The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-20, Page 20c� Ti • N NEWS. Welcome to summer! Our swim- ming pool opens this week. Pool schedules are posted outside the facility next to the °`Wmghan Dis- trict Swimming Pool" sign. After an extensive training ses- sion, our staff is looking forward to opening the pool. Our aquatic staff has asked me to review the pool policies which we have developed to ensure the safety of all communi- ty members. Please abide by these policies. The safety of you and your family depends on your support of our aquatic staff. Enjoy the pool, but please help our staff run a safe pool by following the policies that mem- bers have developed. These policies include: SENIORS' DAY CENTRA NEWS By Gloria Workman National Seniors' Month has been a busy one for area seniors. The slogan for the month is "Tap the Potential". Aging adults are a great source of volunteer power. If you are walking past the day centre, take a look at the flowers planted in half -barrels. The seniors had a great time digging around in the dirt! They were definitely the experts. Everyone enjoyed the music sup- plied by Gordon Wall's Old Tyme Music lasts -Wed nesd..A1nost -every person here took his turn on the dance floor. A special thank - you goes to the band members. The water exercise program in Vanastra started recently. Exercising in water is a gentle way to exercise. If you are interested in volunteering or attending the program, please call for more information. Thanks go out to those who par- ticipated in the fashion show for the Hewitt Therapy Fashion dis- play last Monday. Please note that we are scheduled to see "Sticks and Stones, the Don- nellys" instead of "Perils of Perse- phone" on June 22, as we originally thought. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. The next foot clinics are sched- uled for June 21 and July 13. Please call 3574440 or 1445 for an appointment. The Day Centre's annual meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 26, at 1 pan. Follo -the-meeting, a video entitled ` . + king for Yester- day" by Naomi Teil will be shown.. The video looks at methods of help- ing the "old, old" senior validate his or her personal feelings and emotions. It's a good video, and worth seeing. This week seniors were sched- uled to do some ceramics; instead, they are going to work on -some Tray Favours for the Hospital Aux- iliary, Next week the Tuesday Group will be visiting with the Huron Day Centre for the Homebound. Each year members take turns hosting a visit with each other. Seniors are looking forward to the visit. The Wednesday and Thursday Groups will be enjoying a picnic in the park at the Kinsmen Pavillion, complete with outdoor games. The Day Centre crowd welcomes Charlene Conley from Lucknow as our summer student. Charlene is planning to take the Activation Co- , 'ordination rc4graiti t Ggbrge PM''d1fe(e.' Ikioni>,ers are.1ook-' tn'forwiid trig wtsrking wrii'ti i er'for the summer. {li Page 4B - The Wingham Advance -Times, June 20, 1989 ROYAL HOMES DISPLAY COURT—Several homes were moved on-site to the new Royal Homes display court east of Wingham last week on Highway 86. Students from Turnberry Central School gathered to watch as the homes were lowered onto their foundations. bain kiancoame presents A DREAM VACATION Choose one of three great vacations! Value $2,700 LAS VEGAS (1 week) 5 star hotel PLUS $1000 CASH A TASTE OF BRITAIN 8 day tour of beautiful Britain JAMAICA 1 week - 5 star hotel v All inclusive meals, drinks, sports With every subscription or renewal to The Wingham Advance -Times between June lst and June 22nd, 1989 ® you could win the dream vacation of your choice! Please detach; the ticket below and mail or deliver to The Wingham Advance -Times, Box 390 Wingham, On- tario - NOG 2W0, with your payment of $21.00. 1uI■uuuIuIIIIII11uIIIIII.u.u11r 1 1 1 1 Box 390 Wingham, Ontario - NOG 2W0 1 Nam 1 e 1 Address I Postal Code Phone 1 1 IVlypdymeht'of $21 '.00 is `ends eY .' Please send me a one year subscription to The Wingham Advance -Times New Subscription Renew Subscription ® A R 1 R,r f. ,111' #111 lli : tROMOMOOM ions'newdpapers. i,�i 6�i1.et1, ,ireiii4.�i1 11 est .i 1( t : 1.1 Contest Rules Only one winner will be drawn from the com- bined Wenger Publications newspapers. Contest deadline is June 22, 1989. Entries postmarked after this date are ineligible. The winner of the Dream Vacation must an- swer a skill -testing question successfully to claim the prize. Contest is not open to any Wenger Publica- tions employee or their immediate family. All vacations are subject to availability at the time of booking and must be taken before December 15, 1989. Each includes airfare, transfers, hotel accom- modation, taxes and service charges. Extras if indicated above. Entry! conttit`Jtes . perm ssjQf to j p8c t On is name andi photogrOpb-.in 'aft Wenger. Publics- —Equipment may be used dur- ing the evening swim only. For chil- dren's safety, no hockey pucks are allowed, except for parents -and, tots and lessons and no ,pool inner tubes, masks, fins or lifejackets may be used except during lessons. —No persons exceeding the weight of 100 pounds shall use the slide during public and family swimming. The slide is not built to handle heavier people. --No patrons shall change the spring level on the high diving board during public swimming. Leave it at 6' as this will stop chil- dren slipping to the ground while trying to change the spring level —No one, except pool and play- ground staff, shall use the pool tele- phone except in extreme emergen- cies. Staff shall use the phone for business reasons only. —Only staff personnel are allowed in the staff office except for emergency situations. - -During public swim, children less than eight years of age, non swimmers, less than 110 centime- tres or swimming with a swimming aid must be accompanied by a guardian or responsible sibling 16 years of age or older who must remain in the water in charge of the child at all times. —During family swim, all youths 15 years of age and younger must be accompanied °by a guardian or parent 18 years of age or older. Guardians and parents must remain either in the water or on the pool deck wearing a bathing suit at all times. --The maximum number of bathers is: for one guard, . 30; for two guards, 75; forAltree - ards, 100 and for four guards,12' -Glass and food and drinks are not permitted in the pool area. —All patrons are asked to walk and not run on the deck. —One on the diving boards and slide at a time. —No person with any communi- cable disease will be permitted in the pool area. —Street footwea not allowed on the deck. —Diving is at the red lines only. —Patrons will be asked not to hang on to the ropes as they may be needed for emergency purposes. —Only staff members are permit- ted in the maintenance room. --Maintenance doors are to be kept closed at all times, except when doing maintenance tasks. —Patrons who have recently been drinking, or who bring alco- hol into the pool area will be asked to leave the pool. OES to fund Toronto clinic A donation of $80,000, from the Order of the Eastern Star in Ontario has provided a new dental clinic to provide specialized care for cancer patients at Princess Margaret Hos- pital in Toronto. This represents an outstanding gift from the 35,000 OES members in Ontario. Huron Chapter 89, Wingham, is one of the 224 chapters in Ontario participating in this pro- ject- The new dental clinic is the focus of a unique program to prepare sp ial dental splints for patients slat d to undergo major jaw su ery for cancer. These splints, or "maxillo-facial prostheses" enable patients to eat, drink and talk immediately after surgery IPilM NG YPUA 0Ut,s eatgeAt