The Exeter Times, 1923-12-20, Page 41.10E1Nr 1Jl14 2.0(ii 1923, XETER TIMES 001, 1)„.1.11I,STI.4,10N page alio increase the demand for See- OndtIcy School, accOmModation tit this lf Exeter does gut benefit :by it other towns will. Our atleaU- tuee risen from 86 to 198 in three years and 1 have no doubt battever that there will be 260 stu- eats at 'Exeter iligh School within, two years more if we are wise entrugh to welcome them. Let me here answer those faithless individ- uals 'who pretend to fear that if the Adolescent Act is abolished we will no longer need a High School. Will my C.earCu1 friend accompany me on a canvass of the students at present enrolled and if he can find three who are taking a High Scheol Course un- der coinpulsion of the Adolescent Act he may then show some slight basis for his fear, Our ,,,91.esent magnifi- cent attendance is due to merit—not fear, and with foreeight and. vision and the inaintainance of standards of efficiency we will not be beholden any compuslory statute.—nor in dread of its abolition. But what about the value of a if.tit School in terms of money? We have a staff of six teachers, five of whom are unmarried. If we place the amount these five leave in town by board and in other ways at the low esthriate of 500$each we have the sum of $2,5 0 0. The Principal pats in circulation another $2,5 0 O. -Vlore are 141 outside scholars at least 130 of whom pay board in town for some 40 weeks which adds anoth- er $1 8 2 0 0. If I make an estimate that the High School students and their parents who follow their children here to do their trading are worth 50 more per week to the -business houses of Exeter or another $1 8,2 0 0, I know 1 will not be charged by the ?merchants with exaggeration. At the snodest ealculations the High School helps to put in circulation over $40,- 0 0 0 per year. And this is without counting anything for the children of Exeter whose maintenance at home instead of elsewhere is of addj; ed value to the merchantile life of the town. r AS I 'remarked in a pre- vious article. I want to see more of -the farmers and 'their sons and daughters make Exeter their educa- tional centre. If we can make pro- vision for 50 additional students I figure on the sanfe basis that we, are adding $1 5,0 0 0 yearly to the money in circulation in this niunicipalitY. I have already shown by our own tax rates that larger numbers mean reduced eost and therefore reduced taxes owing, to th,e Country scholars being paid or by the adjacent coiin- ties, The .,...c.ifferenee between school taxeS in Lmun1cipa1ity whiel - Mi. and Mrs. jas. Sewell have fuses to eY.I'aleccle its accornmiateon gone to London, where they will and encle,ayors to run a naala. school , • 3_,,,,,,,ite4iiiiri,...zeitaa,itt_tysispend the winter with their. daughter • Mrs,: Wirt': Bradt. Mr. Mervyn E. Camm of the Stand- ard Drug store, St. Thomas, spent the week -end with his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Camm. nenours and with, our hearty good wishes and respect, we ask you to, accept this Cane as small memento of oar regard and appreciation, and trust that this "will in a small way re- mind you, a8 you lean upon it in. the fnture, that we all hold for you a Warm recollection of our association at the'Council Board. - In conclusion, we again extend to You and your family all good wishes for continued good health and pros- perity, and as, we reach out the hand of fellowship in bidding you "Good bye" for the present, 'we all join in the hope that we will have many op- portunitles in the future of renew- ing our old friendships. Again assuring you, Mr. Warden,' of our higli appreciation of your ser- vices as Councillor and Warden, we all join in extending to you hearty wishes for the future. Signed on behalf of the Members of Huron County Council for 1 9 2 3— ' . A. E. Erwin. John Douglas Matt Armstrong LOCALS Drr. 0. W. Robinson. of Fergus, is visiting in Exeter. ' Mrs. G. W. Davis visited in Lon- don during the week. l• Miss Agnes Hamilton is confined to her home with illness. •-.) Mr. Bruce Medd is home from the Guelph 0.A.0., for the holidays. Puy your Christmas oranges at Statham's Sweet and juicy Sunkist. JUDGE :1„) ,DiES Suni.,iloNLY AT 6011WRICH ' This cOmmuaity was shocked Mon- day afternoon when it learnedof the sudden death, of Lewis Henry DickL Son, Senior judge of the eounty of Huron, who died of heart failure in his office at the courthouee, Goder- ich about three o'clock in .the after- noon while in eonversation with Crown Attorney Charles Seager, J. Al, Best, of Seaforth and L. 1. ,Dancey, Goderich barrister, a The late Judge Dickson, was for many years senior partner or the law firm of Dickson & Carling, in Exeter. Mr. I. R. Carling:being the other partner. 'While in Exeter he was held in the very highest, esteem and Was one of Exeter's most influential citizens. He was an, active. Mason and was a P.D.D.G.M. of'e Masonic District No, 4, South Huron and was a strong Conservative. In 1916 he was appointed as Senior County, Judge in succession to Judge LeWis Doyle who retired at that date. While acting on the benell the de=', ceased gained the 'respect and ad- miration of all of the, legal profes- sion with whom he came in contact and was most merciful in the admin- istration of justice. Sine his reSia deuce in Qederich he ha taken 'an active part in the welfare of that connuunity. The deceased was born in Pem- broke in. 1860 being a son of the late Thomas Dickson., a prominent limiberman of that town. He grad- uated from the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall in 1886 and im- -mediately entered upon his practice at Exeter. He was united in mar- riage to Miss ,Tean McDonnell, who with their daughter Dorothy, are left to mourn his loss. His remains will be buried at Pena, brooke. A private funeral service will be held at Goderich Thursday morning: • Mr. M. Senior, a student a.t Os, goode Hall, Toronto, is home for the holidays. Mr. Wm. Lawson, dental student, at Toronto University, is home for the holidays. MT. Maurice Harvey, of Victoria College, Toronto, is home for the holidays. Bon Bon boxes' from 25e to 2.00.$ We guarantee them absolutely fresh --Statham's. ., Mr. Charlie Coward who has been ID the West for some time arrived home on Friday ast. Mr. and MTS. Wm. Blackler, of Blanshard, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sas,. Grieve on Monday. ' Mrs. Jas. Grieve has returned home after visiting for a week with her sou Latimer, at Strathroy. Mr. M. Elford returned home from London last week where he under- went an operation for facial trouble. Miss A. Beverley has resumed her duties on the Bank of Commerce staff after being off duty for a cou- liich tOr,Increase 111. 1111.11.1- bers and gets the advantage of re- duced per capita cost is well iIlustra- I,ed by a reference to ;the tax notices et Litman and Seaforth which I have before me. Lucan is making the mis- take which some, are ad-vocating here of turning away those they cannot accommodate and their school rate is 20 mills. Sea,forth on the other band with an enrollmeht of- 250 and in spite of maintaining a'staff dohble that of Liman at a total salary, out- lay of many thousands of dollars naore.„ is able to operate on a)yta,x rate of a fraction over 13 mills. .1 am satisfied that if Exeter had 250„stu- dents the maintenance cot of the school would show a still further re- daction just as a factory by improv- ing its equipment and enlarging its capacity. can reduce the overhead and other costs of its product. Next week T will lay before the ratepayers the proposition for a new High. School o11 a basis which will not only remedy the evil conditions now prevailing and give Exeter an insti- tution of which every true citizen 'Will be proud but which will actually cost us less in taxes than were col- lected from as in 1921. AIDDIVESS TO WARDEN BEAVERS •Tlie following is a copy of the ad- dress presented to Warden B. W. F. Beavers ,at the•Dacembei• session of lir Huron County Council. Warden Beavers was presented with a gold - headed cane, • ' ouncil Chambers, Coderich, Dec, 6th, 1923, W. . Beavers, ESq., Warden County Huron. , the nembers of,Tturon County "Ounall toff the year 1923 m Session, s mblede feel that Ibis, the 'closing e-ieeLjng tor tiLo year, is4 the oppor- tine time to 'tftake Ithown to youin, sorno tan gi hl emanner our esteem, ii yo -7, lel.;8611a1lY and our appre- on of yettaservices as our NV'ard- uring the year now Closing, uring your texra of office as rden, and in 'your many years of -vice' at the Council Board, you 4.1 vre ahira,” " altowo. a etutrteS'y and ess to „your fellow Couacillors lns • won for 'Ydn an ,abidinge, .,in our esteem, and you earrY ," • , ,yOu. relinquish, you, 0020 O'st W:ishieS for Yonr fuiuici d' happiness. t closing has had its 103. bn t iti CL,eCil" 1,attO /T-1 . conarig m, yor have alWay,s J11. gl.,1.0 ,ibott laip timinstro1!iaa of tiro iiitosLp if ihe 1,0Ur adrairel.i ,OM(R? Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Short, Mrs. J. Beverley and Mrs. T. Welsh were in Mt. Bridges Sunday, owing to the illness of Mr. F. Short, A. J. 'Payne is suffering from bloodpoisoning in his right hand. He was picking up some wood 'when he ran a sliver in one of his fingers. Mr. Elmo H. Howey has been suc- beseful in passing the junior examin- ations held at the Ontario College of Pharmacy, Toronto vvitre second,class honors. \ Our twenty years of 'experience in buying our Christmas stock of Cand- ies, has enabled us to buy the best we have ever had, for this Christmas— W. J. Statham. The Salvation Army' Christmas Tree was held Tuesday evening and the hearts of many of the kiddies were made happy. A fine program was rendered. Rev. W. NI. Kiteley, of Centralia, occupied the James St. pulpit Sunday morning and preached a very able sermon. Rev. W. E. Donnelly' was at Centralia in connection with, the S. S. anniverSary. • Main St. and James St.' Sunday Schools are holding their Christinas Tree entertainments Dais Wednesday evening. Recitations and -songt by the scholars followed 15y a distribu- tion of Christmas cheer will make' up the programs. Mr. W. F. Abbott-. attended the Bee-KeePers' Association at Toronto, Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Five 'hundred members were present. The Ontario Bee -Keepers Association -report thirteen carloads , honey booked far England at,Pres- ent as an opening of British trade. 'Ile people or this town are de - p --ming upon those who wish, to se- cure Christmas tre'es for the 1e8LI,Ve 1.1.4t to cut any irom the rineks 4re town, but secure thorn front t.110 .,.;tvanrri. where ;Ilicy wriKt ,not ft is certainly discorag•rig to 1).1in t ter e,), around town and , Glen have eaucthoughtb.'t one, cut them d own Mr. F. IV. Abbott has 140 Barre 'Reek hens that laid 116 eggs 'in one, d tty tile latter "pa,it of November and challengestile county for competi- tion. These hens produced 720' eggs in 7 days. 150 pullets hatched last Ma -y- are producing on an average Of 110 egg", a day. quiet, Ii)tichilY,tg teak Plaaa at 04. /OIL PreSbYto.rian'inatrSP,, o'n a ot "dlner, CrolnartY; was 1 tili 10 1002''fnfo IlIr. Wilm Or 13,0Wo.tt, Of 3p3: 20 Tb y waF 4fl',(1tie Misses Wanda Von Wascinski and 'Helen Wethey and 1Vir. A.Middlemiss sang a trio in the„ Trivitt Memorial church Sunday evening last which was greatly appreciated. The windows of Exeter present a most attractive appearance. -with their beautiful Christmas decorations .and the many fine XmaS presents that are 031 display should not fail to melt the heart of "Old Scrooge:" The Christmas spirit that was a long time developing, is at last manifesting it self and should permeate every hea,r1 before the 2 5th. Word was T-eceived. in Exeter Sun- day of th„e death ar Mr. Frank Rooke of 'Detroit, -/formerly a resident of Exeter, son of -the late Geo: -Rooke. The deceased was about 32 yars'of age and for the past four years had been suffering from. 'cancer.- He is survived by four sisters: Mrs. F. P. Sweitzer, of Calgary; Mrs. F. B. !Dur - die and -Mrs. W. Connor, of Windsor and Mrs. Carr, of Detroit. Lebanon Forest Lodge A.F.,&A.M. held their annual ;election of officers Monday evening withthe following result: W. Mas., Bro. H. Bagshaw; Sr. War., Bro. J. G. Stanbary; Jr: War., Bro. G. M. Chidley; Chap.; V: Wor:, Bro., M. E. Eacrett; Sec., Wor, Bro., R. N. Cree`chf- Tress:, V. Wor. Bro., C. H. Sanders; -Tyler, Bro.. S. Sweet; Auditors, Wor. Bro., R. N. Rowe and Wor. Bro. E. Dignan. The monthly 'meeting 01! the Wo- men's Institute was heid Tuesday eV - ening at the home of. Mrs. O'Brien. In addition to the box of fruit sent to the Children's Shelter, the ladies ha-ve clothing made over and ready to send. A paper on "How to 'Add Cheer and Coinfort to our Homes" was given by Mrs. 'Morgan and it contained very practical thoughts on this subject. Miss Hopkins and Miss Rogers, Who are in Exeter ill connec- tion with the course for girls on. Home 'Economics, were present and spoke to the ladies. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Coultis and Rev. Mr. Donnelly is to speak to the Institute., • Mr. G. F. Rogers, Inspector 'of High 'Schools, who visited Exeter re- cently, inet'witlr an unfortunate acci- dent a few days agb.- While in Tim- mins in his °facial capacity, he visit- ed the naine.there and returning to Toronto brought bacx what lie sup- posed ha,d been used as a torch by the miners as a souvenir fdr his son, George, who, when his father unpac- ked his suit case - oh ii'unday, lit the torch., which almost.intinediately ex- ploded. In his efforts to,sav6 his son. Mr. Rogers' left liancl,was so .badly shattered that it was found necessary to amputate two of theli'ngers. Both Mr. Rogers and son, George tere in- jured, lint not seriously. .0n Saturday last Mr, 'W. J. Sta- tham received the, Sad news 'of the death of his father, Mr. Thomas Sta- tham, of Acton. lie was in his Usual good health up until about three weeks ago. Tie, had lived to tlie ripe old an of 82 years, thrtring his ear- ly life he served. for 3 'years in the ,American Civil War a.fid at the time of death was drawing a pension of 5100 a in °nth. He was born' in Derifysbire,,Eng., and came to Can- ada whett he, was eight years Old. lIc first settled at York, new Toronto, later inoving to Acton where for 35 years he eolititictied a battery, retir- ing sante Ye2,,TZ Ctgo, tir. and Mrs, Statham and two children 'attended neral 1\l'Onealee annilal 51e0104 0t the '0/o - men's ilesion a ry Society' Of Cave Presbyterian shrivel Was lielti 'LLY 4ftflti�l.). Des. 11 tit at tile bOiner ate, The Treastarer'S 101 pot' 6 tt7 n 0S0imtS to Ile $1 840 8., The Secretary reported a membership of thirty with an aver- age attendance at the twelve„month- ly meetings of sixteen.: The follow - Ing 'officers were elected for 1924: President,Mrs', Morgan; • 1st Vige-Pres., Mrs. J. Foote; 2nd Vice - Pres.,, Mrs.. Howard; Secretary, Miss L. Jeckell; Treasurer, Mrs. Bawden; Home Helpers Sec'y, Mrs., Retchen; Stranger's See'y, Mrs, Manson; Li- iorarY Secy, Mrs. Horton; Pianist, • , , , , STE/PR:EN C0UNG1.1/ Thecouncil of tlic il'ownAhiP of Stephen tnet. ,in tile Town Halt, Cred- iten," on. Dec. 3,rd. All atembersewete resent, -and 'the previous Minutes 'ap- proved • , Penhele---Sweitzer—That. 13y -law 4\1'0, 312 10 appoint Deputy Returning 01! - Liners, Poll Ciferks, and select pollinie ing boots for mitaielipal election, to be held January 7t1s, havi,ing, been read t1irc-7 times, be pasecl, 'signed and sealed ' Mrs. FOoter'iqesseliger Secretary, As - A large- nitlnlysr cd—Acconnts 'ware Sistant, .Mrs'. Fowler; Slipply Cdninfit- tee, Me'S. Bawden and miss. Connor, You cannot be a failure if; you make it Year business to go about spreading ' sunshine' and good7;will and the spirit of friendliness and self-confidence among those who need this encourageMent .and always remember to say a good word for the towns in which yon make your living.. The ClariStnitis 'meeting -of the W. M. S of James St.' church. was held: on Thureday'•,afternoone last, the pres, ideni, , the Chair.. This meeting took the torn' of a special prayer ser- oVer thirty!meinbers being pres- ent and was very impressive. A large number' of the'ladies took part. Spee- ial music was rendered by Miss .1-fewis,, Mrs. Willming and MisS.-Es- sery,.Mrs. Milo Suel. and Mrg. Victor Snell which was much appreciated by all. ' Talks On Missionary work,were given by the president, Mrsr.Geo. Mant•le, Mrs.. Yeo, Mrs. Donnelly, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Wire. Snell and • - others. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the Pastor, for his lecttire the previous ;Monday and also the choir, proceeds of which were for, the W.M.S. and amounted ti $8 1.30. , Mr. Jas. A. Neilson, '13.ScA,,, •who was in Exeter in. connection wilh the, 'Agricultural Short Courses; address- ed a couple of interested gatherings on Nut trees, last week Mr. Neilson is from }T Horticultural Experi-' mental Station; ,Vineland, and is par- ticularly interested fathe growing of Mita. He belieVes a• greater interest, might well be taken in the growing of nut :trees, asIesonie kinds of, nut trees make beautiful' shade'trees as well as producing- a crop of splendid nuts. He had on exhibition. various samples of hickory, valuta, filberts, etc., that have ' been asuccessfully . , grown in Canada. He Was surprised to find • that *varlets kinds of "jilts 'were being -grown hrthis community. Mr. -Neilson spoke'under'the auSpiceS of the Herticultural Society and any- one interested get in • touch with the President af th sod- ety, Mr: J. St IlarVey. THE SHORT COURSE SCHOOL. It is pert4nly -refreshing ;to meet ,the-:".-raAmbars of ',this school and haws, them tell of the 'delight'enethe con,fse of 'lectures ',Icing 44.iveredt 'Their comments, -,Vier, 'thing 'we' 'need," 'it cerrtaliiniy "The inforination. -giiTeri is very' help- ful, e tea ,etct. The' att,enclanno- is about 35. S-hould it 'telt bin this fine farm- ing district, .350? -Wald& it not be Wise for the •young inen 'and, Wainen who are ndt attending now to plan tc c.anie „in We:last two inionths of tae course, beginning January 3, 1924 ? ,Some of the work tin thenew Year will be Field Husbandry, Veter.,- Inary Science,,Soils and 'Fertilizers, En- tomology, Sewing, Millinery, ,eict, etc, Lectures are beitag•tgiven by gradu- ates of tile. 0. A. C. and other cap- able teachers. It is like taking course in an Agricultural High School sonlething after the fashion of the saine, 3 c.h o ols 04 D,eninark which have enabled the Dane,s to capture the Eng- Seli market itt many lines .and make Denmark a Line, ,prospcp.us commun- liy, though her soil is,princIpally ,f.and no tiling like , the rich. lerfirie 8061 we have in Ontario. Co -'-WORKERS CLASS 13nANQUET, On VV eclnesclay night the Sensor Bible Class of the .James St Meth- odist Church held atavery successful banquet in the Church ,Parlar. Rev. Mr, Dannelly was toastinaster, and prop,osed the following, "Our Coun- try, "The Church" a;nd "Co -Workers Class,' These were „responded to by W Id. Johnston and S. Martin C. B. Snell and P. Fsay,ne, W, H. Kesae, ,pr,esident of the class, and Harvey respectively' The music was given by Miss -VeraCoabes, piano' solo"; Mfr. G Eas te.rbro o le, .. violin solo; Ntrs. Darme113) ,Mrs, W. Johns, and ,kIr Geo. WMdser, a' Inc. Tate en- terteinment was good and the ban- quet excellent. This class has had a very successful, year /in far -ince' and general interest For thc next year plans are being made foi further ,geoc.1 work, 0:i:-; being' t e - presentation Of the class by a mission- ary worker 11.1 021!oriaa 1011(1 THE KINDLY NIGHT. When I first saw hor, Bathed in magic moonlight, I-Ier beauty was as a star That shines in the night. Her hair like woven silver, Glit.terineiair anti bright, lier face so warm and tender, Ali, she was a heavenly sight. My heart was filled ,with longing, For T loved her With all my might; I saw her in the morning; Gwad! she Was a fright! ivcettile.H.:Mix.t.n...r. • ... ' Women, apPreciato the quid,: 50- 110(1 of simple glycerine, buckthorn liarbs, etc:, 210 mixed in Adlerika. AloSt medicines act only on the lower bowel but Acilerilta acts on. 1301'i -i upper and loWer boWel, and reinovet all gasser' Lind poisoPs,„ obstlifhte cOlifeiPatioli and to gun,PCL tcal.W31.. 9,,N)q ' ' any has z' 1*dter „ passed, Thlese will,.shartly .ti.Ppear in Oii fInancisals s'latenier4t.. Ad:iournment , was tend's. to :the 15 of Depernbter, . • , •, • • • •• Henry' 'Eill)ea-, Clerk. USBORNE COU.NCIL Tbce Usborne Municipal Couneil met as per statute at Elimvilad oa Satin.- daY, Dec,'15, 1923., All niernberS..Were present. l'he M-04utes of ' the meet- ing o;f„Dec. 1, were read and approved on motion of .Skinner and S,tewart. No: 8, .1.9z.J, re. Nomination and Eleetion was'read and passed, and signed by the., -Reeve and Clerk. Carrespondence—Letter from Prov, Engineer, asking for an approximate -estimate of expenditure on Tp, Roads for 1923. Letter from Corrig,ated Inne Co., aticl bili from Jno. Roger, 0, L. S. Garnet . .Miirray interviewed, the Council, replow, broken last winter on township snow yvork. 13al1!antyne ,— Skinner—That Garnet Murray be paid $13.00.—Carried. Sleivart--Hanna—That the followrng accounts be -passed and orders Iszned for the payment of same, viz e -s. Chris, Bechler, grayelling road, 1.1 $56.25; Ed. French, gravellsing boundary, $6.75;. Sher. Hunter, do. Warren Rd. 56.55; refund j: Baigent dog tax, 52; Seith Brown, gravelling, con. 4; 57; Dan Dew, dragging, 52.50; Dit c b Mg—. Alvin Arksey, Blan s ha r d bdy., 55.50; F. Elierington, Rd. 6, 43; John Cann, til -e on road 9, 59.91; L. Oke, Squire ditch, 52,50; Chas. -;1.-uck- ,Oke ditch. 55; 'Matt Thompson,sHili. bcly., ..56; 'John Routley, ' bdy., 51.50; 'Jahn "Sitripson, Rd. 7, 58,25; Louis. -Fletcher, and other, Rd. 7, $8. Gravel—Bert Vennor $3.15;' N. 1-lor-- ton ,52.20; Milton Gregory $81.15; Al - (Inc. Cudinore 511,25; Russell Skinner. 413,25; Jahn Ogden 515. ' Grants---Karkton Agri. Society, 530; Exeter Agri, Soc. 530; ,Kirkton Lib- rary $25; S. -B. Stathers, S. H. -Agrl. 2.ep.,_ Exeter, Short ,Course, 435. • -- Rates—Tackersmith Tel. 5273.14; County, 57.736.00.1 -Good Roads 4,3626,25 1 Su,ndries—Wer, Shijer and, snow. work, Blan. Bdy.„ '1922123;425.50 1 G.....Murray,, btroken plow; 413; Wes. jacjiles, culye„rt, 53.50; Geo.. Wrilg,lit &de: Stat.' labor, $10.50 ;-G. 'Kellett, cow 'tag insPeetar,' 55.; Wan. Motodle and `others, \yolk,' $153,25; Co. Treas. rent of Cp. rriachme, $157; Clerk, preparing new- voters' :lists and". extras., 425.—Car- Council adjourned to aneet at, the close of •inomin4taion 'nece.ssary on DeC. 31.sa, 1923, lientY trang; Cberk art titre -:members for the Board a Education And further nOtioe hereby given that in the event of more eandtilates, being proposed for any particulae. office than required to be elected •ther pl'oceadings will be ad- journed "taitil, Monday, January 7th; 1924, wulien p,o1,Is wbl be opeaed at 9 a.m., at the -following places, a:3 fix- ed by Village By-law, viz Poll 1—Polling Booth, Mrs. E. A,. Handforcl's Residence, Main Street; D. E., O., E. Treble ; Poll Clerk, S. Davis. Poll Beath, ToW'ri Hall; The Lowest Eesiniate, air. A.—So the Jones -Brown match is broken off, is it? Mr. B.—Yes. The, Browns 'objected to Jones being so econothical. Mr. A.—You astonish me. Mr. B. -7 --Yes. You know he is a, contractor himself, so he sent out circulars to all the ministers in town asking for their lowest estimates far Performing the ceremony. TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE - NOMINATION _t!i.ND-EL,ECTIOI\T Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the `Tovitiaship of USliorne will be held in the Township Hall, Elimville, at the hour of one o'clock, 'p.m.IVIonda,y, December 31st, for rytirpOse of making 'and receivin.g nominations for the offices of Reeve and , Tour Councillors and furthe'r. 'notice is hereby given, that, in the event .of more candidates being proposed Lei these offices , thaa required to be elected, and they do not retire within the time specified, the "Proceedings will be adjourned until Monday, Jan- uary 7th, 1924, when polls will, be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the fol- lowing 'places as fixed by the Town ship By-law, viz. ' Div I --S. House No. 4, (Eden.;) D.R.0a John Hunter; Poll .Clerk, Wm. Hunter. '• saa. ' Div Ii --House of I -I. 1-1.. Brown; D.R.O., H.- H. Brown; Poll Clerk, Chas, Allison, Div TH--House of Mrs. L. Horton; D.R.O., 'Wm Jeffrey; Poll - Clerk, W: Dougall. -Dikr IV—Public, Hall, Farquhar; D.R..0., Jelin Simpson; Pell- Clerk, John Hodgert. • Div V—Tp Hilil, Elimville. D.R.O. Jacicson Woods; Poll Clerk, Geo., DIV VI ---S. flonse No. 7, .(Zion; D.11.0., R. E. Feeley; Poll Clerk Chas. Jaques. DIV -711---I-Ionee of Mrs. Colgan; D.R.O., David Goulding; Poll. Cleric, Oliver ArcOurdY. And all electors are hereby reques- ted to take notice and govern them -- selves accOrclingly. Henry Strang, Clerk Ushorrte, December, 7t1, 1923, VILLA 05 EXETER NOMINATION AN5 , notipe is .her,e,by, gtvcn, that ,a me a Ling of ith Li ...Electors 01! t.hc I/triage' of, Escbmr ei/f.lt dye herd ' • ,•10W11.4 EXTEThR t', thO ItOttre,of 12 •O'cloele, 1' tb,, thaliihieLLaC,VIROPCliaelartiNEIVVRAii.....1,41016:111011'.11.341 .gain Streetl, J fi, Grkve._ • • Pall 3—Polling Beath, Mitchell's Of -a, flee, , Main and Wellington etreets; D. G,' .Anderson.' Poll Qterk A Booth; 'North Eu To\Vin' Hall;t13,11.0., F. WitWer; Clerk; JOhn Kydd. And all felectOs are hereby request. - ed to, take notice, end govern them;)-, .selves accordingly: :Jos '. Senior, • Re turriirig • Officers. Dee '11', 1923' ' • , The Public seemed pleased with our assortment oi Holidargoods 7//,'Iliey realize that our prices are low and with the on omr Cou pon Sales; that this is the rightstore to patrbnize. Among aiew , oocls just arrived are,: 5 dozen -Pot Plants Y/, Cyclamen, Primula, -Primroses, Ferns and Jerusalem Cherries Beautiful, easy prices, 25c up. bolls, Kid Body Sleeping Dolls, Ma Ma Ma dolls, rain - breakable dolls, 10m up. • — #Motor Race, %Parsheesa,„ Over ONLY' ' the Fence, 'Ring Toss, Box Salted Pe Queits, Checkers, RadioDom tints Choc , - To the left as you o e the inoes, 'etc:etc. 15c up, pfroepshcole:ry ates bulk in neBaiis ana (d ST-ATIDNARY ndies', °Fan' cy door behold the 15eaiitifpull Boxhound Mints 'and 1 papers from ,15c up, and Xmas Candies Bars and G deearatiOns, -tiolly wrapping Confectionery is hand paper and string, etc. and is' a.1w4s tasty:. A -walk through, this store with its cheery' aPPearance,. 1:t \4 ter& down the centre and goods plainly marked 'by price -ticie Come, a feast for your ,eyes and a temptation to your poclet7bocilt.' ' # ,and see foryourself. Open' evenings till Xiiias. ' POWELL'S 13AZKA Phone 56' Austrian China, Dinnerw be stir , saN • X enswe tconom OSE who keep :theirTse.curities _And, other valuables „at, ,hOnae, rather . ,proteet _ orded by our ;DePO,Sit Boxes, are running ,,Igreat i rskS,f`of total logs by fire 'or ftbeft. The annual rental of these boxes is small.. 'Let'uu show them to you. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital- Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 M. R. Complin, Manager G. GA Waynard, Manager G. G. Maynard, Manager - Exeter Branch Creditoralranth - Dashwooc,I Branch Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 125 Branches MO-LSONS BANK Offers Good Banking Facilities to Merohants, Manufacturers and Farmers, etc. Savings Departments at, every Branch. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited. EXETER BRANCH T WOODS Managex TITAL rmio INSUR- CODIPAX:Ic t l5arquliar, On ROCK FARIWER'..S `1!IU ANCE Wad- Office) President, • „ Vice -President, ' • B ,1. JOHN ALLISON DIREp OS. RYAN SIMON DOW ROBT. NORRIS, .JAMES McKE2IE , ' AGENTS JOHN ESSERT, Centralia, Agent ler, Usborne and ,piddniph, OLIVER HARRIS; Munro, Agent .for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan. • .W. A. TITRINTEITLI, SecielarYsq'reasIll'el' Box 98 Exeter, Ontario. , GIADMAN & STANBUlt. Solicitors, .Exeter. , . R, HouLs5ppot, L.D.,53," D. Dtz4118,r °taco E, oftioco. Criosod e Wcnedw aftcnu 5) DR. A. Da KINSIVA2d, 11:1L6 03). Molnar GraAdllAti Og TOrrtne Sity, 11 -MONEY '1'0 LOAN We have a large amount of priva,t, funds,. to loan on farm and villago properties; , at lowest 'rates of 1.tQ terest. pi•ADHAN. & STA-XBURY Barristers. SolicitOrts, Main St Exeter, Oata,r1o, c.41 PERRY' IN DOitri2E, Licenaed Aple , tioineer. Sales conducted In any ality. '.Ternas moderate, Orders, at Times Office will be promutlyik... 'tended to. ',Phone 116, '.KirItto'z, Addreem KIrkten Two' JEXETEIt TEA SilbscriPtion rate $1.50 a ADVERTUl'ING Display ,AdvertIsing.'-,-li, obt ,application, Stray- 4nituals.--One hreo fiLinertieris' for Fari or Rea) 7..Lfitate 'for 03., 40 each limertfan, f91' ono 111401 04 Of toL tuth llyo fines, For $4'10, 1'0 nted:, ouch Insof,tlan 500. • kind toutid 2ge,- . i09