post Office, 9 -Noon and 1 - 5. Tumberry Twp. Council at Municipal Of- fice, Bluevale, 7 p.m. Wed. May 16 College Singers, Winnipeg Bible College, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, 8 p.m. Garden Party, Wroxeter Comm. Hall, 5 to 7 p.m. Child Health Clinic, Wingham Clinic Building, 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. Bicentennial Schools Program at F. E. Madill S. S., 8 p.m. Fri. May 11 ROXY HOME VIDEO Great Family Entertainment 241 Josephine Sr., Wingham Phone 357-3373 tInetn =eft Wenn ear. WM. earth WRVS 1011111 INIM =FM extmen Ora NM. *Ass' ceemzn.J 3 amain .4[01b • •A • 9