The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-27, Page 9TfmNio.-7 q.e• • d• 1:10,91' f • r: 04: :4 • :AMMO ga.A4K, 4. 9 9 if9A*64 roxeter Notes Friends of Gordon Gibson will be sorry to learn he is a patient in Lis- towel Memorial Hospital and wish him a speedy return to good health. Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Poirier, Mis- sissauga, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Cliff Marks. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sturgeon, Bradley and Laura, moved into their new home last week. Miss Tharon Riley; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Riley, Melissa, Jerrad and Joel of Wingham; Mr. and -Mrs. Ron Gilbert, Krista and Troy; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Henderson, all of Har- riston and Mrs. William Wintemute visited with Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Riley on Sunday Mrs, Davey Marks, Brussels; Mrs, Glenn McKercher, Jamestown and Mrs. Wally Nixon, Fordwich, visit- ed with Mrs. Cliff Marks Wednes- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith attended a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sinnamon, Seaforth, on Sunday. Miss Marcia Gibson, London, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson, over the weekend. Mrs. Bettee Ann Labrie, Mrs. Judy Barrie, Mrs. Marilyn Nichol and Mrs. Kim Matthews attended the Howick Figure Skating Club seminar at the Blue Mountain Inn, Collingwood, on June 16 and 17. The Wroxeter Grade 8 students graduating from Howick Central School on Thursday evening were Simon Atton, Kelly Bradshaw, Angela Chambers, Kerrie Dickert, Ryan Gallaher, Dennis Wintemute, Lisa Shipman and Angela White. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leek and T.J. visited with Mrs. Shirley Leek, Wingham, on Wednesday and cele- brated Tom's birthday. On Sunday, June 18, after the baptism of their son, John Thomas William Perry, Diane McLean and Tom Perry welcomed to their home: Edna and Donald McLean, Wing - ham; Bill and Louise Perry and Flo- rence Ryckman, Richmond Hill; Bruce, Kim„ Wesley and Stephanie Dodson of Uxbridge; Brenda and Al Bowden of Holland Landing; Marvin, Susan, Jenny and Dennis McLean of Wroxeter; Dale, Joanne, James and Denise McLean of Blue - vale and Doug, Mary Ellen, Matthew, Andrew and Duncan McLean of London. ACADEMIC AWARDS were received bythe following students at Howick Central School: (left to right, top to bottom); Brandy Koebel, Kelly Bradshaw, Shelly Inglis, Mary Sluis, John Greig, Peggy Price, Laury Klumpenhower, Rahal Schmitz, Mary Feldskov, Jennifer Howitt, Michael Coultier, Patti Alexander, Trevor Smith, Mark Dosman, Carrol Harding. (Staff Photo) RESULTS you'll applaud with WANT ADS The Advance -Times 357-2320 You're Invited • SCHOOL LETTERS -these students from Howick Public School received school letters for their achievements. (Left to right, top to bottom) Jennifer Howitt, Mary Sluis, _Michael Greig, Kelly Brad- shaw, Rahal Schmitz, Ryan Gallaher, Mary Feldskov, Michelle Coultier, Laurie Klumpenhower, Car- rol Harding, Dennis Wintemute, and Patti Alexander. (Staff Photo) Birds, flowers, campfire form indoor picnic setting WROXETER—Carrying goodies, some hot, some cold, all delicious, the members of the United Church Women gathered at the church for an indoor picnic. A flower -strewn path, patio lights, cedar branches, a campfire of wood and candles, a recording of birds singing and lots of imagination made it a success. After supper, Mrs. Bonnie Lock- wood and Mrs. Marilyn Elgie, dressed as Indians, chose as their theme, "The Native Heritage". Marilyn told the story of the oak leaves. The red oak, with its sharp- er indented edge, could cut and bleed and cause concern but the white oak, with softly curved edges, denotes peace. The ladies were divided into groups and each group chose a bog containing an article found in nature, such as branch, striped stone and maple leaf. A question about each was answered with a story. This proved very interesting. Bonnie read sections of "Desider- ata" and an Iroquois prayer. A campfire 3ong, "Kum Ba Yah", was sung and a Blackfoot prayer read in unison. Marilyn read a story about the natives' struggle to survive in a white man's world. The offering was -received by Marilyn and dedi- cated by Bonnie. A singsong, fol- lowed by prayers by Bonnie and Marilyn, completed the worship. Some members shared poems, games and stories which all enjoyed. A highlight of the evening began with a walk down the flow- ered path by Mrs. Mildred Coup - land, Mrs. Carol Pyke and Mrs. Cindy Hutchinson. A humorous blrch buttercups, w,1410, OW, f°11wiecl, by 0)0,PFPPPPt tation by Mrs. Eileen Hamilton of a life membership to Mrs. Coupland by the UCW, in appreciation of her service to the church. Her daughter, Carol, presented the pin in a touch- ing ceremony. Mildred thanked the members for their gift. Mrs. Phyllis McMichael thanked everyone for making the evening a success. Some corning events were noted and plans made for the ser- vice at Carrie on June 25. The fall regional rally for North Huron will be held at Belgrave in October and the next regular meeting of the UCW will be held in September. Mrs. Hamilton read the minutes of the April and May meetings and Mrs. Sandra Edgar gave the trea- surer's report. Roll call, "An out- door activity you enjoy", revealed that the members are a very lively group. to an Open House on Thursday, June 29 at Valleyview Terrace, a seniors' apartment building, located at the Versa Care Centre of Hanover. Tours and Refreshments 1 - 5 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. A unique opportunity to learn about our retirement community. Versa -Care Centre of Hanover. VERSA- C,ME 101 Tenth Street Hanover, Ontario N4N 1M9