The Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-08-29, Page 5a
Tenants' ,•+7.
BuSinoss ,
327 Josephine St.
WE4H $ lll" TYS1110B
afety supe$ are important .
en the lob and athome, says
the lndustrii Aeeident Pre-
veftiaQ,n A.asQclation. So if
Y91.08 doing a tough Pb
arpund the house or ,yard,
such as mowing the lawn or
shovelling snoW, be sure to
wear your safety shoes.
Check to be sure you wear
safety shoes for tough jobs at
work, at home, or at the cot-
On Septi 4th Vote
More Jobs
Equality For Women
Fair Tax System
Adequate Pensions
Peace and Nuclear Disarmament
Authorized by Fran McQuall, Official Agent for Valerie Bolton
Continued from Page 1
•Even though the,, John
Deere grader is so newhet
More expensive, Mr ett
said.'he i>I• eonninced .cvuneil
is getting better -value -dr its
money. •
"We all understand about
the deficit," he said adding
he is not w favor of deficit
financing. But the grader
purchase will not be the only
thing adding to a roads
deficit this year as several
construction projects also
went over budget.
As far as the old grader is
concerned, Mr.: Scott said he
feels it is more economical
,for council to keep the Wabco
for snowplowing this winter.
It cost the township $16,000 to
hire a third grader and an
operator last winter, so Mr.
Scott said he thinks some of
that money could be saved if
the township had a third
machine of its own on stand-
However if the Ministry of
• Transportation and Com-
munications - instructs
council to get rid of the old
grader, Mr. Scott said he
would go along with the
order. But he wants to see it
in writing first or have the
MTC officials attend a
Mr. Morrison said he feels
it is time for the township to
make a change to John
council is 011t ove
Deer, because he is tired of
fleeing repair bilis to
hampion (for the 1902
grader) in the road aceo
The-.1,984 Champion grader
has a new and untried engine
in it, he added, and the town-
ship road •employees -did not
want another Champion
As for the deficit, Mr.
Morrison said it will only
mean a carry-over of last
year's deficit of $16,000 "as
far as 1'can see" and doesn't
think it will be as dire as Mr.
McBurney and Mr. Fortune
make it out to be.
Like Mr. Scott, he said he
thinks keeping the old grader
could cut down on winter
maintenance costs for the
When contacted, Mrs.
Wright said she does not
profess to know a lot about
graders, but she believed
Mr. Scott when he said he
feels the John Deere
machine is the best buy for
Mrs. Wright said she does
not like going into debt to
purchase the grader, but
pointed out if there is a
deficit this year it will be
partly due to the carryover
from 1983 and other over -
expenditures in this year's
road budget, not just the
grader purchase.
Earlier this year when
council applied for sup-
plementary subsidy on the
gender fro;n the i iiniastr3, of
Transportation and COM,
munications, she .said; and
even when council '' ad-
vertised for tenders, that )'
was the time money con-
cerns should have beep aired. ,.
and not after the fact.
Mr. Fortune, who did not
attend last Tuesday's
meeting, said later the
reason financing was not an
issue earlier was that council
did not know by how much
this year's road projects had
been overspent. Mr. Fortune
said he is not in favor of
buying a new grader this
He would have been in
favor of the township fixing
up the old grader and trying
to make it do for at least
another year.
In a telephone interview ,,
late last week, Mr. Mc-
Burney stated his opposition
to the grader purchase. He
said he does not feel the
township can afford a new
grader this year, even with
the $53,500 in supplementary
subsidy offered by the MTC.
The reeve also said he is
opposed to keeping the old
grader because he feels
Turnberry is not a large
enough municipality to
warrant three graders.
As far as winter snow-
plowing is concerned, he
said, the township spent
The Wipghalm Advance-Tlrnes, Aug 29, 14--•P08e 5
$16,000 last year for a third
Marcaine, tq p!ow. its roads.
This year, if cpundll has to
hire a mala, biay the fuel and
pay for the upkeep on the
grader, .he does not feel it
will . save any money by
savings a third grader on
Mr. McBurney said since
1985 is an election year he is
concerned about saddling a
new council with a deficit,
which means 'this council
will have to clean up its
deficit next year, possibly by
cutting back on. services to
its ratepayers.
Turnberry may have
received subsidy on the
grader this year, but getting
additional subsidy in 1985
when council must pay the
second installment on the
new machine is still a• big
"if", he added.,
Shower held -for
Peggy Schnelder
FORDWIC# -- A.'miScei
laneous shower was hold last
Thursday evening in the
community hall for Peggy
Schneider, who will be mar-
ried next month.
Mrs. Jack Mann and Mrs.
Leo Ruttan conducted
contests and Mrs. Ron
Livermore gave a reading
which gave the bride-to-be
lots of tips ,on keeping her
husband happy.
Miss Schneider, assisted
by her sister Laurie and
Mary Lou Rowley, opened
her many gifts and then
thanked everyone.
Lunch was served by the
hostess, Mrs. Mann, as well
as Mrs. Ted Ilaasen, Mrs.
John Sturgeon, Rene
Sturgeon, Mrs. Bruce
Kennedy and Mrs. Ruttan.
Day Centre News
By Rita Rice
The Day Centre is
preparing its fall programs.
Saturday, Sept. 29, will be
the semi-annual flea market
at the Armouries. Anyone
interested in renting a table
should contact the centre at
357-1440 or 357-1445.
Approximately 60 people,
the majority seniors, at-
tended an all -candidates
meeting at the centre last
Tuesday. Thanks to all who
helped to make the afternoon
a success. Seniors who need
a ride to the polls on election
day are invited to call the
campaign headquarters of
their favorite party.
Because of the polling
station in the Armouries,
there will be no programs at
the centre next Tuesday.
Regular Tuesday par-
ticipants will come to the
Wednesday and Thursday
sessions. Staff will be at
Hanover for a meeting that
day and the office will be
Twenty people from the
Huron Day Centre at Clinton
vtrere ;our.gnes , . la' t Ttkgrs#
'raj' anti' stayed RA- a
program which included the
Abbott and Costello movie
"Buck Privates". The
program was organized by
Nima Patel.
Nima, a summer em-
ployee, will be leaving this
week. She will be missed
very much, as she has been
involved in many aspects of
the centre's programs and
administration, including
putting ' together a news-
y� I N 11
Regular ,72's
Extra Absorbency 60's
`Super Absorbency 54's
Toddler 48's
Toddler Plus 40's
Seniors from the com-
munity are invited to par-
ticipate in the exercise
programs Tuesday, Wed-
nesday and Thursday
mornings at about 11:20. The •
exercises are conducted to
music, with some new tapes
now available.
This Tuesday MPP
Murray Elston was our guest
speaker, addressing the
seniors on services and
areas of conte in this
riding. ,On rsday the
seniors will be attending
"Country Hearts" at Blyth.
Tickets are all sold, but
anyone interested in joining
the group could call that
morning to check if there has
been a cancellation.
Foot clinics are scheduled
as follows: Tues., Sept. 18, 1-
3 p.m.; Wed., Sept. 26, 1-3
p.m. and Thurs., Oct. 4, 10-12
Bob Marchant, a
rehabilitation teacher with
the CNIB, will be visiting the
centre at 1 p.m. on Sept. 13.
Eugene Todd, coordinator
of the Ontario regional
senior games, will be
speaking here Sept. 19 to
explain the senior games,
Representatives from area
seniors' clubs are' invited to
attend and take the in-
formation back to their
Used articles are being
collected for the flea market.
Articles may be dropped off
or call the centre to, have
them picked up.
We thank Nima for her
contribution to the centre
this summer and wish her a
good year at Western, where
she is entering second -year
biochemistry. She will apply
to medical school this fall,
with plans to specialize in
geriatric medicine.
Redgrave .._�
A family picnic was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs&
„ )`toss Ani leison and ,Sheila'on
Sunday afternoon August 26.
Those attending were Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd' Anderson,.
Chris and. Ian,,Mr. and Mrs.
Brian Shaw and Mr. and
Mrs.. Geoff Vigliante; all of
London. Mr. and Mrs. Les
Shaw, and Pamela of Bel -
grave, Brian Deitner of
Brussels, Richard Anderson
of Goderich, Ann Catherine
'Jean of Hamilton, Mr. and"
Mrs. Rob Roy of Lakefield
and Mr. and Mrs. Rick Ball
and Matthew of Hanover.
Little Matthew Ball stayed
for a few days holidays with
his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Anderson. '
Mrs. Mae Campbell and
Mrs. Sam Scott of Seaforth,
Mrs. Art Alexander of
Brucefield and Mrs. Marg-
aret Thompson of Sheffield,
England visited recently
with their cousin, Mrs. Vic-
tor Youngblut.
Friends and neighbors of
this community extend sym-
pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Johnston and family on the
death of her mother, Mrs.
Arnelia Brown, who passed
away Monday, August 20.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Schreiber of Milton and Mrs.
George Black of Campbell-
ville visited over the week-
end with Mrs: Sara Ander-
Mrs. Brian Nuhn and son
Jordan of Egmondville visit-
ed on Sunday with her aunt,
Mrs. Victor Youngblut.
rcomp mac, coeso maw cmcm cam.. es= C... esco es... ca. tan.
_ Insurance - All types. Home, business, auto, farm, life.
WINGHAM 357-2636 GORRIE 335 3525
(Next to Zehrs) 357-1243
Thurs., Aug. 30 to Wed., Sept. 5
Thurs., Band Concert, Riverside Park by
Aug. 30 the Swimming Pool. Bring a lawn
chair. 7:30 p.m.
Sun., 50th Wedding Anniversary, Open
Sept. 2 House for Mr. & Mrs. Jim Smith,
at Brussels United Church, 2-5 p.m.
Tues., Wingham Town Council Meeting,
Sept. 4 Council Chamber 7 p.m.
Wed., Turnberry Township Council
Sept. 5 Meeting, Municipal Office, Blue-
. vale, 7:30 p.m.
Great Family Entertainment
241 Josephine St,, Wingham
Phone 357.3373
terearm =are emem <man c...5 eacees e2emx, tat., CM. 1.19:4S CM. 0.1j