The Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-12-19, Page 20M
The Wingham Advance -Times, Dec_ 19, 1984—Page 5B
The holiday°s
atllow with cheer
as we wish for our
many friends to enfov a
warm and wonderful season.
Management & Staff
RADIO AUCTION—The Wingham Kinsmen set up
headquarters at the Wingham Town Hall to distribute
goods from their radio auction. Those running down
No matter how you slice it, this'll be a Christmas
to remember. Warm thanks to all our friends.
'inv. enrnsrrniS
Rettinger's Meat Market
Dave. Irene, Dave. Carol, Marlene, Lloyd, Debbie,
Garry, Steve & Stan
Closed from Dec. 23/84 to Jan. 7/85
D & J. Boxed Meats, Listowel
Anna and Shirley
Jim. (,eorge & Doreen
the list are Bob Hewines, Andy McBride,
Hewitson and Kinette Barb Montgomery.
Shop carefully to avoid
after -Christmas hassles
Ontario merchants are not
obliged to give refunds or ex-
changes, even if Granny
does get three electric sock
warmers for Christmas.
In fact, stores don't have to
take back any merchandise,
unless they have agreed in
writing to do so.
Many consumers mis-
takenly believe they have a
right under the law to return
goods, only discovering the
truth when they ‘,get stuck
with unwanted purchases.
The Business Practices
Act, administered by the
Ministry of Consumer and
Commercial Relations
' • (MCCR),,• offers protection
against false, misleading or
deceptive claims. Under the
Act, consumers may request
a refund or exchange within
six months of purchasing a
product they believe does not
live up to sales or advertis-
ing claims. .
But the best way to avoid
problems is to shop care-
ully, particularly when buy-
ing a gift. Know clothing
size, color preferences and
other necessary details be-
fore spending any money.
When buying an appli-
ances, always be sure it is
covered by a satisfactory
For health reasons, stores
normally won't take back
such personal clothing as
underwear or bathing suits.
Comparison shopping at
reputable stores will help
avoid regrets over a pur-
chase and should all but
eliminate, the need to seek
To be safe, check refund
and exchange policies in ad-
vance. Although they do not
have to do so, many retailers
post notices at check-out
counters explaining their
terms4for accepting returns.
Some shops offer refunds
of the full price. Others issue
credit notes that can be used
on future purchases in the
store,. Unless an item iscus-
tom=made, many retailers
allow customers to exchange
items they do not want for
similarly -priced merchan-
dise. And there are shops
which adopt an "all sales fin-
al" policy.
If no signs are posted, ask
the following questions:
Are full refunds offered? If
not, what form of compensa-
tion, if any, is available?
At stores which allow 're-
turns of some kind, find out
what proof of purchase is re-
quired. Is a sales slip, can-
celled cheque or charge ac-
count bill needed?
Does the merchandise,
have to be in its original
packaging, totally unused,
with labels stiila.ttached?
Do returns have to be
made within a specified
To take advantage of re-
fund or exchange privileges,
be sure to comply with all the
shop's requirements and
have a valid reason for tak-
Greed gs
Huron .brd. opposes
o extending RC funding
We thank you for your
continued support and
promise to serve you
faithfully throughout
the year.
y Morris Township Council
Reeve William Elston
• Deputy Reeve Thomas Miller
Robert Grasby, Douglas Fraser,
Clem McLellan and Staff
The. Huron (County Board
of Education does not want
to see funding extended past
the Grade 10 level for
Catholic secondary schools.
A brief the board will pre-
sent to the provincial com-
mission on private schools
states, it, `opposes extension
of public funding to private
schools because it is con-
vinced it will lead to a di-
versification of the conSmun-
The brief is one of two the
board's administration' has
prepared to be presented to
the commission.
The brief says in a typical
town there could be a public
and Catholic school .as well
as a private school, more
commonly referred to as a
"Christian" school. Yet all
these students meet for the
four years of secondary
"It is here that the com-
munity believes the begin-
ning of tolerance and under-
standing have commenced
their growth," the brief
Here's hoping your
Christmas is styled wit is
sheer joy. To all our many
c0stouiers., it°s been our
sincere pleasure to serve you.
Susan & Adrienne
357-1337 Wingham
Besides opposing the fund- porter representative for the
ing extension on what it south end of • the county
'terms "phi`losophical ,Dennis Rau.
grounds" the school board is Trustees Joan Vanden -
against the funding on, Broeck of Saltford and
"practical grounds'''. Frank Facloner of .RR 5,
Summarizing a brief it Clinton were nominated but
presented to an Ontario not elected to the committee.
Municipal Board hearing 18
Months ago, the board states
it already faces empty seats
in classrooms through de-
clining enrolment.
Statistics show that in 1982,
there was enough room for
5,985 students, but in fact
there were only 3,979
students. '
"The Board of Education
is of the opinion that the best
interests of all Huron County
ratepayers, and, indeed, of
all residents of the province,
are best served by utilizing
this existing space. The
board is prepared to
negotiate either accom-
modating the students within
the current educational com-
munity or making education-
al accommodation available
to other groups within the
existing educational facili-
ties," states the brief to the
The board at its December
meeting, elected a commit-
tee which will rneet with a
liaison committee from the
Huron -Perth Roman Catho-
lic Separate School Board.
The Catholic School board
requested the committee.
Director of education, Bob
Allan, said this committee
would have the same author-
ity as any other board
committee, which is to
discuss and negotiate.
Although the .committee
won't actually get going until
the new year, Mr. Allan said
the members should have
some time for "reading"
about establishing a Catholic
high school in Huron -Perth.
Trustees named to the
committe were John Jewitt
of RR 1, Londesboro, Donald
McDonald of RR 2, Brussels,
Graeme Craig of RR 4,
Walton, John Elliott of Blyth
and Catholic school sup -
ing merchandise back.
Handling returns costs the
retailer money and the ex-
pense may be reflected in
higher prices., Some mer-
chants charge customers re-
turning goods 10 per cent or
more of the original price to
cover the cost of putting the
item back on the shelf .
Occasionally, shops may
find a reason for refusing to
take back merchandise
despite policies. Explain the
situation calmly to a sales
clerk, then go to the man-
ager if necessary. Be pre-
pared to compromise: per-
• haps by taking an exchange
insteadof a refund or agree-
ing to have the store repair
the item free.
If an agreeable solution
isn't found, send a registered
letter to the person in charge
or hand deliver it. Include
your name, address and
Rhone number,. a full des-
cription of the product pur-
chased, when it was bought
and the price. Send copies of
receipts or other documenta-
tion. Outline the complaint,
.how it has been dealt with so
far and propose a solution.
For information on how to
deal with misleading claims
under the Business Practices
Act or further details about
refunds and exchanges, call
the ministry's Consumer In-
formation Centre at (416)
963-1111 or toll free at 1-800-
Jolly good wishes to
all our dear friends...
hope your day is filled with
happy songs!
Teeswater Creamery
Division of Gay Lea Foods
Co-operatives Ltd.
e Jo toAll
, Avoid potatoes with .a
green tinge, says Monica
Beaumont, foods and
nutrition specialist with the
Ontario Ministry of Agricul-
ture and Food's rural organ-
izations -and services branch.
The green is produced by a
bitter alkaloid called solanin
produced when the potatoes
are exposed to sunlight.
Ingestion of large amounts of
solanin in the mouth,
stomach upsets, vomiting
and or headaches.
Best wishes to all Santa's helpers!
We've enjoyed serving you this
otooaI I°as (woe o
0 °celebrate o
0 0o season o oo
Aoveaand o
o friendship.
ope your holidays
chime with \
goon health and
ood fortune!
Our thanks.
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Bookkeeping Service
328 Josephine Si.
I3uti. 357 3000
Res 887 (WI
Howick Township Council
And Staff -