The Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-07-04, Page 24Wanted, to Buy
Coins, stamps, antique jewellery,
diamonds, old gold and silver, military
medals and decorations. Base'b0 and
hockey cards plus other topics. Royal
Doulton figurines. Old foreign coins
especially wanted.
Fairview Park Mall, Call 894-2300
Kitchener Ext. 407
Sears 1
Coin and.
Stamp Shop
News on totem pales
British. Columbia's 1401-
an totem poles were not,
idols for worship, hexes
against evil spirits,
shamanism or gods for
veneration, but tribal
crests or billboards intend-
ed to. impart news of
events of local or regional
import to passersby. These
-forest information poles"
also often ,unarked, bounda-
ries between elan.
Avalan% hes.. swift
Avalanches may attain a
mass of a million tons of
snow and travel 200 mph. A
single skier may trigger
TRAX ... flexibility
at economical prices
• So easy to install
• Connects to ceiling power source
anywhere along the track or to a wall outlet
• Lytespots rotate vertically and horizontally,
slide on track to aim Tight anywhere
• Excellent choice of lytespot designs
• The track is available in 2', 4' or 6' lengths
on special this week
5 995
Set of: two Iytespots and one
2' track with canopy in white
finish only. (Bulbs extra)
While the last.
`Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday
Hwy. 7 & 8
Ontario St. \15(1)0
Regent St. Frederick St. (n
"An Ideal Supply Co." -
133 Regent St. STRATFORD,
41- 40• 4040
Crossroads—July 4, 1984—Page 9'
• •
••••10410400 4041•410.00 00000 0400 000 •Ile 1••••,••!O••••••••••'_
Thur:, July 5
11:-00 Polka Dot Door
11:30 Cucumber: Television
12:00 Guess What?: X-rays
12:10 The Body Works
12:20 Parlez-moi: Sol the
12:30 Tell Me a Story: Den-
- nis Lee Poems
12:40 Get It Together:
Masks. Ane uses a
blown -up balloon arid
papier mache
recipe included — to
sculpt a face mask.
12:50 Look and Learn: Carp
in a Marsh, life from
egg to adult. Viewers
see the fish, its preda-
tors, and its victims.
1:00 Struggle beneath the
Sea: The Cleaner
Wrasse. A small fish
that removes para-
sites, and bacteria
from fish of all spe-
1:30 Realities: Quebec
2:00 Voices of Early Can-
ada: Pioneer Girl.
Jackie Burroughs
reads the letters sent
home to Ontario by
Maryanne Caswell, a
young girl who travels
west with her family to
homestead in Saskat-,
p0ntUU • �tero
' and sporty ,
Pontiac. s new O seater that s
mid�eltne tw
guaranteed to blow
• ve've only g
Hurry ,though
3 in stock• arroll pontUtC
ti and pet f or nance
Look: tie frp11't the
can't he beat'. shoo. h electrthe
2.5 titre 4 Speed a litre V6
fuel injection, 2.8 es.
5.0 litre V8 engi Haines•Ch
2:30 Talking Film: Stars of
the Cinema: Richard
3:00 Perspectives: A look
at the successful
black -light puppetry
troupe, the Famous
People Players, whose
performers, mentally
retarded adults, have,
through hard work and
perseverance, become
3:30 Explorations in Shaw:
Parents and Children
4:00 Passe-Partout
4:30 Kidsworld: Christmas
at Black Creek Pio-
neer Village, an inter-
view with actor
George Hamilton, and
a new roller coaster
ride in Missouri. Also,
a springboard diving
champion, a couple
who make puppets,
and a young athlete
who doesn't let his '
physical handicap•
slow him down..
5:00 Sesame Street
6:00 Polka Dot Door
6:30 Cucumber: Comedy
7:00 Doctor Who) The Leirs
sure Hive, Part 1 of 4
7:30 Magic Shadows: Suez
— Pt. 4 of 5
8:00 Realities: Quebec
8 30 A D'ff ent Under -
10;30 In Search of Paradise:
A Carpet of Flowers.
The pattern of Moslem
gardens that were
fashioned after the'
words of the Koran
can be seen among the
remains of original en-
losures near Cordova
a d Granada in Spain.
11:00 Perspectives: Famous
People Players
11:30 Talking Film: The
12:00 Dimensions in Science
Elements of Change
standing: As Far as I
Can Go. Three mildly 4:30 Kidsworld: Melissa
Gilbert, star of Little
House on the Prairie
Chinese chefs who
make fruit and vegeta-
ble decorations; New
Haven, Conn., street
performers; a dog -
training school; a 10-
' year-old helicopter
pilot; van art; kid
jugglers; a Chicago
block party; and a kid
who hang -glides off
Sat.,,July 7
12:00 Personal Spaces:
Norms and Values
12:30 How to Start a Small
Business: Do Govern-
ments Help or Hinder?
1:00 The Body in Question:,,
Brute Machine
2:00 The Computer Acad-
2:30 The Academy on Com-
puters with Jack
Livesley: Storing In-
I'jJnderstanding Human..
)Behavior: Personality
- Theory
3:.30 Understanding Human
Behavior: Personality
4:00 Understanding Human
Behavior: Abnormal
retarded young adults
describe their pain-
ful struggle for in-
dependence and re-
spect in the face of
daily frustrations and
• defeat.
9:00 Speaking Out: Nurs-
ing Homes
10:30 Canada: the Great
Experiment: Pres-
sure Point
11:00 Realities: Quebec
Politics • sand .dunes.
1f'i':30'Talking Film The 5:00 Sesame Street
Documentary: An In- 6:00 Polka Dot Door
terview with Pare -6:30 Struggle beneath the
Sea: The Sea Anemone
Doctor Who:' The
Leisure Hive, Pt. 2 of 4
Musta5o.. SV
h erf 01`.'1ice eltgtltt' plus
Hig • p cylinder hot
Charged 4 e this ct hot,
mak is a a
disc will surer
Car that
few eyebrows. ford.
.roti Harvey
bo Laser
One of the hottest nE'id inyears
to be to litre engine.�,G, x ..-.�.�•-•
peppy 2.2
lvith a p plus all the
Plenty of aAsportscctr•
race o f
stylish grace
List® Chrysler
When they're hot ,
re h01
u ca
see them atthe Listo`vel Arena duan
Colncher° Veekend '84
e Car'lleacktuarters.
. Lorentz, Part 1
12:00.Dimensions in Science
The Big Bang. 'An out-
line of the historical
development of astro
,nomical theories.
Fri., July 6
11:00 Polka, Dot Door
11:30 Cucumber:. Advertis-
ing •
12:00 Guess What?: Sundae
12:10 The Body Works
12:20 Parlez-moi: Sol Goes
through Customs
12:.30 Tell Me a Story: How
Arabella Learned to
Be Brave
12:40 Math Patrol 3: Addi-
tion 3
1:00 Fast Forward: Per-
sonal Computing -
1:30 Realities: Quebec
2:00 For the Record: Mur-
ray Watts, 66, whose
Canadian mineral de-
posit discoveries are
valued at $6.5 billion
talks about the finan-
cial difficulties in-
volved in developing
these northern finds.
2:30 Talking Film: The
Screenwriter, Pt. 2
3:00 High Notes
3:30 Witness to Yesterday:
John A. Macdonald
,,4:00 Passe-Partout
4:30Kidswdrld: A visit to
an old-fashioned candy
factory in Toronto: an
archaeological dig at
Louisbourg, N.S.: and
an interview with
actress Megan Fol-
lows of Matt and Jen-
ny. Also, special tips
on how to care for
hkrses, train dogs, and
• throw a boomerang.
5:00 Sesame Street
6:00 Polka Dot Door
6:30 Fables of the Green
Forest: Grandfather
Frog's Travels
7:00 High -Notes
7:30 Magic Shadows: Suez
8:00 Money$worth
8:30 North of 60 Degrees:
Destiny Uncertain:
Beautiful Adver"city
9:00 The Ascent of Man:
The Hidden Structure.
The ancient crafts of
alchemy and metal-
working are identified
as the forebears of
modern atomic theory.
10:00 Marine Biology: SaIm
on' River?',, -
People and Pets:
Where It All Began
Movie, "Scott of the
Ar'itarctic`(1948) After
much preparation,
Captain Scott (John
Mills), the dedicated
British explorer, sets
off on his ill-fated 1912
expedition to the South
Pole. With James Rob-
ertson Justice, Derek
Bond, Harold War -
render, and Kenneth ••
9:55 Conversations
10:30 Movie, "Stanley and
Livingstojne" (1939)
Spencer Tracy stars
as the determined re-,
porter who searches
Africa for the elusive
.missionary Dr. David
Livingstone (Cedric
:Hardwicke). Directed
by Henry King'and co- '
starring Walter Bren-
nan, 'itichard Greene,
and Nancy Kelly.
2:00 World Business Sum-
mit: Canada=U.S.
Trade Relations
2:30 Talking Film: The
Producers, Part 3
3:00 High Notes
3:30 Witness to Yesterday
4:00 Passe-Partout
4:30 Itidsworld: Items An -
elude a boys' cheer-
leading team, an inter-
view with two ham
radio operators, and
horseback riding for
the disabled. We also
see how 10 keep a pet
iguana, and meet Can-
adian opera star
Maria Pellegrini and a
star from Dukes of
5:00 Sesame Street
6:00 Polka Dot Door
6:30 Fables of the Green
Forest: .Granny Fox
and the Coyote
7:00 Struggle beneath the
Sea: The Cuttlefish
and the Seahorse
7:30 •Magic Shadows: Belle
Star (1941) — Pt. 1 of 4.
This is a romanticized
account of the famous
woman bandit ofMis-
souriand her fight
against the Yankees -in -
the years following the
Civil War. Starring
Gene Tierney, Ran-
dolph Scott, and Dana'
8:00 Vista: A Touch of
9:00 The Academy on Par-
enting with Jack
10:00 Visions: The Critical
Eye: Gateways to
10:30 The Movie Show
11:00 Fast Forward: Medi--
cal. A look at medicine
in the microelectronic
11:30 Talking Film: The
Big Studios: Twentieth
century -Fox
12:00 imensions in Sci-
ence: Quest into Mat -
basic skills of this ppop-
ular sport, and a blind
boy shows' how self-
confidence helps. him
do many things. In
France, we visit a
school for future cir-
cus performers, and in
Alberta, we see a
famous appaloosa.
5:00 Sesame Street
6:00 Polka Dot Door
6:30 Cucumber: Weather
7:00 The Half -a -Handy
07:30 Magic Shadows: Belle
Starr — Pt. 2 of 4
National Geographic:
The Living Sands of -
9:00 The Complete Dra-
matic Works of Wil-
liam Shakespeare:
King Henry IV, Part 1
11:30 Talking Film: Hooray
for Hollywood
12:00 Dimensions in Sci-
ence: Agent of Change
30 I'heNl
12 vie Show
Sun., July 8
12:00 I .es Arrivants: 1911
1:04) ,lardin, paradis des
1:30 Nova
2:34) Chefs-d'oeuvre a 1'-
:3:30 La Maison magique
4:00 Entre deux nuages
La Petite Lulu
L'Atelier 'des Pis
Ca, c'est ('Ontario
Villages et Visages
Au nord du 60 Degrees
destinee incertaine
) Tele -cinema
1 I,'Ete show
Mon., July 9
11:00 Polka Dot Door.
11:00 ('ucumber: Ground
12:00 Guess What'': Marion-
12:10 The Body Works
1220 Parlez-moi c'
12:30 Tell Me a Story: The
Rocky River Regatta
12:40 Two plus You: The
Great Train Contest
1:00 The Music of Man:
The Flowering' of
Tues., July 10
11:00 Polka Dot Door
1:30 Cucumber: Air -Water
12:00 Guess What?: Soap '
12:10 The Body Works
12:20 Parlez-Moi: Sol's •
Weather Report
12:30 Tell Me A Story:
12:40 The Adventures of
Timothy ,Pilgrim:
Escape to the Future
1:00 Struggle beneath the
Sea: The Sea Cucum-
ber. A look at various
species of sea cucum-
hers, astonishing crea-
tures with wartlike . .
projections that pro=
trude from their cylin-
drical, muscular
1:30'' -The Stationary Ark:
A Day at the Zoo
2:00 People Patterns: "K"
Is for Excellence: Ki-
wanis Music Festival
2:30 Talking Film: Two
Film Critics
3:00 The . Newcomers: 1847.
The poignant story of
the trials and tragedy
of Iriah immigrants ^
who braved the
cholera -ridden voy-
age to Canada, and
faced religious and
racial prejudice upon
4:00 Passe-Partout
4:30 Kidsworld: An ocular-
ist shows how he
makes artificial eyes;
a kayaking°teacher
demonstrates the
Wed., July 11
11:00 Polka Dot Door
11:30 Cucumber: Zoos
12;00 Guess. What?: Books
12:10 The Body Works
12:20 Parlez-moi: Solis
Physical Training
12:30 Tell Mea Story : Sleep-
ing Beauty
12:40 Math Patrol 2: Add-
ing 2
1:00 Fast Forward: Global
TV Politics
1:30 Marine Biology: Fish
2:00 Learn to Earn: Choos-
ing Directions. A dis-
cussion of school guid-
' ance programs and the
types of assistance
.available from outside
2:30 Talking Film: An In-
terview with Samuel
3:00 Canada: the Great
• Experiment: The
Reasons Why
3:30 Witness to Yesterday:
Mark Twain, Part 1
4:00 Passe-Partout
4:30 Kidsworld: Features
include interviews
with the musical group
Nexus in Toronto and
singer -songwriter
Roseanne Cash in
Malibu Canyon. •
5:00 Sesame Street
6:00 Polka Dot. Door
6:30 The Adventures of
Timothy "Pilgrim:.
Zachariah Gibson's
Magic Trunk
6:45 Artscape: Program 2: -
7:00 People and Pets:
Stress and Allergies
7:30 Magic Sha' ows: Belle
Starr — Part 3 of 4
8:00 Realities: Quebec
8:30 Visions:. Artists and
the Creative Process:
The Human Link
9:00 The Computer Acad-
9:30 The Academy on Com-
puters with Jack
10:00 Mind over Matter:
Program 3. Dr. Kit
Pedler examines sev-
eral experiments to
discover whether the
mind can actually
bend metal through
10:30 The New Literacy: An
Introduction to Com-
puters. Data Com-
11:00 Realities: Quebec
11:30 Talking Film: A Por-
trait of George Stev-
ens, Part 1.
12:00 Dimensions in Sci-
ence: The Irreversible
World •
Sun., July 15
Wingham Arena
Doors open at 1:00 p.m.
20 Quickie Bingos at 1:30
10 Regular One -Line $100 Bingos
3 Special $200 Bingos
1 $500 Special Game
-1 Jackpot of $1 ,000
2' Share the Wealth
1 Bon8riza Bingo
All Bingos Must Go!
Au •--n'eeds to, youth work.