The Exeter Times, 1923-12-13, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES
DA,Ski'WOUI3. . '
._.. 1)r. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S.
D. D. S.
At McCormick's 131ock,Zurich, every
Thursday and Saturday,
11 11 11111111111111111111111 1111 1 1 11111
1111111 111 1 I 1 1 II 111111111i1111111111.1H
�111d111l111111111111111111111111HI11111111111�1111111111i111111111111111111 11 � 1 �
SOiIOO:� OF 001�1� LRC>l�
n Ontario
.Arranges classes to accommodate Students wishing to live at'home` and
commute daily by train? That, on a 32 week's course, oneinontl is
given free of fees, to insitre student having aving frll timeat school?
this school has the most highly qualified teaching
. b y q e staff of '.any.
•Y'rivate Commercial � in the Province?
THAT .iIII.SE T'1I T ' � 1� . Ii.
CJ S 1@' 1a -N TOUR O.R B. OI3•'1,11NI3'i'
i .
Winter Term
2 1924
hone 19S, ror rull information.
.' G. L. SMITH
Two doors east of
the Molsons
taiak, Hensel].
'� Out;
Away Wednesday afternoons.
arristors, &c.
the Square, 2nd door
amilton St., Goderich.
ivate funds to loan at lowest rates.
Protdfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran,
D. E. Holmes
Mr.- Holmes will be in Hensall
„ery Friday •fronr,9 until 6.
`donor Graduate Carey Jones'-Au-
eti;oli School, Speeiar Bourse taken in
Registered Live =Stock (all Breeds,)
Merckandise, Real ;Estate,° - Farm
la1es, etc. Rates in =keeping\ -with
revaiiing..IZrices Satisfactionas-
- ' ',r c:, wr, e' Oscal° I%lopp, �urrcu `pQr
r.ire.18-93, Zurich.
. 'A. M OIR, L. M. C. C.
Physician and 'Surgeon
Pliorla 70
DR. J. W. PECK .
Graduate of Faculty µof Medicine,
McGill University, Montreal; Member
of College of Physieiansand Surgeons
'of Ontario; 'Licentiate of Medial
ouneil' of Canada; .Post Graduate
ember of Resident Medical staff of
General Hospital,Montreal, 1914-15;
Office, 3 doors east of Post Office.
Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario,,
Lu ,ber"
Ad vanced
Rat we are sfill selling White -Pine
slt:essecl on both sides at $45.00aper
.gra es•ed and matched white
e $50.0,0 .,per M.
' B.C. No. 1, XXX Shingles
No. 1 XXXXX,;: Shingles
S id s Ashphalt Twin uhrnglee,
Bflrd's Ashphalt Roll. Roofing 18 in:
wide the heaviest made:
acne, No. 1v
CLAi! 1 ®. T 11
Dodgers, 1 IIINr�'---Y'osters, g ,
elopes, Letterheads, 'Visiting Cards,
hipping Tags, and anything at *all,
'The Observer Printing office, Itleasall.
Orders taken for Daily and Weekly
Papers, Toronto' and London papers
,In_ club witlh the Exeter Times
Leave your arder et the Ob-
server Otlice.
1,t :lrlC coNr.� YC)i.i
ill t Oliver llWist,'Auihty?"
T1u.=1.r:e?,iid, You know 1 don't ai
d Iiliose modern daricesl'
e fact al, a, /Mtn` led liis victor -
Collcgr rl;i'ba4rrl_, tc<irz2 doesn't
B. 1'`+.. WARD, DiA.
Mr. and !tri s. D. ,A. Ca.ntelon spent
Wednesday in London.-
Mr. F. Sn allacon T
r 1 >e rs°�t�rsitur� with
:friends in. Guelph this wok.:
Mr. RoY � Todd is Visitingfriends
in Bad Ase, Mich,, this week.
Mr. -Milton Ortwein, of London,
was in town, over the week -end.'
Mies Irene Douglass• is' tat present
visiting relatives in Nashville, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R'annie and Mrs.
A. Scruton visited hi Clinton'on Sun-
day last.
Employees of the Bell Telephone
Co., are Making some' changes •in
town this tweek.
!.We are pleased to report that •MiGs.;
Pollock who :has been 111 for., solus;
timet is recovering rapidly,
11Ir.,`11. Hall;! who Bas' been do 'the
staff ,or'' the Molsons' Bank gets for
'some time left on Monday evening;
Mrs. D. Ur chart and Miss.. Beat-
4 _Be .t.
rice have returned irpm'Flint; Mich.
where they have Been visiting rela-
tives. •
The Old Time dance held in the
iioivn Hall on 'Friday evening last,
well attended and an enjoyable even-
ing was spent by all present.
Mrs. D. Paisley, of Montreal, who
spent some time with Icer parents,
Mr.' and •M'rs. , E. Rannie, of :town,_ is
this, week visiting in Clinton. '
A wood bee was field on Monday.
afternoon last' by the. men of the
Meth. church in' Mr. Thos. Welsh's
bush, :some twentynone'men attended'
and. ya 'good 'supply of ;wood' was pro-
No League services will -beheld in
the Meth. church for the following'
two weeks on account of the practice
for the Nrnas concert to be held on
Dec.' 20th.'
Mr. L loycl Davis silent a few days
With relatives in town recently,_prior
to his leaving for Winnipeg, to wihich
placehe has been inovecl by the man-
aging :directorseef
an-aging'directois,01 the bank for which
he works.
Mrs. Milton Stewart; of Seaforth
is spending tihe;'tor'epart of the week
in the ,village visiting her -grandmo-
ther, 'Mrs; Consitt, after which she
intends visiting friends'' in London,
St. Thothas and Stratford.
Some of our merchants have their
windows, nicely~ decorated for :Christ-
mas, which although less °'than two
weeks away, the lack of biting frost
and' snow gives one the Impression
than this is still September.
The Mallard Mission: Circlef
o the
Meth. church on Saturday afternoon
held, a :successful sale of fancy wont,
home cooking and candy. The girls
are to he congratulated on tiro= -inter-
east they take in the Missionary move-
The Presbyterian cling Ch 'Wilt- hold;
their annual Xmas entertainment in
the Town Hall on Thursday, Dec. •27.
A.good progran of drills,' dialogues
recitations and,,a play --.entitled "arei
ghbors" r' wilLtbe- "given, An orchestra'
Will bein attendance.
The Gaiiima Alpha, °.Delta, Sunday
Sehool 'class :took the oppo1>tunity-of
'meeting one' oi'their 'rnenlhers, Miss'
Laura Johnson, on,the-threshhold of
Tier wedding day, atad presented her
with a :beautiful. clock, Although'
taken by surprise sire "responded in a
most appropriate manner.
1Vfr. Almond-1VICEwen nas opened
The trustees of the Meth. "church
would appreciate •',very much the
hauling of a few loads of gravel by
those who use'the'shed,to fix ups the
road leading from' the street into the
shed. This bit of road is; constantly`
in` use ,and as no work or gravel,has,
been put on it for some time, it has
become 'f mud holes and e full of it,
seems only''right that persons'. who
use the roads Dugs help keep up this
14 t
bit of road.
The- annualh
s Qo •under• the sus-
p14es of the Hensall Gun Club, of
loll Ml•.. ..Pas
w J Passmore was as manager,
s don Fridayandwas<
last ti
ded sticceas The weather
fine!c<:nd some good. scores were
made. The shoot proved: of _interest
to : slit at -
e number cif s r eta •
�z1 e Loh s. , I o1
lowin the three main v
g i events 12
shooterswere entered in a .miss and
out event Mr, F. Tillman. winning in
the seventh round P. B'oa and D.
Brintaell both went out in the sixth
leaving Mr. ' Tillinan :the winner. The
following were the results:,, .
1st and -3rd
8 ' 8 10
8 ••7 8
9 10 9
3 8 7
F. Kell .... ...
R. Jordan
Dr. Bice' '
T. Tillman
B. Zuick
W. Sanders
J. 1Vlartell 8 S'
P. Passmore 9" 5
R. Bica"°-'. 5 3'
T. Dalrymple ,
R. D. Belli`
P. Boat
D. 'Brintnell
W. •O'Brien ,
N. Surerus
M. Russell
C. Fritz
W, Bell
G. Parker
C. Heywood
S. Dougall°... ' " . 6
3. Veneer 7 8
M. Deitz ti
7. I-Iunkin : , ......'....... 5.
7 '8_
8 '10, 8'
7 7
8 8
10 8
•3. 3
On -Wednesday of last week- a live
bird shooting match put .on by Mr.
S. Hankin,, 'of Exeter, :was, held in
Hensall and proved of considerable
interest. " Quite a number from the
village turned :out to witness the
events. The results' were as follows:
1st, event:: J.' H nkin,;;0; J, Pass-
more, 7; W. Sanders, 9; Rs- Bell,; 3;
D. Brintnell: 7; P Boa, 7; S. Doug-
all, 5; ,T. Rowcliffe, 6: P. Passmore,
3; C. Heywood, '5; F. Kerr, 8.
2nd event: J. Hunkin, 4; J. Pass-
more, 1'0; W. Sanders;,6;,R. Bell, 9;
D. Brintnell, 8; P. Boa, 6; S. 'Doug-
all, 7; T. Rowcliffe, 6; P. Passmore.,
8; C. Heywood, 7; F. Kerr',- 10..
One Story Frame Dwelling, north
side King Street; Hensdll 4 rooms
2 village dots, well situated: Small
fruits and good water. Apply George
Brown, or.•Gladman & Stanbury
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Squire, of.
near Exeter, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. T. Harris on Tuesday.
Mr. Geo. Parker while out hunting
inthe swamp, near Walton, fonn.d
part of an elk's antlers, - They were
very much weather beaten, but were
quite solid :and heavy, It is over a
hundred years since elks roamed iii
the forests around here.
The Chiselhurst'Methodist church
intend'holding theirChristmas enter-
nte tainment on Tuesday evening, Dee
ember 18th. A good': program consis-
ting of drill,• songs' dialogues and
readings, is ;being •prepared; a Christ;
mas;tr•ee' being in connection,
'.With the weather continuing fair
and, Ynilcl 'tie farmers : are getting
their fall work an fine shape for the
Miss Lila;Taylor retained Monday
`after visiting. her 'brother Arnold iih`•
Mr. and Mrs. R. 111 Copeland; Sf
I£irk,ton,, -visited the latter's neice,
ars. J. T, fern on Sunday,.
Mr.,John .'Johns, is improving , his
boucle;by..erecting a new verandah.'
The Christmas tree in tie•Sunday
Scheel will be field 'on: Tuesday, Dec,,
Constable 'Whitesisleswas in, thr
i s
f Friday ,Sr oil 1. l !day last:'
Mr. and Mrs, W. ,Batten, Tennyson
Johns and ;Roy Br°ock a ',tended the
Guelph Wirht ;i Fair last week;
up a workshop above Mr.: T. C.11
Joynt's stare in the rocins. formerly
0ceup.ted' by .Di'.' Duffin, Mr, Mclwen
has some beautiful trays and flower;,,
stands Ole On display imide of woven
reeds and the workmanship hi these
ictice3; aro of,,tlle lilghest quality.
The reanains of Isabella gal in,
w'vifo of the late Goo. Hunt, 1v a's,
nolrglit here 011 'i�iday `last from
Halifax, N. -2,. whore she had been
i•esidhng• and died at, the age of 60,
o 3 ema,ins were taken to the home
o1' Mrs. 1Idnt, of town front. whenee
cics'' I '311 '6, bit of00d, When Ire , got:
iri art urnerit with tlhe gill 110 1
-`.Lrrre[l,, xi'lb,sW�i
the funeral which. was, private, was
told oil Sat, Dec, 8111, itrterixient
Hensall 'Elation .OeinetCx'3:
1 tloib s Block ---- Dashwood Ont.'
Mrs..Jacob England, of Thedford,
visitedwith relatives here last. week.
Messrs. Wilbur- Graybiel of Wood
stock, Oliver and Miss Beatrice, of
Toronto, attended the funeral of
their grandmother, the late Mrs.
Mr. E. Beaver and 'arra Wm. Snell
are attending the funeral of a l els
e1 this week.
Miss E. ,Guenther e entertained a
number of friends at her
home. on
Monday evening.
Sophia i a Chapman,' widow_ of tlie.
late John Greaten Sr., was til s boxarin
Edgerfielcl, Norfolk Co. England on
October 15th, 1839, and, died on Dec..
923; ather Twine on theBroli-
sdn Line, Hay, ;Dashwood, aged " 84
years, 1 month' and 21 days: She
came to , Canada with herp arents
when 5 , years of. age . , and lived, in
Waterloo Co., until her -marriage to
Sohn Graybiel Sr.,'on Dec. 21st 1856
after which they moved to' Listowel
for a few years .and thence to their
dome on the,B}•onson Line. Hay Tp,;'
where they Have resided for nearly
60`•• ear
:Her y I e husband predeceased
edece ed
her about two years ago. She leaves
to -mourn herloss four daughters and
one son: Angeline and Esther .Ann
at, lionie Mrs: M. E. Po of Pres-
ton; Mrs `111. E. VanDer•stein ` of Sag-
inaw, Mich,; and John W. of•Daslr-
wood, also eleven' grandchildrenand
six...great-grandchildren, besides two
sisters, Mrs. Montgomery of Cones-
toga and ,Mrs,oepke, of Southamp-
ton, and .:two brothers, John Chap-
man, of , Kitchener and Matthew
Chapman, of • Roseville and a' large
circle of; relatives aiid friends., - -in-
terment took :place in the Bronson
Line cehiietery on Sunclay Dec. 9th,
.1923. The Rev. Yager officiating.
Thus the . family loses a kind and
loving' mother whose thoughts were,.
always about her children to the last
and the community loses a Christian
woman and a kind neighlrer beloved
by all who knee}* her. She was a
member of : Calvary' Evangelical
charch, : of Dashwood aiid Nothing
gave her more pleasure during her
life than to attend the house of Div-
ine worship: Wt. '
Mr. C_, T. Brooks is confiued.tb his
home with , illness and . Mr. Walter
Cutbaih is taking ills plaeeaon tilt
mail waggon.
Birthday celebrations 'seem to be. the
,orcl;er' gr. th1 :day r:ry Cenit ail tl, Nt'el
Geo: B:iynliam, Sr,,. iiavrng crlebrated:
70th birthday on Thursday, Dec;
Sit<r: ar,. Baynliam - was born near:
Wl1 1s used to stand No, 1 toll. gate
in London 'Towrislrip;, about ' 'tlh,ree
'miles north: ,of London. At the agre. mf
four 'fears hoe moved with his pa•.renfs
to the 21s: conceesiiotn ol:' ,lVlcGillivray;
where he resided almost:.contiuuouslg
until' the year 3m inovied':. to Centralia'
u> 18S9, where he, has since re
sided He 18 a member :6f the Cen-
tral:a :Methodist Church and has been
Sunday :,School Librarian for over 30
years, and -has' nlissi'd -"very few Sun-
days'," ;serving va tliat;ca,pacity. Ile al-
so lielpags to the Centralia Court 'all
the I. 0. F, snd'lias been ftnacncial
sec:notary of aame far 28 years., " He
has always had considerable dealings
d'itli the, liub:;,c in his 21' years' ;ent.-
ploymeait at the Ce,ntra,lia'grain el.eva
for and his '' honesty in all his dealings
has Avon for hihn; a,, Bost of friends,
A 'remarkable feature of Mr. Baynhani
is 'hi,, ability for wal,lciarg which. the en-
joys ,
n -joys, very much at th.:" pnese,nt time,
and chi his younger clays' whits in the
employ ,o1,- the late 'Jloseph Cobbledicle,
on his farm near Alooriesville, he would
wale to, and from'ds,Ihonaa on, the 214t-
cc,nce,ssida oi' MMcG3.Liivray; to - sp'end
Sunday.. Mx. 13a,yriliam, its' still, Halle
and t tarty and ive• hope that' he nza'
be long shat:+ d - tCy 'tse jay .li,'s relna rk-.
ahie lasal Lbr Tao se'giresent. • at' the
c elabi tan Were, his daughter auzd;';san
hbiS -141,11011 Mitchell and: Ltlr, Lloyd
Savnharn of Exeter; with their' respec-•
tire, families. Other metnbbrs of has
faintly vAlio, Wer,,":, unable to; be present,
ire;',llia }red Lane o,F.Gardui-f, Sask.,
Zvaltea Thompson of Wol~slsy,
Sask, Walter Baynharn =CPR: ,trat,nl:
ciesnatrrb i' 67 Brandon, - Man, and
Maxwell Baynhanl, C.l'.R.. op ratoar of
Bona: Law;, oat. Mr. i,nl'Ivirs.' 13ayra-
am- also cell br,al'ed tlaieir 4.4th timed-
cl;ing ennivea;sary are .biro, and,
Rev. C,,' W."Rive1s, of Parkhill,
preached- t� e ecl t*' rzar.,
the =Methodist^•church` hcite ou Sign-„
.d'ay 11e explained in, a "very Skoal•
;way the work of thesociety anditS
'need of the' loyal support of our Ileo-'
At the c10 e of the contest held,`
recently betw eu the poring men's
aiid u
yong ladies' classes 01,•;tiro
° et meth S.S., tdro young amen, being '.LIKE'
Risers, entertained the Toting ladies
There are only 9 more shopping days 1 the lilt Xmas and: that 11 is time you, or 11 1 1 was
deceit : your XMAS GREETING
CARDS. 'We still have a good as-
scr,, en': onlance. T will as l
rra ,, hand. t� I nay, you
to order from' us. Wealso : Carty ,0
full line -of Crepe Papez lhol',ly Paper
'tissue P ipct;', Post.' Cards; Ganges,
Books of all kinds and Wf°ittig
per ha iih__fancY bores.
li hone of MIs T, Vallis when
an '; enjoyable: socia; etiyer ing
Mis. T31'iirlter, of Now Fla ritbltr• ,'i.
Visiting with ids. liottraui,
hiss r! nixie. hicks has etursidd'
301111 after a visit with iter son Wil-
son 1licics.
, Mrs, 33. lllasen was a Sarnia visit-
or Hist', week.
j r �r S A.CAL l We are 11 lcilag atnusirally mild 1
' `
weather fair chis sc.asoih,oC the year, {{_
't er rrrS Grace Ariglican
� 'the 1r1 11
.u,tilT..I'1 ,
t slip, ell have bought, pi.aito tor.:tllo:
a the elleapest, altylr,•S Ilin 1)e°it; Parish hall,
I3 �ZA.f TZ;
Lvll tE 1 0I)IS`1' CHCRCI{ SCHOOL -
1100m, LOBIDAY, I)ECI,:II3171it 1411i
Afternoon and Evening
There will be'a stile ,of fancy work,
aprons, farm: produce, Thome-made
candy and an orange tree. Suppe
Served: from 5 to 8,
n r,�
. J. I
a lett ai
zd sen Kenneth,
of horfdon,
are visiting Mr, ;and •,Mrs,
Ed. Fahner at the Central "I-Iotel.
lVtessrs, Harold Gower 'and Einer,
son R.oesyler'have returned 1i'om the
West where they helped . with the.
Mi'. H. Silber was in Zurich on
Saturday attending a director's meet-
ing of the Flay Tp. ,Earner's fire in-
,and Vrs. 'Win. a
tson and
r h h a, v'- r l
y ovZ .
where .11Ir. We atsonlhas to1
tile yi rd.
Mr. Glias. 7ivicicez` was in Toronto
on a business tripthe a 't week.
Mail your -Xmas parcels. early and
insure them at the post alike.
Mr.Mrs. ,
and 1V z s.- Wm. H. Smith have
friends visiting them 10001ichi an
M g
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Pfaff. have
moved into the village again,
illi. G.- IV."`Zweitzer left for grew
York on 'Wednesday c esday marzring,
Mr.` W. Il. Gaiser who spent the
past two weeks with. Mr. and Mrs.-
Wurm at r1Vlarltlram . has returned
The W.M.S. S held their elr closing
l z
meeting of the year last Thursday
at the glome of Mrs. Jas. Anderson,
with a goodly number of ladies pres-
ent'. ' The meeting was largely taken
up with business. The officers for
the past year giving their various re-
ports. The treasurer's report show-
ed $270 to elate whichwill likely be
increased before the books are clos-
ed. Each report read showed suc-
cess - and, interest taken in their
branch of the work. The following`
Officers were elected for the aear.
1924: ,President, Mrs: Robi4,-:Kydd.;`
Vice-pres„ Helen Monteith; 2nd Vice
Mrs. Chidley; Sec'y, 1Vlrs. 'rank Go1
ding`s; Treas., ..Mis. John Ratcliffe;
Hone Helper's Sec'y, Miss Gertie
Morgan'; Stranger's Sec'y` Mrs. Jas,
Anderson; Messenger Sec'y, Mrs. IIy.
•.Anderson. Capable committees' were
appointed on the look after'''music
and programs for neat- year's meet-
ings and we. expect to have interest-
ing' meetings in. 1924, also, a visiting
committee ivhiclr did :exedilent work
last year aiding sick members of the'
society. 'A pleasing number •at this
meeting was the presenting of. a life
membership to .Mrs. Robt. Kydd.
Mrs. Jiydd was wholly' taken by sur -
GIVE' 1 14
prise and thanked the society'very
feelingly. A inlieit;ai number -was
given by llI'lss Louise Anderson and
a solo by Mrs, •Rateltffc:, were much
enjoyed, - Our president gave all ad-
dress on some conditions in China as
told by a returned missionary, Mrs,
Chidley kindly invited the ladies to
meet at tile manse for the January
meeting and the society hope that as
z < ny of the 'ladies of the caiigl'e a-
i4pnas possible will attend.
Chas. Monteith and Chas, Borland
are t GsoclerieTl as jurynien this
week, °
't'lre 1)7.F,M.S, held. their annual
meeting r at the home S
1 , Ja riScott eThursday
near th., village 'on "I'liursda -
last. Therewas a
and the treasurer's report showed
that excellent work hall been done
the past year, exceeding that of the
previous year,
Qur society lias increased in num-
•bars since last year which
will no
doubt still help to increase the work.
The following, fi'
o lc •
d els were elected:
Preeident,..Mrs. (Rev, Ritchie; ,l,st
Vice Pres., .Mrs. Thos. Oliver; Treas„
Mrs; Hill; Secreta,r Mrs.' Hugh Y, g Cur-
rie; honorary President, Mrs:, Din -
int; Organist, Mrs. Millar; Scattered
helper's Secy, Mrs. 'McLennan, Mrs.
Allen; .Sec'y, 1lissionary M Ssenger.,
Mr's, Mills.
Measlets are quitelyrevalent in. this
locality at , present, • ,quite a number
of families are quarantined as a re-
T.aere are
also aLew cases of
scarlet fever,
Mrs. Tufford is confined ihed to her
bed and is at to very iresen lin1a y
I wexk
Mr and Mrs. Henry � •
s ez.l y lVeUbcr, of
VVooclrani, visited at the home of Mr.
i'ich'd Hogarth on Sunday last. '
5ii•. Roy McCulloch and Dan Mc-
Kellar spent a ,few days in Guelph
last week attending the stock show.
cia:�iil►, sA, 7) .cl tiBI61
'WOE 'rtIx,la ''i�1„, 4l'iItliAIi
Izr all the cycle of Lbzo year, t ter�r
is no time that brings families to
gether as does the Yuletide, -Though
you were, at the ends 'got the earth,
y;ou would long Co be imam for
Christmas and if it Were at all pos-
sible you would, be there, Li the long
ago when travelling facilities ` were
very limited, people, journeyed many
mites and' endured great hardships
that they niigiit ',13e• with: friens and
is d
loved ones on Gl rz'
r ��tuas" Day;` TQ- .
day it is so different, . 'Tie modern•
raliway`ena rtes 'Yon tb cross the
� con-
tinent in. a few days incomfort,: This
year 'there promises to be the usual
heavy Christmas and .Jewv Year tra-
iwrel north,
h,south, i e<s
t and west, and
` that =o
l t 5n may reach, ,your
,na io
i t n as'c ni'
o iortably and as
speedily as � .
1 ossiblc,, Canadian 'Naion-
al Railway,,
r_ tiyN are malting preparations
far in. advance. .Ani=ogre wishing to
Pay for ilze travelling e;: Tenses
I of
relatives, or friends i•roil any Point:
need only to place the 111011ey in the
hands of the
nearest ticket, agent of
the line; our;, representative will
liver the 'tran'iportatit
1 r in free of'cTrarge
to your friends at the other end in
a few hours. When travelling. , this
Christmas go "National ''V ay."
85noliit c.,-lacJ Swift
a ac
S} e
if a R r� 9 . v
Restores nor -in -al 'breathing, stops
n'lucus gatherings hi the bronchial
tubes, gives lone; nights of quiet
sleep; contains no lijtbit-forming drug.
41.00 at your dz t. ;'fete. Sent! 4e
in stamps for a , 03er01 5 snniple,
Templeton:, s d2 ??i > ,Ida:, Toronto.
F' ? c-,,
?V. S. ]ClOyi!EY; 'Exeter, and by a
good Druggist everywhere.
In theFordorwell-known
iVewv ' Sedan ..Ford sturdiness,
dependability and economY have been combined with.. a
degree of- convenience and refinement that makes this the
'most remarkable closed car ever se value offered:
Thefront ont at in' thismodel '
new n e is of the full -width
stationary type. Four doors are provided,' affording easy
access "ta front or rear from, either side.
Upholstery .and appointments are of a
quality and complete-
hither'to'obtainable`onl in cars of much hi hrice.
Yer p g
You are core invited in
d1a�l .., to inspect this remarkable new car
y� p
at the nearest Fold dealer's showroom.
New Ford,Prices
coupe, $665 Foidor Sedan, $895
Eleatic Starting and Lighting Equip -meat Standard on !hese models:
Touxrn :
Car, $445 Runabout, $405 Truck, $495
, d dLi Thin 85.00 cx -
noble Starting gP lJ 1 n g ut me V P a$ !ra .
Prices 1. o. b. Ford, Ontario, Government Taxes extra -
All Ford models a.. be oblained through
F r sm may . g
thn Ford Weekly Purchase Plan
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�'I�iAC%TOR 7
! C), N1 A,