The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-20, Page 8u' .•firVd':r HUSBAND -WIFE ORDAINED—Steven Johann and his wife, Mary Annan, were ordained to the ministry of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care of the United Church of Canada at the meeting of the Conference of Manitoba and North Western Ontari& n Sat- urday, June 3, at St. Paul's United Church, Thunder Bay. Steven is the son of Mrs. Eileen Johann of Belmore and the late Wilfred Johann. Mary is the daughter of Mrs. Doris Anr an of Winnipeg and the late William Annan. wick Juni rl Mr. and Mrs. J`es wir, Bra- tnalea, Ian McCreath Stay Plain, Alberta,, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Glousher of Blyth 'visited Sunday „with' Mrs. Lorne • Walker and Miss Margaret -Dane. - Mrs. Joe Simmons spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons of Guelph. Canon and Mrs. Orrence Laramie of Owen Sound visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Peter Browne. A number attended the Howick Central School's 25th anniversary celebration and Fordwich Home- coming over the weekend. Mrs. John Campbell of London spent the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mundell. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Brown vis- ited Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Coghlin and family of Atwood. Mr and Mrs. George Bigonnesse of Sherbrooke, Quebec and Rob Stafford of Belmore were in atten- dance for Helene Stafford's .gradua- tion as a nurse at Georgian College, Barrie, on -June 9. Saturday evening Helene and Rob attended the grad- uation banquet and dance at Camp Borden. Graduation dinner guests on. Sunday at the home of Rob and Helene Stafford included Mr. and Mrs. Bigonnesse, Mr" and Mrs. John Stafford of Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Armstrong, Elaine, Randy and Andrea of Teeswater. Wit, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown attended the Paris Steam Show and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malloy of Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gibson and girls of Orangeville; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson and boys of Kitch- enjoys outdoor barbecue GORRIE—Rainy weather didn't discourage the 19 members and nine guests of Howick Junior Women's Institute from enjoying a barbecue at the home of Darlene Harding last Thursday. For the final meeting before summer break, the members enjoyed delicious ham- burgers with fresh vegetables and dip served by the hostesses, Connie Fenton and Darlene Harding. During the business meeting, the fashion show -tea committee report, ed that a date has been set for Thursday, Sept. 28, at Howick Cen- tral School. The Howick Fall Fair this year will be held on Oct. 6 and 7. Once again, the Howick Junior WI will enter the display competition enti- tled "Memory Lane". The commit- .+.......a:fr,,rf!.,,...,7 {�.. {:.:5:::4 �'r.:Y'i.:'•Y', ,/, �w f/.'flter tee will consist of Catherine Stew- art, Sharon Dettman and Connie Fenton. Also, Jr. WI will sponsor a Contestant for the Fair Queen com- petition. The babysitting course has 19 students registered. The committee will have the course planned before the beginning of the fall school term. Busy fall projects are planned. The Hallowe'en family dance will be held Oct. 27 at the Howick Com- munity Centre. Ronna Lee Johnson, Kate Tervit, Linda Fox and Jane VanderVelden have volunteered to be the organizing .committee. The members voted to contribute $25 toward the local essay -writing contest sponsored through FWIO on recycling. VVroxeter Notes Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gibson, Oshawa and Drew Gibson, Toronto, Nathon Gibson of Kitchener, visited with Gordon Gibson during the weekend. Sunday guests with Mrs. Cliff Marks were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeiffer, Thorndale and Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Marks, Blyth. Little Shawn. Galbraith of Bel - grave visited his grandparents, Ken and JViarg. Galbraith, a few days early last week. His parents, Scott and Linda Galbraith, picked him up to return home on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Allan Griffith visited •with M . Fostep, Benniett in ,Seafo rrdayi+111P1A1S64robyA a ay Burlington, spent a few days with her father, Gordon Gibson, last week. - Mrs. Isabelle Scott, Gorrie and Mrs. Allan Griffith were dinner guests with Mrs. Cliff Marks Sun- day evening. Mrs. Art Gibson presented an exceptional piano recital in Wrox- eter. United Church last Saturday evening, which was greatly enjoyed by all. The McMichael Sisters enter- tained at the Back 40 'Bluegrass F es- tival near Woodstock on Saturday. Randy and Cindy Hutchinson, Sandra Edgar and Ethel McMic ae1 participate -Tournarnenti 1'ft Mti +4: Information was received from the North Grey branch of Jr. WI, the host group for the 1989 fall confer- ence Entitled "A Weekend in Com- munication", the conference will be held in Owen Sound on Oct, 13, 14 and 15. Workshops include "Com- munication Within the Family "Talking to Children about AIDS" and "How To Communicate Social- ly". Young musicians entertain • their families, friends WROXETER—Angela deBoer was the first pupil: to play when Mrs. Art Gibson's piano pupils pre- sented a musicalprogram for their families and friends on Saturday, June 10, in the United Church Sun- day School room. The others taking part were Erin Hutchinson, Kendra Dickert, Saralyn Bender, Jaime Gib- son, Jason Brewer, Peggy and Scott Price, Catherine Edgar, Kristen Dinsmore, Michelle Eadie and Mar- ilyn McPherson. Sarah and Aman- da Raper were home with the chicken pox. Angela and Scott Doig and Valerie Brewer were unable to attend." Last June, Sandy Bender made a video of the musical program. It was most interesting for the young people to see and hear themselves performing. Mrs. Gibson thanked the pupils for their good work, the parents for their cooperation, Art for playing before. the program, Louise Payne for taking the grou pictures and g8a6lk'1r Oil 1 $ +, 4 ' J t 7y refr 1'fr'iYr�irr% f• ,�//�rer ,y;�Fg P .err r/.'rr.� atene what=. with !son wick central r,say and Pond au owtQ ens;eded the poor` 25th ahs tants iteU June is Seniors Month! And that gives us the perfect opportunity to say. how much we appreciate all the seniors of Ontario. In fact, we think, everyone should just stand up and say "Thanks for all you've meant to us over the years." From all of us at Versa -Care of Hanover, Have a Happy Seniors Month! Versa -Care Cott* anaver ren eet, anover (5j9) j64-4320 C/tIsEBRq 4th ANNIVERSARY J JUNE26-30 YOUR FAVOURITE THINGS BATH SHEETS Reg. 19.95 NOW 1X95 IN STOCK RATTAN & WICKER FURNITURE 20% u OFF SELECTION OF MUGS 30% OFF SWEAT SHIRTS 30% 4 PC. 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