The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-27, Page 25• J!, •••=::;40`,...t1; Chapman A••• V' Heinz 48 61; Tonal Juice npao 2 �±ihit.e; Fin Amen .MUSEUM OPEN HOUSE—Mary Lloyd of Thornhill enjoired tOuring the Wingham museum last Saturday as part .of the muse- um's special promotional day. Summer curator Cheryl Reece showed Mrs. Lloyd a few of the artifacts donated to the museum by Mrs. Lloyd's mother, the late Mrs. Harley Crawford of Wing - ham. A 'hot' hay mow is a fire risk, says OMAF All the recent rains liave made haying difficult this year. If you happen to be_puttifig hay into the barn that is tough and you find it is heating, you may wish to note the following temperatures. 65 C (150 F) Check daily: danger zone 70 C (158 F) Check every four hours 80 C (176 F) Fire pockets might be expected.. Call the fire depart- ment. Wet down hay. The hay has already lost its basic nutrient value. 85 C (185 F) Remove hay imme- diately. Make sure the fire depart- ment is on hand. 99 C (210 F) Critical. Hay is almost sure to ignite. If you suspect heating in the mow, use a 10 -foot length of pipe with 1/4 -inch holes drilled near the end. Fix a point to the end, and shove this into the hay. Then lower a candy or oven thermometer with a 12 -foot cord. Try this in different locations. Avoid walking on a 'hot' mow since you may fall into a fire pocket. Don't take chances with heating hay. It's the leading cause of barn fires. Right One' a sellout at the Blyth Festival 'Bryan Wade's "The Right One" has been declared a sellout at this year's Blyth Festival. "This marks the second show that has sold out before it's opened," Joel Harris, general man- ager of the festival notes. Only a handful of tickets are left for the show's. 16 planned perfor- mances. "The Right One" tells the story of Phillip and Lisa, the day of their wedding. The groom is plagued by last-minute litters, while the bride becomes more than fashionably late as she is held hostage by her ex- boyfriend. Featured performers include Laurel PaetZ, Denise Kennedy, Robert McClure, Kerry Dorey and Robert Clinton in the wedding party. The festival's Associate Director Peter Smith plays the bride's ex-boyfriend, and Carol Sin- clair plays Birdie. John Cooper is director. The play opens in Blyth, July 5 -- and runs until Aug. 18. The Safety Council' opposes speedfake A proposed 10 kilometre -an -hour speed hike on major Ontario high- way's will lead to an increase in traffic deaths, the Ontario Safety Council states. The council notes, in its summer newsletter, that traffic fatalities fell from 1,: 11 in 1975 to a low of 1,102 in 1986, which the experts link to, lower speeds, mandatory seatbelt use„.a.crackdownoon drunk driving„ betker.YOhic!esarK1)44PMAIfl8 ways. The newsle#er adds that,. accord- ing to a recerstly-released study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety in the US., more than 200 additional 1087 traffic death's on rural Interstates were the result of the U.S. governtnent pettnitting higher speed limits, an increase of 15 per cent.. The. trutkiq 41\4%9) theStrOngellt 4%14111c114'i ; opItocJes with 200 coupon -r - lour With' This Coupon SAVE 1 ;ie.& • Purchase Of 1 - Ammh. t Special Price With This t 400 Coupon 1 1 H EINZ SQUEEZE • plus deposit Jello 85 g Assorted Varieties Powd�rs 406 Off The 250 rnL Bonus • 1 ais I - KETCHUP -1 1110 Special Price Without Coupon 2.39 MI 9.9 Valid Only Al Knechlal Assoc. Stores Coupon Explitas S. July 9. 19119 i i .. „ Purchase Of 1 - Assorted 455 niL Container 1 HEINZ'S. 13. CI SAUCE . 8 Special Piles , 1 ' , Special Price without C.oupon With ThiS 30$ Coupon • Volk, Oithp Al KIMONO Alt112eriikolol Con lEsOlist SA. .1411. lin I 1 1 IOW With This Coupon SAVE 20c Oft Ttzle 1 irk. Purchase Of 1 - 213 g Tin Navy Keta 'with 300 coupon without coupon 1159 Robin Hood 4509 Angel Food Cake Mix 1.49 1 With This Coupon SAVE 30c Olt The CLOVERLEAF SALMON Special Price Without Coupon 1.19 special Price With This 20* Coulon . 1 $ 1 Isr Ego mow 0* 4.-"I 1.59 'Pi " In* ..... al, r. ... wk. . •■• ea.rt 1 1 1 99c Veld Only Al Kotschlel Assoc. Morns Coupon Expires Sae. July $929 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sahneiders 4500 pkg. DutchTreetor Red Wits . &kidders Regulat,,TOiCkOr Map ellavOured • Viced-81.00Bacon 500 g pkg. Car- iffe A Beef Outside, Eye Removed Boneless .99 kg. 5.05 Rouno-ttetik-Roast 2.29 Product of Ontario Canada #1 Head L�ttuce each Product of USA Canada #1 kg. 1.74 Plums, Peaches lb. m79 Nectarine AM ..KatiFOODS HOURS: Mon., Tues. -& Sat. 8-6; Wed., Thurs & Fri. 8-9 Values In effect Until closing Saturday, July 1/89 Home Delivery Senior' Discounts on Wednesdays • '' Irak a CesibtifehrOtki "igilthiptosaltisspecleleseepyr flyer lo the than•, q Cc.L.a kinL • r " it./11 74) • : 1?4*. •1414.• 4 1.b.i .... 4e.44*.toevao.s424.41a14.,,., d