The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-20, Page 217, Page 2A. = The Winghare A Separate. 6c opposes violent wegrams The Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board trustees have voted in•favor of sup- porting a neighboring board's cam- paign against television violence. Employers offer their support to fire department Three major Wingham employers have offered their support to the Wingham Area Fire Department in an effort to help solve its manpow- er shortage. Letters were read at last week's June fire board meeting from Wing - ham and District Hospital, Royal Homes and CKNX Broadcasting, all indicating their support of the fire department. Norman Hayes,, hospital execu- tive director, pledges the hospital's commitment to provide personnel for the fire department. Royal Homes will allow a maxi- mum of two employees to attend fire calls during the day and Al Skelton, CKNX general manager, promises the support the station's management team and employees' association. Several representatives of major Wingham employers attended the May fire board meeting to discuss the daytime staffing problems of the department. London and Middlesex trustees recently heard a presentation from a teacher on television violence, in particular, the series "Freddy's Nightmare". That board gave the: teacher per- mission to circulate a petiti*n to parents in the system. The petition is aimed at the four stations which carry the program. It informs the stations of the otic, tioners' intention to boycott both the station and its advertisers until the "graphically violent series" is removed from broadcast. The Huron -Perth board will write a letter of support to the Lon- don -Middlesex board and send copies to the television stations. Huron -Perth Vice Chairman Ben Brown had some reservations about the move, however, su esting it is "kind of risky going against one program". "Do we stop at this one or do we keep going?", he asked, Mr. Brown said he felt picking and choosing examples of televi- sion violence is "pretty danger- ous", adding that even "Hockey Night in Canada" is violent at times. The War Amputations of Canada... Safety Is No Accident CHAMP PLAYSAFE Program St. PauI's Church (ANGLICAN) WINGHAM John Street at Centre Street THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF WINGHAM AND BELGRAVE All services from the "Book of Common Prayer" SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1989 11:00 a.m. Matins * * * * * * * * Minister : Rev. D. Madge ******** Trinity Belgrave - 9:30 a.m. AIM Schneiders 175 g Ham Steaks Schneiders 500 g Sliced Side Bacon ... Schneiders 450 g Wieners.... , ...r .... • . Cloverleaf 184 g Flaked White Tuna . • Raid 350 g House & Garden Spray ®®®® Campbell's 10 oz, Mushroom Soup , . , . , , 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 4.69 59 WINGHAM FRUIT MARKET STORE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 .m, Sattarae `k.:80 a.m. - `1:bo p.m. Phone 35 —2240. We Deliver. i9 SAAN DONATES TO HOSPYTAI._Kevin Nesbitt, far right, manager of the Wingham• N store, presented a cheque to Norman. Hayes, hospital executive director, for $1,359 on Monday moil- ing. The money represents proceeds from a hospital fund-raising week earlylast month at store, at which 10 per cent of all sales went to t e hospital,y the SAM orary manager for the fund-raising, also accepts' a cheque for $300, half Councillor which Denise will gooito an lion - hospital. of towvard,•th • Fire board says 'no' (Continued from Page 1A) several moments after the letter was read. Finally Bill McGrath of Wingham said, "Without beating around the bush, what you want is a full-time deputy chief." "The board has to make some- body available," replied the chief. Mr. McGrath predicted "com- plete uproar" if the board_ were to hire a full-time deputy chief, reminding members of the battle last year to hire Mr. Gaunt on a full- time basis. Mr. McGrath told the fire chief that his most important job is to start training an officer in Wingham who would be able, in five or six months, to take responsibility if the chief were out of town. "Train an officer in five or six months? Come on," said Norm Fairies, who added that some offi- cers at the Corrie station have five or six years of training and still do not feel comfortable. "How do you think it will pass in Howick if we (the board) are going to hire a deputy chief?" asked Mr. McGrath ofMr.Fairies. "I'm not sure that is the answer," replied Mr. Fairies. FINDING AN ANSWER Chief Gaunt said his- main con- cern is, "Whose responsibility is it when those trucks roll out the door?" When John Cox told the chief that was his job, Mr. Gaunt replied, "You give me the man." The fire chief said there are some people in the fire department who might make officer material, but they don't want to be tied down. "It's called dedication," said Mr. Fairies. "But that day's long since gone and what the answer is, 1 don't know." Nelson Underwood asked Deputy Chief Hickey if arrange- ments could be made at the hospi- tal to have him cover for Chief Gaunt if the chief were out of town. In his job as ambulance driver, Mr. Hickey said, he never can guar- antee if he will be in town. After a brief break, the board reconvened to take another look at the problem. Mr Cox suggested the chief pre- pare a report outlining alternatives. "I've indicated the only option 1 feel is available to solve the prob' lem," replied the chief, who added !ersM �N� ►ssMMMneM■ LYCEUM- I- { • e, ' g,° Phone o e 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information 1 PLAYING FROM FRIDAY TO THURSDAY, JUNE 23RD TO 29TH. SHOWTIMES: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 7:00 AND 9:00 P.M. 1.1 SUNDAY TO THURSDAY AT 8:00 KM. EACH EVENING rThe blind guy couldn't see It. that he does not have qualified men within the department, even though some have seven or eight years' experience. "I think we have one hell of an internal problem here," said Mr. McGrath. "Somebody had better start a training program in this department." 'It's the 'I -don't -give -a -damn' attitude," said Chief Gaunt, who added that the men do not take the initiative because they know some- one else is there to do it. "We have a budget of $175,000 and nobody gives a damn?", asked an incredulous Mr. Cox. "It's time the municipalities take the bull by the horns or pretty soon we'll be into a half -million -dollar budget," predicted Mr. McGrath. "I see what you're saying and I agree," said the chief. Mr. Underwood said he has enough faith in the firemen to believe that someone would take charge if forced into the situation. Following a brief committee-of- the-whole ommittee-ofthe-whole session, the board decid- ed to have Chief Gaunt approach Bill Doig, Gorrie station officer, to see if he might be available to come to Wingham if the chief were out of town and the deputy chief not available in the event of a fire call. Norm Fairies said the depart- ment sh8uld try to solve the prob- lem internally and "still work on training our own guys", as Wayne Riley added. MURDER! 4 DU banquet The deaf guy couldn"t hear l� ow Jnr both for I tickets available 1 Tickets are available for the third i annual Ducks Unlimited dinner and auction to be held Saturday, Sept 16, at the Belmore Communi- ty Centre. Les Tervit, DU spokesman, says ik that tickets are available by contact" • ing any local committee members, including George Skinn, Jack Lewis, Dianne Thynne or himself. Tickets purchased before July 1 are eligible for the early -bird draw, a, . - he adds. loyAfrt� r 1 7