The Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-02-16, Page 1914414
W hi t eeh u r:eh'_The Public
!Relations meeting 01 the Women's:
`htute Was held Feb. 10 at the
home; of " Miss Merle Wilson.
P s'esiderft Mrs. John -Currie opened
the Meeting;ltr%a poem called
"Stlegefi '•'e "ire , A<' log Ode and ,
"M'ary Stewart Collect followed.
.. The bile Relations Tconvener,
Mrs. Don, Ross, gave the motto r
`°,t,vinga life is better than maki>n
a living' ,. She said some people erre'
guilty of reaching o ,ore in .life'
than ty he put ifto►�, e'added "Alt:
we nee in' a. living and it
depends on each one of ua how.wedo
it.s''Rol calls "an oldxme weather
superstition", brou t, a variety of
coeras, ..
The . s ::was Mrs. Annalisa
'FittiktOmorts° who gave an in-
ter ..141k On different travel..
destivat sand sone pointers when "-
planning -he'hdays. Questions from
the ladies proved very helpful and
interesting. .-,Mrs. Bill:.:Rintaul
thanked the speaker and presented
her, with a gift°
- The' ladiesheld. a conlietition;:on
valentine,k pokies. Mrs Russell
McGuire .,wok. °first prize and Mrs.
and Mrs ,l er`
sandwiches anis 6rile
cook ies..*rw'hich were ei
Mildred • Meelenaghan visited ''4
few days last week, with:Mrs. Joan
Hilbert, Goderich.
1Vlr .and Mrs. Joel Hawley (Carol
Farrier). Kendra and Elissa Of
1? ►elboro, Pennsylvania, visited
, ak.. day with Mrs: Garnet Farrier.
Victor Emerson of Bray Lodge
was :the -winner of the quilt made by
members of the Whitechurch
Women's Institute. who sold -,tickets
on their work of art.
Mrs. Garnet Farrier left Friday` to
spend some time in Florida.
Mrs. Victor' Emerson is a patient
in Wingham :and District Hospital.
Her many friends wish:her a speedy
Afternoon Duni# Iearns
the va#ue et�iittle things
BELGRAVE—The afternoon unit.
of the United "Church Women met
Feb. 9 at the home of Mrs. Janisa
Coultes. with 10 present and Mrs.
Sarah Anderson in, charge. The
theme of the worship, was- °L,ittl
things can Make a big difference".
Mrs. Jean Pattison reafd l4at,►
22: 34-40, the great conintandirient,
then .the Prayer of the Earth. Mrs.
Helen Martingave the 'devotional
meditation on the theiie, saying that
one little letter takenfrom a word
can change its meaning altogether.
Mrs. Olive Bolt conducted Bible.
study on- the. theme, "Salt", citing
some of its useful purposes and also
saying it can bedetriniental.
The,23rd•Psalrn was "read from the
church calendar. Visits to.. the sick
S�Fhr� ;,gni .�,• {, ,.•
BELGRAVE — This club project
is about personal finance. At the
first meeting the girls discussed
money and its good management
skills, values and goals they may
have, making decisions and getting
a job. They also chose the dame•for
their club.
At the second meeting they elected
their officers. Krista Bridge is
. Kathi Newell vice-
president; Sharon Ramsey.
secretary and Carol Hopper press
is highidy
at Beiqrve
BELGRAVE—Thirteen tables
were in play at heweekly euchre in
the WI Hall on Feb. 10..
Mrs. Eva McGill was high lady
and George Inglis -high man. Low
prizes went to Mrs. Ronald Cif,oultes
and Herb Clayton; novelty prizes to
Mrs- Olive Puller and Mrs. A,lbeart.
Cook, playing as -a . man. *Mrs.
Stanley Black ryas ,the lady having
the heear . birthday .in ''Fehrint
Wilford Caslick the man with the
n �b r'thda *trek
...ra.. a.+ie '.hu.!s• . •- ........'9J •i •'r °?i4.:„...,ay Y.•:.y'*Je'
AKERS A public, spelyi
$c hool:in Wit Pham, Winners are: bac;lc.k..laso s3k t Kieffer,
lie Skin frrsl° . enlle, -Marcel Egli, second, Grade 4-
Iront; Graham Weishar.,. Grade 1: Evelyne Maatz Grade
and shutin were recorded and h card ' ait1at1 I,'. a j,o� s tour of
signed .for Mrs. Mary Hunter who is
in Wingham and District Hospital. It
was announced that the World Day
of:.•Prayer _Service will be in the
Piwkbyterian Church .sih__the ---first
eday in March. Mrs. Wilma
ggins, -IftV preside:4 announced'
several meetings upcoming at the
Presbyterial and Confereence. level.
Volunteers to take the copies orthe
Upp'er'Room were recorded.
Mrs. Dorothy Coultes led study
from the special edition of Mandate,.
concerning the farm crisis, .It
brought forth some good discussion.
Mrs. Anderson concluded the
meeting with prayer and Mrs.
Coultes served squares antl tea.
During this meeting the :members
discussed net worths and did a state-
ment showing assets liabilities.
They Alio:discussed spending, habits
dealing with, income- and expenses
mut tax deductions from, .oc-
cupational pay cheques;: Included
were ways to file -Items through
organizing and properly jplacing
Merit. Por hom*. aetivtty, the girls
are to keep their net worth's
statement and" keep,,; an inconie.:and
expense record teethe month:
met at the front door Q1 Radio
greeted by Jerry Chomyn Who acted
as tour guide and explainol mane&
the different departments and
'areas.' He also explained some of the
equipMent and the ',Members saw
When the tOUr :wad 'over the
members went tO -Carol Beattivi
home for the remainder of thi
conmpetition was `held recently al Sacrad 0.ii
second. Grade 7-8, Ja Rf hy, thrrtn► Otic Car-
5-6.: Charlotte Matz,,; first;•'Heather
and Kevin Hallandn.,T Grafi 3.
nteeti and Were served hot apple
cider. They -discussed a far OW.
coining up the year s.
Hollinger 'read -a short poem on
"Friendships", Luneh Was, served
ending an enjoyable evening' .
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BELGRAVE—The evening unit of
the United Church Woinen met.
recently at the home of Mrs:
Dorothy Logan.
The worship servU a was con-
ducted by Mrs. Laura Johnston and
was about "Love' She sold, "
is something to give to. others.''
. % ;program was:. led_ by Mrs.
IG+a a "BOsinanr`"The group° con-
tinued with the study of rural
rjca. ,
Cali MN to saiie
tiMe and avoid-.