The Exeter Times, 1923-12-6, Page 1`Y •FIRST, YEAR No. 2556 r-� • 1.019.1 .11.1.1011 EXETER, OITT., TI URS:DAY it:,}r,d;l?�sillfllllllllll OUX( SON )I �l�llllll(11NI1{161M111111111i1llfl{IIIEIIiIii[I61111i1lIII�Blllf�lllllhfflllllllllllllllllllillllllllll{IIIII.�I • = i `' Mr. and Mrs,;: Cecil Jones, of North (hristinas ift Su � �estion i athy ofy, rMcGillivray have the sy1 .� � pathy of the community in the loss:,. °-•i of their little eon Russell Earl aged igQ13NING, DECEMBER 6th., 1923 Our'stocic for the Christmas trade is now complete. We have a very — 2 Years,.'8 months and 5 .days, who. large range of novelty and practical lines to select from. We would ad- died on Wednesday, tuiv..2Stlh. rChe, W.. vise an early selection of Christmas gifts, as any :lines cannot be re- little fellow had been bright and ac - placed. 1,�r Citi*e until lie was taken ill just a Biu, inti or;i,r .' �. short time before his death He will Beautiful Kimonas for Ladies We have a beautificl range of Kimonas for Ladies in heavy Eider - don cloths, large range to select froin; Satin rimn ed at -the ,; 1 t r Very low special price of $8.00 each. We also have Bedroom Slippers to match at reasonable prices. aa. f'r � ;gip Handkerchiefs for Christmas We have by far the largest range of Christmas',habdkerchiefs we have ever 'shown. Pictured Handkerchiefs for the little tots, mercerized for the boys, Pure linen, plain and initialed for Men rind Ladies, as well as liiln- dreds of fancy lines, many in fancy boxes. :Make your selections now, ,especially initialed lines before many of these are sold out. , Men's' Furnishings New Ties, Mufflers in Silk 'and Wool, Braces, Garters, Arm Bands, Uinbl ellas ; Shirts, Sweaters, Cuff Buttons, Initialled Hdkfs, etc. SPECIAL -7 dozen Men's 'beauti- ful quality Silk Ties reg. $1.50 value. These ties were bought from a manu- facturer going out of business, so we are able to offer thein at .only $1.00 Ask to see ':our extra "heavy all wool Fancy Coat Sweaters at $1a.75 each. A good- looking, man- nish cutaway front model of unusually'' good lines. RR 0 C OLLARS Chien, Peabody St Co., of Can. Limited.. Suggestions of Gifts f(rLadies Fancy Linens, Boxed Hdkfs, Fancy Parasols, Kimonas, Blouses,' Strings of Beads,' HandBags, Purses, 'Sweat- ers, Dresses; Fur Sets, etc. • FURS—All Fur sets and Muffs at exactly half price. LADIES' DRESSES -Many odd lines and sizes at greatly reduced prices. pec.lal Shoe Bargains for Dec. Ask for these lines if you need them. We haven't room to display them 30 pairs • Men•'stValentine-Martin :Work -boots,'@ $3.75 • 30 pairs Men's -round-toe fine Shoes @ $3.98 30 pairs Young ' Men's fine Shoes; Goodyear Welts, either black or brown Ce? $4.75. Women's Empress Shoes ;and Oxfords at $5.0® 30 pairs Women's, Eress Oxfords • or Ih lace , Shoes" wilt hive tiron :'. derful wear, Special •$5.00 . WONDERFUL OVERCOAT- VALUES Men's @ $12 to $25; Boys' @ $6,50 to $17.00 Men's New Felt Hats, Newest Shades @ $3.50 each • = PHONE .32. -' bo greatly missed in the home. He was the older of two children' ...�I ,a 1' it mamma tie sister several ionlhs old suryiv- ing. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon and was largely attended = .:bysympathetic 'friends: The serv-; ice was conducted by Rev. D. alc l.'av- isb;, of Crediton, interment in the Ex- -, titer- cemetery. • MEM LATE M1 S;. i147'I3,PRY On Wednesday light of last week A1is.''Richard lllilrphy passed away to = the•:Great Beyond in her 5,3rd Year The deceased had been confined to her bed 'for about a month, pleuro- pneumonia developing.. As a last re- sort an operationn was decided on,. the operation being performed Wed- nesday' afternoon;" Gln the ,,evening .Mrs. 1luiphy took a turn for the - worse and passed away. The ' de- ceased was born. near Londesboro, her maiden name being Agnes Bruce. l Twenty-two, years ago- she was mar- ried to "'her' now,, bereaved husband and conte to Exeter Where site has since been a hiaitly esteemed resi- dent, making many friends by, her kindly manner. Sha was a member of, the Trivitt Memorial ohtirch and an active worker in the Ladies' Guild. An only' daughter Mildred, also.. survives. She is: also survived by two brothers and four sisters viz; The School Q u estio TEE GI11NEI IL SITiUA.'.i'ION' Articles 1, By J. G. Staubury- Through the courtesy of the Editor and impelled by a sense of nay duty as a member of the Board of Educa- tion: to those whom T represent:, I wish to give the ratepayers of Ex- eter a few of the facts iu connection with the present school problems which. are either not known by the people or are being 1u1 miscon- strued purposely n strued to them by the apostles of stagnation: I do so with no illusion of being able to alter' the attitude of, the men and women who see no civic or••patriotic duty in helping to educate the future citizens of Exeter and of our Dominion when they are the children of athes people Nor is there any prospect of information satisfying those selfish' individuals who have already had their own children educated,. and who now re fuse td The children of their neigh- bor that fair start in life which is now the right of every boy and girl. Fortunately in Exeter we have very few of either class, I do address these articles, however; to the great body of unselfish sensible citizens who need only to know- the true con- ditions to der_iand that constructive and remedial measures be taken. At present some of the, ,best friends of the children are being frightened by a bug -a -boo. They are told that the tax rate' will be unbearable if th e Trustees are allowed • to carry out their program. Tliat is only a scare - Matthew Bruce, o1' Londesboro; Geo: crow and equally unreal when it is Bruce, of Battleford, Sask; Mrs. T., remembered that the Board has re Little and Mrs. Hy Riley, oiLondes_ duced the school rate three mills in boyo; ;qrs. Lock Gree, of Chnton and two years while do`ltbling the staff ' Mrs. J. Freeman, of Mullett. The and labratoiy equipment, and. more 1 funeral (private). }vas held Friday than doubling the atteudange of the Er --High School and at the same time meeting the. necessary increases in salaries in both schools. afternoon conducted by Rev. A. A. Ti•umper and assisted by Rev, Jas. Foote, interment being made in the Exeter ceinetery. PHONE 32 I!I - ! lllllll{111111{{Illllt{flfllllllll{{{Illllllll ilial] I III I i{{1111{!1 f{ o lllllll III {If11ilIIIIl11i{lllllll {l111{IiIiIII{Ii lllllllllilllilllllllllllNlll�1 FROM OUR BIG H OF PYREXWARE ALUMINUM CUTLERY, WASHING CHINES ROASTERS, MOPS, SKATES, ETC. WE WILL HOLD '1IEM - UNTIL CALLED FOR. 'For Poultry >iiSI, . < Royal . 1'311.1 -pie Poul r Food YPoultry 60c, $1.75- and $6.00 ~IIER.B.AGEUNI 50c and -95c Royal Purple Lice . Killer' 35c and: 60.c Wbdehouse Lice Killer 35c Ron ' Cure p 30c OYSTER SHELL BEEP SCRAP GRIT ZENNERGY $1.00 per pkg Stock Feeders 'sILO iLD v sE `. P 'Royal r ale y u 1 NStock 'Foods. 6Oc, $1.75, and $6.00 IIERBAGEUM 50c and 950 Ilso Stilts 5 lbs for 25c P Sulphur 5 Tbs for 25c Salt Petre 15c -Ib Royal Purple Calf Meal Y p ... Blatchford's'Calf Meal Zenoleuni for disinfecting all Stock and Poultry Buildings 35c, 50c and up to $2.25 A ver serviceable Saw, garanteed, only $2.00. A111111111 Rion' at Low Prices Crown Shells ;. ....;:$1.00 Box Cannel( Shells $1.25 Box Imperial long p g Range $1.50 Box For the Barn, LANTERNS $1,25 and 12.25 Good Stable iI0 E - S V hS 75e. Good Stable v BROOMS . 90c. � 1.1Q 4 Hardware 1 " HORN HERN—In Usborne, on Monday, No-` `veniber 26th to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. F. Hern, a son.'.: SHEPHERD—In Hensall, on Thurs- day Nov. 29th, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd, a son. DIED HORTON—In Usborne, ' on Decem- ber 3rd, Samuel Horton,,suddenly, aged 69 years. HODGINS—In Winnipeg on Nov, 28 Harriet Bissett, beloved wife of Mr. Wm. Hodgins, formerly of Ex- eter. .. . 'CARD OE' THANKS 7 Mr. Richard: lilurphy. and 'daughter Mildred desire' to express, their sin- cere thanks to the many friends and. neighbors for their kindness . and sympathy 'during their recent ber- eavement. IN MEMORIAM JOHNS—In loving memory of our son George, who assed a va one p 1 Y year ago Dec. 9th. Often Wepause and think of you, And think of liow you died; To think we could not say good-bye, Before you closed your eyes The sting was `bitters the blow severe w To part with hien we loved so, dear, The tidal is hard but we'll not eom a plain, nr But trust. in God to meet agars. Oi Father, 'Mother, Brother arid Sister. at First with regard to the 'Public School:—At present ` We have five rooms. A sixth room should be TUB LATE ELI SELL opened to ' relieve the congestion. • A life to The health.o1 the children Must be considered. .Moreover, every parent realizes that at present, his child is rushed - through the` Public School to.o ° quickly .Ho'nieworl[ is:piled ons,. in; an effort to'-accona :lista..'i.is.' he'"' 1 t `v 11 new scholars enter, those above must be 1 ment he seemed much improved. Ile pushed forward to make" room" gradually grew Weaker however, and ng i esdeo t of Exeter pas- sed away on rriday,;ln'the person of Mr.` Eli Snell, -who: died at the home of his daughter, Mrs, John ;,Norry, aged 74 year, oitd 2 _}.tonths... s¥i Snell for•severUaiF:ea s suffered from cancer andsafter, coiisidera.bl e treat= whether :.they are fit or not. Surely .for some months 'helms been confin- no one will deny to the children of ed 'to his tied.' He was , hors' on the. Exeter at least' an efficient public London Road• being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Sne11.=,''He was a highly respected resident and had many friends. In .religion he was a° Methodist and in politics" a Con- servative. His wife predeceased him several years ago. He is survived' by two sons andr twodOu h g tors, John 'and William andzs ;'Mi . Norry,of town and Mrs. Jos.; Northcott, of May Tp. He is also survived by two brothers and two sisters, Chas. B. and. George Snell; Mrs. Jas. Ford and Mrs. .Albert Ford, of town. The funeral was held on Sunday inter- ment in the Exeter cemetery. Among those Who attended the funeral were Miss Mildred Norry, Mrs. Prodgers and family and Mrs. Graham, of Lon- don and Miss Florence Norry, 'of Toronto. school education obtained under con- ditions that are not a menace to their health. Another pressing re- quirement for the public - school is an assembly hall in which the -child- ren can play and exercise' in wet and stormy weather. But most urgent of all is the abolition of that moral and physical abomination where a large number of children are togeth- er=the outdoor toilet. , Our school needs the sanitary lavatory. We are all proud of our Village. but we have something for which to hang our heads in shame so long as we do not retnedy"this evil condition. Then with regard to the High School:—At present -;we., have: six class rooms and a Science labratory. We have no Assembly Hall or gym- nasium for the recreation and physi- cal culture of the students although under the regulations of the Depart - CONCERT A SUCCESS talent• these" courses are compulsory. We have complied with the rules to The Exeter Opera, I7oilse was fill- the extent of employing two women ed Wednesday evening. last for "The and; two amen whe have the proper Spinsters' Return" ;put on by the qualifications but when winter conies Yining. People's Guild of Cavell. Pres- they- are "all dressed up lint no place byterian`Cliurch and'the large, audi- to go" for physical culture.' In 'order ence ` was well entertained by- the -to obtain the present accomnrodati n 0 quaint and humorous situations and the' Assembly Hall had to be parti sayings that developed 'at the Young tionecl and a room down stairs boy - Ladies' Single Blessedness Debating rowed from the Public School and Society. The object of the society the Primary Class shifted to the Pub- was first, last and all the time to get 1ic Library. These conditions cannot a man. A. convention' for this sur- be maintained and should not b 1 e tot pose was being held in Exeter and erated by the 'people of Exeter. The the delegates had gathered from dis- Department of Education cannot be: tant places having learned that Ex- expected to be patient with us much eter had a number of- attractive wid- longer. A. remedy must be found owers, bachelors and eligible young and in my ,next article' I will deal. nien,' These were .' discussed ' and with some of the different sugges;,r some` . witty e comments made upon tions which are being made. ''"'' ea ch. At the close of the first act. it as suggested that there• were more en than women in the Klondike an it was resolved that the next eeting of the society be held there. ie year:later are-unionowas held the members- told of their• rences :in, the northern ' elilite. pe a'" IN 11l. `i1ORJAM Most of the members had been stat JOk1NS;—In loving memory. of George Ce Jahns, who passed aiva one e , 1 Y t year h, ago Dec. 9th. cl. In anear, but silent graveyard, re Where the trees ' �' e ties their 'branches nu t EXETER SCHOOL REPORT Exeter Public School Report for Novclub e,r 1 Sr. 4.•-•-Vei-a A,loloni'.y 74, ` Ulli.an 'Bak- e..' 72, Grata B1oonificld 60, Dons Sal- ter 69 Lyli iD:limey 68, Harry Jennlrngs' ssful lit se 68, ';Latberan. Wood 177, 'Annie Sim- curing ,a husband o:ne i mo•n., b5, Alda• iVIt hanr hd . btl H , avj•ng married a widower with (mile * - tEd- Skannci s,f3; V:era:�fcbona:ld.* Sfi, 7'<t- iildren, and she brought the child- .t.l Walter *56, CliffordT-Iutcheinarnn n along, these 'providing Sever al 54, Vtrancttn Nelson * 51, T:tr,al Ford mbers on' the prograin. The Pres - .' 4? • i p g 5 ' ,:. �1 cn..y i Wast 3S,' abluri,�l' i-lor�r- ald -5, Stela Nor tit catt +i.S .�r Charn bItrs �b, . ,rch.in.r:. Pl,ar o u70, 1 T i . Rrei ng 68, 'Roy Batten 68.�1 i ` lvn Pao,; i r. e lib 65' . Toni iRev 63, ,Kathlee,n. Reid 52, Georgena' \elscn 61 1-T',I±Ori Laing 60 Badaii Jowell 59, Myrtle 'Beaver 53, S.btia7an, llleiyValtei `57; Tim Taylor 44, Sanders 33, , a : .dq Dcarng 19, Wilma Kay '+ (rwobs�il cnt.% b,uitlber .Cin 34 • :average , , • r att,e,nd- anc'e 29,1. r'TilosJe marked ' illi an as te.:Sl: iniiied tests,' G. ,55. Howard, 17riacipal.. wave, Lies a and p i d loingfriend In ac cold ` and siT'ent'av gJI e you are not f or otters George, nor g g , will you ever be, r. As long as life and memory last, ` on I will always r'eineinber the happy the hours once, Passed.. $1. How II � sweet the memory u emoi'Y :: still, Beit death has left a vacant L space, this World will Bever fill. No A Friend. me ident : of the Society was Miss Jos- eneJ ai laane Green (Miss Dorranee; ) Secretary, Priscilla Abigail Hodge, Y g dl,e, Miss Hale` t' Calamity ( ,) Trewstier, l Jane Giggins, gg , ( `Mis. ; Wares.) Thirty - o in all took pant' in the entertain- ui:.. The proceeds amounted to 54; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Howard, of w York, are visiting with the for is another, Mrs. J. N. Howard. �T�eful �r�as t Sacrifice i.ce P. ices R t • Regular Price Sale Price 3 pieceSilver 1847 Roger ros. Knives and •a, • O 1847 Bros. Tea Roger Sp ons rown Betty caserol $430 Our entire stock° is marked down at pricessurprise .h�.t will' ' •. Come and see for yourself .114,01.2101111111.011C.P.17.611631911, 01311140011111=10.1. c Fitton' Registered Optometrist CHICIKEN SUPPER .t Bazaar and good supper of .chic- ken, scalloped potatoes, pie, etc. ' In. Town Hall, Friday, Dec.' 7th. Sale of work and cooking at 3 * p.m. Supper served from 5.30 to 1 8, afternoon tea 15c, supper 50c, .r• children 35c. Under auspices of * the Ladies"' Guild of the Trivitt Menvhrial Church. The regular meeting of the L.O.L. No. 924, will be held on Friday, Dec.. 7th. Election and installation of of- ficers. All Members are urged to be present: Wm:: Lutnian, W.M. Sparkling• with wit and bi iliian-t. i o i_uni is Re- .' � "LV.' E. Donnelly's Iecr'. ture '"Marriage, la r.a e the 'Pike's ,.es e g Pak of Success"- to be given in James St. church Monday evening Dec. 10th... BOARD OF EDUCATION. .The Board not 'n ,the o1.1,':e 01 the S *'r ca:•y on 'Dec, 3rd, rti t.l all pres- ent, except Messrs ;Ma.a, p:,grin and P,.o c. The inalutesr a1 the previous J me rink were read ttnrd approved. Tlr>: repeats of "the laritouts couitnitters, the principals and th•e spheral nurse were received ar l fled, .and much o1 the year's Ibus.iniess was wound up: Several accounts were pard„ and adjactramen,t was made unci Saiturday :vetting at. 8 o'clack, at Mr. Stanbury's oif8ce K .1VfacFaul, Secrietary.. ROSES IN DECEMBER Remarkably mild : weather has prevailed for some weeks and some newwi'ecords have been made for De centber: On Monday Mrs. D. Mack picked two roses that were just bursting anti a couple of buds that were well developoct_ Several fish were taken from the rive.-. on Tues- day_ Gardens have been 'plowedand berry' -bushes transplanted -this u ek, �e EDUCATIONAL -0-15a1,1) 1) The Educational. Field Day in the Exeter District of the Methodist church will be held next Sunday, Dec. 9th. The District meeting •author- ized an exchange of pulpits for the day which has been arranged b Rev: g Y F. E. Clysdale, Education Secretary of the district; as follows: Exeter Main St, aim, Rev. W. E. nneily; p.m. Rev. F. E. Clysciale.. Exeter: James St. a.111., Prof. W. A. Potter; p.m. Rey. W: E. Donnelly. Pailthiil circuit, Rev. D. McTavish, Elimville circuit, Rev. R. C. Cope - . Centralia, a.m. Rev. W. 111. Iiteley;, Whalen and Centralia, p.nz. Rev, H. E. °Livingstone, Hensel]. x.111 and: Cliisc11;ui•st, Rev. F. F:: Clysdale. I-leiisall 1).113., Vey. .4' . Sinclair, tlilst," Craig, Rey. G. C. Gifford. Crediton and 13ri11siey, Rev, W. M. IC itcley, Gard Bend. circuit Rev. W . , G, V W. Rivers. 1.at7ciiiL a.ln St.iv. 7I, ,L. Livinos om, tone; Clandellor e : n i Lucian t c uran 1i,n1., Prof. lir. A:. I'otte). Granton- a.m. Lind 2 esley; Prof, F. Langford. Granton 'p.in., .>tiev. J. Ivl. Hunter. Voodhail p.in, Prof. F. Ia n toz' d. Zion and Coopers, hey. W. J. it2aines. Kirkton ;pm., Rey. w, M Titles, .Anderson and Mt. Pleasatlt, Rev. D. D. Tlioinnsoii, (`heady?' to l P 4 C i r owls , to keep,: KODA.KS $6.50 ' P BroW lies `2.GO up) We do our own finish- ing—we Xozozq,,i is right. Bring • .us' ,your films.Senior :,:, �,. S' -2r s a Photo o LO StHdi.Qr ens `L T--, "N—.-.;, m A It BEA?•S as it Sw.ei* is 0 C.'fi.,.:. T 0U ']'ill \vIli "her" last-, st- � in.`J g gratitude if i c}tl give J J J her a'Hoover ' for "1hrist- w fllaS, because as all women ]thou;, that. \1'hellJ U ou ni\'c r -:. hel-lco - you give the best. A. Stewart 2.1) N .1T. :HURON Txtztientanmeemir$ "Mr, ]Bram Windsor, of _Pt. 11.rtron, died on Sunday following ii. ill- ness. The deceased was 'born in. Mc- GiIltveety and was united in marriage o to Miss Emma,' Rowe, who siirvi'Ves ]lain tab -ether with two ehiltllen i:boy, of Brown City and Inaat home, e. Five. Years agro t ic ;d ereksrd L vc to Pt Hardt). from Drown. City. A- mong those frons Exeter wvlt ,, t o �, t,c nd- ed the funeral. VI (11,6. lilesst`n. John 'Rowe, ` , R. N. ],.owe ' hl 'T' h 4 r' • F oft 1 ,s, John Pedlar, Mrs. 'silos. mayors. ,and Mrs'. 'Wes, 'Lanipo ` i1' "r �, 1 � t., It , J. Kastle, Mrs.Sttnll 1.41mpert nlstl itl,its_ Idose Lampott. ;u t,1 as