The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-27, Page 11Tr .i• r t.f:••a• 7,7•."4,a,;;z •1' • .,•4•:'.• , • • 4. .• ' : , •• ' ',•••••• -;,••„ • • • • ' ,4k .titsJast event of ,' ' year was the annual CubScut4^4 1 ' -t held at the Winghallt Armouries. 'There was good Writ ,. . -flavor 100 Cubs, Scouts, parents and leadera. 4-11 HARM* SIIE 43;WW:ifa'4•4',WV2AwsaM,fpary., 1,4„,•• The thirdinteetin eri t helped out du.year donatingtheir t„. e ad resOttmes to make Mit aUentsPessible. 4 ••'," COW1f4r$beepi' 4:1110E4034 *Id *It • • 4 KWedeititlesdalidarealt*IliceiWr To start the tite'etingi**PluSkm class of rarni. , Florence Culten gave the official Towne,.aft qt gvery member had •-• gpven his, own geteekAfter judging, Keith gavrea demon,* stration on how to show sheep. W en to ehouse te proceed with the meeting, titled 'Giving tender, loving care; This meeting taught .us sheep behavior. We also teamed how to minimize work for both. the sheep and the farmer. We also le,arried the uses of • many different tools. • Among the upcoming events dis- cussed is Sheep Focus. Florence Cullen handed out entry forms for anyone interested in attending. • The meeting concluded with the 441 motto. Mrs. Todd served squares and refreshtuentisa and the, Todds were thanked for hosting( meeting- • , THE THUMIS Whitechurch; --The 4-H members. prn at Whitechurch are studying land- •seeping and hers Seined them- et .0 t d a Ouie. The -mentbers Meesured EUjpit$ hose...1110mertAert of ihe club are kileryon Dow, president; Karen Elliott', secretary; Stott 'Minton", vice-president d, Karen -Lubbers, Pes*lePorter; awn 00w; Beth Gugglibeada egg; Sheila Moir and- Dbrine R0-.; Leaddit are 'Cath- leen Elliott and 119RRO tiX$E.CLUB The 'third `t' -tot °LANs Dor- relived 1-jorse • 17 waSheld, at Cheryl Campbefrs boreec, with all six merni,ers i ttertdance. The minutes of their reviatis- meeting were read by arilyn MacLean. sectrasolYor h stall factors,. , Winghain reads -4O4 1,oun •at June Mrs. Ralph Nixon opened the June meeting of the Goforth Evening Atudliary at St, ,Andrew's Presbyterian. Church tit Wingham with a poem entitled "The Magic of Prayee.. Several hytniswere spill/ by those present on -the .theme of prayer. The word "110,0" was brought td -the groups iftenfiall bedause,if'We int* a hope 'that sure, we have to have hope in God. Mrs. MorlcyBuslwll gave a read- "1..ord, Teach' • .Wycliffek orTrifeettituribetll:po :: .New es r should develop This: bile Translators, and fileted Aire translation Testament for the pe was show Which edtcattett of their re t • •••„1 ,•4 . • elose'e 'Oftes the Itts , .4. W• hitechurcheltalmers Women's Missionary gOdely held Mrs • offering. 'brief preilOitati Ross and Hilo! Erlithated-blrnstan, the anniver of the .10 its tu4e meeting on the *161 4gguest speakers. Were :the hwee" bits' ki Ptud°n• Mrs" Mn' ps. Multi ithrgstOn4 The Erring - Simpson and. Mrs, Dora Neilsonatons are Missionaries hem on fur- setdbn: and, ,the., were in charge. Mrs. Simpson gave low from the Philippines. ro The couple works for the call to worship and Mrs. Neil- son read Psalm 1 and led in prayer. Mrs. Norma Rintoul gave a read- ing, "The Rose", and Mrs. Purdon read a poem, "The Garden" and The Gardener's Creed. A video on Africa was shown for the topic. The ladies decided to pack a bale in August. Thank -you notes were read from Dave and Isobel McDon- ald and Karen Elliott. Nine answered the roll call by giving a verse containing the word, "beau- ty'. The offering and birthday fees were received and Mrs. Neilson led in- prayer. Business was conducted and Mr. Neilson closed with prayer. Refreshments were enjoyed. The July meeting will be held on the 19th at Rev. and Mrs. Neilson's home at Point Clark. Aozw,tpi 96TH BIRTHDAY—Mrs. Vera Kerr of Brookhaven Nursih g Home at Wingham celebrated her 96th birthday. last Tuesday, June 20. Born in 1893 at Oshawa/1*s. Kerr came to this area in 1919 when she married her husband, J. John Kerr. They fanned in Mor- ris before moving to Wingham in the early 1940s. Mrs. Kerr contin- ued to live in Wingham after her husband passed away, moving to the nursing home over one year ago. She has four sons, one daugh- ter, 10 grandchildren and 11 great-grartchildren. . 0, . . • tr f Ilif; tf if 'hitechurch • Notes refrperew:Avelo, t s / W..f47,RwAY •`lx:/31 Mr. and Mrs. Comp Armstrong visited over the weekend with their son, Larry Armstrong, Mr's. Arm- strong and family. Their grandson, Michael, was celebrating his birth- day. Mr: and Mrs. Bill Purdon were taken by their daughter, Mrs. Bar- bara Carey of Kitchener, to North y for a recent trip. Mr. and Mrs, Brum Newman and family of Ayton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson. ,•c I d ! 1 =; ;.‘ I the! lunch. %As Beirs DISCOUNT CENTRE ,th omen* last month in-' *as conduct- esidetitt, Mrs. Arm - e meeting closed with 620 CAMPBELL ST., LUCKNOW (In the former Knechtel Location) 528-3521 YOUR ONE-STOP PAMILY SAVINGS CENTRE OPEN Sat. July 1st and Sun. July 2nd FIREWORKS SPECIALS Family kits $26.99 to $89.99, sparklers, assorted candles Wizard BBQ PRODUCTS Charcoal Lighters & cubes . Sale $1 .79 Ladies CANVAS LOAFERS Sizes 6-10. black, white, red Children's CANVAS LOAFERS • Sizes 12 - 4, Black, white, red Sale $5.99 sale $499 BEACH TOWELS Quality thickness 2 for $9.00 LADIES SHORTS Slue, white, yellow '3.99 SANDLES Infants & childrens 20% Off Rexpo Cola, Gin- Laurentide ger Ale, Orange, Swan KLEENEX CHIPS Rootbeer '150Assorted Kinds, 200 2 litre s gram bag Sale si 19 Sale 79 sm.•89c Limit all sale Items two per customer Be1fs - • • •__.*:-.•••• • •••• PSCOUNT CENTRE • 620 CAMPBELL ST., LUCKNOW REGULAR HOURS: Mon. -Wad. IWO am to 530 pm; Thurs. 5 F,L OW am to a pm; Sal. 910 arn - 520 pm; Sun. 12005;30 pm • 6 • r•••••• Imo*, We amps at poet cheques Including Baby Bonus. Irt,4.11 Personal chequesivith 1.0. (For mount &purchase only) • I • •