The Exeter Times, 1923-11-15, Page 7-7717 Newsy Notes of Ontario Scout ng. _Field Secretary Earle H. Davison of Ontario Headquarters has been loaned to the Manitoba Council for eix weeps to reorganise Scout field work in Manitoba,.. He carries with him' to this work the heartiest good wishes of all Ontario's Scouts and Scout workers, Rodney C. Wood, Dominion Camp Chief, is hack in Canada again after, a busy summer at Gillwell Park, the Imperial . Scout Leaders' . Training School in England. He is already ' busy with winter` courses for Scout ,Leadors. These are now being or- ganized at Ottawa, Hamilton, : Wind- sor; Lo:ndou, Stratford: and Brantford and two or three other cities will pos- sibly. be added to this list later. • ?The Trail;" the monthly paper pub- lished for Scout workers in Ontario, has grown up into an eight -page monthly publication for Scout leaders throughout Canada,- ,It, isseow known e Scout Leader and 'the first isin"'its new, and enlarged form is that ° of Nayeamber. Mr. Frank E. L. Coombs of Doniinion,Headquarters le its ,editor, The 13th annual meeting of the .moo Provincial Council for Ontario, the Manufactured actured by Iamperial Tobacco CompallY of Canada Limited Provincial Scout Leaders' Conference assiatrafflamaammaamsaassassaassesissaisim and the Ontario: Gillwell Re -union will • be held in Brantford during the week of. February. 9th, 1924. The Brant County Association is already work-, ing out ,unique features for these events and big attendances are antici- pated. Fire by *lction Records, Fire by friction is given consider- able attention by our Scout friends across the border, The present U.S. record is held by Scout Dudley Smith ,of .Independence, Missouri, who got bis fire ,in 9 1;5 seconds. The span increasing - --we of life is increasing v<e SC fat no 'serious attempts have live -longer thaiwe used to:do accord- -- beerreassAkde by` Canadian Scouts to ing to given figures i g g n by the New York establish a Canadian , record. The: Medical Journal covering the past best so far reported,, and properly at- tweirfy years: tested, was made by Patrol Leader In 1900 the average exectanc of P Y Cyril Heard of the 1st Whitby Troop. human life was 49.2 years; in 1910 it ALUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Baird of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer queetkesa t i Petblies H it tors through this column. Address been at Silas 15Tasas% eissedfale Crescent. Toronto. In -,competition at the recent Whitby was 51.5; and in 1920 it was 54.3, a Scoutcraft exhibition he secured his gain of over five years in twenty. flame in 43 seconds, Calcuation will show. continues ` the If your troop, has not taken up Eric- statistician, that if t is rat e is main in tamed unaltered,anaverage expect - tion fire be suretoPut: it into your programme for this winter. First, of con so master ' itcurse f. A 7 l n article On the subject will be found in the First -Class Scout's Book: For friction fire competitions' or official speed, tests the following rules. have been laid down: Apparatus made by Scout from : natural - Canadian ma eato terials. Tinder natural itiaterial,. with y -- alxc+ esee-d hereletes wood powder e�'< from previous .attempts; , chemicals, shavings (other' than made by -compe- titor with his 'own knife immediately: prior to test), ;pencil sharpenings paper, cloth, cotton, string or rope. "Warming -up" as not allowed, "' but using a notch which has been pre- viously used is perinissable. Time, to be taken front' the moment 'the Scout makes the first draw of the bow and ends when flame bursts from tinder. The bow and drill may be in position before the word "Go!" The time should be judged by a stop watch. and' attested" by three valuable witnesses. • -Who'll be first to beat Cyril I-feard's forty-three :seconds?. Cloth From Trees. In tropical Africa grows a tree the bank of which serves the natives a of purposes. It is used for making bark cloth, although the intro- duction ofcotton cloth will eventually destroy the industry. In the making of the cloth the tree Is stripped to a height o about' ten feet. This bark strippingcan be done at twelvemonth intervals, the third or fourth bark making the finest cloth. The inner bark is used for the cloth, and strips;' from four :to eight feet ill length are beaten with a mallet to the ancy of seventy years will be attained. in 1982,.or within two generations, as at present estimated." 'Comenting editorially , on these figures, the Canada Lancet say$ it is a common remark that our length of days is increasing perceptibly. Middle age . recalls that in its; youth a man had his walking stick;•and a woman her, cap, andboth had their footstool, at fifty., Seventy years "was .treated - with veneration, as one who had reached the Beulah Land and lived listening, only 'fora call from across fore being introduced, he was warned that be mast refrain front Colitrovert- CAUS �I ACKACIIES int; any of the Emperor's stateruents. The f<aiser made enquiries as to the �-- habits of white boars In the region of Dvery muscle in the ,body needs a the south Pole. bupply of rich, reit blood in proportion "There are:no white 'bears there, to^the 'work its does. Tho niuseles oG year Majesty," said Shaikletozi, the back are under a heavy strain and "No white bears" exclaimed the 1?ave but little rest, When the blood Kaiser, regarding the explorer with a is thin they lack nourishment and withering glance, "Why not?" rebel. The result is a sensation or On the evening ofCoronation Day, pain in these muscles. Princess Mary was met on the stairs 14lany people are ifrighteued. into at Buckingham Palace by one of the believing khat backaches are due to 'gentlemen' in attendance, who remark- kidney trouble, but tho best xnedica11. ed: "Well, :little laxly, so it's till oyez'." authorities agree t11at backache 15 The Princess went stratiight,to her very seld'om dueto klileney trouble. In another and protested, "]ale ought not fact not niers tlran one baokaehe in a to speck to'nie'like that, I am a Prin lzlzndred has anything to do with the kidneys, Tho whole trouble is due to said the: Queen, "you are thin er impure blood, and those who Prtncoss now, 1 hope by anri by' yup are troubled with 'pains in rife back or may be a lady. Y'ori may go and. tell •.lolns' eitller frequent or occasional, t said so." should look to the condition of tyle The Three F's. blood, .it will be found inmost eases that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills by build- ing up the blood and feeding the starv- ed nerves and muscles will banish the The three F's In the, transfer of pains and; make you feel better in disease are flies; d and A every other way, I-Iow much better knowledge of tlxe food F's isfingers, just' as it is to try Dr, Wiivams' Pink Pills important as the old curriculum of for your blood than to give way to un- the throe R"s. reasonable alarm about your kidneys.. Flies—The common house fly breeds If you really suspect your kidneys in filth and carries on its legs thous any doctor can matte a test in ten sands of disease germs. The fly lights minutes, that will set your fears at on the baby and leaven the germs. It rest, or tell you the worst. gets into milk and: poisons it. All dealers in medicine sell Dr. Wil- Food—Food handled by unclean 'hams' Pink Pills, or you can get them hands; food exposed to dirt and flies, by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. becomes contaminated and may plant Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, the germs of disease directly in the Ont, human system: Fingers -The fingers collect germs and dirt from stair . rails, from car straps, from shoes, rubbers, from or- dinary objects in eveyday use. And the fingers are constantly making trips to the mouth. —GUARD B {.1 INST the river. To -day seventy is in his office• doing a full day's work, white she—well, she never • even reaches seventy. Eighty years stands to -day where seventy stood a quarter century ago. Now someone wonders whether "the days ,of'our years- are three score and ten" was meant to be taken liter- ally or only in a "Pickwickian" sense. Serious thought,, however, paints tis a picture—a rosy picture of the fu- ture. When child hygiene and the care of mothersevery- where is practiced ever where throughout'the country, when defectsi n i- the a. a early physical 3 n sr-- xe righted, when all foci of infection are removed before they damage the sys- tem permanently, when communicable diseases are obliterated or controlled, when -cancer, tubereulosis and . ven- ereal diseases are conquered and arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries prevented, when people live iir the,way they slolild live as regards diet, exercise and the avoidance of excesses of all kinds, who shall say what the span of life shall really . be? The Diary of a British Journalist One 'of, the funniest stories told by Sir Henry Lucy in "The Diary of ,a Journalist," Is that concerning, _Mr. Lloyd George and his chauffeur. It was night, and Mr. Lloyd George -was returning home through the country. Th e chauffeur was ordered to light the lamps. ,ids the: -process took some time, Mr. Lloyd- George got out of the car and went' round to the badk to, see if all was right with the rear .lamp. :Ai. the. same moment the' chauffeur, conclud- ing that his passenger ; was inside, started off _ at full speed and the car disappeared in the distance. Mistaken for a Lunatic.; Mr. Lloyd. George set off to walk home, and, presently, reaching the county lunatic asylum, he sought the aid of the authorities for a lift, The porter shook his head, and pre- tliickness of heavy brown -paper. It is pared to close the door. "But," said 'then sun-dried, when it takes on a the wayfarer, am the Chancellor of terra-cotta shade. Holes and' flaws the Lxchequer. are patched, and the cloth is made up "Yes, yes," said the porter, gruffly, into sheets about eight :'feet: square., we e got six of em inside. You'll Strips of fibre from the dry stem are go out the gate, turn to the left, and used as thread and the work of stitch- you'll get home before:morning." ing is always undertakenby men. dere are some more stories told by Lark cloth is also used s d for making; Sir Henry: water baskets. For this purpose the A doctor in Bristol was engaged by tree, is ringed in.two ,places four to the war :ofCice.'during, .the war to ex• five feet'apart,-a slit being made he, amine the condition of a 'wounded tween the rings and the whole ,sheet man sent home front the Front, and removed intact. '° The .incurved sides ,report upon the possibilities of his be - ere lcelit apart by -skewers, the ends ing again fit for military service, He being dotibled.ui and sewn at the cor- replied that having had an arm am,pu- ners`s,nd the cross.ends sewn to their, tated:theman an ''was permanently "in- ' nearest skewer, capacitated. Back canto the searching in " addition, the bark is used' far official- inquiry: "Ilow do you know door hinges,, drinking vessels, grain. Private' --- has only one arni?". drums, cradles; beehives, nets, game "Sir," replied the medical pian, "I traps, '• blankets, fishing lines, rope, counted it!" coaly and thread.' One day at luncheon at the home of Prince Bismarck; the Princess' went Ostriches in. the Zoo obtain all the up to her husband and deftly 'adjusted conversed. He once, Sir Henry was told, flatly 'contradicted Queen Vic- toria.: He attended one of the Queen's re- ceptions, and was • presented to Her Majesty, who had heard something' of his propensity. "I hear, Admiral, you contradict everyone .who- speaks to you," said the Queen. "Your Majesty y is misinformed," re- plied the Admiral, gruffly. "I do noth- ing of, the sort." A Postcard Comedy. An 'American, lady, whose husband was a millionaire, saw a vase for sale in London Priced $7,500. Slie wrote to her ..husband in Chicago, giving a glowing account of, the treasure and asking him to telegraph if he were prepared.to pay so much. Badk carne the reply, "No price too high." Jubilantly repairing to the auction room, she became the proud possessor of the vase. It was afterwards she learned that what her husband had telegraphed -was, "No; price"too high" Lord , Harcourt once showed Sir henry a postcard which had reached him and which read: "Many thanks for your note with eacicsurei, Sir Ed- ward's message sent to me at Mem hers' Mansions was duly forwarded. We shall he up on Wednesday at noon and will lunch in the study. Ask Lang l at stores to give you a tender steak (narrow cut, such. as I choose),' and boil some rice for one o'clock lunch." inquiry brought a quite reasonablei explanation. Interrupted When half- way through the missive. the lady, of ter a brief interval, returnedto her desk and, being under the impression that she had started a postcard ,con- taining instructions: for the cook, con- , tinned the message on the card ad- dressed and duly delivered to the be- wildered viscount. The signature 'wase that•of Sir Henry's wife, At a garden party Sir Henry once nent-Mr. William Lowther, father of the ex -Speaker of the Heuse of Com- mons (Lord Ullswater), just'after the on had beconie: Speaker. Sir Henry thirst -quenching material they wanthis necktie; which had got almost an- a from a diet of clover, chaff, lettuce,' der his right ear. ' asked if the new Speaker was at the masse, cabbage, bones, and stones.' "Jeer fifty years," said Bismarck "1" party, "No;" was .the reply; "he has gone to pla,y,cricket" "Well," was the rejoinder,. , j Ido o ethe ball al won't z t a� ptitch the Spea1.-, is eye." Princess Mary Rebuked.. Sir.EI•nest Shackleton was once pie - They are icor supplied, with drinking have been battling with my necktie, ♦ua The bow will never renew, in In its ter, place, but always turns' round and A heti°cT ivhicli' '11 ' wx hold 3L5 000 h °t the side." ' . in a eertaln club an eldA dini•alivaz Was recently comnlotod'in Ger°ma ; c Y I • even o ie same s o gallons the largest one in the world pointed ont to 94r IIenry Lucy as a i Wh • net Itel'iri an income man wl o had an extraoidinar Habit 5 me fencer, Y ,around the 'Petri ofyour deelres?' d ofcontradicting anyone with whom lie s stated to the ex-Italser' at Berlin. Be i Y To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and bowels working regularly. Itis a recognized fact that where the stom- ach and bowels are in good order that colds Will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that he will thrive and be happy and good- natured. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. II! � c 1 11 "tN 9 f \� i l Puzzled. Bug—"I wonder whatkind of a hedge that is, anyway." • Curious Form alni of Door. Oneof the oldest forms of human inventions is the door swinging on hinges at one side. Some weaving in- sects, such as trap-door spiders, e1n- pley a similar device. But nothing,is too old or too'good'-to; escape the ef- forts at improvement. A Belgian, Joseph Heuri Dierick, invented a door of a new type, consisting of two tri- angular parts, which close together on a diagonal line, running from one lower corner to the' opposite corner. The two parts, or leaves, are pivoted in such a manner that when opened they swing, into partitions in the ceil- ing, leaving an entirely unobstructed passage. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. ,A Gull at Rest. A lone hied on agagged rock Looks outward to the sea, His wings are old desires at rest, His eyes are dreams to be. He does not sing; he has no song Whose youth too reckless flew From wave to wave; he never learned The songs, that land birds knew. A. wanderer he -like those of earth Who shun the ties of home He followed long dor windy ways White ribbon roads of foam. And in his dreaming eyes Is proof Ile chose the better part; But sometimes under folded wings Lost songs pull` at his heart. -E len F.'azee-B iwer. Recompense. You are my songs come true That I sang unbelieving;, You are my hopes made new. That' I tarnished with grieving. More than the losses of love With which love denied me; More than the shadows aflove With which love belied me, Is tire reward of: Lisle. Jesse That now love has given: All of the earth of love,. And love's high heaven! HELEN HOYT. No Wonder They Yawn. There are several living specimens 1n., zoos of the "tenrec,"the hedgehog of Madagascar. It is said that stuffed specimens in museums rgive no ade- quate idea of these very curious crea- tures. Their resemblaisce to hedgehogs rests only upon their possession of a spiny covering. The shape of their bodies resembles that of an inflated globe fish, They are insectiverous and are: de- clared to be restricted to the island of Mad^gascar. The specimens, seen in this country are remarkable for. their habit of yawning, MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout' Canada. MRS. IIALI?Ii' SMITH, Mrs.' ,alph Smith, inenib er of the l3 I ttsh Columbia Legislature, who tVent. to Great Britain at the beginning of :August at tyre request et the Do- nilnion Government, toencourage' emigration from the British . isles, to Canada, returns on 'the Canadian Pacific S.S. Nionficalmr EAS Y,'" RICK N. t'4l The Ridden Number Ask a friend to think of a number and warn nun, if be is not a skilled mathematician, not to make it too large, Ask `him to square tate num, ber-that is -multiply it by itself. Ask him to subtract one from the number he thought ofand to square. the remainder. Next he is to subtract the smaller square from the greater and to tell you the remainder. immediately you will tell him the number thought of It is an excellent number trick because the number he gives you seems to have no easily discoverable relation to the number thought of. The relations is there, however— when you know where to look for it. To discover the number thought • of, divide,, the remainder into two parts, as nearly equal as possible. The larger part will be the number thought of. (Clip this oat (zed paste it, with other of the series,in a scrapbook.) Ask for Minard's and take no other. We Need Wood. Sonne people (Including not a few of those going into the wilds) seem to think that the forests of Canada exist wholly for the pulp and paper manufacturer. The truth is that, de- spite the use of steel and cement in construction and in a great many other ways, the consumption of wood has not been lessened, tut has rather '- been increased. Forestry authorities contend` that there is no likelihood that the Canadian people will ever be able to do without wood. -Wood enters into everything. City . dweller and fanner alike :require it for innumer- able purposes. Hence, in aiding the. preservation of the forests, the Cana- dian, wherever situated, 3s doing some- thing for himself, as well as for his Heart The ltivisibi0 oar ;dram itivetiteci b,y^ '- A. 0, Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside the cur en- tirely out 01 sight,rla reatoring ilia hearing of hundreds of people In flow York city. Mr. I,eians'rd ibvrntecl (his dram to relieve liiniself of deafness' and head noises, and it doers this ate.� successfully that rip one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness 1s caused by catarrh or by perforated or wholly clestroyid natural drums; A request '`for ' iuforftatioli. to A. O. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth 'avenue, New Fork city, Will ' be given a prompt reply, advt 11! I1 .r,li(Ii(( 0, . A CHAMPION JUMPER. Ist Bug; Who won the High ,jump- ing contest? 2ncl. Bug: Why til& grasshopper, of course! The best educated pian is he who knows what is to the point. -Sir Henry Hadew. ° Ci>atha u Bat you cmc Protasis a FOR ieae fleeIthylCendiUera YoUREYES ueeR4urainel Eye.Remedg Nicht and' Henning." Bete Yew Eyes Clem Clear and iBIIeduin,,; Write for Free Eye Care Book, Mules Esc 2eieds Ce.,9 East Ohl* Strad, Cidap,si America's .Pioneer Dos Remedies Book 04 DOG DISEASES, a¢4 How t0 Feed xd«fled. Free to sap Addrest 0y the Author. K, CLAY GLOVER CO.. Ina 120 Watt 24th- Strear Raw York, U.S.A. Polliniaiing Date Trees. The honey bee ' seems to bfailure a in the modern date orchard, for the California date rancher has to polli- nate every fruit cluster by hand. But, according to the experts, the work is simple, In tliii'rtrs-tpla-ce ,the date grower must know the difference be=a' 'tween pollen and fruit 'blossoms. The pollen blossom` is cut as soon. as it 1 opens and kept until the fruit flowers , appear. Wbien that tithe comes', the rancher ties a sprig of pollen blos- soms at the top of the fruit flower with the open blooms down. One pol- lination to each fruit cluster -is all that issnecessary unless there is rain. Pollen palms are raised at the rate of two for every fifty bearing trees. Sprainedankles, bruised muscles, and other hurts yield to the healing in- fluence of Minard's, IN Say '`dyer" and Insist! Lovely e thy.Skin Is X ��5,y Cuticura Daily use of the Soap keeps the skin fresh and clear, while touches "of the Ointment now and then pre- vent little skin troubles becoming serious. Do not fail to include the exquisitely scented CuticuraTalcum in your toilet preparations. Soap25c.0intment25esuiS0e. Taleaut Se. Sold throughouttheDotninion. CanadianDerot: Lymans, Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W. Montreal, 's"Cuticura Soap shaves writhout mug Unless you seethe name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not get- ting the genuine Baye: product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians -over twenty-three years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept'"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"q only. Each unbroken package con- tains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug. gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100: Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of lonoacet:icacidester o' Salicylacacid. W1lile it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the: public against imitations,'the Tab.. lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- ed with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." ��ro'-�' z-. �'.%�.�i�w'1'r'�,.'°}S'•'J'.6'.Y'a-+F'..1.:�. �.,��`b��1�(�" Constipation c A druggist says: 'Tor nearly thirty years I have recommended the Extract of Roots, known as Mother Seigel's Curative. Syrup, for arresting and permanently reliev- ing constipation and indigestion. It is an old reliable a le xeine cl that never fails to do the 'work.' 30 drops thrice daily. Get the Genuine. 50c. an d $ 1.00bottt es. AUIITER of 'r Eli Mother Tells. Row Her Daughter Suffered and `; Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vancouver, B.C.—" My daughter is a young girl who has been having severe painsAndweak and dizzy feelings for some time and had lost her appetite. Through an older. daughter who had heard of a woman who was taking it for the same trouble, ' we were told of Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Com- pound. My daughter has been taking it for several months and is quite all right now.- It -has done all it was represented to do and we have told a number of friends about it. r am never without a bottle of it in the honse, for I myself take it for that weak, tired, worn-out feeling which sometimes comes to us all. 1 find it is building me up and 1 strongly recommend it to women who are suffer- ing as I and inydaughter. have."—Mrs. T. IVIODortAx,p, 2047 26th Ave. East,,, Vancouver I3. C. From the arse of twelve a girl needs all the care a thoughtful mother Oen give. Many a woman has suffered years of pain and misery -the victim of'thought- lessness or ignorance of the mother who should have guided her during this time. If she complains of headaches, pains in the back and lower'limbs, or if yoe. notice a slowness of thought, nervous - nese or irritability en the part of your daughter, easier for her, make life Lydia E. ?inkham's Vegetable Com- pound is cspeeially adapted for stielt conditions. 0 ISSUE No, 444 .-•- ' g 3,