The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-27, Page 227fill7r 'hA Page B in hem Advaa �" es, 411.14# 0714.. se el WPS AWARD WINNERS®The following were presented with major awards at last Thursday evening's Grade 8 banquet at Wingham Public School: Dwayne McKee, Jim Ward Shield; Marc Poulin, Marion Inglis Award; Johann Verscheren, top self-contained class student; Bart Cameron and Amy Jo Cretier, winners of the Colleen Robertson Memorial Award and Shannon Werth, proficiency award. You don't have to be a gourmet cookto appreciate a new whirlPOO1 range from STONE'S RADIO & TV GORRIE 335-6374 FOR ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Agencies, landowners to be involved in project The Wingham district of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources is pre:losing to rehabili- tate trout habitat in the tributaries of the Bayfield, Maitland, Nine Mile and Saugeen Rivers in the district. The projects will improve exist- ing cold -water fisheries and are being undertaken to increase local angling opportunities. In accordance with the approved Class Environmental Assessment for Shoreline and Streambank Stabi- lization, a notice is being distribut- ed to the affected municipalities and conservation authorities, six Our Dream Vacation Draw will be held Wednesday, June 28 The lucky winner will be contacted by phone on Wednesday, June 28 and publicly announced in our paper next week. To all who entered Good Luck! local sportsmen's clubs, as well as offices of the ministries of agricul- ture and food, tourism and recre- ation. Affected landowners also will be contacted to determine their will- ingness to participate in the pro- gram. The Wingham district is in the final stages of completing its fish- eries management plan. That plan- ning process involved several pub- lic consultation stages in which comments were solicited from resource users, government agen- cies and the general public. This project has received strong support from the public. There have been no concerns raised over this management approach. The stream rehabilitation projects are part of an on-going program to increase trout populations in the Wingham district. Any inquiries, comments or con- cerns regarding the stream rehabili- tation proposal can be sent to the following address by this Friday, June 30: District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, RR 5, Wing - ham, Ont., NOG 2W0. At the close, Af4he school e gthda 'Who helps :the pre aratjons Qrable event. est. Howick Central School, we wou luso to look back on thkyear and its highlights: r A special thank, you goes to all . the class reporters at Howls. With- out each of yaw, Your editors old be unaware of classrootii,.:actjvities each week. The cooperation. of the teachers also has beenappreciated. Along with you and the school principal, Paul StMa, the editors found our task much easier. Appreciation also goes,to our readers in the community. We write to keep in touch with you,. our friends. May each of you have a happy summer. Your editorial staff is'composed t of students from Grades 7 and 8. To those leaving Howick for high school, thanks for'all you have done while attending Howick Cen- tral, especially your contribution to t our news column. d Our very best wishes as you pro- ceed in your education pursuits. 1 1988-89 editorial staff g Kelly Bradshaw, Michael Greig, Mary Feldskov, Ryan Gallaher, Darren Roth, Jennifer Howitt, t Kathy Kennedy and r Isabelle Scott, adult advisor. ACADEMIC ASSEMBLY d Edited by Jennifer Howitt The academic assembly was held d last Wednesday. Awards went to t the Grade 7 class. for English, French, science fair, most -improved and many music awards. The Grade 8 students received their a awards on graduation night. u MUSIC 1989 a Edited by Mary Feldskov ch A eomimmity made th 1s success that tt was. 'Thi y!u S1'QKTS REPORT Edited by'Darren " 0 Last Thursday, the t tournament was. held. at T _ T,... - Central School. Five other schoo; competed. The girls team won time games and the bogs' t won four and lost one. DRAMA REPO T Edited by Kathy Ken . As a yearly tradition, Mr. bleday's Grade 7 and 8 class he heir drama assembly. on: June There were four di£fereit: with each performing a 'di fere presentation',, These ranged .from "Stranded in he Middle of:Nowhere" to "Ci:n erfella" to "The Monster Mash" to reproductions of "Cheers", "Fami- y Ties" and "Night Court". The roups" performed exceptionally well. After the performance, they were aken by bus to a Listowel restau- ant where they were treated in recognition of the school magazine rive held earlier this year. Con granulations to all the students who id an excellent job performing heir plays and selling magazines. SPORTS ASSEMBLY Edited by Michael Greig On Tuesday, June 13, the sports ssembly was held in the gymnasi- m. Awards were given to track nd field winners, sportsathon amps and the coach of the year. rm bars were given to members of e sports club, volleyball, soccer, oss-country and sportsathon cams and winners. Thanks to Mr. Livermore and all e teachers who helped. FAREWELLS Edited by Ryan Gallaher At the end of the school year, ere are two teachers who are leav- g the staff at Howick. After 17 years of teaching at owick, Mrs. McCaughan will be iring. The students and teachers sh her a pleasant goodbye and od luck in the future. Miss Steinman also is leaving wick. She is transferring to ckway Mennonite School. We'll tainly miss both these teachers' iling faces in the upcoming ool year. Two new teachers are joining the wick staff and are Mrs. Orion d Miss Wyborn, who will be at ur school in September. It has been a successful year for th the music program at Howick. The Grade 6-7 band and the con- t r cert band won all of their events at the festival. They won a trophy and th a $100 scholarship. They received a trip to Canada's Wonderland for all their hard work. The intermediate choir also had a th good season. Its members finished in first in their category at the festival. They finished off the year singing H at graduation. All music participants would like ret to thank the teachers, Mr. Hencher and Miss Steinman for all their time g° and effort. Ho 25TH ANNIVERSARY Ro Edited b.yMary Feldskov cer One of the most exciting projects sm of 1989 was the organizing and car- sch rying out of the 25th anniversary celebration. If you were missed on the mailing list, please accept our Hon apologies. 0 b%?atxly4irs�od�k. r : 4dk '.:.s d: IS 4 r. uyrr y N3. FIELD DAY CHAMPS—Sacred Heart School in Wingham was well represented at the Huron track andfield meet last Tuesday at Goderich. Sacred Heart athletes won 23 medals, four penants and boasted one over-all champion, Marcel Egli. Winning medals at the meet were: back, Tyson Miller, Pat McGlynn, Darrell Hallahan, Diane Skinn, Mark Carson; front, Angie O'Neil, Jamie Vollmer, Brett Koopman, Marcel Egli, Heather Voiinxer 'David Laing and Evie Matz fi •