The Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-05-31, Page 11cted trees "RISES rye. about enjoying the -t Prices, 9) 526-7220 EWOOD ICE- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY you considered Hardwood ey are approximately one-half the r'ce of body wood. We can deliver in 17 cubic yard oxfuls. . We also have a quantity of wood logs available for pick-up or delivery. • HELP WANTED RESPONSIBLE, keen person re- quired _ to operate farrow to finish operation. Salary and bonus $1,800 per month plus house. Kincardine area. Phone 395-2438. 31,7,14 CONSTRUCTION laborer required for immediate work. Call Maple En- gineering & Construction at 343-3013 or 416-457-6444. WAITRESS and kitchen help. Apply at Great China House, Wingham. 24,31 FARM help wanted for haying and harvest. Also a student needed for the summer. Ed Powell, RR 1, Wingham. Phone 335-3893. 24,31 WINGHAM Branch Library has an opening for a part-time position Ability to work well with the public including young children. Duties may include circulation, reference, pre-school storhour, and shelving books. Hours may vary, some day, evening and Saturdays required. Approximately 8 to 15 hours per week. 1988 wage range is $6.44 to $7.43 per hour. Apply in writing to Beth Ross, Chief Librarian; Huron County Library, 66 Waterloo St. S., Goderich, Ont. N7A 4A4 by June 10, 1 HELP WANTED IMMEDIATE full-time position for a reliable person in decorating busi- ness. Apply with resume to D. Mar- shall Decorating, Box 336,.. Blyth, Ont. NOM 1H0. Phone 523-9220. WORK WANTED MAN WILLING to do odd jobs around the house. Phone 357-3483. 19rrb 13 -YEAR-OLD girl willing to baby- sit. Phone 357-3077. 24,31 NOTICE LEWIS Flowers, Wingham open every Saturday till 5:30 p. m. Phone 357-3880. 1 BRANCH Supervisor required `for the Ethel Branch Library. Respon- sible for library services to the. Ethel area, 5 hours per week, Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon. 1: , c `wage range is -$6.44 to47.43• an» hour. Apply in writing to Beth::Ross, Chief Librarian, Huron County Li- brary, 66 Waterloo St...S., Goderich, Ont. N7A 4A4 by June 10,1988.^ ' RELIABLE person wanted to an- swer a local business telephone (in your own home), weekends and eve- nings as required. Must be in the Wingham telephone exchange. Ap- ply to Box 2545, Wingham Advance - Times, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0. BE A HAIRSTY, T Classes starting .onthly. HAIRDR SING BA ' ' RING NISEX F free information itchanap•Waterloo School of HalydrassIny 186 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6 145.5641 The Transport Industry Needs You! FOR PROFESSIONAL DRIVER TRAINING CALL TOLL FREE 1®840.265«35.59 • Accredited by the National Accreditation Committee • Job Placement Assistance Available TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING SCHOOL r. ]!, 451, • eliable fuel service e W e Jerome - Sales & Servic B - • ave Co-op 57-2711, 523-4454 Auburn o -op 52b-726.2 • ±ny fr' •IUi cl t ..�lFte�:t? u: CARS,AN!CKS 1987 Z24,. block, lots of extras, .low 11'40$4, warranty, $12,50. PhonO 357-270 after 6p.tn. e✓ 3147 1980 DODGE Sportsman. Van, % ton, 317 auto, pps, pb, cruise, $3,500 cti- fied, $,200 as is. Phone 291-4019 after 6p.m. 17tf 1978 PONTIAC . Sunbird, excellent condition, good tires, power steer- ing, V6 engine, runs well, burns little oitl, good reliable_ car. Certified $1,395. Phone 357-2599 after 5 p.m. - 17,24,31,7 1 0 FORD LTD, good condition, as is, best offer. Phone 357-1526. " • 24,31 i 0. CAMARO, stick -shift, 3 speed transmission, in good condition. Phone 528-2845 of ter 6.p. m. ° 24,3.1 9 -PASSENGER Suburban station wagon with four wheel drive and air conditioning; also. 3/4 ton Ford pick- up truck, heavy duty, with 8' box, Certification supplied. Phone. 357- 1268. 31,7 REDUCED to sell, 1979 black Ca= -maro,.-good condition; 60,000- miles, = asking .$1,200, but all serious offers considered. Phone 357-2305 or 357- 2249 after 5 p.m. 1 31tf 1974 OLDSMOBILE Omega, 6 cylin- der, 3 speed stick shift, .mechanical- ! ly excellent, needs some body work, $200. Phone 335-3501 days or 335-6103 evenings. Ask for Bevin. OBEDIENCE TRAINING Mon., Wed & Fri Beginning Pm 30th Plvate L -{., one Available 7-2103 ter J5 'pro; ask.for pail FOR INFORMATION: ON HOW YOU, TOO, CAN JOIN THE MAC`S SUCCESS TEAM, CALL OR WRITE: 1112 DEARNESS IOE; 198 PONT!A ' ca an, 4 s] �., .RED s o �, condition, � e�� 2400 Wis. Phone201-4019, after IOU MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 1979 SUZUKI 425, excellent co a - ttoo,. needs little to pass safety, orally 14,000 km. Asking $600. Phone 357- 2599 after 5 p.m. 17,24,31,,7 1976 YAMAHA 500 cc, good-Condi- tion, ood-condi-tion, best offer. Phone 357-2767 after 4 p.m. 24,31. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'GEN;RA;f pair. Phone 3 • NOW available. cot in at The barn A office. Phene 357-2320. e* PHIL'S Refrigeration'and Arlt r Service, 24-hour emergency used. appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062: . NEW Holland 5- bar side rake and 8 sections of „harrows and a harrow GARDENS tilled: bar. Phone 335-3183. Charles Trapp." MISCELLANEOUS:.. IF YOU are a friend or relative of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Group may be able to ,help you. solve 'your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office, Box 1135, Wingham. rrb MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357-3657. rrb • Phone_ 357-190.: 26.131 REPAIRS to lawn mowem. tractors', etc Blade "'sharpeai small welding jobs. See Don, 4mil west of Top Notch corner (COUfl No. 7 and No. 12). Phone 335-632. ' 24,31,1,14 43STOM cutting -of -logs-aud ii wood with own equipment. Phone 523-9295 evenings. 24,31,7 Dr. M.C. Wilcox ours: Mon. -. Fri :b ani - 6 • Sat. 8 air i - noon New4paiorl . north. of Wingham