The Exeter Times, 1923-11-29, Page 6ould• Not SIeeP
so s
caused by the leer,
Mae eytm beeoming deranged., aed
to those whese rest is heoleeti
frightful dreams, niglatinares, pinking'
and emothering sensetione; to those
echo wake ep in the morning, 'feeling
s tireas when they eaent to boa,
we can offer the ola peeeeful, undis-
turbed, refreshing sleep -back again,
"iit' they will only use Milbern's Heart,
ante Nexee Pills
• , •
Billeettfing the mneh•needea
kasit's rest back by improving the
tone of ihe nerves and strengthening
the heiert, and theeeby 'making the
whole syetemwork in harmony.
'Mrs W. J. Bryce, Port Arthene
Text-,-Whosoeiret shall call, on the naine of the Lord,. .
shall be saved. --'-Acts '2: 21.
hed to designate a' conditien -con-; pi ne orward Or backward be' Means.;' The Power of the Early LAI 1: s 2: Golden
Bar E.
t The term Hernia, or Rupture, is the back, and prevented from elip-
of the inte.stilie or bowel frein the' only objection to the ose of a truss od
sisting of the protrusion of , a portion' of a bre,ast band and breaelaband. The e •-•
abrearrnal Aperture of the abdorainal if .not properly applied,. To the case , . .
abdolninal cavitka through, a normal, or bandage is that it ialaY dliafe the °dill'
wall which protrusion shows its pres'-' of small ruptures a goed blister ap-i
gospel. Repentance is a changed inu
Lassoka sarriatn --- The • disciples
CORN arS, BABS,Ey FOR BA.CON It Often happere tliat-kiTte PllYs3-Ca ertee bY a lump or tumor -11'1(e mass,. p ie 0 e k.n • c.tliikiee),Yedi,hotohAed .1.;noitnnidaeignadrt°i'frojgne'''Y'eatuislaat,, sees' Sill 118 it llevel saw '."111
HOGS. ppleoubtanriittyhaatf ditstriet ee.elit: _31 \:nitchostilrlieg Sl:ianc roe: ipaoinhienhg„hetekecotv eatsma; a,cia.,u•odseesdt ieltfef,hiepest kt'0.1 etiloi.seestvehdeeltlhioriepe;:he'4v:ohre'ziCitlai d d f 11 and. ex- cli•iiige of relied this entrarice into a--
before. 13aptism seimbolizes this'
Itt. order to determine the respective, arise irk a Place! g "n atilt e PlaYer u k ,
peeteptly, This time of wstitieg was \ new life, It also symbolizee the leev-
values of barley and corn meal for 4 or 5 miles away. Rust raaY " TWO forms of ruPture are COM prevent the bowel from: again es- -not ineetion 1'he ineeression. of the ing behind of the guilt ef bee, Recetae
the feeding of baco hogs a test -was in small], area; nev.' 11124 inet with fleeting young animal, ea tekichina- and life, des,,tai end resurreock- he oft 01 tite oiv
doe fl0 conducted at the CentraEXperiMcorning under cultivatioand; ciesigniated by name accord- ilus
be it,
etY situated at the navel, is termed L-111-li egr
one, being If the foal reaches the age .of four; tidliatevould be» deepened as they tell(edlthe supreme egift of the gospel. It is
two lot,s of Yorkshires and two lots strength of straw on heavy, -Wet, Pe live. meethe -without showing any ; oriel cenother• quieteees, and this not that the spirit was withhel•d of old,
of Beeleshires were fed rations ' 'ler soil. All these are local problerne that bilical Hernia, or rUpture of the nateel. lennliParr°gYe°1l"rileslitet'adanodf tobacecrreni,Pst'eurict nadysrtee„! Prve3selatplic'eglipa°1f-attignPafoslir atillide I atillaatrghel rCgh,ill'Itsto°Gliesd'tslresarrietP. aftend-
1 eTlt- n; it may gthirt
in character except that the retion oft the individual earl so for hitnself in (popularly known as breaca at the • ' part• they were, to play and the power ;tokocked generation; crooked. coesiae.
I Farm during last winter in which hard to .get varieties with 'sufficient e °cation,
one lot of the former and one of the the folloWing way; Writh the nearest n h. quire an operation to overcome it. rithe! they w ile tl e is termed et ere to receive We k eee '/Led stedfastly The new converts gave
"t:lie ;disciples iv; jho are rkow themselves wholly to th i ith
b le mation as to what varieties are likely scrotum or -t. • • th are bv. means 6f w°°den cl-amPs, shevral aPostles, will be led 'from. their arrow TheY seek the insti.•tiectlielliewof a the'
- • •
latter as corn, while the other two 3• 1 experimental farm and obtain infor- Scrotal Hernia ot. rupture at the most corrimen methods of oliera ion; hoev-).
'table- ihen purchase att testicles. the foal entiat 'be „placed on ',its baciti their pierce- s,nd Pai•t 'in tit, to ei wider '; the brealcing of bread, that is the •
ers, an liga ees, . n app y gt tc paciptiams 01 10 leIngdorn Of God and apostkes .aacl fellowship with then-1;1re
• a C. re 'taken' to, "have the hOevel, eerie. and ..missionary concentioa. 'Phe pot- • Lord's •Suppee. .: The new ,elitireli
p •ing' -of the spleit btheg: an , a learning chairch, e brotherly. eb•urch;
' - a remembering eliure,h, a praying
lee at nieit. I was to b
foe nogs were about three mo-ntbs hiost sin ,
arid least five Paunds 9f. each ef the,siled. IJATBILICAL HERNIA. IN TO -ONO eNieiala. an a
tents a. the rupture sae- returieed °it;
• 'n the °wing of ..theie • endeavors.
aoeter and tried. his medicine, but it third barley or corn; for the second seed down grasS a'nd elover with 'thel birth •It consists of the protrusion a ossible !rem the bo -a -y, wid the v: 1. The daY of P,,,-,.,,teeost. Peate- ' °I.1°71.(1 °f °2°89
Ont., WriteS:-"I, WAS $o nervou • lots were'fed ar y.
anY nerves 'on edge. ,I. went to see MY days the meal ration included one- 2;5 rod§ long. If it is intended tel generallYs-61)Pears' a few weeks after T, c. •Ay;PLICA•pTION.„. .1_4
tr01.1131ea, with faint and dizzy spelle, of sige when placed on the .tiest ,
awe take least little noise would put oinetY -days. For the first thirtY' sew • °Ina run of 'see‘ter ! a e na‘e p h or eack should then be.grasPe • , E A `r ,
by the hand and- clravera• out as fai. a ." AcTa ;2:
•sny sleep aua. scream and jump up, This feeding test covered a period o • t 18 to; rupture t th k 1 the 'on ion •
1 Herndie.t.0i. 1 the abdomen, , The skin foinn g a 1 Tii , pos LEs itEc.,/vE royal%
terV011.$ headaches, would start up an averaged about 60 pounds in w•eight. greater qauantity however, wo•
, f better Five poll' nds is sufficient to In the eas,e of Umbilica • s ,
didn't seeM to do me any good. Ai thirty dAye, one-half barley or corn, • clamps, or ligature.; fixed tightlY and cost was cote of the t g
grain it is best to block the outside a portion of the bowel through the P
ble andel ve none of those dizzy ana During the first 30 daye .-
4 -inch pa,th between the varieties As to whether the condition is actuallY ering o e grain ar , Testeenenge, 0a e good psychol•ogy,
This method of operation is also a thank o ermg of e• rs
found your remedy to he a wonder grieal failed•to make a,s great gains as which are seeded. • knee of en tune itsd true ineet.uite can be applicable in the case of calves and made fromfr the firstthef'•fithetitliffignaalaa•aevreesa! Wher4-did it come? In old :fern-
ful olee.s' the corn -fed lots, this being, in part During the growing perioa,„ obser- readily dePterraine by p• acingth -'
e "17 pigs and should be clone early in life. brahrivseswaa-aes eidt0a000,atieesoscctoh,i.c: ilinpoplimer pii.oaocnel• ,shayletieha:inioalsiitituuptipoeur te.,:footnhie, mLaord,a,ssascueepd.,
Milburnis }Tea -et end 'Nerve Pint at least, due to the fact thatboth lots vatiolis should be -made as to the be- mal on its back and pressing and \
SCROTAL HERNIA 'IN' COI,TS. .< er - d b t least two a pearances
nee'vous ;palls. a haere eeetainte shire' and Berkshire lots on barley I
eoulki not s p
e; box of Malbura's Heart and, a-,Terva two-thirds barley or corn meal. The and drive so that the wheel follows the remaining intact, forming a .
seeliiely over the skin, close k Of the ewo The -ileave aeretalette fPeaasstss-I'VVPebnetlelccadsitde wrellielmec*eleb°1-*Talteld
44 ' ow o • e Law o inal. ere
th L f S' Tit is
last 1 leent 'to the drug store and gcei •
and for the remaining thirty days, sPoket on each end of the graid drill navel opening in the noor of the belly, , • • 3 • gathering of .the harvest, and the out -
Pills, and -when 1 found they well ds included oath, bran, shorts, the second drill mark instead of tile ,covering sack Or pouch. Its presence;
first as is norma ly the case.
I this be omes t' bl b the • iaeghaminpsst tole ii-kgA:ehlrreisligatoie; opieening. The l'over, and. the last the Feast of Taber-
; nacles. Pentecost means .fiftie' ; soniething io anniversaries. .„9,_;;Itssaaa,„
haTe ta-aels fear heoes sue can age per cent. oil meal, 3 per cent. tank- ,
- tam, age and. skim -milk way the seeder will cover a 1 a soft, round lump, or tumoi-li c to rernain in position until they slough - •
and the feast fell on, the fiftieth daY bears ekeho would have- lib -thing to C1,3
lie, down. and.,sleep 'withoot; aaly • the york_ ground with grass seed and leave a rnass at the navel. Should doubt exist eaS 1 celebrated the ingath- . .
th•o of
no ieea e y e appe alad fall cl; t tl iiTjallowed
prisoned skin' and tissues. • •
f f: together with the „ine. after, the Passover Sabbath. 'At this w:thl..vcahlircii.sutgins,as etrh„,:iatIpaasthter
f th ' le vest and ma e
doing me good. I touthraea then! use, other fee
direct on receiPt Price bY Tlae days, it being more noticeable with that by harvest time a fair idea -roay It -will be found „that the 'bowel can e Scrotal Hernia, or rupttire 'of the -kr
v . 2. Suddenly there' earie a seecgd. af. the l'er.d Jesus' There'ls
Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. the Yorkshire lot. No adequate ex- be gained as to which variety apPears returned to the abdomen leaving serotenn, affects male -earnmals. on y,;The verb used is t 0 hiehe'des- thmg, te°, in helY Places -
are 50c. a. box at. all dealers, °T on berleY went off their' feed for a few ha-viour of the•varieties under test, eo raanipulag the lu-n-ip with the hand.. . • • • . o where the apottles abode. P an 3r -a P
- If con- somewhat loese touch ef skin and the and may be present at time of birth, cribes the coming ,01" the, voie front what physkal accomPaniments
' d • was this great ,powerL -Y given? There
The Profitable Capon. • -b-e surer a.perture by which the bowel protrude or appear within a few vv-eeks theee,- heaven at, the Transfiguration. in ! • , ,
ed can he felt as an oblong, or ring -1 after. This form of rupture ciansisth' ofthri Used •as the. sym-hol Of °the, ytas a sound of a -mighty wind appeal--
; n to th ' Th ision Of
dustry that helps to boost the yearly from any other swelling. As soon,l; bowel into the scrotuen or bag, to- g
however, as the niinal is allowed to gether with the testacles. Its presence ; d
"tongues lilce -as ofgfire 'PArting asun- This is often.Gotl's vii4y. We are body,
ere again fire 'syrnbolie s -the
ites as of fire:lib:I-M.11g ellegahrt: aPPeerAnWgaSt lithe eye.
as well as spirit, an'd God approaches
There is one part of the poultry in- like oPeaing, thus distinguishing it of the protrusion of a portion of. the divivnel Pcreisc=tett
- be ond that to suit local conditions bet.
the quality of the barley meal might; siciered necessarY, m or er
planation could be g
have been at faulte-and this was not of the Yield, a few strips--frorn 5 ,to
noticeable from an examination of the 10 are recommended-a'each one rod
feed.. -long, may be cut out of chosen rows in
The results from the test were as each plot, The heads obtained from
• plus »cockerels, after selecting those once more' is noticeable by the increased size of 'e man at his cente thr u h the etre
• aivine presence. • . 9 g
der and sweet as that •ef the spring pears at the navel. The size of the; Hernia often disappeare with growth the miracle. Began, to speak with
They were' . .with, the cumference of• his body. The great
'pligI to ave the -Wa of -the Lord
ht and awe the heart of man, are
income. I refer-te capordzing all sure regain its feet, the bowel
' a H
wanted for breeders. protrudes into the sac of slcin arid the! the scrotum. •
lump or tumor -like mass again Treatment-aarldie this form of Hay Git0St. This is the inner result of -
V'. 4. The filed sights and sounds -6f nature, which
The flesh, of a capon remains as
folloevsk ' these strips ine.y then be threshed by
• a hand and the grain weighed. The
g), g4V4.;. weight of grain so obtained from one
4 ,.,,,s oLt plot may be compared with that from
ehicicen. As an expernnent I have; Period 1.- pa a ,
e e -to e - akit e •
" .$ - another ,, as further evidence of the
raised capons from most of the breeds 1 30 days: ••••••cs p, k4 ek aq. 3.-•1 se --E! relative standing of the sorts tested.
in this country with excellent results Yorks, corn...1.07lb. 2.21 lb. 5.56 Ib. It does not take, long to cut the heads
from all; even the small , Leghorns Yorks, barley. .62 lb. 3.09 lb. 8.58 lb. from a strip one rod' long, nor does it
malee nice plump capone, weighing Berke, corn... .93 lb. 2.00 lb. 6.42 lb, take long to -thresh, and for the little
five or six pounds. Berks e barley. .68 lb. 2.38 lb. 4.85 lb.; trouble involved, one is able to deter-
have found just one exception to During this period the hogs on corn', mine what variety is most likely' to
this eaatement, namely, the Black made greater gains, and RISO 1110resi give greatest returns under the con -
rupture varies from that of an egg and development, and May in many , other tongues; languages which they P y
to as large as a good-sized ball. • , \ eases not interfere' with ,the healtia\had not known•before. Fron:k the sub- as -he moves to the, goal of the soul.
There appears to be a ' ' I 5soecimur otf
to the condition in some, the navel! in sometimes causing fatal colics, ow- sonie in another. The
inieglerrdaitsiovieowesesepvookuoldminofhere,tahhat Whence came .this pow ei. . From
• d heaven, like the sound 'of the wind
ring or opening being abnormallY\ing, to the troprisoned-boatel becoming people from and the flash of the game. The up-
predispositinni nevertheless it is a source of danger -
large and the - tissues weak. When this Strangulated. , ..e• • • • , Vqs' on" from ithou ritii-no- -
, . each h aid in his ovgn tongue. , , i . w t, of
all the different parts of the world lift of menkifid dependW-9.n an in -
predisposition is present at the »time The trea.tment el Scrotal Hernia in II. .THE APOSTLES TRANSMIT POWER, Isweeter and stronger than himself. It
a birth and subsequentl-y the bowels. ordinarY, c°Ith consists 'essentially of . acre 2: 37-42. lis not in 111111 to elevate himself by
become distended, or training' takes l 0. surgical operation,- the method usu- V. 37- When that/ heard thiS' TheY 'irom -On high must make 'hire an up -
nulling at his boot -strains A newer
'Minorca. Like all capons, they grew economical gains, than the barley -fed ditions considered.
larger than a cockerel of the same age,
but it seems impossible to fatten them
----and a ce.pon must be fat to bring
top prices. Capons ft -one this same
breed „were simultaneously tried out
on a nearby farm with no better re-
sult, Also, I have .,,ound. by exact
arison. that capons raised on
ea !Di) cd
ev `1
aki •
daYs: ed -8 Ctk `ai
York -s, corn. ..1.14 lb. 2.55 lb. - 5.31 lb.
Yorks, barley,.1.27 lb. 2.461b. 4.36 lb.
'0 lb
farms, evhere the hiras have freei Berke, corn...1.0 i lb. 2.6e . b.
ranch faster than those Berks, barley. '.97 lb. 2.47 lb. 4.12 lb.
- - 11-7"---ag,in small enclosures. They will The results for thee; second aieriod
roak9eaaround very much like turkeys, •showed bsieley• in,a,mueb. more fay:an--
Bald like turkeys, pick most of their able light, the Yorkshire lot on ibis
feed. It is easier to raise capons than feed making greater as well as more
it is to raise turkeys. economical gains. While the Berk -
For best success in the work t of shires on barley made the lowest
capooizing, care must be given the gains, they, however, made the most
cockerels beforehand by shutting them economical gains. At the end of this
in from twenty-four to thirty-six, period it was decided to discontinue
hours without food and water; then 1 the test with the two Berkshire lots
with good light and the hest instruel as these were rapidly developing into
rnents obtainable, the operation is al the type of hog commonly knoWn as
.simple one. \ shop hogs, which. were unsuitable for
When well -fattened and dressed the production of bacon carcasses.
The experimental farms are always
willing to give advice and wheneeer
possible to co-operate in solving local
varietY problems. Do - not hesitate to
write to the nearest Dominiork Ex-
perimental Faim when you need ad-
vice on a variety for your disteict.
(dry picked) capons vrill bring very
close to turkey prices. Around Easter
the are often quoted a few cents
above turkey prices. A_ capon, like a
ckerel is not full-grown until a
• -a' ts
PI A E g
Period 3-- .9, ,a a• B
30 days; `al ktE35 'al) 4
Nlarketing-the Potato Crop.
the wishes of the most pagticular and .• _
exacting customers. He, Should fur- k should first be Vlased on its back, and
nish a choice product in a most at -,the lump o -r tumor' manipulatea With
tractive form and should carelully1 the hand to rettirn the protruding
study the demands of the -market he bowel into -the abdomen.- To prevent
wishes to serve. For- the best prices the bowel from again escaping, a „peel
the potatoes should be uniform, sound, or small cushion is placed over the
smooth and of good table quality, navel opening and retained an 'position
wleether „selected by the pound, the b a trues " :or supporting bandage,
basket, the bushel, the bag, the barrel •
te grower should cater -to
words of ward looking and 'upward climbiroe
place as, in constipation, a loop of thel ally followed being castration by what had been listening to the
bowel is'liable to be forced by the in \ ii known as the covered- oper.ation, Peter. The change that lias come man, • '''
ternal pressure out of the abdominal which should be undertaken only by a (wel Peter is th;hest eviden3c.e.eftthet 14713,cit is this pozver? »The' power of
' intended for work POrPosesk affected encailillteitul de heeed every one in his °evil ";a• new sl3irit or disPCsithm• It is the
the Holy Spirit gives to inatahimself,
reality. of the gi t,of. the Spiyit: ha
navel opening. . 1 ke as wind and fire e -When the
cearity through the dilated ring 'or Veterinark. surgeon. • As 'a rulel. colts
the navel in foals anci calves isnota with this form of rupture, should be tongue , . they' 01., i, amazed, and .1101Y SPirit that quickeneth, enlight-' •
operated. on early in life arid, in moat some said-, "These nien are full of new ' eaeth'' . It IS the ilfe °/'
Seri011a . condition, except when of eoasneesy, ebaerf eorled ,,tha:es a,tnilieniad,hi ains eineEnc.011 ncvueer, tnlea:raed:Itnhishis_gredaetf.ehnocue,i: sT,t,:t„;bere.., haeliduily, tOehiloeadrlehyie.riesvelefr coannetanginiinptoorttiltimg sodeill,hoife
Teeetrient--,As a rule, rupture at
eeees with growth and development while in the case of . foals and yea'-I,,n
ZoldS'eiAPte9Ons all fleesh°' lierillIA 42. It gave point and purpose to the,
32. -The effect, tle'e•power, Aets'2: :17 -
to dsaPPea-r in a large nurneer
cessfed results decrease -with e".ge, fil,ineliet„ 'of the k pearttecy. ,if 3,9el. :ill ••
large size. eThose of Srnall SiZe tend
f the animal. The young, animal lings, the °Pera-tic41 InVarlahlY sues equal bPoldness he' declares Jesus of preaching of Peter. He bad such an
interferenee is warranted onlY when in their heart,' stung withremorse, at
a., preaching and hearing unacconipanied
the hernia is a source of danger to the greatness of their w
health. The best plan in such cases because he is convinced He is no long- lesslY
crucifying Jesus. • Peter is convincing
ickdnes5 by the aid of the lioly Spirit ishop- .
is to allow nature to take its course • •- power but by my spirit saith the
er the fearful disciple who denies his ,
futile. "Not by might, nor by
in the hope that with growth Master. So irk the of tlle Otheria3oro.'
encireling the body, fastened up 'over -wivell°1Pbmeceommt earetdhueceda.11imal the hernia apostles. They are transformed rnen, ! Through the aid of the Holy Spirit,
cessf'11Ik Nazareth to be the Mesiah, whom they -unction of God that his Preaching,
In the case of pure-bred coltS valra blirkeinesS and- dharclnese-eof 15.0.1ted '1Ze heser.,t,Lf thee Pe9Xieete
able for breeding purposes, suegical 'heart had crucified. They 'were pricked -cal'
ereethi-e; ierlea-t a41-111
2 54 lb 3 83 lb.
year old, but at the age of ten months, Yorks, corn... .0 . .
if well -fatted, capons will bring froml Yorks, barley.1.50 lb. 2.63 lb. 3.981b.\
$2 to $4 apiece, according to their size; A comparison of the Yorkshire lots
and where they are marketed. I would! for the total period of ninety days
like to know, what other chieken of l shows the corn -fed Yorkshires to have
that age will equal that, with excep- made an average daily gain of .12 of
tion of the breeders and fancy stock- a pound greater than the barley -,fed
A friend of mine on a farm near Yorkshires, but if the first period of
here, who raises Barred Plymouth 30 days is eliminated as abnormal,
Rocks, tel me that last season there the latter lot shows a slightly gereater
profits, because she sold capons in- dally --and. this lot made the gam with \ fokerths lean and one -four vitation was issued to Any „
and with every fifty had ever‘beea an institute member. Institute's exhibit at the Kingston
was an increase of $60 in her poultry ' daily gain -.03 of a pound per hog
stead of roosters. Any woman can do' the same meal consurription per pound thoroughlY fair, with the hope that they may re -
likewise. of gain and .8 of a pound less slchni pounds of meat mix one pound of salt The Muriqo Institute in 'rlikincleri
orders for Birtillar. layettes and
I must also mention the usefulness milk than the corn -fed lot. and two` ounces of pepper. If sage ia Bay, feeling•that children who had to ceive
their en- so raise inoneY for their community
- les as foster -mothers; theY will ' The ineal ration did not seem to be, cleaired use about three ounces o ., go to the
, ky kistetute made thirty -
city to write on
.beveroa I ' '
r requirements! AnY •otlier seasoning, such as garlic \ trance exaMinatien) frequentlY suffer" work.
' be added to suit the' ed from nervous strain, secured peel
have three quilts "for the fire sufferers „of
th authorities to
h ' - Ontario In addition to
these they bought' nearly $100 worth
of material which they inache up into
clothing for the fire relief. This In-
stituth bought drinking fountains for
the school, assisted ----------. tschool
fair, and built a lcitchen to ther town
hall. ,
, .
They are empowered men. Said iento that day, three thousand souls were
Peter. The multitude interrupt the ad-; added to the church. Oar Lord, though
dress of»Petee in their anxiety. What' an infinitely better preacher, never
shall we do; to, the result of had such success. The reason is not •
...., their great sin against Jesus the Mes- far to seek. The Holy Spirit was able
siah. Their sin is the On against to talce"the things of Christ, especially
light. his death, resurrection and ascension,
V. 38-42. Repent, and be baptized and show them through the enostles
This is the master command of the to the people.
or the car load. The commercial Po-
tato grower should not be confined to
the loeal market, but should: be in a
position th put his potatoes on the best
market available either through his
own efforts or through the medium of
a co-operative a.ssociation. - It some-
times occurs that of the price paid by
c nsufner for a. bushel of potatoes
such as a leather band or canvas girth
For Horne and Cotintry
News from the Ontario Women's Institutes.
ouphaint inspitute supplied tovrels Collin's Bay Institute lies bought
h schools and seeds for the new blinds for the school windows,
had the floors- oiled, and influenced,
the about two-thirds are required to e- 9
school gardens. They provided for an
I -ray the cost of transportation and of winter, and sent
distribution, and one-third is left for Indian familY last
donations to the Children's Shelter
be. Undoubtedly one of the best reme- and the Northern fire , sufferers.
Colphoy's Bay Institute is buying a
the grower. This is not as it should
dies for such a condition of affairs is a community
co-operation on the part of the grow- let and fitting it up as
ers themselves. - PlaYground.
------va---- Murat° inetitute has had a very
Pork sausage should he about three- pleasant "reunion meeting." An in -
rnman who
the School board to make several re-
pairs. This Ingatute does considerable
sewing for the Kingston hospital.
Westbrook Institute has finished
paying for the piano for the commun-
ity hall, and are 110W raising money
to reshingle the roof.
'Westbrook histitute is showing a
samn1 baby's layette in the district
I always was curious to lcnoev, how
the, thermonieter, stood. That usually
meant a trip that, required' lighting a
lantern at' night.- On my, own house
I Selected a north. window and placed
;the thermometer :Where it would not
th-e sun and -where it could be seen,
take care of little chicks as well as; suitable fee
any -hen and do not leave the chicks! of the Berkshires ' 1 t te! or gange
as the heas sometimes do. If the! ea, but apparently was quite suitable, taste aftei' grindmg. 'Mix tne season-imission ro
ehicks when two or three weeks old, for the Yorkshires. The corn -fed ing int,o the meat thoroughly and the children of their school and neigh -
Yorkshires possessed more bloom and eit er stu Int Casings, or Pack in boring rue 1 schoo S tl Y their exam -
were in s ig I better flesh than the ears, cook through and cover wit,h hot, ina i ns at Murillo, ficen la le they
batley-fed lot at the end of the test. \. -- ' h loin may be, sliced and could all be taken- home everY -night..
Both these lots PrOduced hogs etuita.ble fried down the seine asge sausage, O'Connor Institute in Thunder BaY
for the production of bacon carcesses. (tr canned' ' holds a most SuccesSful annual fair,
get either from -the inside or outside
aforie• s
Morning Caller -
,easin and is far,, away to pre_ First Fido came and 'set
is screwed on the edge. of the window .
vent heat from the house affecting it.
Without his ueual ba.rk6
The end of Eric's bed,
, • ..
--E. But with a growl instead
4 "I. never had that meaty bo
'You..prorrase me, he said.
block with a - • • d 3,
asTnbaulielcceht9PitiPilmilgY'bildoea of a IneridY •
like placed \Vhere it is most needed when:,
clb-g6auvtiiihedeeirn: kindlingh e in3eeai b ra,,ne;;;, ';11 NI:ex r Subp.dt, the rabbit, :?;;-ps•
/end -sat by Vido'stside;
• . are given to the capon, the hen Nan_ •trimming betteh theta • head, . • -
begin to lay in a few clays, which.also •haseheen Pruned frem ;the fruit trees.;
-It is, about as easy to 'make RS arly-'
' "I haven't had that cabbage leaf ••
And, sereoe-efully
adds to theyearlyprofits.--T, K. thing yen can Imagine.. OnlY things.. you apeice abeatsehe eaieci•
which is really an all round-agrieul-
aonelud'irig it might be well to at is better to ; show your neighbor; tu'ra3. fair. . This Institu,t,e has Pr!!) -
add that baideenth' slightly less pala,t-f bow to live -than to tell ,111T11. viclecl, the .neighborhood, with a fiae
Bydenh(kin Institute bought -a mOv-
ing.picture machine thie year, and the,
reeded are, the lock, a piece of heavy;
bail and two larget ;
Between the dole,ful the -eel
7ti.:e)losf.0,_rilt. se, b • t Then Fluff,,the kitten, Jumped ell), ton,
build up the frame. Abe looks of sympa ay
And it was sad to see ' d'a•
laitregenous foods are the frame
bitkildee Carbonaceous foods do not
'heck That C e„igh
any iNomen Suffer has buift 'a -$4,060 corninnoity hall 'on. PY9ceeds ike, Tiset,Isan s 51.3.iffcr „
$, 400 !have already more than ha' lf paid' ler I haven't bad a' drop »of. milk
111 able to pdgs than corn, but when fetal unity
in mixtures with other ground feeds ,
this is to a great &tent overcome. It
has the great advantage of being
home-grown, while -the greater part
a the corn which is fed must be im-
ported and the economy. Of feeding
this latter cereal- will depend on the
ma.rket price.
new McIntyre InsatUte in Thunder Bay
gorily 'iron!. For two wholo said she.
the machihe- They gaVe, $1 0 toward •
Untold Agony
xcellent plays and tooceite are given;
th -tavee at the school fele- and a `
V'S.PEP:SIA - The ltartatt ""19'oSii, tbe-
,• • • •
vhich they leave ale•ea y pa,ic • .
From Backache in this hall. by loos.] taler,t, and when,
' knd 'Sat, upon thc-rail,
medal to the pupil tal(ing, the highest - .
Some 'people get a• nastY esui0- ciall;c6'»i'41.P.i.d. ;iri' the' 'sll'Per- '11.1111begr.'-'1.1'6;31';' suffer dyts.pc1,1a,
-voted oy Institute, inepnbeida. Th d ,; ei•icourag sp,orts a,inniiig the b,e.ys
taRe .any 6,ssurance thet to. »"»»» • ,
ff, Serioes injury ratty' have been dime MINE THE BEST VARIETY • bartiaelkes
are eailsed, without' a: pekteentage throtip,bout 'the tel./rt.' This , teal•ns. • • •,,• tad' .r.gast,• r.iet,juieF fecal:eat°, ges•
kt, saying, "Oh, it -will wear away in owing to'the contiaual stooping
Bal--yje,-hlat(isPbaeVe'clic gi11811gtIptilftizels11-to • thuell,tA.yelo. eieritIng' kold the rneMbers, Blood i!,,t,,,,ferF3 regulath the
And to ,describe Nv at o:iy sal
Wontien are. tile greatest, su ere a
f the Janiot hecicey' and iaseha ach stiinialate secite ,a -a e , 0 .d • ,
ifnegrnif4J1-tlidailri;heuseleold duties, d them). pupils iti,each reorn talting highest,: 0
** - 1,7V 11 r S CO'
oid and don't pay mucli attention to front weak, lame an e g
to the .respire,toryt organs by the pro;
TO GR''..rdWs " bv eome 'derangement Of the veal: r-edali are to be given eS' the tl.bc' Institute' Etilto'h hcaeh has'. tien, remove' ecialitY, auk- When this -r?,,ut anyhow, btd dooe
I o troubled. •witai:, gas on my .
the a ebott time,''
but -while it may wear
OW CAN THE FARMER DE'T11,,ht fting so necessary tcoper•
Lag Y.°1•1 like Poet gaVe' :
'1 • - for if there Were net setae prizes, Thi8 Institute arrantred a most, cLoo o'c he public , library and is, aa curl eat anyth
On' the first signt.of, cield. or
to grow 1-n disttict, or pi e -v ince lei heeleaeleittg,, suffering women,
51 ou iaric - estab)islied it in» ,little cement - jail w.1th°11t anY., bat•ga•ei'er effects' And sta'rtecl ey
t a bottln, of Dr. Vfood,s Nor- ,raivable advice with reg.ard, to ailong' ,$1,-(1 well. „
. Doer's -ICianey Pills will give per- , , „ „ , „ , Hatoh • • -• ago• ' • , In agony ,supreree.
twenty.fourtli of May. They p,,,=;0 cote. for which there is no feeilier need in
trieutek, tree te ex tee. n e ans • .00mo LlVenail a A
C "tlqo'cl lo‘q,ztute gives pk•izcs to very- serious attack of dyepepsia, and , 'die" "'en "e gazen
Mrs C, 'Stone Nanticoke Ont
• It must have been a drew-
ent Canada may ;le relied upon to succes ,
loagody haish, Taelci°K.eoughiu.g:' Tha E.)cperirnental anns throug ao beck eveeeld be. • -I "C'hiniren's Day" or e •
• -
lea neys, ;
' school children foit 'regillar 3itteildarice tt- s „
10 eT lo bus1 Scyntoztr .13„,tetuta preseo ec ,a;
d d behavior stonlaell. :scald- har•-•(14Y eat any IAIth07 't•or ,,Ver e '
bOttSehOla talltieS a plea:411re
of pictures to the' seborlis.•an gthing, and very often hail paene atter ae. y .e
• . , • •
vakar rine Syrkiloan.31 sae h.' Ocl prorni$ing varietY of -gral" feet yelled' and, conefort to s wea toief.
cong ge
' P frew Instltate" li.StriCi.. ni6a15. . I ia osed • d•-igl. event; mech.-, He sprang out of hes bed, ;
do - ' 'Aild , dressed himeelf at.• presto eneed
Wood '$ et or-rga-Y .•-•I'ine ,FiY'111.) '''''vrr3r.•• forknation reeearding 1- e .u, I,,o ., , 1. ,be f ton j p•, in , , i cii,e,in,,n; at p co 6,, I
o...1.1.r...trocu4btloe, -\1'15-,:ialcodull'sn'aP5,Pe;br:,,,-ii Brook, vvhTichhe, adigstiryiecut;airnm. clasn?dcao.,telido,wever,, minft,sktee
a. dieo.,7 a, 6,'",rdie,as.lifferp,a.oni,uTIlItiThcteiL.wanis. tritch,r,ir c,otTununity. hail', i for the il anc :. '.' ' r ro 0011 esdte'..' oti:ine: : fuet :I:Q.:0 : 7: see: i(ola is:C:iii , Tribiesn:elt7hriatdlleal8:-''31::::lefed8Pted; - ' '
s ' ''''' "We have aged Dr. that oray general ln.-.. jM-L8' 13 7137rai:e5:6:' ,,Cc:ntv \ b ) , ,•,,,• i'alt,:th,ttluii'ts:tsll'itotewedftlIt'tni:sts11:,:ilibint,ihpaaspeairls,iidn.e.treal:0.chnsest•-ltintgatplooPlilt181°I;sguare ecriie.eitifol'l tioto,,n,,Y,9tic'eabc;natii-ra;,-A-IctteallifausBts.itinaghg,;i13str,claaole(,tae, Bruit', land ere,;•,t, b,e,,,11,1iva_ei„..,,,,iiillitid
l'1.,,.,Hite3.--- . are. SC) ituniense • h - 'tability of 1:4'.1-..r \vriteF4'..--- h. ek pla ki(ineys. regt voo.n.'' ln . .
ei 1, , South ken
., 1 y e,,,t erin.ile„Indtaisi'-'1.claerme,,a I it, ifeile-o ItnallftnitdIn' ,,etinv,°e-unr'ec. 4 . ..,. f ' ,, , ' ,;.,,."1;1; telso ,:ilt'•etetAls-, eplfe;3e1 le e fa. III v: ' a ' baef'' "II. cal:t's' "c•ciante's .'8d•ri' d(a-nire,itsle:e'l:!le'tni:11--,q:-'1,- ' 1;:' "; ' le et' I aetnt-ki6rre8aa° I P°4tin'-ut)d.- :- ' -(3'11 r I; °°L -Al l''' 1 j'en
''''''-ul ''Q :1 ';:e. : es'acarYr;s::671-tlai'isCatt;I:1;'' ''''''''111 abl'111; :eYceat1:11;.i'eeactriYac:1(11::(Ittlat.111:4;ni?v7e 6:1-(leetril: � .611.. ved f,e,lir 1.)o;3'stall' °11t:ii,11:11:1:,',11(11::ant:rv.,°Q i, l,Ub.,11, '.i 4 11:1-1711;tht)" scc7.t.' °I.ltillle 1P11111::t 111.1111' 11'rOitt35:11Cliel 1:111N11:°141;11:0Wr ell:entlib61deYanlia)t'51°C•IterW,erra,e' ; ' ' inillt- 1.11 ----?7,S e 0 il n'i: ---n.e--e.d ,
a siiig
liar,',le,.bes :tvise ',an, '75': ,e:'," ' ' ' il "a ' el b ail :P. ,, ho,1 1,p; j,.!afranii.,1ecir, lia2.... tind.a aef tett ttry Doan's Ki6"°.Y' t ills' .,A. ?0'°'`. I-11,0, ni,,,..011.1001,.);,,,t; ;1;e the, prizes io tba Prss,1 ent a -- - •
! ' ' d" -af-1 1 whieh °ale, taose neYnditions Most sat- The , J Ulu. ., , worth of booles to the libeary. tennis an
i,derfut Inc lc/ . maajc(''(..1 e' reegyt, of: f)Troieroeng!)07 a.a.e.:2i•eitie this Y„ear added ;1.20 13,),n )00 . p 11 l'ali1111311f;t1ed,,,0;, 04,4o'y.' I go' when -the:deltic stitike.s ten:
• p,,B • • tura). he ti'giris with, the eotirage to. tel
Nr•-•ik e )
teLsP•firsiair/lnlOSt at It; ,1),e,eoines iyni)erat;ive that lie aom, r , fan fair. ,;)el
thuS•P• 3:0 hob It all ° nt" ' ' ' b k ii94titzticHul,Orgonl
ho ' tost Mader his. 0 W11 (
; • co Limited
but -11 0.1., Li tnited, e6 tfa Oot. fle L0 Y• Ont.
C3Ost,k pet ito only le,e The
' d bowling club.
lrekatee,e- ,