The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-06, Page 16Page 1 - Thalkinghani4 ceA tel, June 6, 1989 4C' uivIi rrrf �i/Yr ¢. i ✓ti`ir:'r Ei �/ rr /,r} 4 v✓ ,r .' i•!/�j .4"../ .4P" "r � ,yam• �F / r rr'`.•/' r / !'v 'i /*Y"/rr�Y%Jy ,w,..7.0.00- /4.4". rr �.r..:4.0.G..a:% fr r Tal /.s�r..✓%ira /r:?�i�r' r% rir. r rrl J�. l.. 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSAR The family of Hugh and Elaine dell invite frier*, neighbors an relatives to share in the celebrate of their 50th wedding anniversary an open house on Sun., June 11 fr 2-4:30 p.m. at Bluevale Hall. Bes wishes only. 30 Y OWNTRY SUPPER Mun- SMORGASBORD d Take Dad out for dinner on Father's on Day. Tickets available for the Coun- at try Supper Smorgasbord. Sunday, fro June 18, 4:30.7 Am. at Duff's United t Church, Walton. Adults $8, children, and under $4, preschoolers free. ,6 Call527-1866 or 7-6658 for tickets. 6,13 GARDEN PARTY Gorrie United Church garden party, Wed., June 14, 4:30-7 p.m.,; Adults $6.50, children $2.50. 30,6 DABBER BINGO Lucknow and District Lions Club dabber bingo every Sunday, Luck - now Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m, Air condition- ed. Wheelchair accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,100 jack- pot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. lltf A CHORAL EVENSONG Blyth Festival Choir in concert. "A Choral Evensong" at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham, Sun., June 11, 7: 30 p.m. Free-will offering, All welcome. 16,23,30,6 OUR BIGGEST EVER SUMMER DANCE Blyth Lions Club, feature and 60s music by Whiskey ack Music Co., Sat., June 24, 9 p, g 5 -i a.m., Blyth Arena Floor. Age of majority required. Tickets $5 per person at the door. Phone Don Scrimgeour 523- 4551 to ensure tickets for yniir any wp 23;80,6,13,20 STRAWBERRY BUFFET June 20, 5-7 p.m. at St. Paul's Angli- can Church, Wingham. 6,13,20 255TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Gerald and Reta Van - Engen invite you to come celebrate with them on the occasion of their parents' 25th wedding anniversary, June 17, dancing 8 p.m. -1 a.m. at the Belmore Community Centre, Bel - more. Your presence will be our cherished gift. 6,13 SHOOT PARTY At Wingham Legion, Monday, June 12 at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome, $1.50 per person. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting for Wingham and District Community Living As- sociation, Mon., June 12 at 8 p.m. in the Wingham United Church. Guest speaker, Harry Zwerver, Executive Director of the Ontario Association for Community Living. 30,6 PRE -REGISTRATION The Wingham Nursery School pre- registration, for the 1989-90 school year will be held on June 8 and 9 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Children must be °J_g vnaa.... �9� s ® vaaa a ed roilei Trained. Come 4n and see us on Josephine Street across from the Town Hall or phone 357-2362. Register your child now to avoid disappointment in Sep- tember. 30,6 COFFEE HOUR At Wingharn Bible Chapel, Wed, June 7,10-11:30 a.m. Demonstration of silk scarf painting. Speaker will be Mrs. Grace Richardson who is a missionary to Zambia. Babysitting is provided. All ladies welcome. 30,6 BUCK AND DOE For Murray Dawson and Sonja Olds, Sat., June 10 at the Wingham Legion. Dancing. 9 p.m. -1 a.m. Tickets $4 per person. 30,6 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 107th anniversary services of the Whitechurch United Church will be celebrated on Sun., June 11, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Special speaker will be Rev. Donald R. Beck, Fordwich. Sunshine group of Lucknow United Church will supply the special music in the evening. Everyone welcome. BUCK AND DOE For Rick Poels and Dawn Funk, §ftt., June 10 at Belmore Community Centre. Dance to DJ, 9,p.m.-1 a.m. RuALGENERAL Tu days. June 13/89 7:OO p.m. Huron Goufity p sneer Museum 110 North, Street Goderich, Ont. Guest Speaker: Ms. Loraine Greaves 'THE- WOMEN'S MOVEMENT IN THE 1980's" Please join us and celebrate another year of service to the women and children of Huron County FAMILY DANCE Friday, June 9 at Bluevale Hall, Tif- fin Orchestra. Ladies bring lunch. BUCK AND DOE For Joanne Shaw and Lloyd Leckie, Sat., June 10, 9 p.m. -1 a.m. at Kurtz- ville Community Centre. 30,6 OPEN HOUSE You are cordially invited to an open house in honor of the retirement of the Rev. John G. Roberts on Sunday, June 11 in the WI Hall, Belgrave, from 2-5 p.m. Yrt� :n:»•r,�/>�'r.o-.r.4rrrar.%r, ii0-''.."r3 • $ :G.y/'. �, k;;,s•.,:.°,•.-l '°/.:.�%rr.Yr..F%y,rGW ar3 ?,,<• CARDS OF T r'Y/ •'r 2�j ',.r 10.rr .r.� m., y/,p��,{rr G� n { r'T f&r y9rRY C'• Rr' Yom• r... ry r •� .. SKY T •r• '....,?..*;;;;A.:rrrtr.rrr�'%°W/ • :rr>•- ,r5� �, fANKS r 'i fir % rr }, �" r 'f k'!.. .i .'y �������,+�� 5555 5555. � ��/ ji� yrt rc4GG•X.lr•;9ir.;�r. � r r . l it % fC•r'2�.:... r. ••• •.• A prayer to St. Jude. May the Sa- cred Heart of Jesus be adored, glori- fied, loved and preserved through- out the world now and forever. Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude worker of Miracles, pray for us, helper of hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day, by the 8th day your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be prom- ised. Thank you, St. Jude for favor granted. We would like to thank everybody for the lovely gifts and those who at- tended our 25th anniversary party. Special thanks to our children for or- ganizing the party. George and Phyllis Merkley We the family of Leo Palubiski (who passed away suddenly at his home on May 26, 1989) would like to express our sincere thanks and grat- itude to All those who showed their generosry and thoughtfulness in this our time of sorrow and grief. Your kindness will remain deep within our hearts along with the loving memory of our husband, father and grand- father. I would like to say thank you to the ladies of the 3rd line of Morris for the lovely and very useful gift on the oc- casion of my marriage. It is very much appreciated. Verpnica Bakelaar We would like to thank everyone for the cards, flowers, gifts, phone calls and visits while we were in hos- pital and since corning home. Thanks also to Dr. Long, Dr. Hanlon and the nurses for their excellent care. Judy and Defrek nderson Many thanks for "Service above Self" I received during May at the Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hanlon, the nurses and staff on the second floor, the dietitian and office staff. It was all greatly appreciated. Christine Currie The Wingham Ironmaidens would like to thank Harvey Heinmiller at Zehrs for the use of the hoses and electricity, Bridge Motors for donat- ing the soap and all those who pa- tronized our car wash and helped to make it so successful. Thank you from the Ironmaidens The management.. and staff of the Toronto Dominion Bank wish to ex- press their thanks to everyone who made our hotdog day such a success. A special thanks to the following businesses for their donations of merchandise or generous cash dona- tions: Brophy Bros., Frosty Queen, Green's Meat Market, Knechtels, Lee Vance Limited, Mactntyres, Mom's Place, N. D. Cameron Limit- ed, Riverview Drive -In, SunRise Dairy, Wingham Fruit Market and Zehrs. Without everyone's support we could not have pledged so much as we did to the Children's Hospital of Western Ontario in London. We would like to express our sin-. cere thanks to all who sent cards and memorial donations to us. They were deeply appreciated by the whole family. Kay Dane; Pat and Brent and family; Ann and Jim and family; Laureen, Elic and family; Sandra, Lori antifamily; Kris; Randy and family • H (e NOTICE OF MEETING FOA; URON COUNT ACCE SS TO PERMANENT HOUSING MONDAY, ,JUNE 12th et7:30p,m. Boardroom, Goderich Recreation Bldg. 166 McDonald St. . ntrance at rear of Grandstand) Follow-up to April 19th Meeting to assess the issues and needs of the homeless and housing access. Any Lynda Bruinsma 524-9804 Peter Ba or .. Baldwin 524-8866 1 Guess Who's 40 *z. I would like to thank the nurses and doctors on the third floor of Vic- toria Hospital, also relatives, friends and neighbors for their lovely cards, phone calls and flowers during my stay in hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Roberts and folks who looked after the ponies and lawn. Clarence Yuell To my Turnberry students. Thank you to each and every one who per- formed for their parents and teach- ers at their recent recital. Your gen- erous participation provided the rest of us with an hour of delightful en- tertainment. Thanks. Janet Brophy Thanks to all for the cards, gifts, flowers, phone calls and visits, and special thanks to David for hisflow- ers while I was in the University Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. William Wall and my church family. Vivian Kerwin The family of the late Mable Mc- Arthur would like to thank friends for their loving support at the time of their Mom's death. The flowers and messages of sympathy will never be forgotten. Someone at Royal Homes F 0",(t'' ne from us, ries, t Death.+ annever away.` Memories•that ab* . White upon this eartb we ay , --Fondly re enured by by d George T. andfamily: BOWER syd, who passed away two years ago, June 6. Dear God, we.miss .our father so, We don't know why he had to go, We sometimes cry and Want near, We really wish our dad was here. Our tear? Welty sohard to: hide, No one wants *lyse their pride, Now that.dadis in his grave For our morn we're strong and' brave. We try so hard to do what's right, And to our dreams we hold ontight. Our loss is great. We feel such pain, And wish he could come home again. To live without him is so unfair, Dads like him are very rare. But now, he's in his resting place, His memories no one will erase, These no one can steal away, He's . in our hearts and there he'll stay. • —Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by sons, Dave and Rob. e BOWER--Syd, who passed away two years ago, June 6. Your memory is sweet as the day that we met, The love that we shared I will never forget, A fru°hail- *1=t, ���v 7 ___ ..�.,t waauR! u right from the start, My life feels so empty now that we're apart. It's hard to believe you've been tak- en away, We knew that together forever, we'd stay, 'Wheir fou were still here we were ravel yaP.- art, And now that you're gone I must make a new start, I still must go on and I hold my head high, My tears I don't show but you know it's a lie, For each time I hear "Until death do us part", I feel a fresh pain burning deep in my heart. I wait for a day when there is no more pain, I miss you so much that it's hard to explain, ' My love remains strong even though you're not here, And your memories grow sweeter with each passing year. —Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by wife, Vicki. HOLLENBE`CK®In loving memory of Robert Hollenbeck, who passed away June 5,1988. I think of him in silence, His name I oft recall, There is nothing left to answer, But his picture on the wall. —Always remembered by wife Mary, sons William and Robert Jr. and families. NOTICE WINGHAM AIR SERVICES LIMITED hereby gives notice pur- suant to the Business Corporations Act, 1982 of its intention to dissolve. Dated the30th day of May,1. 9. W. B. Cruickshank President New Luxury Apartments on James St., Wingham are now ready for occupancy. These apartments have five appliances plus air conditioning. For more information call: 2911 887 or 323-1902 DARLING—In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle, Donald A. Darling who passed away May 30, 1 As time unfolds another year, Memories keep you ever near, Silent thoughts of times together, Hold memories that will last for- ever." —Sadly missed and always re- membered by Jim and Joan, Rick, Melody and Sarah and Pattla, Doug, Lori and Daniel, Barry, Kim and Kevin, Maryanne and Andy and Lisa. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao-Tze, c. 550 B.C. -000- 1