The Exeter Times, 1923-11-15, Page 8PHONE 16 For Service P11ONE 16 For Service me In and See OurDisplayof New i in ler Sets A new shipment of Dinner Sets has just arrived, so that we eau. now offer a choice between 15distinctive patterns. Every one4s a full 97 piece set and the new prices are from $25.00 up. Make der, 'ain to see the new Brittainy set in Yellow and 731ack., also our speee sal White and Gold sets. We specialize in guaranteed porcelain sets with real ohina cups and saucers. :Christi as China and Glassware Make an opportunity to visit our. China department and some of. your gift problems should be easily solved in advance. We will lay away any article you may choose until you are ready for it. Ladies' Fur -Collared Coats $22.50 These are the new Coats that are being sold, all over the country and in the city at from $25.00 to $30.00, our price is $22.50, These. 'Fur -Collared Coats ar'e"rade in the new one -side -effect with just enough trimming to give them a smart' appearance. We also in- clude at this price Fur -Collared and Burberry style coats, in the full belted styles suitable for any figure. Our Burberry style Coats, are all nzacle of the heavy cloth with fancy back and are real value at ' $18,50 and $22.5,,0. Silk and lSt.c�ius 1.1. tire Wool Sport Hose .,75c. Washable Cuff Gloves 98c.. ° 9 .•i 1 -5 for 75c. Ladies' es ®2 fists t� Everyone of the above is a guaranteed bargain on seasonable articles. -come and taIc'e advantage of the saving we offer you. Warm Cashmerette Hose 35c. An exceptional opportunity to buy 'warm stockings at a low price, Black, Brown and Fawn in sizes from SW " to 10. These are First Quality Hose and are warm, good"looking servieable Stockings.. Buy all you can use at 35c or 3 pair for $1.00. Men! Men! Men! Come to this store for your Overcoat, Suit, Underwear, Sox, Sweater Coat, Shdes,..Rubbers and Rubber Boots.. You will find a large stock here and our prices are right. Do not buy an Overcoat until you have seen the Barrie Cloth Ulster. Grocery Prices COMFORT, GOLD, P & G AND SUNLIGHT SOAP 7e bar or 3 for 20c ODD WHITE.' CUPS 10e'EACH or 6 FOR 55c STRONG CLEAR WATER GLASSES 3 FOR 25a ROYAL YEAST CAKES 5c pkg QUALITY OATMEAL 6 lbs 25c 3 PKGS AMMONIA FOR 25c 3-15c BOXES MATCHES 37c - 7 BARS CASTILE SOAP 25e HEST BULK COCOA 15c M. 3: PALMOLIVE SOAP for 24c `SHREDDED WHEAT 12c PKG GRAPE -NUTS' 17c -0IiR BEST BULK TEA 65c lb SALADA. TEA 65c PER lb_ STRONG LIGHT BROOMS 49c Stewarj M x ' .1230.2m 1 F�IPo�tuPe DealeP aoull6r1 3 DI.r6tor WHEN YOU BUY FURNITURE HERE, OUR AIM IS TO GIVE` YOU SERVICE AND SATISFACTION, AND A PRICE THAT SUITS''" YOU WE STAND PREPARED TOCATERTO EVERY HOME'S FURNITURE WANT, HOWEVER LARGE, HOWEVER SMALL. LATEST DESIGN, LARGEST STOCK, BETTER SERVICE,. FAIR PRICES. THE HOME 'FURNISHER. N Coriductar of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA ROUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W N. ; *Iwo&:<.,amr,tiaftao,,,k'5mny, .4skaW: