The Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-08-29, Page 18Page 2—Crtlssro ds—Aug. 29, 1984 Shirley Whittington Staking the wild berry ism art in itself It's blueberry time around here, and thoughts of Maria Chapdelairie are never far behind. Louis Hemon's sturdy sunburned heroine found romance in the lueberry patches of r-rbonca in Quebec's St. .d 's Lake country. Some day, a Canadian composer will make an opera out of that. Frankly, romance is the last thing I think about when I •am picking blueberries. I think about snakesAv, lot. I only met a real live rattling rattlesnake once in my life, and it was in blueberry country. Sometimes I think even more macabre thoughts in the berry patch. All those bizarre berry patch newspaper headlines start flashing before my mind's eye, You know what I mean: "Headless torso discovered by berry pickers," or "Berry picker mauled by clack bear". Or "Berry pickers disappear into abandoned mine shaft." These things never seemed to occur to Maria Chap- delaine, but I guess when you're in love even a mosquito -infested blueberry patch becomes a garden of enchantment. In spite of the lurking wildlife, the dangers of hidden groundhog holes, and patches of poison ivy, I find myself irrestisibly drawn to berry patches of all kinds. The mere rattle of a berry pail brings out some kind of hidden urge to gather wild food. I would rather spend an hour in the bush harvesting a cup full of wild frqit, than drive to the supermarket to buy a nice, ripe, plastic - covered quart ot,,same. There's no question that the supermarket berries are easier to get, and in the end, cheaper. But where's the thrill of falling over rocks and stumps and wild grape vines? Who would want to miss the mingled, scents of OFF and wilettspberries and good honest summer sweat? When you dri ie to the wild berry patch, it's easy to remember where you park. The supermarket is another story. Our local parking lot is so big I leave a trail of bread crumbs between the car and the store. It's the only way I can be sure of getting the groceries into the back seat before all the frozen stuff melts. The dangers and delights of berry picking begin for me in' June with wild strawberries. Tiny, fragrant and sweet, they grow in a meadow near our cabin. An hour of picking results in perhaps a half -cup of the luscious little gems. Smashed around in some yogurt or dribbled over a •.• • • • • • • • • • • S. • • • • • • • • • • • e, 0 • o o'erem Edirov e e e e e e e e e e e o• e••••••••••• •''• • RR 1, St. Clements, Ontario, NOB 2M0 The Editor Crossroads Dear Editor, Ruth Tatham's dismissal of "A Midsummer Night's Dream"as "pure fluff" is, to put it bluntly, appalling. The play's deeper implications seem to have eluded her entirely. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is a sophisticated, adult comedy about love and courtship, role-playing and the arbitrariness of sexual choice. It contrasts two op- posing, realms of human ex- perience: the urban, day- light world off Athens, with its rigid social order, and the dark forest of eroticism, in- toxication and blind desire,, This is a play about politics (both social and sexual), class (as Ms. Tatham's paean to the "ordinary peo- ple" dimly suggests), ritual (the lovers' absurd mating games, the closing festivi- ties) and anarchy (in Puck's subversive pranks, or the unwitting satire of the "rude mechanicals"). And ulti- mately, it' is about drama itself ; the complex parody of the play -within -a -play reson- ates outward, through, Puck's final speech, to the universal comedy enacted beyond the walls of the thea- tre. This is not some quaint, Renaissance version of "The Love Boat": One has only to examine the text, with its richness of allusion — from Theseus's courtly metaphors to the locker -room double entendres of Bottom — to recognize that Shakes- peare's sphere of reference extends far beyond an en- chanted forest in fairyland. If this were a mere "fluff of a play", it would not continue to fascinate audiences, per- fermers and critics alike af- ter nearly four centuries of analysis and reinterpreta- tion. As a reviewer, Ms. Tatham is entitled to her opinions about"cute Shakes- pearean quotes" and the be- gonia beds of Stratford — but it is disheartening to`'think that a public already disin- clined to appreciate Shakes- peare (thanks to the inade- quancy of most school Eng- lish programs) should be further impoverished by the, publication of her narrow and ill-informed point of view. I can .only hope that most readers have the -in- sight and curiosity to discov- er the play's greatness for themselves. Sincerely, Douglas Dolan BOOK REVIEW THE BERENSTAINS' BABY BOOK. By Stan and Jan Berenstain. Pocket Books; New York. (In Canada: PaperJacks Ltd., Markham, Ont. $4.95.) 208 pp. Paper. Reviewed by PERCY MADDUX "The Berenstains' Baby Book" is a book in text and drawn pictures calculated to amuse parents of offspring and discourage others from having any. It describes the life of a child from birth to age four, how he gets into all kinds of predicaments, is unpredict- able, watches television, and if by that time he hasn't driven his parents crazy, there's something the matter with them. crossroads Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle and entertainment section in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance. Times, The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun. Members of the Canadian Community NewaTaper Association, Ontario Community Newspaper Association, and the Ontario Press Council. Controlled distri- bution in Aries, Arthur, Drayton, Harriston, Moorefield, Palmerston, Bloom- ingdale, Breslau, Conestogo, Elmira, Heidelberg, Linwood, Maryhill, St Clements, St. Jacobs, Wallenstein, Wellesley and West Montrose. Display and Classified advertising deadline — 5.00 p m Thursday week prior to publication date Advertising and Production Accounting and Billing The Listowel Banner The Wingham Advance -Times 188 Wallace Ave N Josephine St , P O. Box '97, P 0 Box 390, Listowel, Ont Wingham, Ont N4W 3H2 NOG 2W0 The Listowel Banner 291-1660 The Wingham Advance -Times 3572320 The Mount Forest Confederate 323.1 550 The Milverton Sun 595-8921 scoop of ice cream, those Ferries bring tears of pure pleasure to the eye of the gastronome. For serious pursuits like jam and frozen daquiri: making, we rely on local pick -your -own strawberry farms. I always considered myself a remarkably , ef- ficient and -"heat stipwberry picker but this year I was subjected to a good deal of derision when somebody noticed my habit of pulling the stems out of the strawberries as I picked. I happen to know that the vice- principal of our high school picks his strawberries this way but that didn't cut any ice with the local experts. They told me . I'd never be able to make my living picking strawberries, not until I learned to leave the stems on. You never get this kind of criticism in wild berry patches, and perhaps that's another reason why I prefer to pick in the bush, snakes and all. When the strawberries are finished I wait for the wild raspberries. My favorite patch is on a hill and this has caused more than one misadventure. It's a challenge to climb through sharp clawed raspberry bushes to the top of the hill where the best fruit grows: it's a royal drag to see the freshly filled berry pail careening down the hill, scattering the harvest - enroute. The blueberries come on the heels of the raspberries. Blueberries are hard to find, backbreakingly hard to pick, and hard to amass in any quantity since they're so small. This year's blueberry hunt involved a three-day boat trip with generous friends, a harrowing voyage through a rock -studded channel and a final rescue from a pine -clad island by an intrepid boater and a friendly dog. The final excuse for a fruitful expedition to the bush is the wild grape which grows' in abundance on a sunny hillside beside an abandoned railway line. They are a frustrating fruit. The vines thrive best in dense poison ivy patches. The grapes are 90 per cent stone and so puckeringly tart they bring tears to, the eye. 'But I have made jelly with them and some day I'll lay down a cellar of wild grape wine. Right now I'm nibbling on the dusky blueberries from that rocky island. They remind me of the sweet smell of the pine needles and the sound of the Georgian Bay waves whacking against the shore and the fun of three days with good friends. The blueberries remind me too, of Maria Chap- delaine and her creator, Louis Hemon. He died, I'm told, when he collided with a train whilst walking along the railway tracks near Chapleau Ontario. It doesn't say, but I bet he was out looking for a wild berry patch at the time. wwrUNC r4I$ �O, cP�ISELL TOp844, 6 WHAT YOU WANT Nr - WHERE YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT AUCTION SALE Sept. 8 11 a.m. Sharp For MERLYN RICE. RR 4, Mount Forest, Lot 26, Conc. 4, Normanby Twp. Sale to consist of Farm Equipment, Household Items, Firearms & etc. Some consignments. Watch for a full listing in Sept. 5th paper. GOLDEN CALL AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneer: WAYNE NELSON Holstein 334-3645 MERLYN RICE 323-1208 AUCTION SALE. Of Car, Appliances, Furniture, Antiques, Dishes & Misc. Items for MRS. LYLA MARTIN 270 Elm Ave. N., Listowel Sale to be held in the Kurtzville Community Centre located 6 miles northwest of Listowel Wed. Evening Sept. 5 6:00 p.m. APPLIANCES: Westinghouse frost -free refrigerator (white, good); Simplicity spin-dry washer; Inglis stack electric dryer (110 volt); Electrohome wringer washer (older); small electrical appliances. FURNITURE: French Prov. 4 cushion chester- field and chair (cinnamon brown); French Prov. cnffee table; oak dining room suite consists of ext. table with leaves, 5 chairs and arm chair, china cabinet, buffet; Rodgers Majestic radio - record console stereo; bronze kitchen table with 3 chairs; chrome kitchen stool; TV tables; 2 occ: arm chairs; variety of tables, dresser and floor lamps; card table; 2 smoker stands; Electrohome humidifier; Royal vacuum cleaner and attach.; Bissell carpet sweeper; Arrow por- table . sewing machine; Admiral 26" console color TV; hall table; electric wall clock; chrome drop-leaf table and 3 chairs; Fitton -Parker 3 piece bedroom suite consists of double dresser, chest of,drawers, double bed, comb. wardrobe chest of drawers; some bedding; pic- tures; wall mirrors; 3 drawer hall chest; steel bed. ANTIQUES: Westinghouse cabinet radio (work- ing); ped. fern stand; buggy lantern; child's wooden rocker; round top trunk; wash table; school desk; wooden arm chair; end table; coal -oil lamp; 4' piece toilet set; Forestville mantel clock (working); 3 gun shot cream cans; violin and bow and case. DISHES: Variety of everyday dishes, some good pieces; pots and pans; crocks. CAR: 1979 Mercury 2 door Monarch, power steering, power brakes, 99,000 km., selling certified. - MISC.: 5 h.p. Atiens riding 26" lawn mower; new 2 or 4 wheel baggage cart; cheque writer; 6,000 BTU air cond. unit; electric heaters; 18" Sunbeam electric lawn mower; garden wheel barrow; garden tools; lawn chairs; fishing tackle; wooden step ladder; car roof racks; snow scoop; electric jig saw; 1/4" electric drill; hand carpenter tools; misc. items. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale day. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss of property sale day. Auctioneer: BOB GILMORE 485 Victoria Ave. S. Listowel Phone 291-3489 AUCTION SALE Of Appliances, Furniture, Antiques, Dishes & Misc. Items for MINNIE JOHNSON. 500 Cavan St.,. Palmerston Sale will be held at Residence on Sat., Sept. 8 12;00 Noon APPLIANCES: Tappan 30" electric stove; 2 door refrigerator; Viscount 15 cu. ft. chest freezer; McClary auto. washer; Inglis electric clothes dryer; dehumidifier; Electrohome humidifier; small electrical appliances. • -FURNITURE: Bronze kitchen suite with table and 6 chairs; 4 cushion chesterfield and chair (brown), Philips radio -record cabinet stereo; corner cupboard with bottom door and 3 open shelves; chrome kitchen table and 6 chairs; oc- casional arm chair; book and magazine table; brown vinyl Lazy -Boy chair; brown vinyl swivel rocker; double bed; wooden writing desk; Solid State portable B&W TV;,_ estinghouse floor model radio; small table; lamps; pole lamp; platform rocker; studio couch; utility table; dou- ble bed with matching dresser; cont. single bed; 3/4 size steel bed with good springs and mattress; Kirby upright vacuum and attach.; odd chairs;, pictures and frames; Deilcraft din- ing room table, 4 chairs, buffet and hutch. ANTIQUES: Wooden rocking chair with wicker - woven seat; wooden rocking chair; 4 wood chairs; wash stand with towel bar; bake cup- board, bottom; 2 trunks; dresser *Rh mirror; Singer treadle sewing machine; toilet set pieces; coal -oil Tamp; mantel clock. DISHES: Variety of everyday dishes, some good dishes including partial set of Limoges, mostly plates, platter and bowl; dep. glass; glass; silver pieces; crocks and jars. MISC. ITEMS: Sausage gringer; kerosene heater; patio wooden table with umbrella and chairs; alum. step ladder; wooden step ladder; wheel barrow (steel wheel); Shop -Mate hedge trimmer; electric lawn mower; fert. spreader; bird bath; snow scoop; plants cold frame; plus misc. garden tools. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale day. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss of property sale day. Auctioneer: BOB GILMORE 485 Victoria Ave. S. Listowel Phone 291-3489 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Machinery and Hog Equipment at the Farm of GORDON FREY Lot 2, Conc. 6, Peel Twp.,, 4 miles southeast of Drayton Wed., Sept. 5 10:30 a.m. FARM: Approx. 200 acres with approx. 175 acres workable, mostly tile drained every 40 feet with approx. 25 acres mixed bush. BUILDINGS: New hog barn 32,x 116, hog barn 40 x 80, bank barn 56 x 110 with 2 storey ad- dition 52 x 45, 2 slab silos 20 x 70 and 16 x 60 with Butler unloaders, bunk feeder and con- veyor, barn capacity and feeding facilities for 150 sow farrow to finish operation plus stable room for 125 fat steers, large cement yard, modern hog set up with feed bins, farrowing units, dry stalls and fattening pens, liquid manure system, frame implement shed, 20 x 90, modern 8 room frame house with aluminum siding, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large kitchen and dining room, attached garage, oil furnace, new drilled well, 6 inch casing, central metering hydro services. Corn crop lot No. 1 - 20 acres, Lot No. 2 - 75 acres, Lot No. 3 - 9 acres mostly No. 3851 Pioneer corn will be sold by the acre. TERMS: On the farm down payment $20,000 cash or certified cheque day of sale, balance on closing in 30 days with right to harvest the corn. First mortgage of approx. $140,000 at 11 per cent interest to March 1988 is available to qualifying buyer. The farm sells subject to a very reasonable reserve bid as owners are anx- ious to sell. Tile drain loans will be assumed by the buyer. FARM MACHINERY: 1066 Int. tractor fully equipped with dual remotes, radio, heater, tur- bo, 20.8 x 38 tires, 18.4 x 38 duals sell separate; Int. 674 tractor with 1850 quick tach loader; Massey Harris 55 gas tractor; Int. 815 hydrostatic combine, cab, 4 row narrow corn head, grain header, pair new deep lug combine tires; 655 M.F. hydrostatic swather; 22 ft. 3 pth. Kongskilde cultivator with rolling harrows; 3 piece sprocket tooth land packer; Lilliston 4 row corn scuffler; Husky manure pump; Ver- satile 55 ft. 8 in. grain auger; Eastern self unloading wagon and gear, Dion self unloading wagon and gear, 3 gravity. wagons; Gehl PTO 3 ton mix mill, 5 furrow 16 in. bottom J.D. plow; Geo. White bale elevator, large 3 pth. bale fork; acetelyne torch set; Lincoln welder; handy 1000 power washer new; quantity of cedar posts; railway ties; and steel posts; 2 generators; Mixmatic meter mill with 71/2 h.p. motor; blower air locked feed system with 5 h.p. motor; hog feeders; rotary feeders with precast bottoms; feed carts and misc. pile of - scrap; 1976 Ford pickup, sells as is. TERMS: Cash or cheque day of sale. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Any announcements or changes or cor- rections given verbally day of sale. ORDER OF SAFE: Wagon load, offering farm at approx. 11:30 a.m. and then machinery. For further information or to view the farm contact: FLOYD SCHIECK Drayton 638-2267 or LEONARD MARTIN RR 2, Bluevale 887-9222 Auctioneer: CARSON'S AUCTION SERVICE DAVID CARSON RR 3, Listowel 519-2914049 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Antiques, Tools and Misc. Items to be held at Part Lot 31, Conc. 1'4, Logan Township, 11/2 miles south of Monkton and 33/4 miles west. Sailing the contents of the Estate of MAX STEWART To be held on Sat., Sept.1 12:30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Double bed; mirror; clothes hamper; tape recorder; Christmas decorations; suitcases; Viscount refrigerator, harvest gold; cot; picture frames; electric heater; two vacuum cleaners; Zenith 19" color TV; projector screens; charcoal hood range; chesterfield and chair; (amps; card tables; crocks of all sizes; Speed Queen deep freeze; pots; pans; dishes; knick knacks; bedding; linens; and misc. items. ANTIQUES: 6 piece bedroom suite by Malcolm, good; beds; chairs; wicker baskets; Westinghouse radio; press back rocker; butter press; chandeliers; oil painting stand and sup- plies; wicker rocker; press back shelving; railroad trunk; wooden clothes dryer; ash tray stands; 2 wicker chairs; flower tables; cigar boxes; newspaper rack; round table; round oak table; oak buffet; wringer; grind stone; stair rail- ing; glass milk quarts by Stacey Bros.; cutter; and many more misc. items. MISC. ITEMS: Fertilizer spreader; milk cans; wheel barrow; lawn roller; Coleman stove apd cooler; doors and door jams, like new; electric motor; step ladder; crosscut saws; battery charger; set of snap on sockets; Black & Decker sander; Black & Decker skil saw; drills; saws; cattle clippers; and a host of hand tools. TERMS: Cash or cheques with proper iden- tification. 7% sales tax in effect. Proprietor or auctioneer not responsiblefor accidents "on day of sale. Any announcements or corrections given verbally on day of sale. NOTE: This is a very interesting auction with a host of misc. articles, plan to attend. Auctioneer: JOHN NICHOLSON Milverton, Ont. 595-8596 5 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Shop Tools, Office Equipment, Parts & . Farm Equipment for STOLTZ SALES & SERVICE Main St., Milverton on Sat., Sept. 8.. 11:30 a.m. SHOP EQUIPMENT: M&W P400 dynamometer w/new pump; Owatonna tool hydraulic flo-rater; Hein -Werner 12 ton press; Emerson electric welder; I.H. 255 power washer; Fox Valldy voltmeter;, battery charger; battery tester; Kwikrimp hydraulic hose connector; CP '/2" im- pact wrench; set of impact sockets; injector tester; Atlas air compressor; 1. ton chain hoist; oil caddy pump; 3/4" drive socket set; bolt cut- ters; mechanic's creeper; tool chest; assorted - files; punches and bars; air hose and Quik - Couplers; riveting tool; acetylene cart & gauges; calcium tank and pump; rad pressure tester; drill press; 4" and 5" vise; 1 ton floor crane; bench grinder and buffer; bench lights; trouble lights; fire extinguisher; threaded rod; ladders; garden hose; assorted bolts; washers; grease guns; assorted shbbvels; brooms; jacks; ladders, etc. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Electric typewriter; Visa record inventory systems billing machine; calculators; cheque writer; punch clock and card rack; filing cabinets; safe; assorted peg boards and hooks; wooden desks; chairs; stand up desk; assorted tables, etc.; assorted shelving; wooden and metal parts bins; assorted parts and service manuals. FARM EQUIPMENT ETC.: I.H. 574 tractor w/Dunham-Lehr loader, 1600 hrs. and ex- cellent; A.C. 7000 w/cab and 1800 hrs.; Thomas skid steer loader, 18.4 x 38 tires for duals. TILLAGE: I.H. 12.5' VS cultivator; Glencoe 18.5 cultivator w/buster bars; A.C. 18.5 cultivator w/hydraulic wings; Hydrien 4 x 16 3 pt. plow, very good; J.D. 12' wheel disc; /Kewanee 10' disc; Kongskilde 10' S -tine `cultivator; Brillion 12' double packer. PLANTING & HARVESTING: Lockwood 450 4 row puller and windrower; I.H. 510 18 x 7 drill w/grass seed; J.D. FBB 17 x 7 drill; I.H. M.F. 16 x 7 drill w/grass seed, very good; M.F. 26A 15 x 7 ,drill w/grass seed; I.H. 455 4 row planter; J.D. 494A planter - 4 row w/insec- ticides; 2 I.H. Eastern 13 x 7 drills; N.H. 67 baler; I.H. 56 forage blower, very good; N.H. 28 blower; I.H. 2 row head for 550 harvester; Gehl 84 forage harvester w/2 heads; Gehl 1 row corn head; Fox 3 beater forage rack on J.D. wagon; Schultz PTO spreader. ASSORTED GOODS: Covering discs for 4 row, 56 planter; fenders for I.H. 74 & 84 series; Cadet 55 riding mower; S -tine shanks; draw bolts; hydraulic cylinders and hoses; toys; chain and hook rack; literature rack. TERMS: 7% sales tax in effect on some items. Advertised list subject to additions or deletions due to daily business. Corrections given verbal- ly day of sale. All goods and equipment selling without reserve. Stoltz Bros. are closing the Milverton location. Lunch booth on grounds. A good offering. Plan now to attend. Proprietors: STOLTZ SALES & SERVICE Milverton 595-8531 Listowel 595-2151 Auctioneer: DON REA Listowel 291-2600 1