The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-20, Page 9FASHIONABLE FABULOUS So bright and comfortable! With stylish details like bows at the back, extra cool tankstyle top and a full REG' fashion skirt. Sizes: S,11/1„1... $16.9 Ready to breeze through Summer in 100% cotton! Choose from short sleeve and tank top styles in stripes and solids. Sizes: S,M,L. REG. $19.9L4. T -strap casuals are a com- fortable choice for home or the cottage! siz‘L'adelieV Saga REG. $5.99 PAIR Girls' sizes: 11-3 REG. $499 PAIR RAYON BLOUSES Button 'Wont bbouses are „ a silky.smoOth way to top off a Summer. Outfit! RET 21699 • • .,55:>:• • • :•::i: -::.:.:.:.ii.:. i:.:iii:::!g.'iiiiii:lw:.ii:: • • illkii.:)04• •:-.4";"•:-**MN .;ii::':?<-::•-•':.:::.:'?:i.:1'::::::::::.:::::*:iEi:-- :i....:•:_,-. .. ..:, • - • ,•-•k:•:::•:;5:::::::::::::::-5:•:•:•:, .•:•„:4.,.;,,,..- ..'''''.:::::: : 55! :iiiiiiini:::E:;:••:•:-:,,c-,:-:•:•:•:•:•:•:-:.:•-:::::•:-.:.-:4:•:•:::•::•-••:::::-,::::„ ,.. -- • ''"'''''' '''::::::•:WW:iiiiii::!:::Eiiiiiiiii:::;iii::;iiii:i:„,,,,.:....x.,...:,ii, .,:-.6iii:K:ii:01•::::::*Kii:::::i.gliaiiiiiigili:::.iii:li:,,:iiii:ii•iii:::::i*,...::::...5i ::*?,E:i:::..;.•:ii,:ki::iiiiE:iE:iiE:iiiMiiiinii:-.,:::i;iii:::::::iliiI:ilim:,.:,,,1::::!:,..:.:':::..: • :. ::: :-:: :::::•.• : if: I :if:: .:,*; i .: •f. : - ,. :::::::i*iii:iiiiiiriiifg:Mr:ii:::•iii:iiiiiil:::i.C:iiliaiiiiii::•::::iiaii:i;:::::::::!::::,:, '5' -:•:;:, ••,•::::i2::::.'" ••••••&•:•:•:,:,:-:•::::::5::: , .....,. „:;?,.....:::: •.:•:•:-,-;-. :•:, :•:•:.:•:•;•:•:-:,::::::::::::•:; ... •-• • •••••'; ••• • . -.- ' • ,. .7......:.. :,:,..:4,4:•:••• • .:.:e.-:•;•: :4.. ...:4•:-:•:-:•:-:•:•x•--,44,"•••:.:•:•5:4•5:•:•5:'5•55m•:,••••-• ..• :,... :.;..:.:.::.-.,,:•..:•:,:. :.:-:-:,;.:. - :-:. : • :r..:,:•:-:•:, • • : ,5 5:- • •• '.1,:-:•5,:•5•5:4•:- :q4 -: .'"•'•-:' . ' TANGERINg"FOR THE GOOD TIMES' T-shirts and tank tops! Cool choices in solids or sporty yarn dyed stripes! And you'll love the fun, Summer prints, too! Poly- YOUR ester/cotton in sizes: S,M,L. T-shirts REG. $112.99 Tank tops -am REG. $11.99