The Exeter Times, 1923-8-2, Page 175. t Gw F1FTY'•FIRST YEAR No. 2556 •1.XETER ONT. TI URSD Y •iJ1.4 tit,4w. MINIM 0111101011 a none. IMMO 441111101 • mean Mame N$1••111111, anielnenal anneal dialMeee hied..,11011111111111111111111111II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 t 1111I11N11 I 1111111111111111111L. �i Ill �llllllll� I..... N • The Alisses Charlotte trod Louise • Sweet have sold their residenceon Huron St. to Mr. Milt. Hodgen, nos- "' session .August 15th". The Misses E Sweet are .leaving shortly for Tilson- burg, where their sister Miss Ethel Sweet, conducts a millinery storeand where they will reside iri future. The best wishes of their inane= friends in Exeter will 'follow them, ea1ti Sale ooMen's, Straw Hats 3 1.60 Only4 dozen •Men's Straw Bats, .innewest styles of rough and fine Straws, black and brown bands regularly up. to $1 75tall clearing at one price $1.60 each. . i Bo f 49c. s Cotton Jerseys, at 10 Dozen Boys' fine cotton Jerseys in navy; brown, grey and black, sizes ,22 to 32 long sleeves, just the thing for liot weather, regularly 60c summer clearing price '49e.•. ‘‘Big 1" Brand Work Shirts $1 25 We are local selling agents for the celebrated s`Big. B'.',work Shirts. This is one of the largest shirts made., In good 'quality ,materials, very ,special value at $1:25 each; Ladies' and Misses'.White Wash Skirts Ladies' Whits Wash Skirts, clearing at these prices, $1.00, $1,45 and $1.95. Many of these are Half price and less: Summer Wash Dresses A few nice 'Wash Dresses for children, 1\Iisses and Ladies, at greatly' reduced prices. Boy's Wash Suits greatly reduced in price i M'8c ddiesat9 .• 16 only ,Ladies' and Misses good quality" Middies, plain white, also with colored' triniinirg, regularly up to $2.00 to clear at each 9Sc. Silk Poplin Skirts $2.95 7 only Ladies' Silk Poplin'Skirtsgood colors, clearing less than half price at $2.95 each Sunnier Wash Dress Goods -A11 lines must go regardless of cost, Running Shoes and Khaki Pants Just the thing for the holidays, will give the greatest, wear for the least money. We keep all styles at medium prices. $5.50 Patent Slippers $3.75. This is your chance, about 20 . pairs, made of best Clarke's Patent, Lady Belle make 0). LOCAL SELLING AGENTS FOR "PICTORIAL REVIEW THE MOST POPULAR PATTERNS. •THIS STORE WILL CLOSE' -AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, EACH WEDNES- DAY DURING JUNE JTJLY AND AUGUST: PHQNE 32 Jones PHONE 32 AUGUST 2 nd 1923 AMMO ONNIRM Peen Onimaio MMus Vomime A JOLLY OUTING Mr. Wes. Dearing organized a pic- nic for the ,Tr=ivitt 'Memorial Choir and assisted by Messrs. Isaac Duns - ford Wm. Taylor and Jas. Stanlake, motored the choir to Goclerich, where a beautiful lunch was served. After spending several hours at the Coun- ty ;Seat, the choir' went to Bayfield where .another enjoyable. meal was partaken of. The evening was spent at Grand' Bend All report having had the time of theiir lives. 130Y ,SCOUTS' 'SERVICE The Boy Scouts held their annual service in Caven 3'reshyteriaii church on Sunday morning last. There was a splendid congregation . present. Rev. 'Mr. Telford, of Blyth, Scout- inasterof the Blyth 'troop, occupied the pulpit and preaehed a very in- spiring sermon. . "On the platform with him was Scoutmaster T. Pryde. The Boy Scouts alongwith the' male menders of the choir occupied the choir loft and sang a very acceptable antheinf A quartette was sung by Toni Pryde, John Pryde, ' Kenneth Stanbury and Rey Batten. The Scouts also acted as collectors. DIED IN THE WEST On Sunday, last ldrs. W. IL Pass- fa�ll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ii1 1111111111 1tl l lffil11111111111111111111111111111111110 ii .:xyti �,,arr,.at.mx•a I•^i`= m13. -.A >�..nr:zl.-. ;•;, Use Gold Medal Plymouth Bind er Twine 650 feet to ib. 131,ec per Ib.' Hay Fork Ropes 22c per Ib. Sling Ropes • $1.50 per pair. Hay Fork Pulleys 85c New Perfetion Stoves; for the Hot Weather 3 Burner $26.00 4 Burner, $34:00- 3 Burner, Superfix' $50.00 Ovens. $6.00; Wicks, 40c Seasonable Hardware Screen Doors, $2.45 Screen Windows, 45c Screen Wire per yd, 26 to 40c Screen Door Hinges etc. Spray.. . ers,65c and 75 c. Carborundum -Stones, 90c and $1,00, Scythe Stones, 15c and 35c Pure Paris Green 75c lb Arsenate of Lime, 45a Cowease $1.00 per can �. _ O .� ®►O 1111. �i.�� tai 4� d � g• er's , uare PLUMBING AND TINSMITIdiNG .; Leaman s r ad ae escommuntaeneednatenne Mee H. S. `LOWER SCHOOL. • The, name of Giilfillai, a second •form pii;piil wild passied in Canadian ',/-1,Istory, making finite subjects in 'all, was "omitted front( last,week's list. Mrs. Banes and her daughter, Mrs. Mollard, left Friday. morning last for a tour of several weeks in the, West. They hope' to visit friends at. Regina; Watrous, Edmonton, Islay and other points before crossing the Rockies.. They will then take the trip into the Kbotnay Lake region and cross over into Washington State, where'` they will visit • friends at-Waitsburg, thence by boat to Victoria and Van_ couver. In going they will take the trip tip the lakes fr9riiSarnia. LEAVING FOR :TORONTO Mr. and Mrs. E. Harwood, of Tor- onto, motored up and are visiting for a few' days in town. They are pre_ .paring to move the former's mother Mrs. Jas. Pickard, to their 'home in Toronto, where she will make her home•. in future: Mrs. Pickard has made good progress since her fall and is able to be around in a chair. She is one of ' Exeter's oldest resi- dents and her many friends who, While regretting 'her 'departure will "wish for her health and happiness -hi the future. ' J)1EI) IN STRATHTROY • Mr. Win. Spearman' Corbett died Strathroy, July 21st. The funeral took place from Itis late residence to the Anglican 'cemetery at Brinsley, the Rey. T. F. Wheatan of Ailsa Craig, conducting the : services, Mr. Corbett was born 60 years ago at the village of Corbett and spent`a large part of his , life ;at Erirsley. He isa near relative of the families of Cor - Betts who were among-, the ,earliest Settlers in that township. lie' is sur- vived by his widow, one daughter, Hannah, and .two sons, 'Wall iam slid Lorne, . all of Brinsley, and by., two sisters, lKtrs. A. Sutton and Mrs. Thos. (;Leaman," of Exeter, and three _brotli- ers, Nat and George of 13rinsley and Sylvester, of Vancouver� .years ago. more, of town, received word that her daughter,. Mrs. A. G.: Byers; hacl died Saturday night' at Moose Jan, Sask. SIrs. , Passmore received word about a week previous that 'her daughter was • not every. well. At Christmas time Mrs. Byers came Monne from Oregon:to visit her moth= er, but on arriving here a message cane that'her'husband had been ac_ cidently ';hot while .Bunting and died shortly after. They; had been 'Mar- ried less than a yeah, She• immedi- ately left for;, her. hnin,e,.,an,cl -shortly after: was taken ?l1' with appendicitis. For some time she ha$ been making her home with her sister, Mrs. Ryeke mean, at Moose Jaw. The' remains are being brought to Exeter. BOWLING NOTES The annual bowling tournament is being held on the local greens to- day (Wednesday) and promises to be a most successful event. The greens are in excellent shape. At the Friday evening bowling tournament, the winners were Rev. Donnelly, Geo. Snell and R. N. Rowe with '3 wins plus 8. Messrs, Thos. Elliott, T. S: Woods' and R. Fergu- son were second. Two rinks of bowlers attended the Ailsa Craig bowling tournament on Wednesday of last week and both were successful ingetting in the prizes, R. N. Rowe's rink had three wins and in the play off in the finals far the trophy were defeated by C. McDonnell's rink of 1'fensall, 12 to 7. This gave Mr. Rowe's rink sec- ond prize. The rink was composed. of Geo. Snell, Dr. Holloway, Thos. Elliott, ,and R. N. Rowe, skip. The second rink composriif of Wm. Riv- ers', Wm. Sanders, Thos.' Pryde and E. '•J. Christie, played offwith a London -rink for third and fourth prizes and lost, giving them fourth prize. PERGUSON-MUXWORTRY The' following is an account, of the Ferguson" Muxworthy "nuptials mention of which appeared:, in The Times last week. -The marriage of AlisS 1Vlargaret Blanche, daughter of Rev. S: 1V. and Nlrc. Muxworthy, of Dresden, to John Neil Ferguson, son or. Mr. and Mrs.'. J'as. Ferguson, of. Forest, was sol- emnized on Saturday,; Jitiy,'2lst, at the Dresden Methodist church, Rev. H. W. Crews, of Chatham officiating, assisted by • the bride's father. The bride was attended by Miss ,Beatrice 1 -Towey, of Exeter, and little' Kathleen,. of Dresden,as flower girl" Craven, , and klaster ' Billy' Israel of Port Hu- ;ron, as page, The ushers were Dong- ald anti' Ken`McNel,Iar,'of Forest; and Miss .Eva Aiken presided ,at the or- gan, playing the bridal music and also playing the accoinpaninient for Miss Crews, who sang a , •charming solo. After'a buffet luncheon at the parsonage, Mr, and Mrs. Ferguson left on 'a wedding journey to -Detroit; 'Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Toronto. Among the many gifts received - by the bride, was a pair of diamond ear= ings, a gift trona her 'mother, who.ln turn, received them from her 'has- band , on her 'own wedding day, 36 t MALN1 ST.. S. S. 1'IONIC Main St, Methodist Sunday School held a very successful picnic at Bay_ field on Wednesday of last week, There was an 'excellent turnout from both school and congregation and every one thoroughly 'enjoyed the day, returning home in the evening tired but happy; The weather•,' was a little cool and the lake somewhat rough. Boating to some extent was indulged, in. Sports were held in the afternoon .and were entered into heartily. Several games oisoft' ball were played.. One between the girls from' Ontario St., Clinton and the :girls from Main St., the former winning out. '£lie results of; the races Wree as follows;--- Boys' ollows,Boys' Races Up to six years -Harry Nestle, Day id Nestle, Eldon Caldwell. GARDEN PARTY The Girls' Auxiliary of Triv- itt 1\1*entorial church., intend holding their annual Garden Party, on. Friday evening, Aug. 3rd, on the church lawn.. The eni:ortainment will consist of fishing, fortune telling, Japan- ese Tea Garden, a domestic' ta- ble, an ice cold well, ice cream booth; ball throwing, ringing the bell, home-made cooking and candies, peanuts, etc. and the EXETER BAND. Every- body come, Everybody ; wel- come. Admission •only 10c. Mitchell Old Boys 4th to 9th. 1Vliss Ella Link is visiting with Mr. 6 , to, 9 years -Sheldon Buchanan. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. 10 to •12 years -Stanley Blatchford Miss s Thede Russel Caldwell," Qu3'mer, of Landon, is Jack Gambrill. > 13 to 15 years -Oscar Tuck, ey, ;Har -'visiting with il7rss Edna rollick. old Skinner,' Geo. Beavers. Miss Helen Howe, of Toronto, is! visiting with 1VIr. J..Ieckel1 and Miss! Three-legged race -Walter Spencer week, August ni. and B. Tuckey;'%Reg..L . Jeckell.Beavers- and J. Gambrill Gerald Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Brin.tnell Stanley Blatchford, and two children lett for Winnipeg, Girl's Races Up` to six ,years -Evelyn Clysdale, Agnes Campbell, Davona Caldwell, 7 to 9 years -Bernice Caldwell, Ruth returned with Mr, Russel Frayne and Balkwill, Edith Clysdale. are visiting in Burford, Brantford 10 to 12 years -Irene Bierling, I-Iel- and Niagara Falls.- en alls.en Vale, Lois Statham. Mr. and Mrs. J• Taylor and family' 13 to 15 ,years-Veiina Caldwell, iof Detroit; and Mr. Robt. Taylor, of Marjorie Medd; Marguerite Ald- worth; Irene Kestie and Beulah Koehler. Girls ofev 15 years -Eleanor Medd, Helen Dignan, Ruth Lamport, Masters Lloyd Medd; of Millet Tp.. Thur•sday':after visiting for a couple of weeks in town. The 1Miisses Ruth and Mildred Jory Pow Wore, Mich;, visited with -Mrs. A. Taylor,Exeter North, last week. Airs. Goodison acid daughter, of Sarnia, accompanied by Mrs. Fissette and Miss L. Jahns, motored here and and Lloyd George, of Toronto lett l visited with friends. The latter two 1Vlonday after spending a ;week with are remaining for a few days. Messrs J. H. Medd and \V. G. Medd, Mr. and Mrs: F. W. Gladman•and T. of town. V..rs. Brown, of London, and Mr. and 1 i\Irs. W. B. Windham and two child - 1 ren, of Oakville, visited with friends in Exeter on 'Wednesday of last week. J:i\FE.S ST. 5. S.:1:=1CI:IC The annual picnic of James' St. Sunday School was held at Grand Bend on Wednesday •01 last week: The weather was a little cool but a large number of picnickers were pre- sent and enjoyed the day at the. lake:- side. ake-side: Softball tivas played on the beach in the morning and after the. noon lunch the sports were Contin- ued on the recreation grounds. The crowd were a •little disappointed: be- cause there, was; no bathing or, boat- ing,. 'the' lake beingetoo ro'ugli, but they all gathered for the sports and f joined, in thein most heartily. Every l event was well contested and every - :cone seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. A game of baseball was Played between the ladies and the men, the latter usingtheir left € hands. The young ladies won out. One of the interesting events was, a drawing by inembers 'of the cradle roll each one taking .hold of a string and drawing prizes from a tub. The results of the races were as follows: Primary girls -Gladys Stone, Jean. Penhale, Patsy Martin. Primary boys -Allan Westcott, Joe Creech, Ray Jory. Boys under 11 -1st race, Harry Frayne, Kenneth Culbert, Joe Creech 2nd race, Cliff Culbert, Allan Fraser, Burton Donnelly. Girls under 11 -Helen Penhale, Ruby Stone, Margaret Penhale.' Boys under 13 -Cliff Culbert, Ir- win Ford, Garnet Hicks. Girls under 13 -Mildred Jory, Marjorie Westcott, Doreen \Vesteott. Boys under 16 -Geo. Frayne, Fla.r- old Fisher, Frank Creech. Girls under 16 -Mildred Jory, Lii- Tian Ford, ,Helen Penhale. Boys under 19 -Geo. Frayne, ITar- old,Penhale, Harold Fisher. Girls under 19--G. Francis, Nana Chambers, Mildred Rowe. Alen's race -1st race, Wilfred Shantou, Roy Golding, Gordon Hey- wood; 2nd race, Walter Harness, Lynn Tapp, W. Siaptou. Ladies' Race -Gertrude Francis, Ferne Francis, Elva Harvey. Young Ladies' Bible Class-Ferne Francis, Elva Harvey. Young Men's Class. ---Roy Golding, Chas., Fisher, Lloyd Parsons. Ladies' of Co }tirades G1 Mrs.. Geo. Westcott, Mrs. Harvey Perkins, Mrs. Chas: Kerslake, Men of Comrades CI. -Walter ETarness, Gordon 11eywood, Ulric Snell;. Couple race in Co-worker's C1 -I -i• T. Rowe and 111's. E. Roweliffe; A., Francis and Mrs. F. Coates.: John Rowe and Mrs, Amy. Open couple race -Lynn Tapp and Gertrude Francis, ;'Wilfred Shapton and Ferne Francis, Harry Rowe and Dorothy Kuntz. Bun eating race -Jeffrey Nornan, Geo. Frayne, Egie Moore.' Peanut race -Mrs. F. Coates, 41; Mrs. W. Armstrong, 28; Mrs. J. H. JOneS, 23. �' Elopement race•= -G. Heywood and, Mrs, W. Armstrong, J. M. Southcott and Verna Coates. Mr and :Mrs. J. A. Stewart, hers Fuke and son, of Exeter,' and Sri's. R, II, Collins, of Kitchener, 'were guests at the home of Mrs. A, von. i on Sand ay.-- Serf':' r ilea* Mrs. Wrn. Thompson and son Will, of London, and Mrs. N: A. Sweetman of Toronto, and Mrs. Geo, Atkinson. and `Miss;, Blanch Atkinson, of Lon- don, motored up and sPence the week- end in. Exeter. Miss Edith Heideman • spent 111 wee1' end with friends in London. iVlr. Thos. itogers, of Toronto, rsitiu Y his + g uncle ,Mr; E. J. �hi�istlo. 51i. Lloyd Livers has returned to Sinrcoe after holidaying with. his perp eats here. Sli'. Czar Rollins, of Cleveland; Dr. Rollins ins ai v rd Miss Pearl I oilins, of ILoudon, visited in Exeter'orr day. The Women's institute will lee postponed until the _first :['ridgy September to be held at the home of Miss Jeckell. Misses Pular uerite ;anal g Hilda .key, of Sarnia ' visited with r their aunt, 1VIrs. Fred B)1Wden. Miss Mar- guerite went to St. Thomas on Tries-. day morning, sriss Kilda remaining Por, a Yew days. Mr. and ills. H. C. Walken, of Theci£ord, arrived in' town Saturday to spend their holidays -with the late ter's mother; 11Iis. 1VIar•shall. On Sun- day 1VIz•. Wilkey received word that his father had died at Clinton. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon. 'On Slonday while .out fishing Mrs Hecto r nod Ie w 1 succeeded y seeded in, getting a pike on his trawler, which bit his line in two and made a clean get -a- way. On Tuesday ilii•. Harry Sweet while fishing in, the-' seine b le spot suc- ceeded in regaining the trowler by - safely landing the same pike. ie; weighed 41tL lbs. WILL OPEN SATURDAY AND MONDAY AUGUST 4th AND 6th \VITH a PARAMOUNT FEATURE ,'IS .AIA'"t`RIMON y T. PA I I. Cl3i?IEt+ • Comedy Drama FEATURING : AN _&LL STAR CAST ONE REAL TR_A:CrELOGU G COMING SO0N-"WI3EA "1...N11.(1HT_ HOOD WAS IN ,LOWER" • WATCH FOR. D 9:TE I)1\IISSION 15e ANTI) 27c Iliilii1111II11111111111111111111111111181111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111iii Th Tube ursin ns? HOW MANY STROKES OF A NEW HAND PUMP WILL THIS TUBE STAND BEFORE BURSTING?' A new DUNLOP Extra Heavy Tube will be clgiven free to the car owner making the nearest guess. :SURE WILL 'BE BURST AT 10 P.M., SATURDAY, AUGUST lith :74-1 SEND• THE COUPON WITH YOUR ,GUESS TO US NOW. My guess is Name Address W. BEE EXETER,, - ONTARIO � ' Illi llllillli III111111111111 � ,� 1111111111111111111o11i111111111111111111111 I 1 1 1111111111111111111111111- Service Grocery Main Phone 102 CLUB HOUSE MAYONNAISE SALAD DRESSING TWO STORES. COOKED SPAGHET- TI IN TOM 4TO SAUCE WITH CHEESE North Phone a7 CONDENSED TOMATO SOUP 1111 E .�. o.:�.:.. 25c. r 5c. a tin.10e ... WHITE SI-IOE, POLISH;' 10c. cake INSTANT POSTUM ,LAR CIE TIN 5Oc. t PARAWAX 6c A CAKE . PEP ALL KINDS CA Ett DATES