The Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-03-26, Page 17Page 2—Crossroads-March• 28, 1984
I've been having an awful as wet spaghetti, dead mice
time lately because that or forgotten false teeth. Pun -
rambunctious family of mine ishment should be equally
refuses to have a proper re -severe for those grandchild-
spect for my rubber boots. ren who are disrespectful
And as a result those boots enough to use a pair of rub
are never where they should ber boots for goal posts in a
be, or if they are, they aren't backyard hockey game."
safe to stick my feet in. My "Finally, to all members
family just can't seem to un -of the family who are old
derstand that a farmer's enough to know better, let it
boots are, above else, clearly understood that
emergency equipr}4ent and these boots are the last of a
that they should always, al- farmer's earthly possessions
ways stand by for action. to be borrowed. They can be
They should in fact, be as un- even more important to him
touchable as the fire ex- during an emergency than
tinguisher. his pants. For in truth, many
I feel so strongly about this a farmer has rushed out of
that I have often considered the house at midnight to put
asking the manufacturers to the cows out of the garden or
issue a warning to this effect to rescue his sheep from de -
and have a copy of that linquent dogs and never
warning go out with every bothered to don anything at
pair sold. I would even be all but his boots. And provid-
willing to suggest the copy
for such a warning. Why not
something like this:
"Hear ye! Hear ye! This
set of rubber boots shall be
sacred to the feet of the man
who bought them and none
other! And when they are not
on that set of feet they must
be given a place of their own
inside the kitchen door
'` where said owner can jump
into them at a moment's no-
tice and at any time of the
day or any time of the
"Said parking place for
these .boots shall preferably
be over a register so that if
emergency should strike too
fast for owner to bother find-
ing his socks, boots will be
warm enough and dry
enough anyhow to forestall
discomfort to said owner."
'Boots which are thus
standing by at the ready
should always be within easy
reach of a good flashlight,
should always be right side
up, and small boys should be
tanned freely on the hindside
of their britches if they insist
upon using said boots as a re
ceptacle for peanut shells,
pop bottle caps, spare parts
from plastic trucks and other
sharp -edged sundries."
"Boots must never be con-
sidered as an acceptable ac-
cessory to humor or practic-
al joking, and punishment.
should be untempered by
mercy when, under the guise
of humor, a man suddenly
finds that his boots have
been harboring such items
THE GREEKS. By Kenneth
Dover. Oxford University
Press, Toronto. 176 pp.
Paper $ 11.50.
Reviewed by
It seems that lectures on
the Greeks of old are always
popular. Kenneth Dover,
who worked on a television
series on the ancient Greeks,
decided to put some of this.
material into book form. The
result has been an interest-
ing volume of essays accom-
panied by a good many black
• and white illustrations. Some
passages should have been
left out to make it a purer
The author discusses vari-
ous aspects of Greek life and
thought, touching on langu-
age, literature, drama, reli-
gion, war, and foreign rela-
tions. This is an easily read
volume and brings to us a
good many worthwhile ob-
the night was dark
enough and the thistles not
too tall, no permanent shock
or damage was suffered by
anyone but the offending ani-
Well, maybe that would be
enough to form a sort of ten
commandments for rubber
boots, but perhaps one
should include at least one
warning to the new owner
rather than to his family. It
could go something like this:
"But whereas a farmer
must always be prepared for
the worst and should know
by now that he cannot really
trust anyone, he should, re-
gardless of the emergency,
never jump into these boots
without first turning them
upside down and giving them
time to drain out."
Too young to
be an antique
By James G. McCollam
Member, Antique
Appraisers Association
of America
Q. This little oak table be-
longed to my grandmother
who was born in 1892. I would
appreciate knowing just how
old it is and how much it is
A. Your table was factory -
made around the turn of the
century. It isn't old enough to
be an antique, but it is col-
lectible and would sell in the
$125, to $175 range.
COPY for Crossroads Classi-
fieds must be received by 5
p.m. Thursday of week prior
to publication.
19" SHARP color TV, $150, in
good working condition.
Phone 357-1598 after 5 p.m.
for Parrish & Heinbecker.
Phone Don Peel, RR 1,
Wroxeter 335-3649.
1975 MOBILE HOME 14' x
68'; deck 10' x 16'; shed 8'/2'-x
12', large driveway, Ford-
wich Trailer Park. Phone
ONE USED 40' steel litter
carrier with A frame, 150'
track, 5 switches and 2 cars.
Priced to sell. Phone 335-
28, 4
... Factory -made around,turn of the century
Q. Why do you always
price items marked "Made
in Czechoslovakia" so low?
Have you got something
against that country?
A. I hope I have no pre-
judices in the area of collect-
ing. Czechoslovakia • was
founded in 1918, so anything
bearing that mark is less
than 65 years old.
For example, the Mixer
Porzellanmanufaktur was
founded in Dux, Bohemia, in
1860. In 1918, Dux became
Duchov, Czechoslovakia.
For example, a figure of a
donkey marked with an
acorn in a triangle (the
original mark) sells for over'
$300. A figure of a donkey
marked "Royal Dux, Made
in Czechoslovakia" sells for
about $35. The first was
made in the late 19th cen-
tury; the second was made
between 1918 and 1939.
Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros Limited as the lifestyle and
entertainment section in The Listowel Banner. The Wingham Advance -
Times. The Mount Forest Confederate and The -Milverton Sun Members of
the Canadian Community Newspaper Association. Ontario Community
Newspaper Association. and the Ontario Press Council Controlled distri-
bution in Elmira. Palmerston. Harriston. Brussels. Millbank. Newton.
Atwood. Clifford, Drayton. Wallenstein. Moorefield and Arthur
,Display and Classified advertising deadline — 5:00 p m Thursday week
prior to publication date.
Advertising and Production
The Listowel Banner
188 Wallace Ave. N
P.O. Box 97.
Listowel, Ont.
N4W 3H2
Accounting and Billing
The Wingham Advance -Times
Josephine St.. .
P.O. Box 390.
Wingham. Ont
The Listowel Banner 291 -1 660 The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320
The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 The Milverton Sun 595-8921
FOR guaranteed products
and dependable service, call
your local AmwayAistri-
butor. Arthur 848-3044.
28, 4
season sale. Prowler ST,
Golden Falcon, Park Model,
truck campers, truck caps,
fifth wheel; parts, repairs,
trailer rentals, consignment
selling. Highway 4, Hanover -
Walkerton. Phone 364-3748.
21 rrb
1974 JAYCO hardtop tent
trailer, sleeps four. Phone
after 6 p.m. Gorrie 335-6452.
21, 28, 4
ure or profit, quality breed-
ing stock, also cages and
supplies, check our prices
and quality before you in-
vest. Phone 638-2927.
1" OR Pa" TUBING gates,
10, 12, 14, 16 and 18' gates in
stock. Feed carts 10, 12 and
16 bushel. Self locking cattle
head rails. E. S. Martin
Welding, RR 1, Linwood,
Ontario. 5.19-698-2283.
Mar. 7 -May 30
ROUND pedestal tables and.
corner cupboards, hand
crafted from oak or pine.
Press back chairs in oak or
maple. Large selection of
antique furniture. Gerry's
Place, 4 miles east of Mount
Forest on 89 Hwy. Open 10 - 6
Monday to Saturday, 519-323-
dian made Vacuum Cleaners
with or without power noz-
zles. Reconditioned fully
guaranteed used cleaners.
No obligation shampoo dem-
onstration. Over twenty
years with the same com-
pany. Elmor Parrish 291-
FREE PICKUP and deliv-
ery. Country Tax Services.
Individual returns a
specialty. Reasonable rates
on all returns. Gorrie 335-
WE HAVE Progressive
Euchre score cards; Court
Whist tally cards; and
Bridge score pads at The
Listowel Banner, .188
Wallace Ave. N. Listowel.
(28" x 76")
Regular $95.00
SPECIAL $25.00
Perfect greenhouse, sunroom
solar panels.
Hwy. u2 West, Woodstock, Ont.
25 BEEF COWS, one Lim-
ousin bull. Phone 357-1988.
QUALITY swine, perform-
ance tested, health approved
gilts and boars from a herd
with very good mothering
ability. QS No. 1 York x
Landrace gilts open or bred
available on,a regular basis.
York, Landrace, Duroc,
Duroc x Hamp boars, also
commercial- gilts. Contact
Wayne Fear, ' Monoway
Farms, Brussels. Phone 887-
570 Reserve Ave. south,
Listowel,pnt}o. Phone 291-
1242. ,, ``
WILL DO relief milking and
any type of farm work.
Phone between 7 p.m. and 9
p.m. 343:5342.
LIVE IN babysitter required
for one pre-school child,
country home outside Mount
Forest. 323-4918, call after 4
Class A
• Excellent Working Condition
• Latest Equipment
• Salary & Incentives
Send Resume To
Box 977
c/o Listowel Banner
Box 97,
188 Wallace Ave. N.
Listowel, Ont. N4W 3H2
Canola Conference
Mon. April 2 - 9 am - 4 pm
7:30 - Banquet and guest speaker
Tues. April 3 - 9 am - 4 pm
Drayton Community Centre, Drayton
Conference to discuss:
1 . Basic Canola production techniques
2. Canola industry outlook
3. Exciting and knowledgeable speakers from
all aspects of the Canola industry.
Please contact your Treflan dealer or
Elanco office 1-519-681-5261
Because of the amount of advertising
on prices paid for dead stock, we find -it
hard to keep you acquainted with our
prices. We promise to match or better
any offered price. If other prices appeal
to you, give us a call FIRST! You won't
have to call anyone else!
Prompt removal of all dead or disabled
farm stock 24 hours a day, 7 days a
FREE pick up for small animals.
.Radio dispatched trucks for taster
Licensed by Department of
Agriculture & Food - License No.
Toll Free 1.800-265.8797 Local Calls
356-2257 -
For same day service, call before 10 a.m.
Call Culligan for selection and reliable
handling of your farm property needs.
* * * * * * * * * *
LARGE F.C.C. MORTGAGE - At 1 1 '/2% on this
56 tie dairy, 6 unit, 2" pipeline, 800 gal. tank,
automatic feeders, 2-20' x 70' silos. Excellent
house and barn on 100 acres, complete with
cows and quota, excellent income property.
Only $375,000. Extra farm available for family
operation with good buildings.
UNDER $40,000. DOWN - Gets you into this
modern 60 sow farrow to finish operation in
Howick Twp., 92 acres systematically tiled.
Comfortable 4 bedroom home, conventional
and new style barns, all liquid manure, H.M.
silo, feed tanks. Balance of price on F.C.C. at
8'/2% and tile loans.
AFFFORDABLE DAIRY - Buy complete a 14
cow dairy, 50 acres, excellent bank barn, gut-
ter cleaner, good stabling. Two storey brick
home, implement shed, cows, quota, full line of
tractors and equipment inlcuded. Only
$110,000. Owner retiring. Excellent value in
Grey Twp.
ALL NEW BUILDINGS - Since 1977; 1800 sq.
ft. raised ranch, 75 sow farrowing barn, 250
hog fattening, liquid manure, on farm storage
and feed system, on 100 acres. Not
replaceable for the asking price of $195,000.
Brian Potter, Wingham
348-8355 (Mitchell Office)
Of Appliances, Furniture, Dishes and
Miscellaneous Items for Estate of
705 Main St. E. Listowel
Gowanstown '
Sale will be held in the Agricultural Hall,
Main St. East, Listowel on
Fri. Evening April 6
6:00 p.m.
APPLIANCES: Westinghouse - 30" electric
stove; Moffat frost -free refrigerator (avocado,
good); G.E. frost -free refrigerator (white); Gib-
son older style refrigerator (working); Inglis •
spin-dry washer (good); G.E. wringer washer;
small electrical appliances.
FURNITURE: Chesterfield and chair, Colonial
style (floral rust); vinyl chester-bed; Sklar Col-
onial chesterfield and matching swivel rocker
(green); Kroehler trad. off white chesterfield
with matching chair in rust; Electrohome por-
table colour TV (good); G.E. console 25" col-
our TV; Rogers Majestic B&W console TV
working; G.E. console stereo, radio -record
player; older style radio -record player; dining
room oval ext. table with Queen Anne legs
(needs refinished), 5 chairs and arm chair;
chrome kitchen suites 4 & 6 chairs; wooden
rocking chair; portable bar; 2 space savers;
Singer electric sewing machine, cabinet model;
coffee tables; matching table lamps; 2 swivel
rockers; floor lamp; 2 arm chairs; portable
record player and stand; glass door bookcase
or china cabinet; smoker stand; lamp tree table;
chrome stool; chrome and glass tea wagon;
Electrolux vacuum cleaner; steel cabinet;
bedroom suite consists of double dresser,
chest of drawers, double bed; 2 dressers with
mirrors; nite table; round top trunk; odd
wooden chairs; electric clocks; radios.
DISHES: Variety of everyday dishes, partial din-
ner set; pots and pans.
MISC. ITEMS: Dehumidifier; luggage; 20" air
fan; humidifier; step ladder, wood and
aluminum; 4 h.p. garden tiller;, garden tools;
lawn chairs; work bench; hand tools; gas push
lawn mower; Clare Jewel Quebec heater; plus
misc. items.
Owner or Auctioneer not Responsible for
Accidents or Loss of Property Sale Day.
TERMS: Cash or Cheque with Proper I.D.
Sale Day
485 Victoria St. S. Listowel
Phone 291-3489
Stewart Grove Farms
Harold and Ross Stewart
at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge on
Wed., April 4, 1984
This is a freelisted, home-bred ` herd of
registered holstein cattle consisting of approx.
50 mature cows, 15 bred heifers, the balance
open heifers and calves. A.I. sires have been
used such as Ultimate, Justice, Chieftain and
Milkman along with several home-bred bulls
such as Vinedale, Sportsman, Bainholm
Emperor Tex, Bainholm Emperor Everest and
Ballevale Peppi Sheik.
Owners quitting the farming business.
Proprietors Harold and Ross Stewart
(519) 291-2175
(416) 852-3524
(519) 799-5333
at Listowel Livestock Ltd. on
Sat., March 31., 1984
12:00 Noon
Partial List Includes:
TRACTORS: JD 2130; JD 1120; Farmall 706;
JD 1630; JD 145 loader; Leyland 384; Farmall
M, repainted and excellent; Farmall H, re-
painted and excellent; JD 710, PS; more to.
TILLAGE: Hydrien 4 x 14 plow; IH 540 4 x 16
plow; Case 4 x 14 plow; .IH 4500 12.5' VS
cultivator, excellent; Kewanee 13' disc; JD 2
row; Kongeskilde 12' cultivator; IH 9'
cultivator, very good.
PLANTING: IH 400 6 row planter; IH 56 4 row;
JD 495A 4 row w/insecticides, very good; IH
No. 10 red box drill 16 x 7 w/grass seed, very
good; Cockshutt 15 run, good; IH 455 4 row
planter; Belarus 24 x 6 drill, grass seed, good.
MISC.: 2 new Martin bale thrower racks; zero
grazing rack; forage wagons.
SEED GRAIN: Approx. 6-8 ton cleaned and
treated, selling in bags.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Good selection of
sofas; dressers; beds; dishes and glassware;
GE electric lawn mower; gas lawnmower; tools;
lawn chairs; etc.
Something for everyone. Plan to attend.
Good quality consignments welcome.
291-2319 291-2600
"For service that sells"
Of 83 Acre Farm, full line of Horse Drawn
Farm Machinery, Dairy Herd, Swine, Horses,
Feed and Misc. Items to be held at Lot 14,
Conc. 7, Mornington Township, '/a mile west
of Millbank or 11/2 miles east of Newton on
Perth County Road No. 6 on,
Sat., March 31
11:00 a.m.
PROPERTY: This property consists of 83
acres of which 73 is workable and balance is
river flat and apple orchard. With a bank barn •
sizing 55' x 60', set up, for dairy with 26 tie.
ups, bull pen, calving pen and young cattle pen
with some farrowing room for pigs. Also has
hen stable upstairs along with a fatting area for.
hogs. The barn also has a milk house and had a
stable cleaner. Barn has a hip -shaped roof and
is completely covered with steel. Beside the
barn stands a 40 x 20 implement shed and a
12 x 36 silo. The 11/2 storey block house has
full basement and fruit cellar, kitchen, living .
room, bathroom and 2 bedrooms on main floor
and also 2 bedrooms and bathroom upstairs -1'
TERMS: Property will be offered at ,approx.
1:30 p.m. selling subject- to a reasonable
'reserve bid. with 10% down on day of sale.
Balance in 30 days or when possession is
MACHINERY: Box wagon with spring seat;
cultivator; 2 furrow. Cockshutt walking plow; 1
furrow Cockshutt riding'plow; 7' Massey Harris
binder with two sets of canvass; No. 5 McCor-
mick Deering corn. blower; 13 run McCormick
Deering seed drill with fertilizer; 13 run McCor-
mick Deering' seed drill no fertilizer; Massey
Harris 7' hay mower; 2 McCormick Deering
side rakes; corn scuffler; wagon and rack;
Cockshutt manure spreader; 2 land rollers and
-4 section harrows.
LIVESTOCK: 18 Holstein cows with 3 fresh
and balance due at ,sale time; 7 open Holstein
heifers 800 to 900 lbs.; 7 heifer calves 300 to
500 lbs.; 2 small calves. Blood test is 1st test
towards listing. 11 sows due at sale time; 1
hamp boar; approx. 25 feeder pigs; 1 work
mare in foul; 2 general purpose gelding horses,
8 and 4 yr. old; 2 colts, 2 and 1 yr. old; 300
brown laying hens.
CREAM QUOTA: 1 100 kg. used and 1000 kg.
FEED: 200 bales of hay and a pile .of loose
MISC. ITEMS: Vicking cream separator; 2
Universal milkers; water trough; stone boat;
wipple trees; double trees; harness, etc.
TERMS: Cash day of sale.
Any Announcements or Corrections Given
Verbally Day of Sale.
Owner or Auctioneer not Responsible for
Accidents Day of Sale.
'There d There are not many, small items so plan
to be on time.
Lunch Booth on Grounds
Milverton, Ontario