The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-06, Page 5DISPLAY COURT SOD TURNING—Turning the sod for the new Royal Homes Ltd. display cen- tre east of Wingham last Monday are: Doug Penson, Royal Homes general manager; Turnberry Reeve Brian McBurney, property owner Harry Sjaarda and Royal. Homes Vice President DougKuyven- hoven. Earth moving began last week for the construction of six model homes and a sales ffice with a completion date set for mid-August. • is Writer concerned about the misuse of pspaces Dea Edit - - - r or: I am writing this letter to express my concern at the uncalled-for use by able-bodied people of the limit- ed parking spaces provided for physically -handicapped people in the Town of Wingham. Repeatedly, I have found these parking spaces filled by vehicles whose drivers either do not see the signs, or do not care. Maybe they feel they can take a chance and do a few errands before someone comes along who actually needs the spot. Therefore, I am writing and speaking as a physically -handi- capped person on behalf of others, PRESS COUNCIL The Wingham Advance - Times is a member of the Ontario gess Council which will consider written complaints about the pub- lication of news, opinions and advertising. If a com- plaint cannot be resolved with the newspaper, it should be sent to the On- tario Press Council, 151 Slater St., Suite 708, Ot- tawa Ontario F i P 5H3 .1-17".; A "•‘1 .Dike myself, who have been incon- venienced by this lack of care and concern for others not as advan- taged. I find this a most distressing sign of our times. Recently I was at the Zehrs plaza where, incidentally, the manager had been kind enough to have had located and placed in front of the store two cement -based, stand-up signs for the handicapped. When I got to this area, one space was being used by someone with a special license. However, the other space was filled by a large statior. wagon, dark red or brown in color. I waited for awhile and then parked my car behind this vehicle for fewer than five minutes while I picked up a parcel. By this time, the driver and com- panions were back in the vehicle and appeared to be getting angry. " When I approached them to explain about the special sign, I was verbal- ly assaulted with foul language. Surely this attitude is not only rude and inconsiderate, but totally unnecessary I was very upset. This is a wonderful small town whose people are warm arid usual- ly friendly. I have always been treated with care and respect until this incident. It saddened and frightened rne. Hvefully,this letter -will be read hY sOrrrte I I!le,:Whorare Atilty 'r=.i1Q.'.^,c/7f ;ter'i. tiPfq �V fin � t.li �.t this offense and it will remind them to be more thoughtful, especially of tho' who cannot walk that extra step without pain and difficulty. How lucky they are to be free to walk a little further. As for the man and his compan- ions who expressed themselves with foul language, I feel you are more severely handicapped than I. You have an attitudinal handicap and a mental block. I, sir, apologize to you for causing you aggravation. I genuinely pity you. Sincerely, Rita Crump Wingham Council hires office .helper • • Turnberry Township Council has hired Janice Taylor to work part- time in the municipal office. Mrs. Taylor, a township resident, will work daily from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Her rate of pay will be $7.50 per hour for the first month and .00 after one month. In addition to Mrs. Taylor, sever- al other job applicants were inter- viewed prior to council reaching its n) 1 'r0;7,7111 oil y,: 1 4ft".e'F %d HF 1Fr %kf4r4irM''vCFfX/•nl..Fr af.01. S. f.. 12,406. The.; .Lieutenant- Terror's. Throne Speech outlined the govern- ment's blueprint for building a bet- ter future for our children. Initia- tives in }wc, areas— health and safe and secure communities - under- score Ontario's commitment to im- proving the quality of life for all children. The care given in Ontario foster homes is a critical resource for thousands of children across this province. To counter the decline in foster homes and to encourage the recruitment of new foster parents to meet today's targets, $6.7 million was pledged by the ministry of community and asocial services. The minimum- rate paid to any foster parent will be increased to a minimum of $14 per day, almost double the current minimum rate paid to foster parents for room and board. In addition to the minimum rate, foster parents will be reimbursed for children's clothing and spend- ing allowances. All rate enhance- ments are retroactive to April 1 of this year. Foster parents are being asked to take youngsters into their homes who are suffering from multiple problems such as physical or sexual abuse. In order to help foster par- - ents deal effectively with these issues, $2.5 million has been ear- marked to provide special training. The funding also will provide regular relief for foster parents and will ensure accessibility to foster care workers when difficulties arise. Community and Social Services Minister John Sweeney also announces a $88.8 million package to,provi,desalary increases to 15,000In order for Mr. VanAnkum . num to service'workers throughout On-, get a licence for the pit The iltiist get tario. Among those receiving pay a plan and a zone amendment. increases are employees working Before filing the official documents, directly with young offenders. however, he wanted to hear coun- Tls additional funding will al- cil's opinion on the matter low community agencies to retain experienced employees and hire much-needed staff, allowing for the continuity of essential services that is so vital to the rehabilitation. and • stability of young offenders. HEALTH FOR CHILDREN One of the most recognized health care facilities in the province Wingharn man marks The Hospital for Sick C• Toronto -- has received a irt?.. y lion increase from the. r health ministry for ,a new _ . care centre. :, The new facility, which is' Sched- uled for completion in X99; win include enhanced operatingg and,.. emergency facilities, a bone -mar- row transplant unit and a burn unit. The Hospital for Sick Children is internationally renowned for the expertise and innovation it brings to the care of children and 'adoles- cents. The extension to the : present facility is a milestone in the preser- vation of essential, quality health care. ... SEWAGE LAGOON I was pleased to learn from. Jim Bradley, Ontario minister, of the environment, that the Town of Wingham has received approval to commence construction this year on its sewage -expansion project. The ministry will provide $300,000 this year as part of a total grant of $L8 million toward' the to- tal project cost of $2.6 million. Howick man to open pit Hilbert VanAnkum of RR 2, Wroxeter informed Howick Town- ship Council of his plans to open a gravel pit on Con. C, Lot 23 and Part Lot 24. Council had no objections to Mr. VanAnkum's current proposal and acknowledged in the discussion the need for gravel for the municipality. Council will inform Mr. rtitA nkum it agrees in principal to his plans and has no objections to him apply- ing for a licence. 45th anniversary of D -Day Editor's Note: Lloyd "Casey" nection between a great' battle and Casemore has just returned from the ordinary rounds of life in peace - another trip to Europe. This time time. he visited Monte Casino, the Ital- And, as the great war slipped ian town he helped to liberate dur- further into the past, I rarely heard ing World War II with the Perth mention of Monte Cassino and Regiment. never had the occasion to talk to This - -4,as particularly many about it. Yet, now and again, poignant a6 1. i aietly marked the I found myself reflecting on the ter - 45th anniversary of D -Day, the rible fighting which took place in Allied invasion of Europe which the spring of 1944. marked the beginning -of -the -end Monte Cassino was founded by for World War II. Here are Mr. Saint Benedict in 524 A.D. In those Casemore's thoughts on that bitter days, the monastic brotherhood battle: was very much defense -minded, Monte Casino has haunted my especially in light of all-too-fre- mind for over 45 years. As an quent assaults by barbarians. infantry soldier engaged in the bit- Monte Cassino had once been the ter fighting, the worst of the war, it site of a temple to the god Apollo took four Allied attacks to capture and the setting for nameless orgies the stronghold. by the Roman Emperor Tiberius, The first battle started Jan. 12, 1447 B.C. 1944 and ran until Feb. 9; the sec- However, at Monte Cassino, ond, Feb. ,15 to 18, 1944; the third; Saint Benedict found what he was Feb. 19 to arch and the fourth, looking for. The town could be May 11 to `ne 5, 1944 (D -Day). reached only with great difficulty Thosedttles, particularly the and afforded perfect observation in fourth, provide scenes and inci- all directions for miles around and dents which I would have beer on its summit; the brothers built happy to forget, but remain quite their monastery. vivid. Although the monastery was Like other ex -soldiers of World destroyed four times before D -Day, War II, 1 was caught up in the busi- each time it was re -built. Today, the ness of startinga career .in the ,,�t�n(abg�yiq��,i�cenntls_tz°uctur4e stands proud- : Vt. P7 :'1te;131 ` ri ff,`°1 .f:`tCi'� ,1 .r!ri•fk,1 E-,11 '',1 V9i W9r1ag5 d�'l'io' l ° ► orf- kttle� n