The Exeter Times, 1923-10-4, Page 1• FIFTY•FIRST, YEAti No. 2556 , • ' t..•, EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER 4th., 1923 ,2 Z•1 'ExttEitc$,14.001, REPORT COZOUNICAOI,IOAT lniiiHilsiffillillilliii1111111111MiliiIiiiiiiiIiIIIIIIIIi111111111111111111111.111111111111111ML!III!1111!1111110!1.11!111111011101!Ill,1!1111111j"j is the-. report thel eeeeiee, October 2, 1923. IMO= MIAOW diihrekl ,ata•Mt • , UMW. • =••••••.'"" '30 BOYS' Loomtai, , = SUITS CLEAR AT ammo • ^ fraIrMar, 0110111. Exeter Public School' for the month of September. Sr. IV—Lillian Baker, 77; Steil Northcott, 74; Catherine Woods, 74 Doris Salter 73; Greta Bloomfield 71; Annie Simmons, 70; Edith Wal ters 69 Harry- Jennings, 69; Irwin. .." states that $200.00 1)e paid to the .71 Public Utilities Commission to beth To the renders of your Valued pa- per, we especially call their attention to. the minutes of the last regular _ meeting of the Village Council and. Ford, 68; Vera IVicDonald, 67; Sid ney West, 66; laele Dinney, 65; Bar a-. old Skinner; 63; Alda McDonald, 62 E- = Wanetta Nelsen, 459;' Clifford Hut = cheson. 57- Vera Mooney, 41; Mur - p 7 ,..., E iel Ilosvald, '30 = Jr.J,1' 1 r. IV—Roy. Batten, '13;, Kathleen!. ' ' = Reid' 72;. Bad ' en Powell',72; Torn,1 72; Willie Sanders,, 72; Grace OPM•01 ' ' '''=‘. Chambers, 'ea; Wilma Kaye, 71; Jen Kay -e ny Passmorea 69; Alvin Passmore 69; Stanley Walters, 65; Madeline Dearing 65; Hilton Laing, 64; Myr- tle, Beavers, 63; Georgena Nelson, 61; Irene Beirling, absent. No. on roll, 33; aver atten. 30.1 G S Howard, Prin. = a motion contained therein, which BOYS' AND YOUTH'S ec"-,e; OVERCOATS AT- as OWN gnome 50 10. $101 6 . vercoa rices The finest assortment of Men's'Overctiats we have ever shown. All the Smartest Fall Styles and Colorings, the same Coats as shown by the big city stores, marked at very moderate prices.- Don't take our 'word , 'for, it, but ,come in and see, for yourself. Men'sEnglish goltorisCOats. For older . Men, .Darle Gre-y or Black genuine- Engliele. Meltonse Vel- vet or Plain'Collars Ei)-$20' and $25. °Wonderful valuee.". • , 9 t ".$12' UMW., 010111.11t 1••••• pay expenses. Now, the facts of the ease are as follows: We, the Com- • mission, require no money from the Council tp heft) pay our expenditure, our revenue is sufficient for this purpose.,• What was asked the Coun- cil by our ',representative was that they let, ua,,have their cheque for • $200.00 to pa,y the .qtreet watering' account, as they collect'the revenue for this, and in laying the matter be- fore them, it was explained that for four years the amount asked was $300.00, but we considered we could do with $200.00 this season, and by doing so, it was our, aim to co -Operate with Council in working for the ben- efit of the rate-pa3rers of Exeter. We remain, ' Your Obedient Servants,' - The Public Utilities Commission. AND FITTING SPECTALES, I AM OFFERING TO THE PIII3LIC, 'ROOM IV Sr. III—lienors, Geraldine Burke, 84; Mary Wells, '82; Dorothy Dinney, 82; Willie, Balkwill, 78; Gladys Hun - kin 78; Clarenee Boyle, 75, Pass, Charlie Lodder, 72; Harold McDon- ald, 72; Clifford Lampert, 69; Helen Penhale, 69; Willie Elierington, 69; Nelson W7eIls; '68; Sean Wainer, 68; Loretta -Little, 68; Roy Sanders, 66; Russell Snell, 6b; Rosie Jennings, 63; George Andrew, 61; Mabel Snell, ,54; Violet Gambrill, 46; Lillian Payne; 44; Russell Collingwood, 38. Jr. III --honors, Madeline Ste -Wart, 82;, Rayinoncl,Pryde, 79;, Gladys Hutchinson, 77: Pass,. Gerald,Skin- ner, 7'4; Margaret Martin, 74; Jen, nie, Buchanan., 73; jean Sheere, 70; Melville Simmons, 69; Hazel Bloom- field; 66; Cecil Laing, 65,; Dena Kes- tle, 61; Lois Statham, 61; Lloyd = Freckleton, 54; Helen Vale, 53; .,ONNO . dlaidY§. Smith., 53; Grace Christie, 42; Claire Split). 35- Ruth Collingwoocl = 31. No, on,ol3.1ea, 4111;s.aivrveurrraattye,niea3.L.t:. MOM /OM 4 .t , • • Do you want an overcoat but 'feel You can't afford a good one' W"e have about 20 Coats from last season to clear @ n2 each. all Papers ••••••• , 3o, bunks wall -papers for 13edrooms, Kitchens and Livin R Prices cut right in two. Don't miss these, We must Make room for next . season's' papers. , - - PHONE 32' ROOM III , ,III=Hienors, Ruth Balkwill; liarry,Cole; 87; Wallace Seldon, 87.; 'JoSeph Creech, 86; Joseph son 86; 'Justin, Kuhn, 85; Margaret Ellerington Grafton oc ran:e• 79 Mary Cann 79 Kugh Wapr Stanbtiry, 78; tJack He& nen,' '78; Muriel Kaye, 1.77., Pass, Kenneth 'Vale, 68; Helen I-IeywoOd, 68; Billie Nelson, 68.' Sr. 11—Honors,' Stella:Jeittle, 88;. Ruth •Stone, 87;' -Floeetice 82;, Sean Penhale, 81; Connie :Jen - • rungs, 79;1 re o mgwoo ; ',-= ',Pass; Utah, Clarkee 73; Marion,:Dva: :PHONE 32 allIMMIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIMIMMIIIIMMIMIHMIIMMIIMMIMMIM*NIMONNIMMINCII11111111/11111111111111111101 ammo meme,Vamostgemsomaate Seasonable. Hardware 141/44,1 e I Specially Priced PEN KNIVES ' 25c UP , Boys' or Men' 4 Knives ...... 35c up Easy Opener Ladies' Knives 35c 41ENIIN,1111 .Hobbs Gold Medal Washers HOME WASII.ERS $19 & $20.00 White Cap Electric $115.00 The best value in Electric Wash- ers • tarria:ti's Hardware , , - ,-• BUILDERS' BEATIDNVARE ' For I-Iouees, Barns, Etc. ' Big _ SPECIAL PRICES FOR ,. Stock to eelect from. , IrAiR DAYS, •, . We can save you money If, you Bring in your cans for need a Range, - , GA14GOYLIE1 AN.1) rotAttr&E MOTOR OIL '' . A meeting' of the Horticultural Society will be held in the Town Hall Wedne,sday, Oct. 10 at '8 p m• All members are requested to attend. The fall premium of tulips have ar- rived and may be had at the office of the secretary. A limited supply of hyacinths for sale. lei 73; Burton Donnell?, 72 Billie nitrite, 72; Dorothy Davisi,72; Helen_ Salter 70; Edith Kestle, 66; Allan Fraser, 64; Teddy Wethey, 62. No. enrolled, 42; aver atten 36.58.. H. M. Kinsman, teacher. ROOM II , . number of pupils whose names do not appear,. missed: -their tests on account of jllnesS. ' Jr. IPL -(a) honors, T.hin Ellering: ton, 96; Marguerite Cann, 93; Mar- jorie Complin, 92; Allan.QUance, 82;. Lois McDonald, 79; Mervyn. Sims, 75: Jr. II—(b) honors, -Lucy Pomfret, . , Mr. J. G. Cochrane Who has heen,137,..• Jean Ross, 83e -Florence Stewart, , ;82; Keeneth Hockey, 81- j Stn-' ill is improving 76 Ps, Jean' Pilon 72 iVir Frank Taylor has moved to4PurY' d"Eexnteeronfr°A-11ritinSstt-re15eheet'lincatottiti•i-beyrmesii:•1766';:r7,Dxo:PKi(haeyr:Lihauokint.ee'orr's6A0.delirte Stone E,. J. Wethey. „ The Zugich fair was hold on Thurs- 92; Irene Collingwoodn 88. , Pass, . Teddy Batten, 78;„ ellavis Spencer, day and Friday last. The weather 68; Billy Walters, 63;• StanleY Ward was ideal and the"eithibiti'in 60. were excellent. A large crowd was Jr. I—(b) honors, 'Edith Clysdale, 96; Reba Simmons, 91; Helen Wal - per, 88; Ray Hutchinson, 75. Pass, Margaret Taman, 72; Rayinond Frec- kleton, 60. , Jr. I—(e) honors,. ,..1-e1don Buchan- an, 75. Pass, Eileen Cornishe efl; Charlie Coinplin, 68; Jack Pryde, 65. - No. on roll 46; aver atten. 41. N. Medd, teacher. present. BORN JOHNS—In Usborne, on Sept. 29th, to Mr, and Mrs. Richard Johns, a" daughter. MARRIED SPARLING—SMITH-e-At Zion Evan- gelical Church, Clrediton, by Rev. M. Y. Drier, on Saturday,' Sept. 29th,'Buelah,' da,Ughter of Mr. and PRESENTATION Mrs. John F. Smith, of Stephen, to Friends and neighbors numbering Mr. Hilliard G. Sparling, of Waik- about 75\ gathered 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, of Stepli- COXWORTIP—IIEIDEMAN--In the en, on Thursday evening of last Ttivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, week and presented them with an on' October 3rd, by the Rev. A. A. electric 'reading lamp and a cut, glass Tramper, Mies Edythe, youngest vase, prior to their removal to Ex - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward eter to reside. The evening was Heideman, of Exeter, to Mr. Mer- spent in tripping the light fantastic. vyn Coxworth, of London, son of toe.. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coxworth, of Hensall. MILLER—DAY—In Trivitt Mentor- HESEEELANEOUS SHOWER ial Church, Exeter, on October 3rd On Thur evening of last week, by Rev. A. A. Truinper, Miss Ethel V. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Day, of Exeter, to Mr. Wilfred C. IVIiller, son of Mr. and Mts. John Miller, ok Lender!. DIEI) „ . . . . . .. ITORTON—Irt r.etiakersanitli, at the resid.elice of her 'brother, Mr. 143r, , • ' , 1-10rt0ii;' Oil Sept., $0t11,• Elle!). Iior- , ton, aged 70 yeare. . • a number of friends gathered at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pfaff, the occasion being a miseellaneone shower given in honor of Miss Edythe Heidepian, bride,elect, who was found off guard and taken complete- ly by surprise. ,A pleasant evening, wapent in gantes and amusements, afteN which a light luncheen was served, The gifts were all well ehosen and useful. THE LATE PETER NICOL Messrs. H. Strang, John. Rowcliffe J. G. Stanbury and C. C. Pilon mo- tored to Simcoe one Monday to at- tend the funeral of the late Rev. Beier 'Nicol, who died on Saturday Cut Glass ChinaTjewellery after a short illness. The deceased was in his 84th year. Mr. Nicol was the father of Mrs. (Rev,) S. F. Sharp and was well and favorably known in Exeter having visited here on var- ious occasions when the late Mr. iSharp was pastor of' Cay.en PreshY- terian church. Special reference was made to his death on Sunday by Rev. !Jas. Foote. The sympathy of the Icongregation was expressed to Mrs. 1Nicol Mrs. Sharp and Miss Margaret The deceased was for 37 years in the active Ministry of the Presbyterian. -church. DOME THEATRE Friday and Saturday OCTOBER 5tb. AND 6th SPECIAL OUTDOOR PICTURE FEATURING JACK HOLT AND BEI3E DANIELS ‘‘NtreiRTI-1 OF THE RIO GRANDE" Picture taken 'from. the book "Valof Paradise" Cellebrated Arizona Cow Boys---Scenedelaid in the heart et -cliff and'Apaclie County—'2Win horses. -",'`Oeinet and 713/eteor" Ofiame ' jitinper owned by Jack- a,te',1"eatured in this piektere., Admission 15 and125c, ;PICTURES WE'DNESDAY EVENNIG OCTOBER 1,0th, WATCH FOR' , LATER NOTICE , BETTY COMPSON IN GREEN TEMPTATION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th and 1.3th. irtamommas.p.rongsmattomatusatmumgratzemanzmnaussocrasamemoureem Out 'HAVING -DECIDED TO KEEP AN EXCLSIVELY OPTICAL STORIE4 79.ND GIVE MY WHOLE ATTENTION TO THE TESTING ENTIRE STOCK' OF :Watches Clocks Silverware MI/LER—DAY NUPTIALS A, ,quiet but pretty wedding took place in Trivitt ,Memorial Chureh, Eiteter, Wednesday afternoon -at 2.30 when. at Sacrifice Prices TIIE GOODS 1VIUST BE SOLD, AND ARE GOING TO BE SOLD 'AT I3ARGAING PR-IcES, MANY OF THEM AT LESS THAN 1/2 PRICE, IN , OTHER WORDSPRICE IS NO OBJECT. OUR` OBJECT IS TO DISPOSER OF THE GOODS. - THE SALE IS NOW ON. COME EARLY AND HAVE THE BEST SELECTION. S. Fitton Registered Optometrist eleentell • e to Mr. Wil- I daughter of Mr. eand Mrs. Loeii DO', o was united in marriag fted 'C. Miller, son of Mr. and MTs.ii-,." _ john Miller, of London. The cere- ' Under the auspices at seony; was performed by Rev. A. A. THE EXETER DISTRICT BRANCH OF THE ONTARIO PLOWMA4sS' Tramper, in the presence of the inl- ASSOCIATION mediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride Was very becom- ingly attired in a blue canton crepe gown. Mr. and Mrs. Winter left by auto "tor, a short honeymoon trip, the .laticie travelling in a grey -broadcloth suit with hat to match. COXWORTH—HEIDEMAN • . 7 , 'The Trivitt Memorial Clieeck; Exe- tee was the scene of a very pretty -wedding .,on Wednesday-- morning, -October 3rd, at 8:30, when Edythe Lillian, youngest daughter of 1\f'r. and Mrs. Edward Heideman, of .town was united in marriage to Mr, Mer- vyn James Coxworth, of London, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coxworth of Hensall. The ceremony was "per- eormed by Rev. A. A. Tramper, in the presence of only the immediate'rela.- tiVes of the .bride and groom. The bride, who was unattended, entered, the church leaning on the arm of her fatheroand wore a gray canton crend drese'. with grey'dovetern hat, shoes and hose to match and carried a .Shower 7boliquet", of. Sunset roses. After the " ceremony a - number 'of friends.gathered and shoveetecl the happy couple with confetti, , until they were glad to sink into the cush- ions of the awaiting automobile, which was prettily decorated. A dainty wedding breakfast was serv- ed at the•.home of the brides parents the table being 'tastefully decorated with pink and white. Later the bride and groom left on a motor trip to Sarnia, Detroit and other points. The bride travelled in a navy blue marvella coat with hat to match. On their return the young couple will inake their home in Lon- don. The Times joins with their many friends in extending congratm- tions. ' SUCCESSFUL CONCERT The' concert and recital in James St. church on Monday evening was largely attended and thoroughly en- joyed by those present. The chair was occupied by Dr. Roulston, the superintendent of the Sunday school ander whOse auspices the entertain- ment was put on. The neusieal part of the program was splendid Mid con- sisted of selections by tJ1 S S: or- chestra, an -instrumental by Miss L. Coates; a duett by' Miss E. Harvey and 1\1!IS8 S. Sotithcott, anch a solo by Mr. R. Goulding. The main feature of the ptograin was the recital of the story of "Jean Valjea,n" given byethe Pastor, Rev. W. E. Donnelly-, who fer bvet an hoar held the audience spellbound both by the intense hi- terest of thee story itself and the mas- terly presentation of it by the speak tts f•ord • 1Y4 on the farm of elr Eros., Like Road miles west ,Exeter, • St - FOLLOWING LIST OF PREMIUMS: ' 'PRIZES CLASSES IN SOD . No. 1- Open Class with high cut plows $12 $10 -$8 $6 No. 2 Boys under 20 ?ears 12 10 •-8 t* No. 3 Open Class 12 10 3 CLASSES „IN ST1JBBLP1 No. 4 Boys under 17 years ... 10 8 ' 6 ' 4 No. 5 Boys under 21 years 10 6 4 No. 6 Open Class ' 10 8 6 1.• 4 No. 7 Riding Plow 10 8 6 j No. 8. Tractor' CoMpetition in Sod, open only to those solely engaged in. Farming 10 8 6 . 1 SPECIALS Beet Crown in Sod. 1,, Best Finish in Stubble. Best Finish in •Sod. , P,lowman over 60 years. Best Crown in Stubble. Youngest ploarrna,n. 17, 50% Team and Equipment BeSt Team 50 V. Trained Plow Team RULES ANI) REIGULATNONS No. 1..Entrance fee of $1.00, excepting Classes 2 and 4, when no fee will be charged. " No. 2. All teams competing to be on grounds at a.m. Plowing to com- mence at 10 a.m. and be finished not later than 0.10. No. 3. Average depth of furrows, 6 inches. . No. 4. After setting and removing of Stakes, no assistance will be allow- ed in Classes 1, 3, 617 and 8. ,, No. 5. Selection of land to be by ballot. No. 6. No shaping of furrows, excepting scratches and croWn. No. 7. Wheels prohibited in all classes. No. 8. Decision of judges to be final. No. 9. Horses and harness need not be property of one man, nor neces- sary for owner to be plowinan. No. 10 Crown to consist of six furrows. No. 11 Gee around six rounds. No. 12 Skimmers allowed.' • O. K. Steam IDER & APPLE1131,11TTKII. FACTORY Will Run Every Day Phone 115 iklain Sio Exeter ,e4.4 ttit• . '4.kV