The Exeter Times, 1923-12-13, Page 4PlY,
StA,1,0011.4 0,11.1/ISTION
ontinued .from page one)
f dollars put in ctrculation
e yand through the staff and
On(tents of the High Scheel.
But it is objected that those 3idorS are being educated at Exeter's
expense. Nothing farther from the
truth. 1 have shown that we reduced
the taX Vat,e 3 intlis Ui two yoare while
doubling the number on, the roll and
will now say BECAUSE of doubling
the number on the roll. The cost of
a factory product can be cut in two
by increasing the production within
reasonable limits. So with the cost
Of running a 1-ligh School. The cost
per pupil is lowered by the inereaSe
in number. Exeter pays only for
her own scholars, while Perth and
Huron Counties pay to us the cost
of those from the dietricts outside,'
But the financial expert replies
Lha t Exeter is part of Huron CountY rural homes, from the ordinary old
and therefore paYs a share of Huron's time pitcher pump to the most mod -
cost, Hew little that, amounts to can ern • t- • t
Good ",Arater Supply, 111,odern Bath-
room and Blitchen,Invaluable, Bar -
al People Must Pay More Atten-
tion to Matters a Health. «
That rural people are very much
interested in sanitation Was proved
conclusively by the attenda4e of ,so
anany persons to hear Mr. Edwin
Newsome, of Weston, give an address
entitled -Rural Sanitation." The
lecture was illustrated by lantern
slides and every phase of the subject
was touched npon,
Mr, Newsome took his hearers to
the farm not ltP with modern
plumbing. He had pictures true to
life projected on the screen, that
spoke volumes, and then explained
the working,s of all manner of pump-
ing equipment suitable for farm and
pnenma pressure sys em.
be seen from the fact that Exeter Sewage Disposal, S;rstems.
share a the -w
cluding the Admhole Conntynistration taxes in-
iof Jus-,
, • •
ucation and all other charges"' a-
mounts to only 4 mills, But let me
point out that if we drive these Court -
1,Y ImPils to Clinton or Seaforth; the
County will pay these other towns to
educate them and Exeter will pay the
. Comity- for them just the same, but
- Th
ame disposing of sewage in a prep -
re. County Hoe, Good Roads, Ed,- ‘..1 manner was given -much attention
by the speaker. This he said, is one
of the most important branches that
go tomaking a home sanitary.- Cess-
pools in many countries are prohib-
ited by law. And in the province of
Saskatchewan there is a law on the
statute book that governs the proper
,,,tnopeuesit, thtlrefrom. How fatii, i installation of se vage disposal sys-
s 15 110
Vplith respect to Perth's contribu-
tion to our school, no mite has invent-
ed an objection so far as I have
learned. In 1921 we received. some
4 7 6.00 while in 1922 we received
$442,00 from the County of Perth
and e,very cent of it found money
which helped to lower Exeter's school
taxes. Isn't it a bit foolish to advo-
cate driving these students away?
As a taxpayer I wan' to see mbre of
them. In my next article I want to
marline the value of a good High
School to Exeter, not merely as an
Educational inStitilti011 but also as a
Commercial business proposition.•
VIuch so-called stomach trouble is
realtY chronic appendiciti5, This can,
often be releived by simple glycerine,
buchtborn bark, etc, as mixed in Ad -
Most medicines act Only on
itiwor bowel: but Adlerika acts on
BOTH upper and lower bowel, and
reuse ves all gases and poise:as.
Brings out matter you never thought
W115 n your systeuk. Excellent for
obstinate constipation. -7. S. Cole,
Drtiggist, Exeter.
ern 'water closet and shower 'faucet
all fitted with brass nickel -plated
,A ihodorn, kitchen sink with tau,
cete, a range boiler fitted to the kit-
chen range to, furnish hot water on
tap 24 hours a day, a haul operated
pneumaticpump with pressare tank
made of "heavy steel plate
rivitted at the joints and of 140 gal-
lon capacity-. A11 the necessary pip-
ing and SY1)11On: for a modern -septic
tank and sewage disposal system
would- cost , complete all 'ready for
turning; the tap on, for the sum of
approximately $450.00.
if an electric purping system was
required an additional' 81ii0 would
be the cost, or if a gasoline engine
driVen, plant add still another $75
to 4100.
Mr. Newsome has been, in Exeter
for two weeks conducting a series of
practical lectures on Farm IVIechan-1
les and Rural Sanitation ,at the Ag-
ricultural Short Courses and leaves;
On Friday Dec. 7th to continue the
work at courses being held at An-
caster,'•Wentworth County.
Even in the province of Ontario
there is a law which distinctly says,
that no disposal system of any kind
constructed to receive sewage from
home, office OT factory building, shall
be installed unless the design has
first been submitted to the provincial
health authorities for that body's ap-
proval. ,
Mr. Newsome explained how and
why of"a properly designed septic
tank and field tile disposal bed, and.
showed on the screen many valuable
designs, as a.matter of fact, the rea-
son why much attention should be
paid to this part of a modern plumb-
ing system waethat unless the ,sew-
age is properly laid mit, the water
supply is more han likely to beaorne
Cost of Varions Systems.
Spealting of the cost of a modern
Pitonbing system/ Mr. Nowselne gave
a number of figures which vary ac -
Cording to the class of bathroom
fixtures and nuMber of persons liv-
in pai a house.
For example a, complete system
which included a bathroom contain-
ing a cast iron, -white enamelled 5-
foot bath tub, a modern cast iron
M one gallon of- water_ If then
'white enamelled wash basin, mod-
Under this theme. the pastor of
James St. church gave a very inter-
esting pulpit editorial- Sunday even-
ing, describing the conditions that
obtain under Government control in
Quebec. Mr. A. B. McDonald in the
November issue of the Ladies' Home
Journal gave a very carefud analysis
-of the conditions as he actually found
them 'in Quebec -and the details, of
that '-investigation have furnished
some very staggering facts. In Mon-
treal alone /there «are 307 licensed
taverns and in addition 500 grocery
stores that Sell beer in bottles to'
-families, delivering it as ordered
with bread, Milk and potatoes. These,
taverns are the same old, drinking,'
saloons of the past, except that Peo-
ple sit at tables instead of standing
at the bar and nearly every grocery
store becOmes a saloon carrying the
sign "Groceries and Beer" and suelr
window display cards as "A Bracing
Tonic for Women" "Recommended,
by. all Physicians," "Beer gives vigor
to weakly "Women and Children."
There is absolutely no regard Shown -
for the law that eels 10-o'clociias
the closing hour. MT. NeDmiald as -
'Pile following Saturday night in
the, city of Hull, Quebec, 1 went into,
the Wellington saloon' and in a room
as large as a big church I Saw four
hundred men at tables drinking, beer
all talking= and arguing and cursing.
together, some singing and' many
drunk: This was a doilble-decker
saloon; tile OWIler Of it told me he
had room for seven hundred persons
to sit at one tine at tables and drink
peer, and upstairs were one hundred
neii and thirty-six women, all drink-
ing beer, together, and one or the
drunken women .was on top of, the
trying to Sing_ and dance., The
Wellington, was only one or' the hun-
dreds of • places in Hull where men
and women ,were -gAting drunk on
beer that.night, and as I,Weat from
one place to another and 'saw -it,
theagin otA. Tascherean, pre -
Mier of Quebec, and, chanipion 'of the
light,wine and:beer laW, said of it in
a recent speech: "Our liquor law is a
success from a moral point of view.
Encouraging the sale of beer while
disconraging the sale bf hard liquor
has reduced drunkenness materially.'
The effect upon the morality of
the,Viadyince may be readily •guessed
Dr. A. K. 1-faYwed, suprintendent
,the Montreal : General:Hospital, says
that Montreal is,the only city on 'the
North American, Continent that has
recognized ,red,diglit district, 'and
that this condition could not continue
to 'exist butfor alcohol, and the nar-
cotic drug ,e-tol :that finds rts,genesis
in alcoholic - drink is :flourishing and
increasing, tit an:alarming rate. -
The effectupon the boYs of the
Province „reVeals,,,,the greatest peril
and Menace of :the situation. Owen
Dawson, clerko1: thejuvenile court
pf Montreal, asserts that he has -seen
,15,000, -boys 1,„iet through thejuveti-
lis and drink was the cause MI
nine -tenths gt the cases. --
The,church has pronsuiteed its d1 -
approval thecondition, one priest
•C. „ Church, call's. it the
most immoral, , unpatriotic, unethi-
, . .
" The 'December session of the Hur-
County Council was held in Goderich
last week:, '
, Warden B. W. P, Bea els, of Exe-
ter, in hie- opening remarks referred
to the death of the Reeve of Goder-
Leh Tp.; and to the iMprovements
made in the county property, such as -
the council chamber, the Children's
Aid Shelter, the jail, and the County
Home. On the subject of Good Roadj
he said there had been a.number o1
changes in patrol men, some being
on account of inefficiency. The total
amount raised by the County for the
good roads was $68,248; the amount
of the Government grant received in
March was $79,315.07, a total of
$147;563.07. The amount of, orders
signed to date was $152,000 with
several 'thousand yet to pay. The
roads now were not 111 a5 good con-
dition•as a Year ago, Which showed
that if we were going to keep up our
roads we Must be prepared to spend
more Money rather than less. The
County -of Huron's share of the ex-
pense of the Preyinciar Highway Was
$8,572.40. The County of Middlesex
had to -pay -$98,000. •
Mr. and' Mrs. John Jacob, of Exe-
ter were appointed keeper and mat -
dal," unchristian, :and imitemoura,tic
lattr••he. has ever :known. • •
• • , • „
The spealter ,concluded by• saying
that just aS'.the'alicattor business in, is •it6t controlled by the goy',
eminent, but •by•tlie breWers and the
bretvers control the government, so
the argumentfor government,control
in Ontario by the moderation leagne,
,is siinply a request,for • thelediatrol of
the government by:the honor inter,
eerts 'that between • midnight and: •eSts. The liquora-business never- did
morning in a cabaret, and halt a .dozrtlend-itse,11 to.control. •The only rem
en boot -legging jefuts lie saw •laifnal- ,ed'y as ell:a-nations'
. : -• . •
reds of women drinking and manYnf,
them were mere girls, and •fully,a;
third of Baena were drunk. In :the
following., paragraph he describes a -
•visit to, a Single tavern in 1 -lull:. , '
• •
An entirely new body design of remarkable beauty as well as practical
utility, is the distinguishing feature of -the new Ford Coupe."
The body lines follow in one graceful sweep from the new hi radiator
to the "Turtle -back" curve of the rear deck Which has been enlarged"' to
conveniently accommodate bulky grips and packages., -
Upholstering is luxuriously d.eep both in the seat and back, the covering
being of rich brown broadcloth with mahogany stripe. A recess shelf is
provided behind the seat, for parcels.
Interior fittings include revolving window regulators, and door locks and
bandies finished in nickel. The large rear window is fitted with silk
poplin shade in dull.silvered mountings.
The windshield is surmounted by a broad sun-isor, which protects the
eyes from glare.
As a handscitne and practical all-weather car for town or -country, the new
Ford Coupe cannot be surpassed.
?wFd Prices ,
Coupe, $665 Fordor Sedan, $895 ,
Electric Starting and Lightmg Equipment Standard on these_ models.
Touring Car, $445 Runabout, $405 Truck, $495
Electric Starting and Lighting Equipment $8.5.00 extra.
All prices 1.0. b. Ford, Ontario, Government 'TaXes extra.
A d is may be obtained through the Ford Weekdy Purchase Plara
it aria
DEATH, OF 3 RS. "J"20,
and three members for the Board of
Educatori. And further notice is
hereby given th--4 in the event of more
candidates being iproPosed for any
particular °Rice than required to be
elected the proceedings will be ad-
journed until Monday, January 7th,
1974 when plyls will be openeZI itt
9 am, at the ollowing places, aa fix-
ed by, Village By-law, viz t --
Poll 1 -Polling Booth, Mrs, E. A.
Efandford's Residence, Main Street; 3).
Et. 0., E. Treble i`P,011. Clerk, S. Davis.
Poll 4--Po1ling Booth, Town
ron for the Herne. There were sev-
en applications.
Notice was received from the Ed-
ucation Department of the' Govern-
ment ..grants to the various Colle-
giate InstituteS and,High Schools in,
the .county—Clinton, $1,533.30;
Wingham, $1574.G7; Eiceter,
298.68atotal, 18,323.25. ,
' The -County Property -Committee
was authorized tb have papers serv-
ed on Jailer. Griffin to have him
ejected from the jail residence: Mr:
Jas. Reynolds was Appointed jailer
at the June' session but has not yet
taken possession of the jailresidence
Warden B.. W. F. Beavers as the:
0C elpitent of 'k g, old -head ed • cane at
the band; of his vieNlow: meinbers, a's, is
the usual Castem when wprdens' have
combleted 'their te•rin. •The caneIlaiS
name-, year 'arid -of rice siscbed out le
The usual "Smoker" tvaiS held on
I Thursday ntgla t, iyhen bias id e s t h e
mernbers•-anc1.officials, ex -wardens N
l'r•cwartlia• and .W. R. Elittot,t were
A•n-, extra grant of $1500- was marls
. to ,the'S Shelter. '
•Giants 'we're 'given to Clinton incl
u s...912145 O'Warig "ta street ilnLtyi ove hie nt,
Sin ptiblic school ihsp c tors 2 sKed
tor an 000liCilJSt of grant for ••',x-p•elmies'
This was not granted. They each now
reeteivo' $525.00 a year.,,
:Ale " were - sent to the Idoro-
Governrriini,'the Provincial G o v-
e.rnmen t and the Hydro C oiiimssksn,
pro testina cigain„A the increase of th"c
Chi:cage, Dratinage Canal, which was
already 99,,9-atly lowering the leveh taf
thc Lakes.
' ineinorial was, event :to- the 0At--
Nifaln Street;' • W, ,Johns ; Pot
Li, ;H. "Griotre,,
Poll 3.-Pi011ing Booth, 'Of --
rice, Main and Wellingt,gn streets; D.
Pr.O.,, G. Ancle.rson; .
Gainbrill, • '
• Poll 4-Bloil1ing 'Booth,. North Entiai
Town Hall;' 1).13„,0,; F. Witty er ; PLO11,
Crerk,' John Kydd,
And all ,ellectors are' hereby, recrue,
ed to tak;e. notice and o'overn them-
selves' accordingly. ,
Jos Seni•or, R,eturning Officer,
'Exeter, Dec, ,1923.
b. rryiPublic seemed pleased piar oat of :Holiday gbods,
,realize that oar. and .with the 5 8/0 On ouraCon'•,'
j.0aon "SaleS, ,",that this - is • the right etoyc,;, patronize , Arnong new g•
„ods' 'Inst.- arrived are:,
We are called "Ilion to chronicle I G -eernrient Pivot -ins the alloadas"
in;this issue thedeath of -Aire:. Janes i•ocat riV4i-.1Strate,4 tO,.- try 'local cases,
1VIonteith (nee Elizabeth.- ' 'Kydcl) the s',. elina Mating excessive :.east jo
which took place in -the night of -Des IThlr\or Cas'ese•
cember 5t1t, at her., late reSiderl-Oe On
Andrew street, Exeter,. .
Deceased who N•raz.., a daughter of
, -
the -late John Kydd. was born at -
1 Coniston Mills, .ForfarShiiie Scotland
Iand 'came to this' I"yount0,' with her
Parents, two sisters and' one brother
"at" the early age of,-nirie years and
settled. in Ifsborne Tp., Where she
bas since resided until Coming to Eate.
eter, about " three and -a half years
ago.' In 1874 she was united .in mar-
riage to Mr". games Itiontel-Lla by Rev.
Heitry Gsadcy DD Mr. .sbionteith
died June 23rd, 1947 and Mrs, "Mon-
teith never rOcoVered, from the shock•
and strain of his' death and 5ickness.
.Doth Were connected. •witli Thames
Road Presbyterian church.front their
nhulclhobd anefronitiie -early 'pioneer
'slays of that: church. -Tile deceased
had often, .ibid of'' attending Sunday
School held in the late Mr...Ilohn Al-
- lison's -house. Mrs. =Monteith was, , a
blithe little wdman rind ricklY en-
dowed with thLegift, of song and a
retentive' memory 'which was well
stored with VerSeS' and lsongs Jearned
early"youth: Two Years ago last
JvliAlarY Mis. Monteith suffered it
stroke, severe at thit,,time,•but which,
passed off. Last March one evening
-while .sitting in her "chair reading,
slie suffered aubtlier,,i-e... which re-
sulted 'in paralysis of the left side.
She regains:di-lie use of her, left leg,
but not of the hal:1(1'74nd finally Worn
out with nearly nine months of hart
sickness, , she Succumed " to , senile
bronchitis. Rev. pr. Fletcher, Rev.
Chidley'andolteli., Mr. Foote con-
ducted :the funeral service which was
held from her late residence, Satur-
day afternoon at twd.o'dlock,
. .
ment the ,Exeter CeilleterY. Mrs.
(1-017.)-FOOte sang `,9V9ity; of Beulah".
'eweetly at the SerViC,O ,an'clepr, ,Flet -
eller in a"fe-W fitting remarks' drew
attention'to the' lifeiSerVice, that
'hotb,,Mr. 'and Mrs Monteith Monteith 'had led
in c,onneetion •with.: the ' Thanies ltd
congregatio4, Mr, Mon'teitii. 'being
,siiperinteadent of the,Stintlay School
for over forty years' and a-Mei/1113er of.
Session :for t1irts2ttiin gears, ivhIIe
Mrs Monteitir'-was deing her 'Part. in
the vineyard .as ' and •Itt
Vice President ot-the'Weinen's
,5eeietY-, being pres.ented'with
a life •menibership certificate, Mrs.
Monteith was ,alwayS•ready to help 10
time of trouble ,and many were the
deeds of' love Performed in connec-
tion 'with .the 'dead. in the neighbor-
hood: Thus woulcl'we, reniemlier Thoth
Mr: and Mrs. -/P)Iontelth when the
doors of tlia t..dear • home on south
Thainies Road always -ivere °P6lle1depart-
id host, and hostess entertained;
Ilrs• ,Tessic' Gardiner,,(widow -of the
ate PeterIr.,,,.oardinot) is an adopt-
ed ,flany,hter. .4., nuniber 02 1101000
and neplre.1v,s also survive.- Mrs. Wm.
v•thl of thiborno,-is a cousin et the
loto Mrs.•latne5 Monteith,
5 dozen Pot
CYclamen, Primula, Primroses,
Ferns ancf J.erusalem _Cherries,
#' Be:dutiful, easy prices, 25.c up.
Dons, Kid ,Body Sleeping
Dolls, "Ma Ma Ma dblls non-
breakable dolls, 1 Oc iirPf
# Motor Race, Parsheesas":
the Fence, „, Ring Toss,
/// Quoits, Checkers; Radio,
inoes, etc.etc. 15c up.
f, To the left as you open the
: i
P4 tio•or behold the beautiful Box
'7 PaPers from 15c up, and Xmas
6 decoaettions", Lolly .wrs,:isiang„
paper and string, etc.
-Fare Chief; Jas. Weekes has re-
ceived, the usual warning re Cifrist-
Inas decorations which is aS'follows:
Dear Sir:—
Following, our usual eaStom ,at
this season of the' year, 1 boig to" draw:
,your attention to .the da,nger to lite
and property from •Christinas decor-
ations -such-asdraperies, scenery,
„ditton to reiesent suow, etc.
'plays "of thiS nature, 'and the light-
ing arrangements iu connection.
"therewith, add very "considerably, to
the ordinary risks of fire
.-1 would 'alsOT,Point out that should
an accident of this kind occur in a
crowded store or meeting, "the rapid
• ad of fire in such hi:flammable.
material is certain to occasion a pan-
ic with attendant ;risks IfQ life and
limb., The..NatiOnal Protection
ASSOcia,tion -and the Ontario Fire
Marshal reconainend that all fabrics
for decoration purposes should ,-be
iMmersed'in a• solution of Commer,
cial Ammonia Phosphate in ,the pro-
portion of One pound of Phosphate
Slightly wrung, and dried they will,
offer considerable Isresistande • t6- _fire
uritil wa,shedagain. • -
If- this is not practicable, a ,feW
simple precautions may -reduce the:
danger 'to a minimum, and these'
'shquid be considered cs5ential wliere
large numbers 6E2'Peopie and partic,
ularly children are to be gathered:
. See. that•.inflammable material is'
clear of and not hung over heating:
and- lighting devices, steampipes
electric light, bulbs ole. , ,
See Ahat 'your _electrical circuits
are properly•fused and not overldad-i
ed mw the addition of 'temporary
- Examineyour, fire oxiinguishing'.
appliances and see di:et:they are,, sus:,
ficient, in good's-it-del...and readily, ac-,
CeSsi „
-,See' that, all exitS Inc plainly -mark,
ed andenot obstructed:
. 'Remember that nothing 'can rond-
o' these d'Snlays absolutely safe and
tita,Lif accidents arenot to, mar 'the
• • •
festive seasou• constant vigilance
and care must be exercised,
• Yours uly,
John A. Robertson, S Jtar
./4.A_Walit" airough tkis store with. its ,ciiery appearance, its noun- 1
// t ers down the eerl tre 'and goods plainly marked by pride tickets'S•is" IT
:.•/4 • C-44-
)•-) a feaSt.fer your eves and a tempta.tik. oTiale-on to your pocket booas-, .
and 'see for 'yourself. Open eyenings till Iiintas. ?...,i
.Austrian China,
Dinnerware, opeai
be surprisklIa,,\t"g"Ilt a
saving ,orile and c
time. , «10-•''',."- ..'w a k -Anne
, . a, 0--aPdoai era ,.,•,, ,
' CUPS AN,e,,Pei-r1 .1 eifS 15c 11
. ' -7-1V•«,
130T BON 131SI-IES 25c ITP.
Salted Peanuts, Roasted Pea- 4 -
Chocolate Peanut' Cluster.
fresh every week.," Fancy Choc-
olates in bulk and boxes Cream- \
Candies Fancy Rock 'Mixed.
' '1%4
Popcorn Balls and- Bricks,•Hor-
hound, Mints and many other
Candle's, Bars and Gum. Our
Confectionery is handled clean /4-
-and is always tasty: • 44
Public notice is 11,:Preby
meethig of ,•the Electors of thc Vtliage
of Exeter wCll -he held hp,
At the hour af 12 o'clock, neon
1\10NIDAN.,,DECEMBlit's 1922
'1•'or the purpos8 01 inakIng and le-
cee,-Ingilactputla tiorts lor Ili 011 in
°Couricitlors; , one niember
or the Pnbl'ic U1tttils Coininiii.812in„1
' • :„
Phone. 55 ,
xpensive e nomy
TtiosT. who keep their securities -
and other valuables at home,
'rather than, places them under the
Deposit Boxes, are running( .great
risk q of total loss by fire or (left. "
The annual rental of these boxes is small.
Let us show them to yo* 669
Capital Paid up $15,000,000 ...
Reserve Fund $15 000 000
Exeter Branch\
Crediton Branch
Dashwood Branch
• tiI1/500i.a 3..
• 9
M. R. Conaplin, Manager
'G. G,Maynard, Manager
G. G. Maynard, Manager
Incorporated _in' 1855
Capital and Reserve $9.,000,000
- over 125 Branches
all departments:every:effort is made to:
eliminate_ unnecessary formal,ities and to
assure Speedy •" and courteous' service to
, s
Savings Departments at every Branch.
Deposits of $1.00. and, upwards
EXETER, BRANCH ', T. S. Wpcdis,, Manager
lieat3t Office; , 'Farqnhar, Out,:
President, BROCK
y,ice:PrOident, JOHN ALLISON'
JOHN ESSERY Crentralia' Affeht for.
Usborne ancl Biddulph.
OLIVER,HARICIS, Munro, Agent for
Etilla,rton,and Logan.
Box 98 Exeter, Ontario,
SOlteiters, Exeter.
DR. G. 'Ft" 1,011114ST011, L.D.
()Bice 0'7931° I: R. ciarilig's La
effica. '
ClosedbreiTI Virediiesdaafternoon
. .
ersilasts of Torento":,EZI,Ver-
tver Gliadmiiap ,
C in .3.1,r0et;
n4,111: 3
We have a largS amount,. of privata
funds to loan on and villag0
properties, at lowest rates of bu
Barristers, Solicitors,
Main St, Exeter. Oltarid
,99 ,
tioaeer.' Sales 'conducted in any lois.
silty'. Tering, ixtoclerate, 0r41.3,1ca ,lafi
at 'Times office will be proinpti3r at-
tended to. Phone 116, Kirlitom.
Address Kirittox P. 0.,
SuhSer,lPtio..n 1131;(3
DisplaY, Advertising ---Made 1
an apPlleatiOn.
.gtfaY inoorti6a
three lase:1110ns for $1.6
Parin oj Real.,:ostate for sair.'")
each ineer for one" aionth
's'a'tl'O'cien' 0 =,snagriri
than Jive. lined; Por 'Saie, To Retil,1
Wanted, ea,6 inssrtjop 1:i00,
111,1d forind 19ca4',