The Exeter Times, 1923-11-22, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES '#'..xryn^ �W Yet YpR'in)"b;• Your Opportunity to Buy New Coat At Your Own Price Although this has been a most successful Coat season for us, we find that some of the best garments are still on our racks and we, have decided that if price will sell thein, they must be sold. This is your opportunity to buy this season's best Coats at a re- markable saving. The only reason is that we deed the money for Christmas merchandise coining in to stock. $37.50 and $35.00 COAT'S FOR $31.50 These are Fur -Collared Coats in the new Bolivia Cloth -some of them in the ,one -side effect and others in the looser fitting full belted styles. Fuer Cuffsand beautiful linings. are features of theseexclusive garments. $30.00 and $27.50 GOATS FOR $2260 Warm Fur -Collared and Self -trimmed Coats in one -side styles and in Lull fitting belted "styles. Coats of. which you might well be proud at an unusually low ,price. $23.50 and $20.00 COATS FOR $13.60 Popular Burberry style Coats in heavy, ?laid-back. Do not fudge these Coats by others you -nla.y ..ha`se seen as they are abso- lutely superior garm,ents'and,the price 'is away'.below their value. WARY CAS]MERETTE HOSE 35c. An exceptional opportunity to buy warm stockings' at a low price, Black,' Brown and Fawn in sizes from 8 Ye to'1'0. These are First (,Quality Hose and are warm, good looking servie<able Stockings. JBuy all you can use at 35e or 3 pair for $1.00. SILK AND WOOL STOCKINGS $1.1.5 PURE WOOL SPORT HOSE' 15c, WASHABLE CUFF GLOVES 98c. LADIES' $1.25 VESTS FOR. 75c. Everyone of the above is a guaranteed bargain on seasonable articles' —conte and take advantage of the saving we offer You. 'UNDERWEAR, COATS, SUITS, Men! GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU' BUY SOX, SWEATERS, SWEATER -COATS, OVER - RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS, WINTER -CAPS, SHIRTS OR MITTS Grocery prices COMFORT, GOLD, P & G.AND 'SUNLIGHT SOAP 7c bar or 3 for 20c ODD WHITE CUPS 10es1: ACH or 6 FOR 55c Christie's Soda Biscuits, Fresh and Crisp .,... ...15c Ib" LUX . ... 11e. QUALITY OATMEAL 6 lbs 25e RAISIl'7S 3xfi lbs. for 500„ 8-15c BOXES MATCHES '37c - LEMONS ...... . 2 FOR, 05c MIXED COOKIES ....19c Ib ROYAL YEAST CAKES 5c pkg SALADA TEA 65c PER lb. BEST BULK COCOA 15c Ib. SHREDDED WHEAT 12c PKG OUR BEST BULK TEA 65c .lb J. A. Stewart Market retrort-'the following le the report ,of.. the ,Exeter Market corrected, every Weduesciay. Wheat 95c Oats 45c Barley 55c , Manitoba Flour 83.55; Pastry Flour $3.05 Model o+lour $3.40 Feed Flour $1,90 Bran $1.50 Shorts $1.60 Creamery Butter 43c Dairy butter_35e New Laid Eggs 70c Held eggs 45e Lard, 17 to 20e. Flogs $7,75 MAVEN PIiESI3YTEltAN CHURCH. Rev. James Foote, I3,A., 1<ticiistev" 0 za.zn__Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.----St. Andrew St, Andrew Day Service, 3I30; NOV1± M BI:4 ; HIII.10)10101100410.0.101.011,1110400.00110101011111010111 I•irl1II•II1IIi(11IIIIIIIIIIIiIIglillllllllillllllllllllllli 111 S"O O',.1. °1 k'F QN;LO 1114 7 p.m. ---"The Weapons of Our War- E fare." _... Boy, Scouts Meet Friday .evening. . LOCAL Mrs. T. S. Woods is visiting M De - troit. Mr. Clifford MeAvoy is confined to his home with illness. Mrs. J. jarrott ie visiting 'with her daughter, Mrs. Jones. in Londen, Mr. Wes. Dearing is. in Toronto this week attending the fat stock show. W'AB1ES STREET lf11ETHODISST CHURCH RRev.., .W, E. Donnelly, I3: A., Pastor! 10.7.5, a.m,--Morning Class, 11 a.nz.---lelarzaing Worship Subject,--- t"Fireproof Faith" 3 P,zn.---Sunday School and Bibi Classes. 7 p.in.—The Faith of Gladstone. EVERYBODY' WELCOME wren Greta H. Laminies A.T.C.M. CONCERT 'VIOLINIST " Teacher of Piano atel Violin ' Terms very moderate Box 58, Exeter,. Phone 113W a This Season we are showing' some ,snappy " Models. for -Young Mel as well. as the snore Staple styles for older, Men. Our We want you to see these. prices too are vei•y,'reasonabl en's an Mr. Jas. Price has reburied home after spending the summer in the Mr, 'Luther Penhale is ill at the home of leis parents sUffering from quinsy. Mr. andelefrs. J. Lawson spent Sun- day with. gra. Lawson's sister, ,Mrs. Keys at 'Parkhill. Mrs. F. Glass, of London, visited her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Atkinson in town this week. week with her sister Mrs. Wm. J. Nichols at StrathroY. eMr. and Mrs. Roland Sqniree are visiting with' cousins and friends in Windsor and Detroit. Rev. T. T. George, of Parkhill, ie under the doctor's care and his con- dition is quite serious. Mr. Oran Winer left on Monday niorn.ing for St. Thomas where he long 33" wide, suitable for cellar or has secured a position. 'store -room Mr. Jas. Airth, who has been visit- Large Columbia Grapitophone cab- inet, mahogany, 25 doable records, mahogany and 100 records, cost OR SALE FORD TOURING, '.good ,Top and Tires, good Engine, cheap .for cash. COAL HEATER with oven, in best shape. First $1,5 takes it. 2 GLASS SIIOW CASES ---Cheap. Maim In., the' hest 'mayes—y_enntants,Turnbull',!S.. t nfield's. •• We carry a stock,of e.,well-knowil brands, in Women's '110:71'13. We have ii".specia,1 in Ladies' Vests ••aniall?' reneterS' at- per garment.' 75c, HALL RACK--clierry, bevelled pla.te mirror. , GAS ENGINE—Stickney Perfect condition, Cheap. ke ONTARIO GRAIN GRINDER --10 inch, geod condition. .RANGE—Coal or wood;' Heater, SEWING MACHINE ---White„ Rot- ary, new, half price. ° SQUARE PLANO—Excellent shape, good tone, splendid practice piano. $15 Buys a 2 -Burner, Blue Flame Oil stove, nearly nevi. Oven $2.00., ' -Strong Double Deck Table 8 ft. ing in Toronto, return.ed home the latter pare of last week. Mr. John Parsons; who ie renovat- ing his house, ha4-raised it. and is putting it on a foundation: the week -end with. their daughter, Mrs. Whiting, near Parkhill. Mr. A. E. Kuhn who has been con- fine'd to his home for, several weeks, is very much improved in health.' '46"1411111!--111.111-"- mr. Hy. McArthur, accountant at thee ‘Panadian Bank of 'Commerce, is on eieeteleee,e±,eli,s,lionie in London. There Will' be a he-ell:per meeting in F. M. Boyle's barber shop-T-enesday evening. Those interested will ileane rill Ilt6 DOdiCI3 dad rttugrai Direfitor WHEN'YOIT BUY FURNITURE HERE, OUR AIM IS TO GIVE au' thi.VIC3E° AND SATISFACTION, AND A pRICE THAT SUITS YOIL WE STAND PREPARED TO .CATER TO EVERY HOME'S FURNITURE WANT, HOWEVER LARaE, HOWEVER SMALL.., LATEST DESIGN, LARGEST STOCK, BETTER SERVICE., PAIR PRICES. THE HOME FURNISHER.. r. Ea Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY A.TTENDED T6 DA3Y AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night caIl 74W drliNoAti AI, TEE TIME IS AT HAND TO BUY CHRISTIVIAS GIFTS ' iew inutes spent viewing ne Our Store win be profitable o yo Besides real values, we give you Cash Receipts with every ,;purcliase of 5c and over. These are redeemable in 55 lots at 5%, The Bank pays 3% on your Savings We pay you 5% oh yo,12,r Spend- gs, ton -everything except musica/ geOds.) 'ASK FOR RECEIPT, COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. P()WELL'S BAZAAR. Phone 55 tdin. and well located as to Mar- Pricd right, IN,13PlY to Thos. Well centrally, located. Apply' STRAYED—Onto the premises of C. Pyle., Usborne, about Nov. 10th, a young Yorkshire 'Sow. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Onr VVesterir Wheat: Floor will Try it. HARVEY BROS. -LOST-4 Spring Calves, finder will be rewarded by reeurning saine o WM, Turnbull, Dashwood. WANTED—Seconclehand Suits and OVercoats for men, and boys over 8 years. Apply to Box 57 Times FOR SALEor RENT --Comfortable House, Centrally Situated. Apply to Frank Delbridge. WANTED: KEEPER AND MATRON Man and .wifp to take charge of the 'Huron County Homeeenear Clinton, Applicafeens, - personal preferred; 'to beeneade' red the' undersigned by No application necessaielyeaccept- John Torrance, Inspector, Huron CountY ESTRAY STEER:. ' two-yeareold steer with horns, 'Kind- ly sexed information, lo Sillery„ NoTrop The harber, of Exeter haye agreed' to the following prices: Hair cut 25e; Children under 12 years, 20c, exeepb on Saturday When 'it will he 25c; shave 15c, including neck shave. .A.. Hodgert M. Mitchell ELLIOTT en,) SOHN'S Meroftant Tailors .A,s we are just starting :the give to the Public a bargliin,, and this is .w3)e,t the Bareain is going to be. We lieve a piece of 13lue Serge, gua,ranteed all Wool, Fast color, Never fade, indigo dye. This suit le regular 540.00, and for Tvvo noLtArts wo are gozng to give you an' extra. Pair 6£ Pants of the same Cloth, But this Bargain is limited, 5ix Suits in all will be seld et thi ' Price. SO DON'T DIILA.Y. Columbia table model, 20 recorda, snap for $25.00. Range, Home Comfort, good order. $20 takes it. Gass Engine, air cooled,' 1 H.P. in gOod order, cheap. Small Base Bnriiir he good shape. Gas h. nzine, 2 II.P. in good run- ning order.'Cheap. s Those' who have investigated our HAVE YOU ANYTHING 'TO SELL? prices and the quality of oulegoods Information re above articles, at 1?O‘VELL'S BAZAAR, Eecter, Ont. MEMO MONO IMMINO IMMO A pair of good Rubbers adds greatly to the life of any 'shoe. pay to let your feet.... wetax.a� weather ... _ .. net < Miner Rubbers; Dominion Long Rubber Boots sell at $5.00. and „These celebrated Dresses are now made in Children's sizes. We have a shipment in Misses and Ladies' sizes in a fine variety of shades and • 411.0.0.1,-!!poompoonnpooTpimmpimpitoimpomppilluoloolljnimippippiwippokw7- The Best Placeto Buy Youi- is at • Good progress is being Made on Mr. C. B. Snell's new house on Ane St, The plaeterers, are' finishing. up their -work. "Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Southcott and Mr. and Mrs. Goedon Southeott and family, of London, call,ed on ,eriends in. Exeter. on Sunday. t have concluded that this- is the best, Place to' buy as we keep ,an date steek. C()NDUCTOR OF FUNERAL SER- VICES • Phone Bis. '20* eHeuse 20J. 111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111/1 CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS Limited SELL WE SATISFY , Seedless ROLLED OAT,S cHoicE 2 lbs. 25c boxes- 3 COOIrINge FIGS bars Less than 7c, a bar Ce Dominion' Baking Grap Fruit large &juie-Y Powder 19c.tin 3 for 29c, SPECIAL RICHMELLO TEA ENGLISH TEA '..roclhuriter' Speeial Tod hunter's Select offee 39c. lb 'Coffee 55c. lb :Mqin SP' 10 • lb PAIL 52.07 Exeter Ont. Pi • vercoats'aud Suits or Men and 'Youths 'YOUTH'S OvERCOATS, WORTH $25.00.FOR $20.00 MEN'S' OVERCOATS 'ATORTH $2-5.00' FOR $26,00 OVERCOAtrS Worax $35.00 FOR $25.00 'MEN'S OVERCOATS 'WORTH $45.,00 ,ene),Rxe'35.00 11.1EN'S SUITS WORTH $30rCrO-POR $20.90 comBINATIoN AND TWO-PIECE UNDERWEAR FOR TIIE, • COOL WEATHER. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED'AN EARLY SI-IIPMENT OF CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR. SOMETHING vERy rn..Fry. MU.FFL RS, GLOVES, SOCKS SWEATERS, HATS AND CAPS EVERYTI-IING FOR ,THE DRESSY YOUNG MAN. • N a J'e. John War Has removed to -Main St. Exeter. Ise utheet Y.M.d.A. PHONE 70 41 office, Carling Block, Main St. Exetet SURGEON Graduate of' the Royal College f Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Un versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mille tary District Number, One, London, Ont., CA.RLING B.A. Veteterinry Surgeon attention. Phone 26w ANDY EASI'ON neensed Auctioneer foe'the CO tin - sty of !furore. Coerespoudence arrange- ruents for etiles can be suede by call- ing tip the Central Hotel, Exeter. , gitaranteede FOR SALE--lised Trracter, in good condition, J3argapi for quick sale. ,Apply to (3ochrtne"'Machirte Works.' Main OlEce, Main a„.3 Exeter, Ont. Phone 34, Exeter; I-Iours 9.00 a.rit Grgttnist and Choirmaster ,T.• St. :Methodist Teacher of piano; -vac, The- , tbe We haye a, limited snoply.Z1 good, ord ,Wood for ,sale.' C S TIRE AT Ea ton