The Exeter Times, 1923-8-23, Page 4r if 111J1,CSt).if;1'`, A1J(1CIS'Jt' ' 3rcl, 1,923 Comments To keep out of jail, don't take things se•ipusly. MaiaYy a fat girl tuts �beautiful figure at the bank. Two things that aid in living r a vir- tuous lite are 1p11e heart e-1nd a bald, head. * *** A Seattle ane chants � n c wins his wife bit nim, but he may have been treating iter like a dog. b Aman's imagination is like India rubber -warranted to stretch as long as the fun lasts, ** 4,$* x ** es .you � can bank Q that, r i ndecided;. the teller as he acre ated a ten spot. eearningzny salary," Correct this sentence "Darn it," groaned the man, afraid I'mnot earning my ..alary," kC** e*N,: *** ***, .,• It is not wise to tell everything you know, but some people can't help it if they talk a little. Y;.... *' " *14 The judge t spoke g4 p of �o very impressively and the prisoner hung on his words. The doctor cries, "Don't exercise 1----A-WA-N � NATIONAL EXHIBITION M TORONTO AUG. 25th—SEPT. 8th The Show Window of Nations Esti sated attendance, 1923, 45th Consecutive year, 1,500,000 amore without precedent dent in its variety said extent. Scores of taw features and all o$ the old that have re- tained public favor GEORGEOUS CLEOPATRA SPECTACLE Crowning triumph in the production of super -pageants 1500 Rerfor•niers JOHN. G. KENT. Managing Director 11OaERT NMI rst„ President When heart: is sofa and leaky." Another thing,, Don't. try to sing,. When voice is harsh and squeaky. * * * Married people are like the Irish-- each believes in house rule, but they cannot decide who shall be the home ruler. * * * Every once in a while a literary eritie makes a mistake and recom- mends somthiug that makes good, l'ead'ing.:. A 1prominent citizen is one who can 0e'1•e.r be caught without a speech concealed in his bosom, ready to bo discharged any minute... The • man who said that two can live as cheaply as one forgot to men- tion the fact .• that the meals would come only half as often., * m * *'r If . theorganization of labor con- tinues, the time may not be fair dis- tant when a prisoner, fearing a ver- dict of guilty, eau order the jury out on strike. Man 311ave Appeidl= let's Don't Know I1 Much so-called stomach trouble is really chronic appendicitis. This can often be relieved by simple glycerine, buckthorn, bark etc., as mixed in Ad- lerika. ZfIost medicines act only on lower bowel but Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and re- moves all gasses and poisons. Brings out matter you never thought was in your system. Excellent for obstinate constipation. W. S. Cole, Druggist. UNIVERSITY The University is composed of three units, the College ,of Arts, the Medical School and the Institute of Public Health. Three colleges are affiliated, viz., Huron Col- lege, Assumption College and Ursuline College, The University—established 1878—is a regional (insti- tution supported by muni- c� s F WESTERN ONTARIO (Western University) cipal and provincial grants. It is coeducational, ` undenominational and under public, municipal and provincial control. The Official Visitor is the lieutenant -Governor - of Ontario. The University may' confer degrees in Arts, Medicine and Public Health and in any other department of learning. Register early. For announcements and further partic- ulars apply to K. P. R. NEVILLE, M. A., Ph. D. Registrar 17 Office: St. George St. and College Ave., London, Canada rr; . THE EXETER TIMES CREDITON Mrs, J, G. Marr, of Cleveland and Mrs, G. E. Haumulier, of Detroit, whohave spent their vacation with their parents; Mr. and, Mrs,' C. P. Either, returned to their homes on Tuesday. One of Cr,editon's oldest and most esteemed residents in the person of Matthew : Merisel?;, died on : Friday, Au ust 17th, aged 95 years, gg d gas, 5' months and 24 days, The funeral was held Monday from .the; home of his daughter, Mr=: J. fl.Holtzmann g s interment in the Eyang elical ceme- tery. ;'A full account of his life will appear next week. ZION Miss Lila Taylor was called home from her paintingtrip owing to the death of her uncle, Dr. Harrison. The Earl family are holding their annual picnic at Springbank today, (Wednesday.) 1•Tr. Robt. Taylor was called to De- troit, owing to the death of his bro- ther-in-law, Dr. Harrison. The re- mains were brought to Exeter for in torment. The remains of the infant daugh- ter of .Mr. and Mrs, Chester Gorvett, Zion Granton, were interred in cemetery on Sunday. The bereaved have the sympathy of many friends. Mr. James Earl is improving his house by erecting a new verandah. Mrs. Arnold. and son and Miss,. Shea, of Johnston City, Ark., are visiting with their aunt, Mrs. .Wm. Earl. HURON AND PERTH PUBLISIII4RS MEET AT ST.'MARYS The newspaper publishers of Perth and Huron held their annual meeting in St. Marys on Friday last with a- bout 35 publishers present. Sessions were held in the Council- chamber of the Town Hall, with W. H. Kerr, of Brussels Post, in the chair. C. V. Biatchford, of Listowel Ban- ner, spoke on the business office of the weekly 'newspaper; Alex. Abra- ham, of Stratford, on the job depart - Ment; 'J G.' Keefer, of Norwood, on the: cost system in the weekly office, and E. Roy Sales on advertising. President Kerr was offered con gratulation§ on his completion of 43 years as publisher of the Brussels Post. Malcolm McBeth, of Milver- ton, gave an interesting account of the recent visit of -the, Canadian weekly Newspapers' ' Association to the Maritime Provinces. A question drawer conducted. by Lorne Eedy, of Walkerton, drew a lot of profitable discussion. Officers for the coming year were as follows: Honorary pres- ident, John W. Eedy, of the St. Marys Journal -Argus; post president, Mal- colm McI3etlr, Milverton Sun; pres- ident, "W. H. Kerr, Brussels Post; vice-president, J.. W. Vannatter, God- erich Star; treasurer, Alex. Abraham Stratford; executive, H. .D. Davis, Mitchell Advocate; W. G. Colgate, Wingliam Times J M. Southcott, Exeter Tinies. The memberscand the -wives were guests of the honorary president, John, W. ;Eedy at' dinner' at the Wind- sor Hotel, where addresses of wel- come were delivered, by. Mayor Con- stable and president W. N. Harris, of the Board of Trade. H. D. Davis, Lorne Eedy,l+E. _Roy Sales' and W. G: Colgate also spoke.,` Later the visit- ing publishers and their wives were. taken for an automobile drive by members of the Board of. Trade and admired the beauty ":of the -Stone Town. The drive included .a visit to J. 0. Mitchell's f,bx farm°•and wound up with an insPeetion. ' of the St. Marys cement '•plant. During the forenoon the ladies of the party vis- •ited the town stores and were 'shown through the°DeLong Hook & Eye Co. At the conclusion of Atte afternoon session the visitors were guests at the home of Mr.,John"W. Eedy, fen' afternoon tea. �'A hearty 'vote of thanke was tendered Mr. Eedy and the citizens of St, Marys. to which Mr. Eedy reulied, recalling the pleas- ure he had in associating with mem- bers of the fourth estate, throughout ,the Dominion di:iring ".;the past 30 years or more. PRIZE WIiNNER. IN MIT(IiELLn STANDING CROP . COm PETITION The following -;are the prize win- ners z'in-nets in the Mitchell standing crop competition in oats: First prize, A- mos Doupe, 90 Per cent;;'second, H. R. Greenwood, '`84; third,.' R. Morris, 79; fourth, B. J. Thiel,, 741/ fifth J. M. Miller, 74 ;`, G. Leonhardt, 72; T. Tubb, 72. In making his.;: report,' the .judge Mr. R. II. Abraham,' of Chatham.` Wrote the following comment:. "I a'n1 verysorry. indeed. 1r have to report the lir es snap of .. consid.erable sow•. thistle in a", number of -the fields, a' great in crah se, `over' • the amount fonn.d whin T visltcd this section a aembor i cep s ago. It see,ns to me that 11' 'wettl4 be, wise for Loin soci- etyto lake: this matter up with the' municipal Co 00 ail. With a, vierdf having •more i'lcb 1»r.i2.ws:p0SE!- ed'Ror ttre:0.0)1e1raat hfat i very gnat . anal? 100, Pr me oT tito fields in your eriirz) world 1)1)1;�V0led over len hii� Sip -els of grain to the acre (ViOg to 1113 eozr thistle, Seine( hie „ shoe id be done and ,het ivan)odiatelyiif the produdtivit of what 1 believe is eine of the meet fertile SeCiioais of the ('FOVinee is main fined," caai:lfi LOCALS :',Mr., and ,Mrs. S. Rowe, of Galt vis- ited for several days in Exeter and Grand Bend. Mrs. Dr. Lanni"), and ..child of F-Iam- ilton are' visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Campbell. Miss Blanche Senior returned home Monday after visiting in Hamilton and, Toronto. Mr. Leslie Hearts sang a pleasing solo in Main St. Church on Sunday evening last. Mr. an d Mrs. Jas. FI annell, of Wel- land,' el -land,' visited with Mr. and; Mrs. Jas. Jewell •during the week. Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Taman accom- panied by, Mrs. E. J. Spackman mo- tored to Toronto and Belville. Miss Jean Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Walker, 'of • London, are holidaying at their home here. Miss Theda Guymer has returned to London after visiting for a month with her cousin, Miss, E. Follick. Mr.as. J Stewart and Mr. Ed. Har- ness have returned home after spend- ing a week with relatives in Wind- sor. Mr. M. Uodgert ou Monday moved into the residence he recently pur- chased from the Misses Sweet on Hu- ron street. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heideman -and daughter Betty, are spending a few days this week with the former's parents in town. Mrs. Jas. Foote and two children Lloyd and Marjory who Have been visiting the former's mother near London, returned home Monday night. If a fellow tries to kiss a girl and gets away with it, he is• a ,man. If he tries and doesn't get away with it, he is a brute. If he doesn't try but would get away with it if he did try, he is a coward. If he doesn't try and- wouldn't get away with it if he BAKERY CHANGES HANDS Mr. S. A. Kohler, of Stratford, has purchased Betts Bakery business and has already taken. : possession.' He moved his household effects to Exeter this week. Mr. Betts has not yet decided what he intends to do. AT HOME I'nz glad to have a pleasant home, with costly chromos there, the lamp light glowing on my dome, an aunt in every chair. These simple pleas- ures do beguile the night hours as they sail; I play the phonograph a while, and hear great singers wail; I ; ead : a volume large and, thief Xeee dominoes I play-'I`'take' a'drink that has no kick, and hie me to the hay. - I'd rather read a goodly book before the evening fire, than roam the town and meet a crook who'd rob me of my lyre. The folks who stay at home o' night, aunts and other pets, may miss some garrish wild delights, but they have no regrets; their simple life is sane and wise, their accidents are few, and in the ,morning when they rise, they are good as new. The list of crines would quickly slump, if giddy gents and dames would gather round "the 'kitchen pump and play some homely games'. I'd rather see the homes restored to what it was Lang Syne, when children group.. ed around the board till half past eight or nine; they'd read strange tales from Mother Goose concerning Miss Bo -Peep, and when the .bedtime. hour cut loose, they promptly went to sleep. Old ways are gone and out of sight,, and won't come back, I guess; where are those kids of ours tonight, as we proceed to press?. Walt Mason. YOUR. LOCAL NEWSPAPER Aside 'from the limited: .number of single track minds found in every community, the people generally ap- preciate and accord liberal support to the local newspaper -that very inti- mate medium through which is mir- rored each week the collective com- munity activities. • Your home newspaper bridges the gap; its chronicles of local news and, views complete a cirtult of informa- tion impossible to attain through any other medium of human locomotion or mechanical device It brings the local community as vividly to the fireside” as the morning sun reveals ,the surrounding landscape. It is a human institution and there fore is imperfect; but the courageous and Sincere newspaper unalterably stands four square for what it be- lieves to be the ultimate good of its town end district and province and country. Your. .bCirte newspaper en- deavors to .radiate development - in trade, health in the lioane, progress 10 civic affairs and good -wilt in the intercourse between them. In. the performance of its service it is bound to run counter to the views of some --often of many, but 'if it hews to. the line the chips of respect will not remain uncounted. Yehr newspaper, no natter what •petty differences may arise is the friend, and .advocate of, every good' citizen, ali.hough ii,� eeremoi:uit aim must obviously be 0 better "destiny for the citizenship as a whole. / RUA li`o-' ,nfaiits and. Children,.. • MATH 'TAS: RATE MILL I E+:SS THAN LAST YEAR The .Blyth Council have struck the rate for the current year at 42 hills pn the dollar,one mill les§ than last year. A number of citizens appreciating the reliability of David Floody who was one of the partners of the re- cently burned planing., 111 ,.,de 'd ed''ter°ey -would start a„°subscrjption for gum and they have good prospects of raising $750, which, will help to', retriever• some of the''serious loss with'which lie met in the •recettfi2 .:I THE , • WEATHER Y, TIiI;E� OPTIMIST Took through the fog on cloudy days When: e'er the days are cloudy And you will see a friendly face A.nd' hear a cheerful '`1 -howdy." Look a • pleasant t the falling rain, When e'er we Have spring showers Look pleasant for each little drop Is calling forth spring flowers. Look up to see the, sunny sky When e'er1 t re skies are sunny, And you will find a lot of joy, You cannot buy for money, Tlie best thing about life is that:: we arekept in the dark concerning the next number on the program,, The longerwith > you go 'em the better you like 'em, which unites the e theor o c +oaf n y f i n r i g returns with they fact that you can lea to love �n cLIly- ..: thing, AY FEVER Summer Asthma s umimer ,.:. nda make your conpan ,.diatxessing, .•: . your'� ' friends unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ -MAH today. Most; people feel better from the first dose. Your druggist will refund your money' if a $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous sample for 4c in stamps. Temle o P p t ns, To- ronto. 012 RAZ MAH FOR : SALE BY BROWNING',' DRUGSTORE and HOWEY'S DRUG-. STORE. The. Western Fair LONDON, ONTARIO September 8th to 15t. 1923 The Popular Live .Stock Exhibition of Western Ontario. $40,000 in Prizes and Attractions THE NEW $160,000.00 MANUFACTURERS BUILDING Holding over. Three Hundred Exhibits Come and See Them Wonderful Platform Attractions.. See Programs MUSIC—FIRE WORKS—FUN. Something' Doing all the time. JOHNNY J. JONES SHOWS ON, THE MIDWAY Admission, 25c all week. Children, 15e. Ali Children Free on Monday, September 10th. This will be the Big Year for the Exhibition Everybody>=Come. All, information frons the Secretary J. H. SAUNDER.S,-:President A. M. HUNT, •Secretary. •-•42.0•• 4 Do Not Lose Interest by delaying ` to deposit your savings. IF you cannot visit us personally, '• send your deposits by mail. Have the satisfaction of knowing that your money is safely protected and is earning interest regularly. sue THE CANADIAN BANK OF . COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 • • M. R. Complin, Manager • G. G. Maynard, Manager • 13. G. Maynard, Manager Exeter Branch Crediton Branch - Dashwood Branch Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 125 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK OFFERS GOOD BANKING FACILITIES' to Merchants, Manufacturers and Farmers, etc. Savings Departments at every Branch. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited. EXETER BRANCH — T. S. WOODS, Maaragei Centralia branch open for business daily. FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, .Wm. BROCK Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN . SIMON DOW 13..O13T. NORRIS, JAMES MCKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNI3 ULT, Secretary -Treasurer Box 98 Exeter, Ontario, pj GLADMAN dC; STANBUEY Solicitors, Exeter. t? . G. Fr tOULSTON, L.D;S., DENTIST Olilce. over 1. R. Carling's Ler aSllc,3, ' 1,4or;rx3 every Wednesday afternoon DR, A. A . Ii: 83 3,Pa 1.r1.4.1r),, 9.D.S, TJonoi Grndnsto of Toronto Teellver i Site, l leTiST fi ()BIC() over Gladnian & Starbury'ri otece, Male :ltreet, Exeter, MONEY TO LOAN We have, a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village. properties, at lowest ratesof Jul tercet. GLADMAN iw ST'ANBITRY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter. Ontario PERRY E. DO1CTI."E, Licensed Atm - Gotten.. 5ale i conducted .in any lore. elity' Terme raoeerate,.'Orders iefe et Timet Office will be promptly at- tended to, Phone 116, Rirkton;tr . Addrosa Klrktoe P. 0.. Till 17:OWIL]N" 'flit AC1< ItC3.13T33 Between k1ON Tl .E.A.L' TO;R,ON'r0' DETROIT' and Cr -II C./t0 0 Unexcelled tlinina ser P er1plrlcarnu } tr 3 0 1 (1041 parlSlor cargs Ans li1irr,cil11151pa1 tl'i,y t •ri,iiirs. Full in Lot'Ulation 11'010 3ri3 Gyatei' '1'runhi: 'I'zcket Aren't CrC,. h llnta nisi;,: Cistrirt 1'a'. e iriet,3 n 'Crit, '1"rJ t•tirl't D0IZite Agent, I7,s£tere i3