The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-27, Page 10•r.. • .00 Ili SCHOLASTIC, CITIZENSHIP WINNERS—Top winners of scholastic and citizenship awards for Grade 8 at. East Wawanosh Public School this year are: back, Bev Buchanan, most -it iproved; Cheryl Campbell, industrial arts; Jennifer Elson, family studies; Trina Leishman, citizenship; front, Trisha Taylor, girls' proficiency, math, history, English; Michael Colley, boys' proficiency, science, French and Natascha Muscheid, geography award. Higgins family reunion held at Blyth Park The 1989 Higgins Family Reunion was held at the Blyth park on June 18 with 64 in attendance. The sports were under the direc- tion of Muriel and Ross King, Mari- lyn and Debbie Penner and Carol Lassaline. Jack and Doreen Marks, Chester and Wilda Higgins, and Don and Eileen Higgins were in charge of lunch. The president, Ken Shortreed; welcomed everyone following a moment of silence for those who have passed away. Don Higgins then said grace. A short business meeting fol- Map, t lowed lunch and the 1988 minutes were read and the financial report given by Lynda Fitch, secretary - treasurer. The oldest gentleman present was Gordon Higgins and Dorothy Higgins was the oldest lady pre- sent. The youngest person was Jonathon King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael King. Officers from 1990 include: presi- dent, Earl Fitch; first vice president, Jerry Higgins; second vice, Bill Hig- gins; secretary -treasurer, Wilma Higgins; invitations, Margaret Hig- gins, Alvin Higgins, Judy and Isabel Shortreed;, lunch, Jack and Ruth King, Lloyd and Helen War- wick, Jack and Bernice Higgins, Don. and Eileen Higgins and sports, Carmen Farrier, Kathleen King and Karrin Marks. ARRIVE WITH GAS Heading for a remote spot this summer? Try to arrive with at least a half tank of gas in your car. Then you'll be prepared in case of a mid- dle -of -the -night emergency trip to a hospital or first-aid station. EWPS GRADE 8 BANQUET -.-The Women s Institute Hall in Belgrave was the scene of a banquet last Thursday evening for East Wawanosh Public School Grade 8 students. They are: back, Tim Coultes, Mike Golley, Mark Robinson, Chris Jamieson, Rick Wattam, Rob Johnston, Brad Robinson, Kyle Moran; front, Anita Massey, Trina Leishman, Janette Ward, Trisha Taylor, Bev Buchanan, Jen- nifer Elston, Cheryl Campbell and Natascha Muscheid. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne. Farnsworth Mir., ask Mrs. tool o�fQ�H /�n+.�tsyilJe nt he eekend�.�'t oda.+d th w •7i�Yh;Mr, Mrs. and r G..o - ke. "i::'Ardey and _Allan Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd' Faustattendr Ford ch United Cburch n ed the 40th anniversary celebration day. of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mcllroy at Mrs. Rick Nay, Ashl Palmerston on Sunday; also the of Ellerhouse, . _»S.. are 25th anniversary celebration of Mr. the home of Mr. and.., and Mrs. Bill Norris of Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs y� y etercol held at Kurtzville on Sunday. RR 1, Listowel, visited T ,es i Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Crump and the home of Mrs. Cecil Grainge P Andrea of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. The Ferguson, and Bur Iii Joe Simmons of Sarnia; Mr, and lies held their picnic on S Mrs. Jim Freiburger of Walkerton Bruce Haven Camp, Cavi& Town- were. Sunday visitors at the home of ship, with 40 in attendance; Mrs.. Joe Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sparling of Coderich Marilyn Mann of Clinton 'spent also attended. the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Sheldon Mann. 4A, Les Howes and Archie Steuernol in Mr, and Mrs. Ian Howes and the passing of their brother, John Marcie Howes of Ottawa, and Steuernol. Mandy Howes, Waterloo, spent the Mrs. W. A. Henderson and Mrs. weekend with Mrs. Cecil Grainger. James Smith of Lucknow visited Mrs.. Laurine Wright of RR 1, Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Clifford and Mrs. Helene Haskins Mundell.. were recent visitors with Mrs: Ethel Rev Jeff Hawkins received into Dennis. the Gorrie United Church by bap - Mr and Mrs. Bruce Campbell, ,ism Beth -Ann Maine Lee, d auh. Christopher, Richard and Derek of Waterloo spent the weekend with ter of Mr. and' Mrs. Rat�ph :lee At the Sunday morning service. at 11 a.m. Knox WMS member; plant church flower beds GORRIE—Before their June meeting, the ladies of Knox Presby- terian Church "planted annual flow- ers in the flower bedsat the church. When they later gathered in the church, Mrs. Glenn Underwood conducted a worship service, read- ing a poem entitled "Today",fol- lowed by a hymn. The meditation, "New Every Morning'", was based on Lamentations, chapter three, with a concluding poem, "Touch Gorrie ladies attend showers GORRIE–Mrs. Alvin Grainger entertained Saturday afternoon at a miscellaneous shower in honor of her niece, Mandy Howes of Water- loo, a bride -elect. Mandy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Howes of Ottawa. Contests were enjoyed. Relatives attending were from London, Lis- towel, Waterloo, Kitchener, Baden, Tavistock, Wingham, Bluevale, Ottawa and the Corrie area. Also on Saturday, Mrs. Shannon Hopper of Kitchener was hostess for a miscellaneous shower held in honor of Julie,Stewart, bride-to-be, in "'the . Gorrie United Church. Approximately 30 relatives attend- ed. Mrs. N. Skelton hosts Institute BLUEVALE—The Women's Insti- tute held its June meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Skelton. A delicious potluck luncheon was enjoyed by all. A nature walk along the Maitland River followed, with plants and shrubs being identified and observed. A short business meeting fol- lowed, with the president, Mrs. Wendell. Stamper and Mrs. Charles Mathers reporting on the leader- ship workshop held at Belwood. Meetings will commence again on Sept. 13. IMPROVING YOUR ODDS AGAINST CANADA'S #1 KILLER. God's Earth" Mrs-. Underwood led in prayer and ail : joined to 'sing "How Great Thou Art". Mrs. David- Lockie .presented the topic on "Women in :Poverty". She quoted =many shocking -statistics and used the story of Ruth gleanin in the fields of Boaz to illustrate the plight of poor widows in Bible times. Readings about the .problis of women in poverty were read by Mrs. Underwood, housing;: -:Mrs. Alvin Mundell, inadequate income; Mrs. John. Campbell, inadequate pension and Mrs. Harvey Adams, tl supplementation. A discussion fol- lowed on ways to address these problems, A hymn was sung and Mrs. Gor- don Moir closed the meeting with a poem, "Too Busy" by Walter Hunt- ley and prayer. All adjourned to the vestry for a time of fellowship and lunch provided by Mrs. Moir and Mrs. James Robinson. Rainbow Club remembers former member A moment of silence was observed in memory of a long-time valued member, Mrs. Hester Brad- burn, when the Mary Hastings Rainbow Club held its June meet- ing. The committee in charge was composed of Eva Carr, Ardyss Johnston and Ada Pearce. Progressive euchre provided the entertainment. The winners were Cindy Clark, Mary Austin and Olive Jamieson. First Vice-president Flora Beaton presided in the absence of the president. Refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed. The next rnet Ing will be Wednesday, July 5, at 8 p.m. Members are asked to please note the change of date. TAPED DIRECTIONS If you plan to drive in strange territory, consider taking along a tape recorder and blank tape, sug- gests the Ontario Safety Council. If you have to ask directions, get the recorder into action and put the instructions on tape. Then play it back as you proceed on yaw way. or